import arguments from time import sleep import subprocess as sub from arguments import makeArguments args = makeArguments(arguments.all_args) check = list(args.values()) if all(v is None for v in check): raise Exception("One argument required") elif None in check: if args['f'] is not None: cmd = ["python", ""] elif args['b'] is not None: cmd = ["python", ""] else: raise Exception("Only one argument allowed") wide = args["f"] or args["b"] with open("tmp", "w") as file: file.write(str(wide)) if args['EarlyStopping']: with open("stp", "w") as file: file.write('2') elif args['EnergyBound']: with open("stp", "w") as file: file.write('3') elif args['AccuracyBound']: with open("stp", "w") as file: file.write('4') else: with open("stp", "w") as file: file.write('1') if args['Save']: with open("sav", "w") as file: file.write('1') else: with open("sav", "w") as file: file.write('0') sleep(3) if cmd[1] == "": cmd2 = ["./", "freq_{}_cpu_watts".format(wide)] cmd3 = ["./", "freq_{}_ram_use".format(wide)] with open("frq", "w") as file: file.write(str(1)) with open("bay", "w") as file: file.write(str(0)) elif cmd[1] == "": cmd2 = ["./", "bayes_{}_cpu_watts".format(wide)] cmd3 = ["./", "bayes_{}_ram_use".format(wide)] with open("bay", "w") as file: file.write(str(1)) with open("frq", "w") as file: file.write(str(0)) path = sub.check_output(['pwd']) path = path.decode() path = path.replace('\n', '') startWattCounter = 'python ' + path + '/' #test = startNODE.split() #test.append(pythonEnd) #test.append(pythonEnd2) #startNODE = test #print(startNODE) #print(startWattCounter) p1 = sub.Popen(cmd) p2 = sub.Popen(startWattCounter.split()) p3 = sub.Popen(cmd2) p4 = sub.Popen(cmd3) retcode = p1.wait() print("Return code: {}".format(retcode)) p1.kill() p2.kill() p3.kill() p4.kill()