strip old docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,23 +7,10 @@ makedocs(modules=[Flux],
sitename = "Flux",
assets = ["../flux.css"],
pages = ["Home" => "",
"Building Models" => [
"Model Building Basics" => "models/",
"Model Templates" => "models/",
"Recurrence" => "models/",
"Debugging" => "models/"],
"Other APIs" => [
"Batching" => "apis/",
"Backends" => "apis/",
"Storing Models" => "apis/"],
"In Action" => [
"Simple MNIST" => "examples/",
"Char RNN" => "examples/"],
"Contributing & Help" => "",
"Internals" => ""])
"Contributing & Help" => ""])
repo = "",
repo = "",
target = "build",
osname = "linux",
julia = "0.6",
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
# Backends
## Basic Usage
model = Chain(Affine(10, 20), σ, Affine(20, 15), softmax)
xs = rand(10)
Currently, Flux's pure-Julia backend has no optimisations. This means that calling
model(rand(10)) #> [0.0650, 0.0655, ...]
directly won't have great performance. In order to run a computationally intensive training process, we need to use a backend like MXNet or TensorFlow.
This is easy to do. Just call either `mxnet` or `tf` on a model to convert it to a model of that kind:
mxmodel = mxnet(model)
mxmodel(xs) #> [0.0650, 0.0655, ...]
# or
tfmodel = tf(model)
tfmodel(xs) #> [0.0650, 0.0655, ...]
These new models look and feel exactly like every other model in Flux, including returning the same result when you call them, and can be trained as usual using `Flux.train!()`. The difference is that the computation is being carried out by a backend, which will usually give a large speedup.
## Native Integration
Flux aims to provide high-level APIs that work well across backends, but in some cases you may want to take advantage of features specific to a given backend. In these cases it's easy to "drop down" and use the backend's API directly, where appropriate. For example:
using MXNet
mxmodel = mx.FeedForward(model)
This returns a standard `mx.FeedForward` instance, just like you might have created using MXNet's usual API. You can then use this with MXNet's data provider implementation, custom optimisers, or distributed training processes.
Same goes for TensorFlow, where it's easy to create a `Tensor` object:
using TensorFlow
x = placeholder(Float32)
y = Tensor(model, x)
This makes makes it easy to take advantage of Flux's model description and debugging tools while also getting the benefit of the work put into these backends. You can check out how this looks with the integration examples [here](
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
# Batching
## Basics
Existing machine learning frameworks and libraries represent batching, and other properties of data, only implicitly. Your machine learning data is a large `N`-dimensional array, which may have a shape like:
100 × 50 × 256 × 256
Typically, this might represent that you have (say) a batch of 100 samples, where each sample is a 50-long sequence of 256×256 images. This is great for performance, but array operations often become much more cumbersome as a result. Especially if you manipulate dimensions at runtime as an optimisation, debugging models can become extremely fiddly, with a proliferation of `X × Y × Z` arrays and no information about where they came from.
Flux introduces a new approach where the batch dimension is represented explicitly as part of the data. For example:
julia> xs = Batch([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
2-element Batch of Vector{Int64}:
Batches are represented the way we *think* about them; as a list of data points. We can do all the usual array operations with them, including getting the first with `xs[1]`, iterating over them and so on. The trick is that under the hood, the data is batched into a single array:
julia> rawbatch(xs)
2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
1 2 3
4 5 6
When we put a `Batch` object into a model, the model is ultimately working with a single array, which means there's no performance overhead and we get the full benefit of standard batching.
Turning a set of vectors into a matrix is fairly easy anyway, so what's the big deal? Well, it gets more interesting as we start working with more complex data. Say we were working with 4×4 images:
julia> xs = Batch([[1 2; 3 4], [5 6; 7 8]])
2-element Flux.Batch of Array{Int64,2}:
[1 2; 3 4]
[5 6; 7 8]
The raw batch array is much messier, and harder to recognise:
julia> rawbatch(xs)
2×2×2 Array{Int64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
1 3
5 7
[:, :, 2] =
2 4
6 8
Furthermore, because the batches acts like a list of arrays, we can use simple and familiar operations on it:
julia> map(flatten, xs)
2-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
`flatten` is simple enough over a single data point, but flattening a batched data set is more complex and you end up needing arcane array operations like `mapslices`. A `Batch` can just handle this for you for free, and more importantly it ensures that your operations are *correct* – that you haven't mixed up your batch and data dimensions, or used the wrong array op, and so on.
## Sequences and Nesting
As well as `Batch`, there's a structure called `Seq` which behaves very similarly. Let's say we have two one-hot encoded DNA sequences:
julia> x1 = Seq([[0,1,0,0], [1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1]]) # [A, T, C, G]
julia> x2 = Seq([[0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,1], [0,0,1,0]])
julia> rawbatch(x1)
3×4 Array{Int64,2}:
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
This is identical to `Batch` so far; but where it gets interesting is that you can actually nest these types:
julia> xs = Batch([x1, x2])
2-element Batch of Seq of Vector{Int64}:
Again, this represents itself intuitively as a list-of-lists-of-lists, but `rawbatch` shows that the real underlying value is an `Array{Int64,3}` of shape `2×3×4`.
## Future Work
The design of batching is still a fairly early work in progress, though it's used in a few places in the system. For example, all Flux models expect to be given `Batch` objects which are unwrapped into raw arrays for the computation. Models will convert their arguments if necessary, so it's convenient to call a model with a single data point like `f([1,2,3])`.
Right now, the `Batch` or `Seq` types always stack along the left-most dimension. In future, this will be customisable, and Flux will provide implementations of common functions that are generic across the batch dimension. This brings the following benefits:
* Code can be written in a batch-agnostic way or be generic across batching strategies.
* Batching and optimisations, like switching batch dimensions, can be expressed by the programmer with compiler support; fewer code changes are required and optimisations are guaranteed not to break the model.
* This also opens the door for more automatic optimisations, e.g. having the compiler explore the search base of possible batching combinations.
Here's a more detailed illustration of how it might look for code to be "generic across batching". Take for example a weight matrix `W` times a vector `x`, as used in a logistic regression or a simple neural network:
W * x => y
(10×28) * (28) => (10)
If we want to work with a batch of 50 `x`s, one option is to stack the data into a matrix of size `28 × 50`.
W * x => y
(10×28) * (28×50) => (10×50)
This works, but we may find that it's slow or doesn't fit well with the rest of the model, which batches on the first dimension. For that reason we may instead want to put the data in a `50 × 28` matrix and alter the code as follows:
x * W' => y
(50×28) * (28×10) => (50×10)
to make the shapes work out. This code change is not ideal; in more complex cases it can become fiddly and error-prone, and it means that the code is less reusable, tied to a particular implementation strategy.
There's an alternative. We keep the same code, but represent the batched `x`s as either a `Batch{Vector,1}` or a `Batch{Vector,2}`, depending on how the data is stacked. Then we can simply overload `*` as follows:
*(W::Matrix, x::Batch{Vector,1}) = x * W'
*(W::Matrix, x::Batch{Vector,2}) = W * x
This means that we can always write `W*x`, and the code is reusable in a larger network regardless of the overall batching approach. Moreover, Julia's type system ensures there's no runtime cost to doing this, and we can compile the code appropriately for backends like TensorFlow as well.
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# Loading and Saving Models
model = Chain(Affine(10, 20), σ, Affine(20, 15), softmax)
Since models are just simple Julia data structures, it's very easy to save and load them using any of Julia's existing serialisation formats. For example, using Julia's built-in `serialize`:
open(io -> serialize(io, model), "model.jls", "w")
open(io -> deserialize(io), "model.jls")
One issue with `serialize` is that it doesn't promise compatibility between major Julia versions. For longer-term storage it's good to use a package like [JLD](
using JLD
@save "model.jld" model
@load "model.jld"
However, JLD will break for some models as functions are not supported on 0.5+. You can resolve that by checking out [this branch](
Right now this is the only storage format Flux supports. In future Flux will support loading and saving other model formats (on an as-needed basis).
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
# Char RNN
This walkthrough will take you through a model like that used in [Karpathy's 2015 blog post](, which can learn to generate text in the style of Shakespeare (or whatever else you may use as input). `shakespeare_input.txt` is [here](
using Flux
import StatsBase: wsample
Firstly, we define up front how many steps we want to unroll the RNN, and the number of data points to batch together. Then we create some functions to prepare our data, using Flux's built-in utilities.
nunroll = 50
nbatch = 50
getseqs(chars, alphabet) =
sequences((onehot(Float32, char, alphabet) for char in chars), nunroll)
getbatches(chars, alphabet) =
batches((getseqs(part, alphabet) for part in chunk(chars, nbatch))...)
Because we want the RNN to predict the next letter at each iteration, our target data is simply our input data offset by one. For example, if the input is "The quick brown fox", the target will be "he quick brown fox ". Each letter is one-hot encoded and sequences are batched together to create the training data.
input = readstring("shakespeare_input.txt");
alphabet = unique(input)
N = length(alphabet)
# An iterator of (input, output) pairs
train = zip(getbatches(input, alphabet), getbatches(input[2:end], alphabet))
# We will evaluate the loss on a particular batch to monitor the training.
eval = tobatch.(first(drop(train, 5)))
Creating the model and training it is straightforward:
model = Chain(
LSTM(N, 256),
LSTM(256, 256),
Affine(256, N),
m = tf(unroll(model, nunroll))
# Call this to see how the model is doing
evalcb = () -> @show logloss(m(eval[1]), eval[2])
@time Flux.train!(m, train, η = 0.1, loss = logloss, cb = [evalcb])
Finally, we can sample the model. For sampling we remove the `softmax` from the end of the chain so that we can "sharpen" the resulting probabilities.
function sample(model, n, temp = 1)
s = [rand(alphabet)]
m = unroll1(model)
for i = 1:n-1
push!(s, wsample(alphabet, softmax(m(unsqueeze(onehot(s[end], alphabet)))./temp)[1,:]))
return string(s...)
sample(model[1:end-1], 100)
`sample` then produces a string of Shakespeare-like text. This won't produce great results after only a single epoch (though they will be recognisably different from the untrained model). Going for 30 epochs or so produces good results.
Trained on [a dataset from base Julia](, the network can produce code like:
function show(io::IO, md::Githompty)
Buffer(jowerTriangular(inals[i], initabs_indices), characters, side, nextfloat(typeof(x)))
isnull(r) && return
for j = 1:length(b,1)
a = s->cosvect(code)
indsERenv | maximum(func,lsg))
for i = 1:last(Abjelar) && fname (=== nothing)
throw(ArgumentError("read is declave non-fast-a/remaining of not descride method names"))
if === Int
# update file to a stroducative, but is decould.
# xna i -GB =# [unsafe_color <c *has may num 20<11E 16/s
tuple | Expr(:(UnitLowerTriangular(transpose,(repl.ptr)))
dims = pipe_read(s,Int(a)...)
ex,0 + y.uilid_func & find_finwprevend(msg,:2)
ex = stage(c)
# uvvalue begin
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
# Recognising MNIST Digits
This walkthrough example will take you through writing a multi-layer perceptron that classifies MNIST digits with high accuracy.
First, we load the data using the MNIST package:
using Flux, MNIST
using Flux: accuracy
data = [(trainfeatures(i), onehot(trainlabel(i), 0:9)) for i = 1:60_000]
train = data[1:50_000]
test = data[50_001:60_000]
The only Flux-specific function here is `onehot`, which takes a class label and turns it into a one-hot-encoded vector that we can use for training. For example:
julia> onehot(:b, [:a, :b, :c])
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
Otherwise, the format of the data is simple enough, it's just a list of tuples from input to output. For example:
julia> data[1]
([0.0,0.0,0.0, … 0.0,0.0,0.0],[0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0])
`data[1][1]` is a `28*28 == 784` length vector (mostly zeros due to the black background) and `data[1][2]` is its classification.
Now we define our model, which will simply be a function from one to the other.
m = @Chain(
Affine(128), relu,
Affine( 64), relu,
Affine( 10), softmax)
model = mxnet(m) # Convert to MXNet
We can try this out on our data already:
julia> model(tobatch(data[1][1]))
10-element Array{Float64,1}:
The model gives a probability of about 0.1 to each class – which is a way of saying, "I have no idea". This isn't too surprising as we haven't shown it any data yet. This is easy to fix:
Flux.train!(model, train, η = 1e-3,
cb = [()->@show accuracy(m, test)])
The training step takes about 5 minutes (to make it faster we can do smarter things like batching). If you run this code in Juno, you'll see a progress meter, which you can hover over to see the remaining computation time.
Towards the end of the training process, Flux will have reported that the accuracy of the model is now about 90%. We can try it on our data again:
10-element Array{Float32,1}:
Notice the class at 93%, suggesting our model is very confident about this image. We can use `onecold` to compare the true and predicted classes:
julia> onecold(data[1][2], 0:9)
julia> onecold(model(tobatch(data[1][1])), 0:9)
@ -1,39 +1 @@
# Flux
*... Initialising Photon Beams ...*
Flux is a library for machine learning, implemented in Julia. In a nutshell, it simply lets you run normal Julia code on a backend like TensorFlow. It also provides many conveniences for doing deep learning.
Flux is very flexible. You can use a convenient Keras-like API if you want something simple, but you can also drop down to straight mathematics, or build your own abstractions. You can even use Flux's utilities (like optimisers) with a completely different backend (like [Knet]( or mix and match approaches.
Note that Flux is in alpha. Many things work but the API is still in a state of... well, it might change.
**Note:** If you're using Julia v0.5 please see [this version]( of the docs instead.
## Where do I start?
*... Charging Ion Capacitors ...*
The [examples](examples/logreg.html) give a feel for high-level usage.
If you want to know why Flux is unique, or just don't want to see *those digits* again, check out the [model building guide](models/basics.html) instead.
Flux is meant to be played with. These docs have lots of code snippets; try them out in [Juno](!
## Installation
*... Inflating Graviton Zeppelins ...*
You'll also need a backend to run real training, if you don't have one already. Choose from [MXNet]( or [TensorFlow]( (MXNet is the recommended option if you're not sure):
Pkg.add("MXNet") # or "TensorFlow"
Pkg.test("Flux") # Make sure everything installed properly
**Note:** TensorFlow integration may not work properly on Julia v0.6 yet.
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Internals
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
# Model Building Basics
## Net Functions
Flux's core feature is the `@net` macro, which adds some superpowers to regular ol' Julia functions. Consider this simple function with the `@net` annotation applied:
@net f(x) = x .* x
f([1,2,3]) == [1,4,9]
This behaves as expected, but we have some extra features. For example, we can convert the function to run on [TensorFlow]( or [MXNet](
f_mxnet = mxnet(f)
f_mxnet([1,2,3]) == [1.0, 4.0, 9.0]
Simples! Flux took care of a lot of boilerplate for us and just ran the multiplication on MXNet. MXNet can optimise this code for us, taking advantage of parallelism or running the code on a GPU.
Using MXNet, we can get the gradient of the function, too:
back!(f_mxnet, [1,1,1], [1,2,3]) == ([2.0, 4.0, 6.0],)
`f` is effectively `x^2`, so the gradient is `2x` as expected.
## The Model
The core concept in Flux is the *model*. This corresponds to what might be called a "layer" or "module" in other frameworks. A model is simply a differentiable function with parameters. Given a model `m` we can do things like:
m(x) # See what the model does to an input vector `x`
back!(m, Δ, x) # backpropogate the gradient `Δ` through `m`
update!(m, η) # update the parameters of `m` using the gradient
We can implement a model however we like as long as it fits this interface. But as hinted above, `@net` is a particularly easy way to do it, because it gives you these functions for free.
## Parameters
Consider how we'd write a logistic regression. We just take the Julia code and add `@net`.
@net logistic(W, b, x) = softmax(x * W .+ b)
W = randn(10, 2)
b = randn(1, 2)
x = rand(1, 10) # [0.563 0.346 0.780 …] – fake data
y = [1 0] # our desired classification of `x`
ŷ = logistic(W, b, x) # [0.46 0.54]
The network takes a set of 10 features (`x`, a row vector) and produces a classification `ŷ`, equivalent to a probability of true vs false. `softmax` scales the output to sum to one, so that we can interpret it as a probability distribution.
We can use MXNet and get gradients:
logisticm = mxnet(logistic)
logisticm(W, b, x) # [0.46 0.54]
back!(logisticm, [0.1 -0.1], W, b, x) # (dW, db, dx)
The gradient `[0.1 -0.1]` says that we want to increase `ŷ[1]` and decrease `ŷ[2]` to get closer to `y`. `back!` gives us the tweaks we need to make to each input (`W`, `b`, `x`) in order to do this. If we add these tweaks to `W` and `b` it will predict `ŷ` more accurately.
Treating parameters like `W` and `b` as inputs can get unwieldy in larger networks. Since they are both global we can use them directly:
@net logistic(x) = softmax(x * W .+ b)
However, this gives us a problem: how do we get their gradients?
Flux solves this with the `Param` wrapper:
W = param(randn(10, 2))
b = param(randn(1, 2))
@net logistic(x) = softmax(x * W .+ b)
This works as before, but now `W.x` stores the real value and `W.Δx` stores its gradient, so we don't have to manage it by hand. We can even use `update!` to apply the gradients automatically.
logisticm(x) # [0.46, 0.54]
back!(logisticm, [-1 1], x)
update!(logisticm, 0.1)
logisticm(x) # [0.51, 0.49]
Our network got a little closer to the target `y`. Now we just need to repeat this millions of times.
*Side note:* We obviously need a way to calculate the "tweak" `[0.1, -0.1]` automatically. We can use a loss function like *mean squared error* for this:
# How wrong is ŷ?
mse([0.46, 0.54], [1, 0]) == 0.292
# What change to `ŷ` will reduce the wrongness?
back!(mse, -1, [0.46, 0.54], [1, 0]) == [0.54 -0.54]
## Layers
Bigger networks contain many affine transformations like `W * x + b`. We don't want to write out the definition every time we use it. Instead, we can factor this out by making a function that produces models:
function create_affine(in, out)
W = param(randn(out,in))
b = param(randn(out))
@net x -> W * x + b
affine1 = create_affine(3,2)
Flux has a [more powerful syntax](templates.html) for this pattern, but also provides a bunch of layers out of the box. So we can instead write:
affine1 = Affine(5, 5)
affine2 = Affine(5, 5)
softmax(affine1(x)) # [0.167952 0.186325 0.176683 0.238571 0.23047]
softmax(affine2(x)) # [0.125361 0.246448 0.21966 0.124596 0.283935]
## Combining Layers
A more complex model usually involves many basic layers like `affine`, where we use the output of one layer as the input to the next:
mymodel1(x) = softmax(affine2(σ(affine1(x))))
mymodel1(x1) # [0.187935, 0.232237, 0.169824, 0.230589, 0.179414]
This syntax is again a little unwieldy for larger networks, so Flux provides another template of sorts to create the function for us:
mymodel2 = Chain(affine1, σ, affine2, softmax)
mymodel2(x2) # [0.187935, 0.232237, 0.169824, 0.230589, 0.179414]
`mymodel2` is exactly equivalent to `mymodel1` because it simply calls the provided functions in sequence. We don't have to predefine the affine layers and can also write this as:
mymodel3 = Chain(
Affine(5, 5), σ,
Affine(5, 5), softmax)
## Dressed like a model
We noted above that a model is a function with trainable parameters. Normal functions like `exp` are actually models too – they just happen to have 0 parameters. Flux doesn't care, and anywhere that you use one, you can use the other. For example, `Chain` will happily work with regular functions:
foo = Chain(exp, sum, log)
foo([1,2,3]) == 3.408 == log(sum(exp([1,2,3])))
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# Debugging Models
Let's take our two-layer perceptron as an example again, running on MXNet:
@net type TLP
function (x)
l1 = σ(first(x))
l2 = softmax(second(l1))
model = TLP(Affine(10, 20), Affine(21, 15))
mxmodel = mxnet(model)
Unfortunately, this model has a (fairly obvious) typo, which means that the code above won't run. Instead we get an error message:
Error in operator dot2: [21:28:21] src/operator/tensor/./matrix_op-inl.h:460:
Check failed: lshape[1] == rshape[0] (20 vs. 21) dot shape error: (1,20) X (21,15)
Flux.Affine at affine.jl:8
TLP at basic.jl:6
(::Flux.MX.Model)(::Flux.Batch{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,2}}) at model.jl:105
(::Flux.MX.Model)(::Array{Float64,1}) at model.jl:107
Most frameworks would only give the error message here – not so helpful if you have thousands of nodes in your computational graph. However, Flux is able to give good error reports *even when no Julia code has been run*, e.g. when running on a backend like MXNet. This enables us to pinpoint the source of the error very quickly even in a large model.
In this case, we can immediately see that the error occurred within an `Affine` layer. There are two such layers, but this one was called from the second line of `TLP`, so it must be the second `Affine` layer we defined. The layer expected an input of length 21 but got 20 instead.
Of course, often a stack trace isn't enough to figure out the source of an error. Another option is to simply step through the execution of the model using Gallium. While handy, however, stepping isn't always the best way to get a "bird's eye view" of the code. For that, Flux provides a macro called `@shapes`:
julia> @shapes model(rand(5,10))
# /Users/mike/test.jl, line 18:
gull = σ(Affine(10, 20)(Input()[1]::(5,10))::(5,20))::(5,20)
# /Users/mike/.julia/v0.6/Flux/src/layers/affine.jl, line 8:
lobster = gull * _::(21,15) + _::(1,15)
# /Users/mike/test.jl, line 19:
raven = softmax(lobster)
This is a lot like Julia's own `code_warntype`; but instead of annotating expressions with types, we display their shapes. As a lowered form it has some quirks; input arguments are represented by `Input()[N]` and parameters by an underscore.
This makes the problem fairly obvious. We tried to multiply the output of the first layer `(5, 20)` by a parameter `(21, 15)`; the inner dimensions should have been equal.
Notice that while the first `Affine` layer is displayed as-is, the second was inlined and we see a reference to where the `W * x + b` line was defined in Flux's source code. In this way Flux makes it easy to drill down into problem areas, without showing you the full graph of thousands of nodes at once.
With the typo fixed, the output of `@shapes` looks as follows:
# /Users/mike/test.jl, line 18:
opossum = σ(Affine(10, 20)(Input()[1]::(5,10))::(5,20))::(5,20)
# /Users/mike/test.jl, line 19:
wren = softmax(Affine(20, 15)(opossum)::(5,15))::(5,15)
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
# Recurrent Models
[Recurrence]( is a first-class feature in Flux and recurrent models are very easy to build and use. Recurrences are often illustrated as cycles or self-dependencies in the graph; they can also be thought of as a hidden output from / input to the network. For example, for a sequence of inputs `x1, x2, x3 ...` we produce predictions as follows:
y1 = f(W, x1) # `f` is the model, `W` represents the parameters
y2 = f(W, x2)
y3 = f(W, x3)
Each evaluation is independent and the prediction made for a given input will always be the same. That makes a lot of sense for, say, MNIST images, but less sense when predicting a sequence. For that case we introduce the hidden state:
y1, s = f(W, x1, s)
y2, s = f(W, x2, s)
y3, s = f(W, x3, s)
The state `s` allows the prediction to depend not only on the current input `x` but also on the history of past inputs.
The simplest recurrent network looks as follows in Flux, and it should be familiar if you've seen the equations defining an RNN before:
@net type Recurrent
Wxy; Wyy; by
function (x)
y = tanh( x * Wxy + y{-1} * Wyy + by )
The only difference from a regular feed-forward layer is that we create a variable `y` which is defined as depending on itself. The `y{-1}` syntax means "take the value of `y` from the previous run of the network".
Using recurrent layers is straightforward and no different feedforward ones in terms of the `Chain` macro etc. For example:
model = Chain(
Affine(784, 20), σ
Recurrent(20, 30),
Recurrent(30, 15))
Before using the model we need to unroll it. This happens with the `unroll` function:
unroll(model, 20)
This call creates an unrolled, feed-forward version of the model which accepts N (= 20) inputs and generates N predictions at a time. Essentially, the model is replicated N times and Flux ties the hidden outputs `y` to hidden inputs.
Here's a more complex recurrent layer, an LSTM, and again it should be familiar if you've seen the [equations](
@net type LSTM
Wxf; Wyf; bf
Wxi; Wyi; bi
Wxo; Wyo; bo
Wxc; Wyc; bc
y; state
function (x)
# Gates
forget = σ( x * Wxf + y{-1} * Wyf + bf )
input = σ( x * Wxi + y{-1} * Wyi + bi )
output = σ( x * Wxo + y{-1} * Wyo + bo )
# State update and output
state′ = tanh( x * Wxc + y{-1} * Wyc + bc )
state = forget .* state{-1} + input .* state′
y = output .* tanh(state)
The only unfamiliar part is that we have to define all of the parameters of the LSTM upfront, which adds a few lines at the beginning.
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# Model Templates
We mentioned that we could factor out the repetition of defining affine layers with something like:
function create_affine(in, out)
W = param(randn(out,in))
b = param(randn(out))
@net x -> W * x + b
`@net type` syntax provides a shortcut for this:
@net type MyAffine
x -> x * W + b
# Convenience constructor
MyAffine(in::Integer, out::Integer) =
MyAffine(randn(out, in), randn(out))
model = Chain(MyAffine(5, 5), MyAffine(5, 5))
model(x1) # [-1.54458,0.492025,0.88687,1.93834,-4.70062]
This is almost exactly how `Affine` is defined in Flux itself. Using `@net type` gives us some extra conveniences:
* It creates default constructor `MyAffine(::AbstractArray, ::AbstractArray)` which initialises `param`s for us;
* It subtypes `Flux.Model` to explicitly mark this as a model;
* We can easily define custom constructors or instantiate `Affine` with arbitrary weights of our choosing;
* We can dispatch on the `Affine` type, for example to override how it gets converted to MXNet, or to hook into shape inference.
## Models in templates
`@net` models can contain sub-models as well as just array parameters:
@net type TLP
function (x)
l1 = σ(first(x))
l2 = softmax(second(l1))
Clearly, the `first` and `second` parameters are not arrays here, but should be models themselves, and produce a result when called with an input array `x`. The `Affine` layer fits the bill, so we can instantiate `TLP` with two of them:
model = TLP(Affine(10, 20),
Affine(20, 15))
x1 = rand(20)
model(x1) # [0.057852,0.0409741,0.0609625,0.0575354 ...
You may recognise this as being equivalent to
Affine(10, 20), σ
Affine(20, 15), softmax)
## Supported syntax
The syntax used to define a forward pass like `x -> x*W + b` behaves exactly like Julia code for the most part. However, it's important to remember that it's defining a dataflow graph, not a general Julia expression. In practice this means that anything side-effectful, or things like control flow and `println`s, won't work as expected. In future we'll continue to expand support for Julia syntax and features.
Reference in New Issue