Update Documenter version and fix warnings

0.23.2 -> 0.23.3
This commit is contained in:
janEbert 2019-08-31 13:03:46 +02:00
parent 6b37ce3986
commit 1bf8dc2d5b
1 changed files with 8 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
using Documenter, Flux, NNlib
makedocs(modules=[Flux, NNlib],
doctest = true,
sitename = "Flux",
format = Documenter.HTML(
analytics = "UA-36890222-9",
assets = ["assets/flux.css"],
prettyurls = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true",
pages = ["Home" => "index.md",
"Building Models" =>
["Basics" => "models/basics.md",
@ -21,9 +27,7 @@ makedocs(modules=[Flux, NNlib],
"The Julia Ecosystem" => "ecosystem.md",
"Performance Tips" => "performance.md",
"Community" => "community.md"],
format = Documenter.HTML(assets = ["assets/flux.css"],
analytics = "UA-36890222-9",
prettyurls = haskey(ENV, "CI")))
deploydocs(repo = "github.com/FluxML/Flux.jl.git",
target = "build",