non-working example

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Mike J Innes 2016-10-04 22:50:42 +01:00
parent 45d30312b6
commit 2a375c4eb2
1 changed files with 25 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -36,15 +36,36 @@ lenet = Chain(
# Now we can continue exactly as in plain TensorFlow, following
using TensorFlow
using TensorFlow, Distributions
include(Pkg.dir("TensorFlow", "examples", "mnist_loader.jl"))
loader = DataLoader()
sess = Session(Graph())
x = placeholder(Float32)
y = placeholder(Float32)
y = Tensor(lenet, x)
y = Tensor(lenet, x)
cross_entropy = reduce_mean(-reduce_sum(y.*log(y), reduction_indices=[2]))
include(Pkg.dir("TensorFlow", "examples", "mnist_loader.jl"))
train_step = train.minimize(train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4), cross_entropy)
loader = DataLoader()
correct_prediction = indmax(y, 2) .== indmax(y, 2)
accuracy = reduce_mean(cast(correct_prediction, Float32))
run(session, initialize_all_variables())
for i in 1:1000
batch = next_batch(loader, 50)
if i%100 == 1
train_accuracy = run(session, accuracy, Dict(x=>batch[1], y=>batch[2], keep_prob=>1.0))
info("step $i, training accuracy $train_accuracy")
run(session, train_step, Dict(x=>batch[1], y=>batch[2], keep_prob=>.5))
testx, testy = load_test_set()
test_accuracy = run(session, accuracy, Dict(x=>testx, y=>testy, keep_prob=>1.0))
info("test accuracy $test_accuracy")