simplify the implementation

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JohnnyChen 2019-04-05 18:44:00 +08:00
parent de7a5f4024
commit 3cafbbad02
1 changed files with 9 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -42,19 +42,18 @@ end
# This is a temporary and naive inplementation
# it might be replaced in the future to get better performance
# see issue
# Johnny Chen -- @johnnychen94
activations(c::Chain, x)
Calculate the forward results of each layers in Chain `c`
activations(c::Chain, input)
Calculate the forward results of each layers in Chain `c` with `input` as model input.
function activations(c::Chain, x)
rst = Array{Any,1}()
if isempty(c)
return rst
push!(rst, c[1](x))
for l in c[2:end]
push!(rst, l(rst[end]))
function activations(c::Chain, input)
rst = []
for l in c
x = get(rst, length(rst), input)
push!(rst, l(x))
return rst