move pullbacks to CuArrays

This commit is contained in:
Mike Innes 2019-09-26 17:14:18 +01:00
parent c5e56b7e04
commit 46bc8e5e64
2 changed files with 17 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ version = "0.6.2"
[[CUDAapi]] [[CUDAapi]]
deps = ["Libdl", "Logging"] deps = ["Libdl", "Logging"]
git-tree-sha1 = "9b2b4b71d6b7f946c9689bb4dea03ff92e3c7091" git-tree-sha1 = "e063efb91cfefd7e6afd92c435d01398107a500b"
uuid = "3895d2a7-ec45-59b8-82bb-cfc6a382f9b3" uuid = "3895d2a7-ec45-59b8-82bb-cfc6a382f9b3"
version = "1.1.0" version = "1.2.0"
[[CUDAdrv]] [[CUDAdrv]]
deps = ["CUDAapi", "Libdl", "Printf"] deps = ["CUDAapi", "Libdl", "Printf"]
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ uuid = "a8cc5b0e-0ffa-5ad4-8c14-923d3ee1735f"
version = "4.0.0" version = "4.0.0"
[[CuArrays]] [[CuArrays]]
deps = ["AbstractFFTs", "Adapt", "CEnum", "CUDAapi", "CUDAdrv", "CUDAnative", "GPUArrays", "LinearAlgebra", "MacroTools", "NNlib", "Printf", "Random", "Requires", "SparseArrays", "TimerOutputs"] deps = ["AbstractFFTs", "Adapt", "CEnum", "CUDAapi", "CUDAdrv", "CUDAnative", "DataStructures", "GPUArrays", "LinearAlgebra", "MacroTools", "NNlib", "Printf", "Random", "Requires", "SparseArrays", "TimerOutputs"]
git-tree-sha1 = "63b4a10d3a4f22ef215d0970483b18296717d1fb" git-tree-sha1 = "4e638627673078c58b6e6bb789937822d83350ff"
repo-rev = "tb/flux" repo-rev = "tb/flux"
repo-url = "" repo-url = ""
uuid = "3a865a2d-5b23-5a0f-bc46-62713ec82fae" uuid = "3a865a2d-5b23-5a0f-bc46-62713ec82fae"
@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ version = "0.10.3"
[[GPUArrays]] [[GPUArrays]]
deps = ["Adapt", "FFTW", "FillArrays", "LinearAlgebra", "Printf", "Random", "Serialization", "StaticArrays", "Test"] deps = ["Adapt", "FFTW", "FillArrays", "LinearAlgebra", "Printf", "Random", "Serialization", "StaticArrays", "Test"]
git-tree-sha1 = "b5009ac44b141ded5e6f04c4db83807970f56e91" git-tree-sha1 = "77e27264276fe97a7e7fb928bf8999a145abc018"
uuid = "0c68f7d7-f131-5f86-a1c3-88cf8149b2d7" uuid = "0c68f7d7-f131-5f86-a1c3-88cf8149b2d7"
version = "1.0.2" version = "1.0.3"
[[IRTools]] [[IRTools]]
deps = ["InteractiveUtils", "MacroTools", "Test"] deps = ["InteractiveUtils", "MacroTools", "Test"]

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ unbroadcast(x::AbstractArray, Δ) =
coerce_cuda(x::Union{CuArray,Nothing}) = x coerce_cuda(x::Union{CuArray,Nothing}) = x
coerce_cuda(x::Tuple) = coerce_cuda.(x) coerce_cuda(x::Tuple) = coerce_cuda.(x)
coerce_cuda(x) = x .+ CuArrays.fill(0) coerce_cuda(x::AbstractArray) = x .+ CuArrays.fill(0)
function struct_grad!(cx::Zygote.Context, x, ) function struct_grad!(cx::Zygote.Context, x, )
for f in fieldnames(typeof(x)) for f in fieldnames(typeof(x))
@ -69,28 +69,23 @@ end
for RNN in (CuRNN, CuGRU) for RNN in (CuRNN, CuGRU)
@eval @adjoint function (m::$RNN{T})(h::CuArray{T}, x::CuArray{T}) where T <: Union{Float32,Float64} @eval @adjoint function (m::$RNN{T})(h::CuArray{T}, x::CuArray{T}) where T <: Union{Float32,Float64}
reserve, (y, ho) = CUDNN.forwardTrain(desc(m), x, h) (y, ho), back = CUDNN.pullback(desc(m), x, h)
(ho, y), function (Δ) (ho, y), function (Δ)
dho, dy = coerce_cuda(Δ) dho, dy = coerce_cuda(Δ) # Support FillArrays etc.
h_ = CUDNN.hBatch(x, h) = back(dy, dho)
dx, dh = CUDNN.backwardData(descs[m], y, dy, dho, h_, reserve) dm = struct_grad!(__context__, m, (σ=nothing,Wi=transpose(.Wi),Wh=transpose(.Wh),b=.b,h=nothing))
(dWi, dWh), db = CUDNN.backwardWeights(descs[m], x, h_, y, reserve) (dm, unbroadcast(h, .h), .x)
dm = struct_grad!(__context__, m, (σ=nothing,Wi=transpose(dWi),Wh=transpose(dWh),b=db,h=nothing))
(dm, unbroadcast(h, dh), dx)
end end
end end
end end
@adjoint function (m::CuLSTM)((h, c)::Tuple{CuArray{T},CuArray{T}}, x::CuArray{T}) where T <: Union{Float32,Float64} @adjoint function (m::CuLSTM)((h, c)::Tuple{CuArray{T},CuArray{T}}, x::CuArray{T}) where T <: Union{Float32,Float64}
reserve, (y, ho, co) = CUDNN.forwardTrain(desc(m), x, h, c) (y, ho, co), back = CUDNN.pullback(desc(m), x, h, c)
((ho, co), y), function (Δ) ((ho, co), y), function (Δ)
dhc, dy = coerce_cuda(Δ) dhc, dy = coerce_cuda(Δ) # Support FillArrays etc.
dho, dco = dhc === nothing ? (nothing, nothing) : dhc dho, dco = dhc === nothing ? (nothing, nothing) : dhc
h_ = CUDNN.hBatch(x, h) = back(dy, dho, dco)
c_ = CUDNN.hBatch(x, c) dm = struct_grad!(__context__, m, (σ=nothing,Wi=transpose(.Wi),Wh=transpose(.Wh),b=.b,h=nothing,c=nothing))
dx, dh, dc = CUDNN.backwardData(descs[m], y, dy, dho, dco, h_, c_, reserve) (dm, (unbroadcast(h, .h), unbroadcast(c, .c)), .x)
(dWi, dWh), db = CUDNN.backwardWeights(descs[m], x, h_, y, reserve)
dm = struct_grad!(__context__, m, (Wi=transpose(dWi),Wh=transpose(dWh),b=db,h=nothing,c=nothing))
(dm, (unbroadcast(h, dh), unbroadcast(c, dc)), dx)
end end
end end