move zeros to its own file

This commit is contained in:
Dhairya Gandhi 2020-04-29 16:15:35 +05:30
parent 5086c0f4f0
commit 534809ae78
3 changed files with 104 additions and 104 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ using CuArrays
const use_cuda = Ref(false)

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@ -321,110 +321,6 @@ function throttle(f, timeout; leading=true, trailing=false)
import Base: +, -, *, reshape, size
import Base.Broadcast: broadcasted, Broadcasted, BroadcastStyle
Zeros(Type, size...)
Acts as a stand-in for an array of zeros that can be
used during training which is ignored by the optimisers.
Useful to turn bias off for a forward pass of a layer.
## Examples
julia> Flux.Zeros(3,3)
3×3 Flux.Zeros{Bool,2}:
false false false
false false false
false false false
julia> Flux.Zeros(Float32, 3,3)
3×3 Flux.Zeros{Float32,2}:
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
julia> rand(3,3) .+ Flux.Zeros()
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
0.198739 0.490459 0.785386
0.779074 0.39986 0.66383
0.854981 0.447292 0.314497
julia> bias_less_conv = Conv((2,2), 1=>3, bias = Flux.Zeros())
Conv((2, 2), 1=>3)
struct Zeros{T,N} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
Zeros(::Type{T}, sz...) where T = Zeros{T,length(sz)}(sz)
Zeros(sz::Integer...) = Zeros(Bool, sz...)
Base.size(xs::Zeros) = xs.size
Base.axes(xs::Zeros) = Base.OneTo.(size(xs))
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:Zeros}) = IndexLinear()
Base.getindex(xs::Zeros{T,N}, I::Int) where {T,N} = zero(T)
Base.getindex(xs::Zeros{T,N}, inds::Union{Base.OneTo, Base.UnitRange}) where {T,N} =
Zeros(T, inds.stop)
Base.collect(xs::Zeros{T,N}) where {T,N} = fill(zero(T), size(xs))
@adjoint reshape(xs::Zeros{T}, dims...) where T =
reshape(xs, dims...), _ -> nothing
# Define basic ops
for f in (:+, :-)
@eval @inline function $f(a::Union{AbstractArray{<:Number}, Zeros}, b::Zeros)
@assert size(a) == size(b) throw(DimensionMismatch("dimensions must match"))
+(a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = b + a
-(a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = -b + a
Base.copy(xs::Zeros{T,N}) where {T,N} = xs
# Define broadcasting behaviour
for op in (:+, :-)
@eval function broadcasted(::typeof($op), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros)
bs = Broadcast.broadcast_shape(size(a), size(b))
size(a) == bs && return a
sz = similar(a, bs)
sz .= a
broadcasted(::typeof(+), a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = broadcasted(+, b, a)
broadcasted(::typeof(-), a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = broadcasted(+, -b, a)
function broadcasted(::typeof(*), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros)
Zeros(Broadcast.broadcast_shape(size(a), size(b))...)
broadcasted(::typeof(*), a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = broadcasted(*, b, a)
for op in (:+, :-, :*)
@eval broadcasted(::typeof($op), a::Zeros, b::Zeros) = Zeros(Broadcast.broadcast_shape(size(a), size(b))...)
# Some opportunities to avoid scalar indexing, intermediaries
broadcasted(::typeof(+), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros{T,0}) where T = a
broadcasted(::typeof(+), a::Zeros{T,0}, b::AbstractArray) where T = b
broadcasted(::typeof(-), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros{T,0}) where T = a
broadcasted(::typeof(-), a::Zeros{T,0}, b::AbstractArray) where T = -b
broadcasted(::typeof(*), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros{T,0}) where T = zero(a)
broadcasted(::typeof(*), a::Zeros{T,0}, b::AbstractArray) where T = zero(b)
broadcasted(::typeof(/), a::Zeros{T,0}, b::AbstractArray) where T = zero(b)
@jit ...

src/zeros.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import Base: +, -, *, reshape, size
import Base.Broadcast: broadcasted, Broadcasted, BroadcastStyle
Zeros(Type, size...)
Acts as a stand-in for an array of zeros that can be
used during training which is ignored by the optimisers.
Useful to turn bias off for a forward pass of a layer.
## Examples
julia> Flux.Zeros(3,3)
3×3 Flux.Zeros{Bool,2}:
false false false
false false false
false false false
julia> Flux.Zeros(Float32, 3,3)
3×3 Flux.Zeros{Float32,2}:
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
julia> rand(3,3) .+ Flux.Zeros()
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
0.198739 0.490459 0.785386
0.779074 0.39986 0.66383
0.854981 0.447292 0.314497
julia> bias_less_conv = Conv((2,2), 1=>3, bias = Flux.Zeros())
Conv((2, 2), 1=>3)
struct Zeros{T,N} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
Zeros(::Type{T}, sz...) where T = Zeros{T,length(sz)}(sz)
Zeros(sz::Integer...) = Zeros(Bool, sz...)
Base.size(xs::Zeros) = xs.size
Base.axes(xs::Zeros) = Base.OneTo.(size(xs))
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:Zeros}) = IndexLinear()
Base.getindex(xs::Zeros{T,N}, I::Int) where {T,N} = zero(T)
Base.getindex(xs::Zeros{T,N}, inds::Union{Base.OneTo, Base.UnitRange}) where {T,N} =
Zeros(T, inds.stop)
Base.collect(xs::Zeros{T,N}) where {T,N} = fill(zero(T), size(xs))
@adjoint reshape(xs::Zeros{T}, dims...) where T =
reshape(xs, dims...), _ -> nothing
# Define basic ops
for f in (:+, :-)
@eval @inline function $f(a::Union{AbstractArray{<:Number}, Zeros}, b::Zeros)
@assert size(a) == size(b) throw(DimensionMismatch("dimensions must match"))
+(a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = b + a
-(a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = -b + a
Base.copy(xs::Zeros{T,N}) where {T,N} = xs
# Define broadcasting behaviour
for op in (:+, :-)
@eval function broadcasted(::typeof($op), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros)
bs = Broadcast.broadcast_shape(size(a), size(b))
size(a) == bs && return a
sz = similar(a, bs)
sz .= a
broadcasted(::typeof(+), a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = broadcasted(+, b, a)
broadcasted(::typeof(-), a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = broadcasted(+, -b, a)
function broadcasted(::typeof(*), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros)
Zeros(Broadcast.broadcast_shape(size(a), size(b))...)
broadcasted(::typeof(*), a::Zeros, b::AbstractArray) = broadcasted(*, b, a)
for op in (:+, :-, :*)
@eval broadcasted(::typeof($op), a::Zeros, b::Zeros) = Zeros(Broadcast.broadcast_shape(size(a), size(b))...)
# Some opportunities to avoid scalar indexing, intermediaries
broadcasted(::typeof(+), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros{T,0}) where T = a
broadcasted(::typeof(+), a::Zeros{T,0}, b::AbstractArray) where T = b
broadcasted(::typeof(-), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros{T,0}) where T = a
broadcasted(::typeof(-), a::Zeros{T,0}, b::AbstractArray) where T = -b
broadcasted(::typeof(*), a::AbstractArray, b::Zeros{T,0}) where T = zero(a)
broadcasted(::typeof(*), a::Zeros{T,0}, b::AbstractArray) where T = zero(b)
broadcasted(::typeof(/), a::Zeros{T,0}, b::AbstractArray) where T = zero(b)