better h/vcat, fixes #378

This commit is contained in:
Mike J Innes 2018-12-19 10:41:39 +00:00
parent cdfc97f7c6
commit 6b11c552f3
2 changed files with 27 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -136,30 +136,30 @@ Base.repeat(xs::TrackedArray; kw...) = track(repeat, xs; kw...)
for f in [:vcat, :hcat]
UArray = :(Union{TrackedArray,Vector,Matrix,Adjoint,Transpose})
@eval begin
# This section is a bit of a hack since julia doesn't have a standardised
# promotion mechanism for concatenation yet
function combinations(xs, n)
n < 1 && return [[]]
cs = combinations(xs, n-1)
[[x, c...] for x in xs, c in cs]
# It should support tracked concatenation with rank ∈ (1,2) with a
# TrackedArray anywhere among the arguments This works as long as base has
# other functions that captures `(::Union{Vector,RowVector,Matrix}...)`.
Base.$f(a::$UArray...) = track($f, a...)
combinations([AbstractArray, TrackedArray], 2)
# It should support tracked concatenation with rank>2 if the TrackedArray is
# first
Base.$f(a::TrackedArray, b::AbstractArray...) = track($f, a, b...)
Base.$f(a::TrackedArray, b::$UArray...) = track($f, a, b...) # resolves ambiguity introduced by previous row
for i = 0:2, c = combinations([:AbstractArray, :TrackedArray], i), f = [:hcat, :vcat]
cnames = map(_ -> gensym(), c)
@eval Base.$f($([:($x::$c) for (x, c) in zip(cnames, c)]...), x::TrackedArray, xs::AbstractArray...) =
track($f, $(cnames...), x, xs...)
# It should support tracked concatenation with rank>2 if the TrackedArray is
# second
Base.$f(a::Array, b::TrackedArray, c::AbstractArray...) = track($f, a, b, c...)
Base.$f(a::Union{Vector,Matrix,Adjoint,Transpose}, b::TrackedArray,
c::$UArray...) =
track($f, a, b, c...) # resolves ambiguity introduced by previous row
for i = 0:2, c = combinations([:AbstractVecOrMat, :TrackedVecOrMat], i), f = [:hcat, :vcat]
cnames = map(_ -> gensym(), c)
@eval Base.$f($([:($x::$c{T}) for (x, c) in zip(cnames, c)]...), x::TrackedVecOrMat{T}, xs::AbstractVecOrMat{T}...) where T =
track($f, $(cnames...), x, xs...)
for i = 0:2, c = combinations([:AbstractVector, :TrackedVector], i), f = [:hcat, :vcat]
cnames = map(_ -> gensym(), c)
@eval Base.$f($([:($x::$c{T}) for (x, c) in zip(cnames, c)]...), x::TrackedVector{T}, xs::AbstractVector{T}...) where T =
track($f, $(cnames...), x, xs...)
@grad function vcat(xs...)
@ -192,10 +192,11 @@ end
end; dims) = track(cat, a, dims = dims), b::TrackedArray, c::AbstractArray...; dims) = track(cat, a, b, c..., dims = dims), b::AbstractArray, c::AbstractArray...; dims) = track(cat, a, b, c..., dims = dims), b::TrackedArray, c::AbstractArray...; dims) = track(cat, a, b, c..., dims = dims)
for i = 0:2, c = combinations([:AbstractArray, :TrackedArray], i)
cnames = map(_ -> gensym(), c)
@eval$([:($x::$c) for (x, c) in zip(cnames, c)]...), x::TrackedArray, xs::AbstractArray...; dims) =
track(cat, $(cnames...), x, xs..., dims = dims)
@grad function cat(Xs...; dims)
cat(data.(Xs)..., dims = dims), function (Δ)

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@ -42,12 +42,7 @@ function promotiontest(f, A, B, C)
r0 = f(A, B, C)
r1 = f(param(A), B, C)
r2 = f(A, param(B), C)
if all(ndims.((A,B,C)) .≤ 2) && f [hcat, vcat]
r3 = f(A, B, param(C))
@test_throws MethodError f(A, B, param(C)) # until julia#20815 is resolved
r3 = r2
r3 = f(A, B, param(C))
r4 = f(param(A), param(B), param(C))
@test !isa(r0, TrackedArray)