Updated tests in cudnn.jl

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thebhatman 2019-06-13 18:44:46 +05:30
parent 25f74d1b4a
commit 80c680c598
1 changed files with 45 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -1,48 +1,47 @@
using Flux, CuArrays, Test
using Zygote
trainmode(f, x...) = forward(f, x...)[1]
# @testset "CUDNN BatchNorm" begin
# @testset "4D Input" begin
# x = Float64.(collect(reshape(1:12, 2, 2, 3, 1)))
# m = BatchNorm(3)
# cx = gpu(x)
# cm = gpu(m)
# y = trainmode(m, x)
# cy = trainmode(cm, cx)
# # @test cy isa TrackedArray{Float32,4,CuArray{Float32,4}}
# @test cpu(data(cy)) ≈ data(y)
# g = rand(size(y)...)
# Flux.back!(y, g)
# Flux.back!(cy, gpu(g))
# @test m.γ.grad ≈ cpu(cm.γ.grad)
# @test m.β.grad ≈ cpu(cm.β.grad)
# @test x.grad ≈ cpu(x.grad)
# end
# @testset "2D Input" begin
# x = TrackedArray(Float64.(collect(reshape(1:12, 3, 4))))
# m = BatchNorm(3)
# cx = gpu(x)
# cm = gpu(m)
# y = m(x)
# cy = cm(cx)
# @test cy isa TrackedArray{Float32,2,CuArray{Float32,2}}
# @test cpu(data(cy)) ≈ data(y)
# g = rand(size(y)...)
# Flux.back!(y, g)
# Flux.back!(cy, gpu(g))
# @test m.γ.grad ≈ cpu(cm.γ.grad)
# @test m.β.grad ≈ cpu(cm.β.grad)
# @test x.grad ≈ cpu(x.grad)
# end
# end
@testset "CUDNN BatchNorm" begin
@testset "4D Input" begin
x = Float64.(collect(reshape(1:12, 2, 2, 3, 1)))
m = BatchNorm(3)
cx = gpu(x)
cm = gpu(m)
y = trainmode(m, x)
cy = trainmode(cm, cx)
@test cpu(data(cy)) data(y)
g = rand(size(y)...)
# Flux.back!(y, g)
# Flux.back!(cy, gpu(g))
@test m.γ cpu(cm.γ)
@test m.β cpu(cm.β)
@test x cpu(x)
@testset "2D Input" begin
x = Float64.(collect(reshape(1:12, 3, 4)))
m = BatchNorm(3)
cx = gpu(x)
cm = gpu(m)
y = trainmode(m, x)
cy = trainmode(cm, cx)
@test cy isa CuArray{Float32,2}
@test cpu(data(cy)) data(y)
g = rand(size(y)...)
#Flux.back!(y, g)
#Flux.back!(cy, gpu(g))
@test m.γ cpu(cm.γ)
@test m.β cpu(cm.β)
@test x cpu(x)