change 4-spaces tab to 2-spaces tab

This commit is contained in:
JohnnyChen 2019-03-28 22:40:24 +08:00
parent 13c58494ec
commit 82595648e2
2 changed files with 70 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ end
Calculate the forward results of each layers in Chain `c`
function activations(c::Chain, x)
if isempty(c)
return [x, ]
rst = [x, c[1](x)]
for l in c[2:end]
push!(rst, l(rst[end]))
return rst
if isempty(c)
return [x, ]
rst = [x, c[1](x)]
for l in c[2:end]
push!(rst, l(rst[end]))
return rst

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@ -2,73 +2,73 @@ using Test, Random
import Flux: activations
@testset "basic" begin
@testset "helpers" begin
@testset "activations" begin
dummy_model = Chain(Dense(10,5,σ),Dense(5,2),softmax)
x = rand(10)
@test activations(Chain(), x) == [x, ]
@test activations(dummy_model, x)[2] == dummy_model[1](x)
@test activations(dummy_model, x)[3] == x |> dummy_model[1] |> dummy_model[2]
@testset "helpers" begin
@testset "activations" begin
dummy_model = Chain(Dense(10,5,σ),Dense(5,2),softmax)
x = rand(10)
@test activations(Chain(), x) == [x, ]
@test activations(dummy_model, x)[2] == dummy_model[1](x)
@test activations(dummy_model, x)[3] == x |> dummy_model[1] |> dummy_model[2]
@testset "Chain" begin
@test_nowarn Chain(Dense(10, 5, σ), Dense(5, 2))(randn(10))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Chain(Dense(10, 5, σ),Dense(2, 1))(randn(10))
# numeric test should be put into testset of corresponding layer
@testset "Dense" begin
@test length(Dense(10, 5)(randn(10))) == 5
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Dense(10, 5)(randn(1))
@test_throws MethodError Dense(10, 5)(1) # avoid broadcasting
@test_throws MethodError Dense(10, 5).(randn(10)) # avoid broadcasting
@test Dense(10, 1, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,1)) == 10*ones(1, 1)
@test Dense(10, 1, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,2)) == 10*ones(1, 2)
@test Dense(10, 2, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,1)) == 10*ones(2, 1)
@test Dense(10, 2, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)([ones(10,1) 2*ones(10,1)]) == [10 20; 10 20]
@testset "Diagonal" begin
@test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(10))) == 10
@test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(1)) == 10
@test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(1))) == 10
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(2))
@test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1 2]) == [1 2; 1 2]
@test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1,2]) == [1,2]
@test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1 2; 3 4]) == [1 2; 3 4]
@testset "Maxout" begin
# Note that the normal common usage of Maxout is as per the docstring
# These are abnormal constructors used for testing purposes
@testset "Constructor" begin
mo = Maxout(() -> identity, 4)
input = rand(40)
@test mo(input) == input
@testset "Chain" begin
@test_nowarn Chain(Dense(10, 5, σ), Dense(5, 2))(randn(10))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Chain(Dense(10, 5, σ),Dense(2, 1))(randn(10))
# numeric test should be put into testset of corresponding layer
@testset "simple alternatives" begin
mo = Maxout((x -> x, x -> 2x, x -> 0.5x))
input = rand(40)
@test mo(input) == 2*input
@testset "Dense" begin
@test length(Dense(10, 5)(randn(10))) == 5
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Dense(10, 5)(randn(1))
@test_throws MethodError Dense(10, 5)(1) # avoid broadcasting
@test_throws MethodError Dense(10, 5).(randn(10)) # avoid broadcasting
@test Dense(10, 1, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,1)) == 10*ones(1, 1)
@test Dense(10, 1, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,2)) == 10*ones(1, 2)
@test Dense(10, 2, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,1)) == 10*ones(2, 1)
@test Dense(10, 2, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)([ones(10,1) 2*ones(10,1)]) == [10 20; 10 20]
@testset "complex alternatives" begin
mo = Maxout((x -> [0.5; 0.1]*x, x -> [0.2; 0.7]*x))
input = [3.0 2.0]
target = [0.5, 0.7].*input
@test mo(input) == target
@testset "Diagonal" begin
@test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(10))) == 10
@test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(1)) == 10
@test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(1))) == 10
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(2))
@test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1 2]) == [1 2; 1 2]
@test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1,2]) == [1,2]
@test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1 2; 3 4]) == [1 2; 3 4]
@testset "Maxout" begin
# Note that the normal common usage of Maxout is as per the docstring
# These are abnormal constructors used for testing purposes
@testset "Constructor" begin
mo = Maxout(() -> identity, 4)
input = rand(40)
@test mo(input) == input
@testset "simple alternatives" begin
mo = Maxout((x -> x, x -> 2x, x -> 0.5x))
input = rand(40)
@test mo(input) == 2*input
@testset "complex alternatives" begin
mo = Maxout((x -> [0.5; 0.1]*x, x -> [0.2; 0.7]*x))
input = [3.0 2.0]
target = [0.5, 0.7].*input
@test mo(input) == target
@testset "params" begin
mo = Maxout(()->Dense(32, 64), 4)
ps = params(mo)
@test length(ps) == 8 #4 alts, each with weight and bias
@testset "params" begin
mo = Maxout(()->Dense(32, 64), 4)
ps = params(mo)
@test length(ps) == 8 #4 alts, each with weight and bias