split up Flatten layer to use the flatten function
This commit is contained in:
@ -425,12 +425,20 @@ Flattening layer.
Transforms (w,h,c,b)-shaped input into (w*h*c,b)-shaped output,
by linearizing all values for each element in the batch.
struct Flatten end
struct Flatten{F}
function Flatten(σ::F = identity) where {F}
return new{F}(σ)
function (f::Flatten)(x)
return reshape(x, :, size(x)[end])
function (f::Flatten)(x::AbstractArray)
σ = f.σ
function Base.show(io::IO, f::Flatten)
print(io, "Flatten()")
print(io, "Flatten(")
f.σ == identity || print(io, f.σ)
print(io, ")")
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
mae(ŷ, y)
Return the mean of absolute error `sum(abs.(ŷ .- y)) / length(y)`
Return the mean of absolute error `sum(abs.(ŷ .- y)) / length(y)`
mae(ŷ, y) = sum(abs.(ŷ .- y)) * 1 // length(y)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ mae(ŷ, y) = sum(abs.(ŷ .- y)) * 1 // length(y)
mse(ŷ, y)
Return the mean squared error `sum((ŷ .- y).^2) / length(y)`.
Return the mean squared error `sum((ŷ .- y).^2) / length(y)`.
mse(ŷ, y) = sum((ŷ .- y).^2) * 1 // length(y)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ mse(ŷ, y) = sum((ŷ .- y).^2) * 1 // length(y)
msle(ŷ, y; ϵ=eps(eltype(ŷ)))
Returns the mean of the squared logarithmic errors `sum((log.(ŷ .+ ϵ) .- log.(y .+ ϵ)).^2) / length(y)`.
The `ϵ` term provides numerical stability.
The `ϵ` term provides numerical stability.
This error penalizes an under-predicted estimate greater than an over-predicted estimate.
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ end
crossentropy(ŷ, y; weight=1)
Return the crossentropy computed as `-sum(y .* log.(ŷ) .* weight) / size(y, 2)`.
Return the crossentropy computed as `-sum(y .* log.(ŷ) .* weight) / size(y, 2)`.
See also [`logitcrossentropy`](@ref), [`binarycrossentropy`](@ref).
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ crossentropy(ŷ::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat; weight=nothing) = _cros
logitcrossentropy(ŷ, y; weight=1)
Return the crossentropy computed after a [softmax](@ref) operation:
Return the crossentropy computed after a [softmax](@ref) operation:
-sum(y .* logsoftmax(ŷ) .* weight) / size(y, 2)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ CuArrays.@cufunc binarycrossentropy(ŷ, y; ϵ=eps(ŷ)) = -y*log(ŷ + ϵ) - (1
`logitbinarycrossentropy(ŷ, y)` is mathematically equivalent to `binarycrossentropy(σ(ŷ), y)`
but it is more numerically stable.
See also [`binarycrossentropy`](@ref), [`sigmoid`](@ref), [`logsigmoid`](@ref).
See also [`binarycrossentropy`](@ref), [`sigmoid`](@ref), [`logsigmoid`](@ref).
logitbinarycrossentropy(ŷ, y) = (1 - y)*ŷ - logσ(ŷ)
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ poisson(ŷ, y) = sum(ŷ .- y .* log.(ŷ)) * 1 // size(y,2)
hinge(ŷ, y)
Measures the loss given the prediction `ŷ` and true labels `y` (containing 1 or -1).
Measures the loss given the prediction `ŷ` and true labels `y` (containing 1 or -1).
Returns `sum((max.(0, 1 .- ŷ .* y))) / size(y, 2)`
[Hinge Loss](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinge_loss)
@ -193,10 +193,20 @@ dice_coeff_loss(ŷ, y; smooth=eltype(ŷ)(1.0)) = 1 - (2*sum(y .* ŷ) + smooth
tversky_loss(ŷ, y; β=0.7)
Used with imbalanced data to give more weightage to False negatives.
Used with imbalanced data to give more weightage to False negatives.
Larger β weigh recall higher than precision (by placing more emphasis on false negatives)
Returns `1 - sum(|y .* ŷ| + 1) / (sum(y .* ŷ + β*(1 .- y) .* ŷ + (1 - β)*y .* (1 .- ŷ)) + 1)`
[Tversky loss function for image segmentation using 3D fully convolutional deep networks](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.05721.pdf)
tversky_loss(ŷ, y; β=eltype(ŷ)(0.7)) = 1 - (sum(y .* ŷ) + 1) / (sum(y .* ŷ + β*(1 .- y) .* ŷ + (1 - β)*y .* (1 .- ŷ)) + 1)
Transforms (w,h,c,b)-shaped input into (w*h*c,b)-shaped output,
by linearizing all values for each element in the batch.
function flatten(x::AbstractArray)
return reshape(x, :, size(x)[end])
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using Test
using Flux: onehotbatch, mse, crossentropy, logitcrossentropy,
σ, binarycrossentropy, logitbinarycrossentropy
σ, binarycrossentropy, logitbinarycrossentropy, flatten
const ϵ = 1e-7
@ -116,3 +116,10 @@ const ϵ = 1e-7
@testset "helpers" begin
@testset "flatten" begin
x = randn(Float32, 10, 10, 3, 2)
@test size(flatten(x)) == (300, 2)
Reference in New Issue