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Mike J Innes 2018-01-31 14:15:57 +00:00
parent 4bfb603da6
commit 8ad837bb70
1 changed files with 19 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ function randinit(r::RNNDesc{T}) where T
const cutanh = CUDAnative.tanh
function test_forward(rnn::RNNDesc, x, h, c = nothing)
if rnn.mode == CUDA.RNN_RELU
Wx, Wh = rnn.weights
@ -25,9 +27,19 @@ function test_forward(rnn::RNNDesc, x, h, c = nothing)
bR, bU, bC = rnn.biases
r = σ.(Rx'*x .+ Rh'*h .+ bR)
z = σ.(Ux'*x .+ Uh'*h .+ bU)
= CUDAnative.tanh.(Cx'*x .+ r .* Ch'*h .+ bC)
= cutanh.(Cx'*x .+ r .* Ch'*h .+ bC)
h = (1.-z).* .+ z.*h
return h, h
elseif rnn.mode == CUDA.LSTM
Ix, Fx, Cx, Ox, Ih, Fh, Ch, Oh = rnn.weights
bI, bF, bC, bO = rnn.biases
input = σ.(Ix'*x .+ Ih'*h .+ bI)
forget = σ.(Fx'*x .+ Fh'*h .+ bF)
cell = cutanh.(Cx'*x .+ Ch'*h .+ bC)
output = σ.(Ox'*x .+ Oh'*h .+ bO)
c = forget .* c .+ input .* cell
h = output .* cutanh.(c)
return (h, h, c)
@ -43,4 +55,10 @@ randinit(rnn)
x, h = cu(rand(10)), cu(rand(5))
@test collect(test_forward(rnn, x, h)[1]) collect(CUDA.forwardInference(rnn, x, h)[1])
rnn = RNNDesc{Float32}(CUDA.LSTM, 10, 5)
x, h, c = cu(rand(10)), cu(rand(5)), cu(rand(5))
@test collect(test_forward(rnn, x, h, c)[1]) collect(CUDA.forwardInference(rnn, x, h, c)[1])
@test collect(test_forward(rnn, x, h, c)[2]) collect(CUDA.forwardInference(rnn, x, h, c)[2])