use broadcasting plus

This commit is contained in:
Mike J Innes 2017-03-21 01:18:00 +00:00
parent a5bd72753e
commit 90edefe072
6 changed files with 16 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ node(x::Tuple) = map(node, x)
node(x::mx.SymbolicNode) = x
graph(::typeof(tuple), args...) = (args...,)
graph(::typeof(+), args...) = mx.broadcast_plus(args...)
graph(::typeof(.+), args...) = mx.broadcast_plus(args...)
graph(::typeof(*), xs...) = # Work around MXNet shape hack
graph(::typeof(σ), x) = mx.Activation(x, act_type = :sigmoid)
graph(::typeof(relu), x) = mx.Activation(x, act_type = :relu)

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ graph(::typeof(σ), x) = nn.sigmoid(x)
graph(::typeof(hcat), xs...) = concat(1, xs)
graph(::typeof(seq), xs, n) = TensorFlow.unpack(xs, num = n, axis = 1)
for op in (tanh, *, .*, +, -)
for op in (tanh, *, .*, .+, .-)
@eval graph(::typeof($op), args...) = $op(args...)

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function infer(::typeof(*), a::Dims{2}, b::Dims{2})
(a[1], b[2])
infer(::typeof(+), xs::Dims...) = Base.Broadcast.broadcast_shape(xs...)
infer(::typeof(.+), xs::Dims...) = Base.Broadcast.broadcast_shape(xs...)
# Shapes macro

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ export Affine
@net type Affine
x -> x*W + b
x -> x*W .+ b
Affine(in::Integer, out::Integer; init = initn) =

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export Recurrent, GatedRecurrent, LSTM
Wxy; Wyy; by
function (x)
y = tanh( x * Wxy + y{-1} * Wyy + by )
y = tanh( x * Wxy .+ y{-1} * Wyy .+ by )
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ Recurrent(in, out; init = initn) =
Wxh; Wyh; bh
function (x)
reset = σ( x * Wxr + y{-1} * Wyr + br )
update = σ( x * Wxu + y{-1} * Wyu + bu )
y = tanh( x * Wxh + (reset .* y{-1}) * Wyh + bh )
y = (1 .- update) .* y + update .* y{-1}
reset = σ( x * Wxr .+ y{-1} * Wyr .+ br )
update = σ( x * Wxu .+ y{-1} * Wyu .+ bu )
y = tanh( x * Wxh .+ (reset .* y{-1}) * Wyh .+ bh )
y = (1 .- update) .* y .+ update .* y{-1}
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ GatedRecurrent(in, out; init = initn) =
y; state
function (x)
# Gates
forget = σ( x * Wxf + y{-1} * Wyf + bf )
input = σ( x * Wxi + y{-1} * Wyi + bi )
output = σ( x * Wxo + y{-1} * Wyo + bo )
forget = σ( x * Wxf .+ y{-1} * Wyf .+ bf )
input = σ( x * Wxi .+ y{-1} * Wyi .+ bi )
output = σ( x * Wxo .+ y{-1} * Wyo .+ bo )
# State update and output
state = tanh( x * Wxc + y{-1} * Wyc + bc )
state = forget .* state{-1} + input .* state
state = tanh( x * Wxc .+ y{-1} * Wyc .+ bc )
state = forget .* state{-1} .+ input .* state
y = output .* tanh(state)

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@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ d1 = @net x -> x * d.W + d.b
@test d(xs) == d1(xs)
@capture(syntax(d), _Frame(_Line(x_[1] * W_ + b_)))
# In 0.6 `.+` evaluates to an anon function, so we must match on that.
@capture(syntax(d), _Frame(_Line(bplus_(x_[1] * W_, b_))))
@test isa(x, DataFlow.Input) && isa(W, Param) && isa(b, Param)