add hessian

This commit is contained in:
Mike J Innes 2019-01-29 08:37:30 +00:00
parent 8386a49bf9
commit 9e553adbf7
3 changed files with 26 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using MacroTools: @q, @forward
import Base: ==
export TrackedArray, TrackedVector, TrackedMatrix, Params, gradient,
param, back!
jacobian, hessian, param, back!
tracker(x) = nothing

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@ -181,3 +181,28 @@ gradient(f, xs...; nest = false) =
nest ? gradient_nested(f, xs...) : gradient_(f, xs...)
gradient(f, ps::Params) = gradient_nested(f, ps)
# Jacobians and Hessians
import ..Flux
J = jacobian(m,x)
Calculate the output jacobian `J = d/dx m(x)` such that each row `i` of `J` corresponds to the gradient `J[i,:] = ∇ₓ(m(x)[i])`
function jacobian(m,x)
xp = param(x)
y = m(xp)
k = length(y)
n = length(x)
J = Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef,k,n)
for i = 1:k
Flux.back!(y[i], once = false) # Populate gradient accumulator
J[i,:] = xp.grad
xp.grad .= 0 # Reset gradient accumulator
hessian(f, x) = jacobian(x -> gradient(f, x, nest=true)[1], x)

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@ -139,25 +139,6 @@ function throttle(f, timeout; leading=true, trailing=false)
J = jacobian(m,x)
Calculate the output jacobian `J = d/dx m(x)` such that each row `i` of `J` corresponds to the gradient `J[i,:] = ∇ₓ(m(x)[i])`
function jacobian(m,x)
xp = param(x)
y = m(xp)
k = length(y)
n = length(x)
J = Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef,n,k)
for i = 1:k
Flux.back!(y[i], once = false) # Populate gradient accumulator
J[:,i] = xp.grad
xp.grad .= 0 # Reset gradient accumulator
@jit ...