deprecated Void

This commit is contained in:
Mike J Innes 2018-06-12 18:09:18 +01:00
parent 1fd49c2a90
commit a49e2eae41
4 changed files with 42 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ All `Tracked*` objects (`TrackedArray`, `TrackedReal`) are light wrappers around
julia> x.tracker
Flux.Tracker.Tracked{Array{Float64,1}}(0x00000000, Flux.Tracker.Call{Void,Tuple{}}(nothing, ()), true, [5.0, 6.0], [-2.0, -2.0])
Flux.Tracker.Tracked{Array{Float64,1}}(0x00000000, Flux.Tracker.Call{Nothing,Tuple{}}(nothing, ()), true, [5.0, 6.0], [-2.0, -2.0])
The `Tracker` stores the gradient of a given object, which we've seen before.

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@ -2,23 +2,23 @@ using CuArrays.CUDNN: @check, libcudnn, cudnnStatus_t, libcudnn_handle,
cudnnDataType, TensorDesc, FilterDesc
mutable struct DropoutDesc
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, dd::DropoutDesc) = dd.ptr
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Nothing}}, dd::DropoutDesc) = dd.ptr
function DropoutDesc(ρ::Real; seed::Integer=0)
d = [C_NULL]
s = Csize_t[0]
@check ccall((:cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Ptr{Void}},), d)
@check ccall((:cudnnDropoutGetStatesSize,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Csize_t}),libcudnn_handle[],s)
@check ccall((:cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}},), d)
@check ccall((:cudnnDropoutGetStatesSize,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Csize_t}),libcudnn_handle[],s)
states = CuArray{UInt8}(s[]) # TODO: can we drop this when ρ=0?
desc = DropoutDesc(d[], states)
@check ccall((:cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Cfloat,Ptr{Void},Csize_t,Culonglong),
@check ccall((:cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Nothing},Cfloat,Ptr{Nothing},Csize_t,Culonglong),
finalizer(desc, x ->
@check ccall((:cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Void},),x))
@check ccall((:cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Nothing},),x))
return desc
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ mutable struct RNNDesc{T}
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, d::RNNDesc) = d.ptr
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Nothing}}, d::RNNDesc) = d.ptr
function rnnParamSize(T, r, input)
size = Csize_t[0]
@check ccall((:cudnnGetRNNParamsSize, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Ptr{Csize_t},Cint),
@check ccall((:cudnnGetRNNParamsSize, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Csize_t},Cint),
libcudnn_handle[], r, TensorDesc(T, (1,input,1)), size, cudnnDataType(T))
return Int(size[])÷sizeof(T)
@ -74,26 +74,26 @@ ngates(r::RNNDesc) = ngates(r.mode)
function RNNDesc{T}(mode::Int, input::Int, hidden::Int; layers = 1) where T
d = [C_NULL]
@check ccall((:cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Ptr{Void}},),d)
@check ccall((:cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}},),d)
dropoutDesc = DropoutDesc(0)
inputMode = LINEAR_INPUT
@check ccall((:cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v6,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Cint,Cint,Ptr{Void},Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint),
@check ccall((:cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v6,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Nothing},Cint,Cint,Ptr{Nothing},Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint),
w = cuzeros(T, rnnParamSize(T, d[], input))
# TODO: avoid reserve allocation here
rd = RNNDesc{T}(mode, input, hidden, w, params(w, input, hidden, ngates(mode))..., d[])
finalizer(rd, x ->
@check ccall((:cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Void},),x))
@check ccall((:cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Nothing},),x))
return rd
function rnnWorkspaceSize(r::RNNDesc, seqlen, xdesc)
size = Csize_t[0]
@check ccall((:cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Cint,Ptr{Ptr{Void}},Ptr{Csize_t}),
@check ccall((:cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Nothing},Cint,Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}},Ptr{Csize_t}),
libcudnn_handle[], r, seqlen, xdesc, size)
return Int(size[])
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ getworkspace(r::RNNDesc, seqlen, xdesc) =
function rnnTrainingReserveSize(r::RNNDesc, seqlen, xdesc)
size = Csize_t[0]
@check ccall((:cudnnGetRNNTrainingReserveSize,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cint, Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{Csize_t}),
@check ccall((:cudnnGetRNNTrainingReserveSize,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{Csize_t}),
libcudnn_handle[], r, seqlen, xdesc, size)
return Int(size[])
@ -119,19 +119,19 @@ function cudnnRNNForward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, cd, c, wd, w, yd
workspace, reserve=nothing) where T
if reserve == nothing
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNForwardInference, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Void}, Csize_t),
(Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
libcudnn_handle[], rnn, seqlen,
xd, x, hd, h, cd, c, wd, w, yd, y, hod, ho, cod, co,
workspace, length(workspace))
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNForwardTraining, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Void}, Csize_t, Ptr{Void}, Csize_t),
(Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
libcudnn_handle[], rnn, seqlen,
xd, x, hd, h, cd, c, wd, w, yd, y, hod, ho, cod, co,
workspace, length(workspace), reserve, length(reserve))
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ end
xDesc(x) = [TensorDesc(eltype(x), (1, size(x, 1), size(x, 2)))]
hDesc(h::Void) = C_NULL, C_NULL
hDesc(h::Nothing) = C_NULL, C_NULL
hDesc(x::Integer) = (@assert x == 0; hDesc(nothing))
function hDesc(h::CuArray)
TensorDesc(eltype(h), (size(h, 1), size(h, 2), 1)), h
@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ forwardTrain(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x::CuArray{T}, h::CuArray{T}, c = nothing) where T
function cudnnRNNBackwardData(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, yd, y, dyd, dy, dhod, dho, dcod, dco,
wd, w, hd, h, cd, c, dxd, dx, dhd, dh, dcd, dc, ws, rs) where T
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNBackwardData,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void},
Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Void}, Csize_t, Ptr{Void}, Csize_t),
(Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing},
Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
libcudnn_handle[], rnn, seqlen, yd, y, dyd, dy, dhod, dho, dcod, dco,
wd, w, hd, h, cd, c, dxd, dx, dhd, dh, dcd, dc, ws, length(ws), rs, length(rs))
@ -217,13 +217,13 @@ backwardData(rnn, y, dy, dho, hx, reserve) =
function cudnnRNNBackwardWeights(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, yd, y, dwd, dw,
workspace, reserve) where T
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNBackwardWeights,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cint, # handle, rnnDesc, seqLength
Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, #x
Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, #hx
Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, #y
Ptr{Void}, Csize_t, #ws
Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, #dw
Ptr{Void}, Csize_t), #rs
(Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint, # handle, rnnDesc, seqLength
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, #x
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, #hx
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, #y
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, #ws
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, #dw
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t), #rs
libcudnn_handle[], rnn, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, yd, y,
workspace, length(workspace), dwd, dw, reserve, length(reserve))

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ tracker(x) = nothing
istracked(x) = tracker(x) nothing
isleaf(x) = !istracked(x) || isleaf(tracker(x))
grad(x) = grad(tracker(x))
grad(::Void) = nothing
grad(::Nothing) = nothing
data(x) = x
struct Call{F,As<:Tuple}
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ mutable struct Tracked{T}
Tracked{T}(f::Call) where T = new(0, f, false)
Tracked{T}(f::Call, grad::T) where T = new(0, f, false, grad)
Tracked{T}(f::Call{Void}, grad::T) where T = new(0, f, true, grad)
Tracked{T}(f::Call{Nothing}, grad::T) where T = new(0, f, true, grad)
istracked(x::Tracked) = true

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function back_(c::Call, Δ)
foreach(back, c.args, data.(Δs))
back_(::Call{Void}, Δ) = nothing
back_(::Call{Nothing}, Δ) = nothing
accum!(x, Δ) = x .+ Δ
accum!(x::AbstractArray, Δ) = (x .+= Δ)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function back(x::Tracked, Δ)
back(::Void, _) = return
back(::Nothing, _) = return
# Interface methods
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ function back_(g::Grads, c::Call, Δ)
foreach((x, Δ) -> back(g, x, Δ), c.args, Δs)
back_(g::Grads, ::Call{Void}, Δ) = nothing
back_(g::Grads, ::Call{Nothing}, Δ) = nothing
function back(g::Grads, x::Tracked, Δ)
x.isleaf && (accum!(g, x, Δ); return)
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function back(g::Grads, x::Tracked, Δ)
back(::Grads, ::Void, _) = return
back(::Grads, ::Nothing, _) = return
function forward(f, ps::Params)
y = f()