optimiser docs

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Dhairya Gandhi 2019-09-10 20:49:15 +05:30
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@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
Consider a [simple linear regression](../models/basics.md). We create some dummy data, calculate a loss, and backpropagate to calculate gradients for the parameters `W` and `b`.
using Flux, Flux.Tracker
using Flux, Flux.Zygote
W = param(rand(2, 5))
b = param(rand(2))
W = rand(2, 5))
b = rand(2)
predict(x) = W*x .+ b
predict(x) = (W * x) .+ b
loss(x, y) = sum((predict(x) .- y).^2)
x, y = rand(5), rand(2) # Dummy data
l = loss(x, y) # ~ 3
θ = Params([W, b])
grads = Tracker.gradient(() -> loss(x, y), θ)
grads = Zygote.gradient(() -> loss(x, y), θ)
We want to update each parameter, using the gradient, in order to improve (reduce) the loss. Here's one way to do that:
using Flux.Tracker: grad, update!
using Flux: update!
η = 0.1 # Learning Rate
for p in (W, b)
@ -58,3 +58,47 @@ AMSGrad
## Optimiser Interface
Flux's optimsers are built around a `struct` that holds all the optimiser parameters along with a definition of how to apply the update rule associated with it. We do this via the `apply!` function which takes the optimiser as the first argument followed by the parameter and its corresponding gradient.
In this manner Flux also allows one to create custom optimisers to be used seamlessly. Let's work this with a simple example.
mutable struct Momentum{T,S,D}
The `Momentum` type will act as our optimiser in this case. Notice that we have added all the parameters as fields, along with the velocity which we will use as our state. **Note that this behaviour is set to change in consequent versions of Flux**. We can now define the rule applied when this optimiser is invoked.
function apply!(o::Momentum, x, Δ)
η, ρ = o.eta, o.rho
v = get!(o.velocity, x, zero(x))::typeof(x)
@. v = ρ * v - η * Δ
@. Δ = -v
This is the basic definition of a Momentum update rule given by:
$v = ρ * v - η * Δ$
$w = w - v$
The `apply!` defines the update rules for an optimsier `opt`, given the parameters and gradients. It returns the updated gradients usually. Here, every parameter `x` is retrieved from the running state `v` and subsequently updates the state of the optimiser.
Flux internally calls on this function via the `update!` function. It shares the API with `apply!` but ensures that multiple parameters are handled gracefully. In the future, it will also be delegating immutable update operations.
## Composing Optimisers
Flux defines a special kind of optimiser called simply as `Optimiser` which takes in a arbitrary optimisers as input. Its behaviour is similar to the usual optimisers, but differs in that it acts by calling the optimsers listed in it sequentially. Each optimiser produces a modified gradient
that will be fed into the next, and the resultant update will be applied to the parameter as usual. A classic use case is where adding decays is desirable. Flux defines some basic decays including `ExpDecay`, `InvDecay` etc.