rewrite tests

This commit is contained in:
Mike J Innes 2018-02-08 02:37:55 +00:00
parent d592f4e327
commit bc452fcd81
2 changed files with 35 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ function rnnParamSize(T, r, input)
return Int(size[])÷sizeof(T)
ngates(mode) = [1, 1, 4, 3][mode+1]
ngates(r::RNNDesc) = ngates(r.mode)
function RNNDesc{T}(mode::Int, input::Int, hidden::Int; layers = 1) where T
d = [C_NULL]
@check ccall((:cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Ptr{Void}},),d)
@ -81,10 +84,9 @@ function RNNDesc{T}(mode::Int, input::Int, hidden::Int; layers = 1) where T
@check ccall((:cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v6,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Cint,Cint,Ptr{Void},Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint),
w = cuzeros(T, rnnParamSize(T, d[], 10))
ngates = [1, 1, 4, 3][mode+1]
w = cuzeros(T, rnnParamSize(T, d[], input))
# TODO: avoid reserve allocation here
rd = RNNDesc{T}(mode, input, hidden, w, params(w, input, hidden, ngates)..., CuVector{UInt8}(1), d[])
rd = RNNDesc{T}(mode, input, hidden, w, params(w, input, hidden, ngates(mode))..., CuVector{UInt8}(1), d[])
finalizer(rd, x ->
@check ccall((:cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Void},),x))
return rd
@ -165,6 +167,7 @@ function forward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x::CuArray{T}, h_::CuArray{T}, c_ = nothing; t
seqLength = 1
xdesc = xDesc(x)
y = x isa AbstractVector ? similar(x, rnn.hidden) : similar(x, rnn.hidden, size(x, 2))
ho = similar(h)
ydesc = xDesc(y)
workspace = getworkspace(rnn, seqLength, xdesc)
reserve = train ? getreserve(rnn, seqLength, xdesc) : rnn.reserve
@ -175,10 +178,10 @@ function forward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x::CuArray{T}, h_::CuArray{T}, c_ = nothing; t
FilterDesc(T, (1, 1, length(rnn.params))), rnn.params,
ydesc, y,
C_NULL, C_NULL, # hout
workspace, reserve, train = train)
return c == nothing ? (y, y) : (y, y, co)
return c == nothing ? (y, ho) : (y, ho, co)
function cudnnRNNBackwardData(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, yd, y, dyd, dy, dhod, dho, dcod, dco,
@ -229,7 +232,7 @@ function backwardWeights(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x, h, y) where T
xDesc(x), x, hDesc(h)..., xDesc(y), y,
FilterDesc(T, (1, 1, length(dw))), dw,
workspace[], rnn.reserve)
return params(dw, rnn.input, rnn.hidden)
return params(dw, rnn.input, rnn.hidden, ngates(rnn))
# Interface
@ -283,6 +286,7 @@ end
import Flux.Tracker: data, isleaf, istracked, track, back_, @back, unbroadcast
# TODO: fix reserve space usage
struct RNNCall{R}

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@ -5,65 +5,30 @@ using CUDAnative
info("Testing Flux/CUDNN")
function randinit(r::RNNDesc{T}) where T
for w in (r.weights..., r.bias)
copy!(w, randn(T, size(w)))
@testset "RNN" begin
@testset for R in [RNN, GRU, LSTM]
x = param(rand(10,5))
cux = cu(x)
rnn = R(10, 5)
curnn = mapleaves(cu, rnn)
y = rnn(x)
cuy = curnn(cux)
@test collect(
@test haskey(Flux.CUDA.descs, curnn.cell)
Δ = randn(size(y))
Flux.back!(y, Δ)
Flux.back!(cuy, cu(Δ))
@test x.grad collect(cux.grad)
@test rnn.cell.Wi.grad collect(curnn.cell.Wi.grad)
@test rnn.cell.Wh.grad collect(curnn.cell.Wh.grad)
@test rnn.cell.b.grad collect(curnn.cell.b.grad)
@test rnn.cell.h.grad collect(curnn.cell.h.grad)
if isdefined(rnn.cell, :c)
@test rnn.cell.c.grad collect(curnn.cell.c.grad)
const cutanh = CUDAnative.tanh
gate(rnn, x, n) = x[(1:rnn.hidden) + rnn.hidden*(n-1)]
function test_forward(rnn::RNNDesc, x, h, c = nothing)
if rnn.mode == CUDA.RNN_RELU
Wx, Wh = rnn.weights
b = rnn.bias
h = relu.(Wx'*x .+ Wh'*h .+ b)
return h, h
elseif rnn.mode == CUDA.GRU
Wx, Wh = rnn.weights
b = rnn.bias
gx, gh = Wx'*x, Wh'*h
r = σ.(gate(rnn, gx, 1) .+ gate(rnn, gh, 1) .+ gate(rnn, b, 1))
z = σ.(gate(rnn, gx, 2) .+ gate(rnn, gh, 2) .+ gate(rnn, b, 2))
= cutanh.(gate(rnn, gx, 3) .+ r .* gate(rnn, gh, 3) .+ gate(rnn, b, 3))
h = (1.-z).* .+ z.*h
return h, h
elseif rnn.mode == CUDA.LSTM
Wx, Wh = rnn.weights
b = rnn.bias
g = Wx'*x .+ Wh'*h .+ b
input = σ.(gate(rnn, g, 1))
forget = σ.(gate(rnn, g, 2))
cell = cutanh.(gate(rnn, g, 3))
output = σ.(gate(rnn, g, 4))
c = forget .* c .+ input .* cell
h = output .* cutanh.(c)
return (h, h, c)
@testset "CUDNN" begin
rnn = RNNDesc{Float32}(CUDA.RNN_RELU, 10, 5)
x, h = cu(rand(10)), cu(rand(5))
@test collect(test_forward(rnn, x, h)[1])
collect(CUDA.forwardInference(rnn, x, h)[1])
rnn = RNNDesc{Float32}(CUDA.GRU, 10, 5)
x, h = cu(rand(10)), cu(rand(5))
@test collect(test_forward(rnn, x, h)[1])
collect(CUDA.forwardInference(rnn, x, h)[1])
rnn = RNNDesc{Float32}(CUDA.LSTM, 10, 5)
x, h, c = cu(rand(10)), cu(rand(5)), cu(rand(5))
@test collect(test_forward(rnn, x, h, c)[1])
collect(CUDA.forwardInference(rnn, x, h, c)[1])
@test collect(test_forward(rnn, x, h, c)[2])
collect(CUDA.forwardInference(rnn, x, h, c)[2])