doctests passing
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ Zygote = "0.3"
julia = "1.1"
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
test = ["Test"]
test = ["Test", "Documenter"]
@ -5,55 +5,56 @@
Flux's core feature is taking gradients of Julia code. The `gradient` function takes another Julia function `f` and a set of arguments, and returns the gradient with respect to each argument. (It's a good idea to try pasting these examples in the Julia terminal.)
```jldoctest basics
julia> using Flux.Tracker
julia> using Flux
julia> f(x) = 3x^2 + 2x + 1;
julia> df(x) = Tracker.gradient(f, x; nest = true)[1]; # df/dx = 6x + 2
julia> df(x) = gradient(f, x)[1]; # df/dx = 6x + 2
julia> df(2)
14.0 (tracked)
julia> d2f(x) = Tracker.gradient(df, x; nest = true)[1]; # d²f/dx² = 6
julia> d2f(x) = gradient(df, x)[1]; # d²f/dx² = 6
julia> d2f(2)
6.0 (tracked)
(We'll learn more about why these numbers show up as `(tracked)` below.)
When a function has many parameters, we can pass them all in explicitly:
When a function has many parameters, we can get gradients of each one at the same time:
```jldoctest basics
julia> f(W, b, x) = W * x + b;
julia> f(x, y) = sum((x .- y).^2);
julia> Tracker.gradient(f, 2, 3, 4)
(4.0 (tracked), 1.0 (tracked), 2.0 (tracked))
julia> gradient(f, [2, 1], [2, 0])
([0, 2], [0, -2])
But machine learning models can have *hundreds* of parameters! Flux offers a nice way to handle this. We can tell Flux to treat something as a parameter via `param`. Then we can collect these together and tell `gradient` to collect the gradients of all `params` at once.
But machine learning models can have *hundreds* of parameters! To handle this, Flux lets you work with collections of parameters, via `params`. You can get the gradient of all parameters used in a program without explicitly passing them in.
```jldoctest basics
julia> using Flux
julia> W = param(2)
2.0 (tracked)
julia> x = [2, 1];
julia> b = param(3)
3.0 (tracked)
julia> y = [2, 0];
julia> f(x) = W * x + b;
julia> gs = gradient(params(x, y)) do
f(x, y)
julia> grads = Tracker.gradient(() -> f(4), params(W, b));
julia> gs[x]
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> grads[W]
4.0 (tracked)
julia> grads[b]
1.0 (tracked)
julia> gs[y]
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
There are a few things to notice here. Firstly, `W` and `b` now show up as *tracked*. Tracked things behave like normal numbers or arrays, but keep records of everything you do with them, allowing Flux to calculate their gradients. `gradient` takes a zero-argument function; no arguments are necessary because the `params` tell it what to differentiate.
Here, `gradient` takes a zero-argument function; no arguments are necessary because the `params` tell it what to differentiate.
This will come in really handy when dealing with big, complicated models. For now, though, let's start with something simple.
@ -76,26 +77,20 @@ x, y = rand(5), rand(2) # Dummy data
loss(x, y) # ~ 3
To improve the prediction we can take the gradients of `W` and `b` with respect to the loss and perform gradient descent. Let's tell Flux that `W` and `b` are parameters, just like we did above.
To improve the prediction we can take the gradients of `W` and `b` with respect to the loss and perform gradient descent.
using Flux.Tracker
using Flux
W = param(W)
b = param(b)
gs = Tracker.gradient(() -> loss(x, y), params(W, b))
gs = gradient(() -> loss(x, y), params(W, b))
Now that we have gradients, we can pull them out and update `W` to train the model. The `update!(W, Δ)` function applies `W = W + Δ`, which we can use for gradient descent.
Now that we have gradients, we can pull them out and update `W` to train the model.
using Flux.Tracker: update!
W̄ = gs[W]
Δ = gs[W]
# Update the parameter and reset the gradient
update!(W, -0.1Δ)
W .-= 0.1 .* W̄
loss(x, y) # ~ 2.5
@ -111,12 +106,12 @@ It's common to create more complex models than the linear regression above. For
using Flux
W1 = param(rand(3, 5))
b1 = param(rand(3))
W1 = rand(3, 5)
b1 = rand(3)
layer1(x) = W1 * x .+ b1
W2 = param(rand(2, 3))
b2 = param(rand(2))
W2 = rand(2, 3)
b2 = rand(2)
layer2(x) = W2 * x .+ b2
model(x) = layer2(σ.(layer1(x)))
@ -128,8 +123,8 @@ This works but is fairly unwieldy, with a lot of repetition – especially as we
function linear(in, out)
W = param(randn(out, in))
b = param(randn(out))
W = randn(out, in)
b = randn(out)
x -> W * x .+ b
@ -150,7 +145,7 @@ struct Affine
Affine(in::Integer, out::Integer) =
Affine(param(randn(out, in)), param(randn(out)))
Affine(randn(out, in), randn(out))
# Overload call, so the object can be used as a function
(m::Affine)(x) = m.W * x .+ m.b
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
Fisher's classic iris dataset.
Measurements from 3 different species of iris: setosa, versicolor and
@ -39,6 +35,8 @@ Get the labels of the iris dataset, a 150 element array of strings listing the
species of each example.
julia> using Flux
julia> labels = Flux.Data.Iris.labels();
julia> summary(labels)
@ -63,6 +61,8 @@ elements. It has a row for each feature (sepal length, sepal width,
petal length, petal width) and a column for each example.
julia> using Flux
julia> features = Flux.Data.Iris.features();
julia> summary(features)
@ -81,6 +81,5 @@ function features()
iris = readdlm(deps(""), ',')
Matrix{Float64}(iris[1:end, 1:4]')
@ -54,17 +54,19 @@ it will error.
## Examples
julia> using Flux: onehot
julia> onehot(:b, [:a, :b, :c])
3-element Flux.OneHotVector:
julia> onehot(:c, [:a, :b, :c])
3-element Flux.OneHotVector:
function onehot(l, labels)
@ -88,12 +90,13 @@ Create an [`OneHotMatrix`](@ref) with a batch of labels based on possible `label
## Examples
julia> onehotbatch([:b, :a, :b], [:a, :b, :c])
3×3 Flux.OneHotMatrix:
false true false
true false true
false false false
julia> using Flux: onehotbatch
julia> onehotbatch([:b, :a, :b], [:a, :b, :c])
3×3 Flux.OneHotMatrix{Array{Flux.OneHotVector,1}}:
0 1 0
1 0 1
0 0 0
onehotbatch(ls, labels, unk...) =
@ -106,9 +109,9 @@ Base.argmax(xs::OneHotVector) = xs.ix
Inverse operations of [`onehot`](@ref).
## Examples
julia> using Flux: onecold
julia> onecold([true, false, false], [:a, :b, :c])
@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
using Flux, Test, Random, Statistics
using Flux, Test, Random, Statistics, Documenter
using Random
# So we can use the system CuArrays
insert!(LOAD_PATH, 2, "@v#.#")
@testset "Flux" begin
@info "Testing Basics"
@ -32,4 +29,6 @@ else
@warn "CUDA unavailable, not testing GPU support"
Reference in New Issue