using using

This commit is contained in:
Mike J Innes 2016-11-11 01:01:26 +00:00
parent 2bfe5cce8e
commit dab491955f
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Flux
using MacroTools, Lazy, DataFlow, Juno
import DataFlow: graphm, syntax, prewalk!, postwalk!, prewalk, postwalk,
using DataFlow: graphm, syntax, prewalk!, postwalk!, prewalk, postwalk,
iscyclic, Constant, constant, isconstant, Group, group, Split, splitnode,
detuple, value, inputs, thread!, value, inputs, Split, splitnode, inputnode,
spliceinputs, bumpinputs
import Juno: Tree, Row
using Juno: Tree, Row
# Zero Flux Given