Merge branch 'master' into conv_transpose

This commit is contained in:
Tejan Karmali 2019-02-02 10:20:45 +05:30 committed by GitHub
commit e54df2de06
No known key found for this signature in database
36 changed files with 834 additions and 220 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -3,5 +3,4 @@

View File

@ -1,18 +1,29 @@
# Documentation:
language: julia
- linux
# - osx
- 1.0
- nightly
# uncomment the following lines to override the default test script
# script:
# - if [[ -a .git/shallow ]]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi
# - julia -e 'Pkg.clone(pwd());"Flux"); Pkg.test("Flux"; coverage=true)'
- julia: nightly
- julia -e 'using Pkg; ps=Pkg.PackageSpec(name="Documenter", version="0.19"); Pkg.add(ps);; Pkg.add("NNlib")'
- julia -e 'using Pkg; cd(Pkg.dir("Flux")); include(joinpath("docs", "make.jl"))'
- stage: "Documentation"
julia: 1.0
os: linux
- julia --project=docs/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd()));
- julia --project=docs/ docs/make.jl
after_success: skip
## uncomment the following lines to override the default test script
- julia --color=yes -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate(); Pkg.instantiate(); Pkg.test()'

View File

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
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View File

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docs/Manifest.toml Normal file
View File

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version = "0.3.1"
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uuid = "6462fe0b-24de-5631-8697-dd941f90decc"
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uuid = "4ec0a83e-493e-50e2-b9ac-8f72acf5a8f5"
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docs/Project.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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Flux = "587475ba-b771-5e3f-ad9e-33799f191a9c"
NNlib = "872c559c-99b0-510c-b3b7-b6c96a88d5cd"

View File

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assets = ["assets/flux.css"],
pages = ["Home" => "",
"Building Models" =>
["Basics" => "models/",
@ -22,10 +23,4 @@ makedocs(modules=[Flux, NNlib],
["Backpropagation" => "internals/"],
"Community" => ""])
repo = "",
target = "build",
osname = "linux",
julia = "1.0",
deps = nothing,
make = nothing)
deploydocs(repo = "")

docs/src/assets/flux.css Normal file
View File

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@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
# GPU Support
## Installation
To get GPU support for NVIDIA graphics cards, you need to install `CuArrays.jl`
**Steps needed**
1. Install [NVIDIA toolkit](
2. Install [NVIDIA cuDNN library](
3. In Julia's terminal run `]add CuArrays`
## GPU Usage
Support for array operations on other hardware backends, like GPUs, is provided by external packages like [CuArrays]( Flux is agnostic to array types, so we simply need to move model weights and data to the GPU and Flux will handle it.
For example, we can use `CuArrays` (with the `cu` converter) to run our [basic example](models/ on an NVIDIA GPU.
(Note that you need to build Julia 0.6 from source and have CUDA available to use CuArrays please see the [CUDAnative.jl]( instructions for more details.)
(Note that you need to have CUDA available to use CuArrays please see the [CuArrays.jl]( instructions for more details.)
using CuArrays

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@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ using Flux.Tracker
f(x) = 3x^2 + 2x + 1
# df/dx = 6x + 2
df(x) = Tracker.gradient(f, x)[1]
df(x) = Tracker.gradient(f, x; nest = true)[1]
df(2) # 14.0 (tracked)
# d²f/dx² = 6
d2f(x) = Tracker.gradient(df, x)[1]
d2f(x) = Tracker.gradient(df, x; nest = true)[1]
d2f(2) # 6.0 (tracked)
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ When a function has many parameters, we can pass them all in explicitly:
f(W, b, x) = W * x + b
Tracker.gradient(f, 2, 3, 4)
(4.0 (tracked), 1.0, 2.0 (tracked))
# (4.0 (tracked), 1.0 (tracked), 2.0 (tracked))
But machine learning models can have *hundreds* of parameters! Flux offers a nice way to handle this. We can tell Flux to treat something as a parameter via `param`. Then we can collect these together and tell `gradient` to collect the gradients of all of them at once.
But machine learning models can have *hundreds* of parameters! Flux offers a nice way to handle this. We can tell Flux to treat something as a parameter via `param`. Then we can collect these together and tell `gradient` to collect the gradients of all `params` at once.
W = param(2) # 2.0 (tracked)
@ -39,14 +39,13 @@ b = param(3) # 3.0 (tracked)
f(x) = W * x + b
params = Params([W, b])
grads = Tracker.gradient(() -> f(4), params)
grads = Tracker.gradient(() -> f(4), params(W, b))
grads[W] # 4.0
grads[b] # 1.0
There are a few things to notice here. Firstly, `W` and `b` now show up as *tracked*. Tracked things behave like normal numbers or arrays, but keep records of everything you do with them, allowing Flux to calculate their gradients. `gradient` takes a zero-argument function; no arguments are necessary because the `Params` tell it what to differentiate.
There are a few things to notice here. Firstly, `W` and `b` now show up as *tracked*. Tracked things behave like normal numbers or arrays, but keep records of everything you do with them, allowing Flux to calculate their gradients. `gradient` takes a zero-argument function; no arguments are necessary because the `params` tell it what to differentiate.
This will come in really handy when dealing with big, complicated models. For now, though, let's start with something simple.
@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ using Flux.Tracker
W = param(W)
b = param(b)
gs = Tracker.gradient(() -> loss(x, y), Params([W, b]))
gs = Tracker.gradient(() -> loss(x, y), params(W, b))
Now that we have gradients, we can pull them out and update `W` to train the model. The `update!(W, Δ)` function applies `W = W + Δ`, which we can use for gradient descent.
@ -102,6 +101,8 @@ All deep learning in Flux, however complex, is a simple generalisation of this e
It's common to create more complex models than the linear regression above. For example, we might want to have two linear layers with a nonlinearity like [sigmoid]( (`σ`) in between them. In the above style we could write this as:
using Flux
W1 = param(rand(3, 5))
b1 = param(rand(3))
layer1(x) = W1 * x .+ b1

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Consider a [simple linear regression](../models/ We create some dummy data, calculate a loss, and backpropagate to calculate gradients for the parameters `W` and `b`.
using Flux.Tracker
using Flux, Flux.Tracker
W = param(rand(2, 5))
b = param(rand(2))
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ loss(x, y) = sum((predict(x) .- y).^2)
x, y = rand(5), rand(2) # Dummy data
l = loss(x, y) # ~ 3
params = Params([W, b])
grads = Tracker.gradient(() -> loss(x, y), params)
θ = Params([W, b])
grads = Tracker.gradient(() -> loss(x, y), θ)
We want to update each parameter, using the gradient, in order to improve (reduce) the loss. Here's one way to do that:
@ -23,44 +23,30 @@ We want to update each parameter, using the gradient, in order to improve (reduc
using Flux.Tracker: grad, update!
function sgd()
η = 0.1 # Learning Rate
for p in (W, b)
update!(p, -η * grads[p])
η = 0.1 # Learning Rate
for p in (W, b)
update!(p, -η * grads[p])
If we call `sgd`, the parameters `W` and `b` will change and our loss should go down.
There are two pieces here: one is that we need a list of trainable parameters for the model (`[W, b]` in this case), and the other is the update step. In this case the update is simply gradient descent (`x .-= η .* Δ`), but we might choose to do something more advanced, like adding momentum.
In this case, getting the variables is trivial, but you can imagine it'd be more of a pain with some complex stack of layers.
Running this will alter the parameters `W` and `b` and our loss should go down. Flux provides a more general way to do optimiser updates like this.
m = Chain(
Dense(10, 5, σ),
Dense(5, 2), softmax)
opt = Descent(0.1) # Gradient descent with learning rate 0.1
for p in (W, b)
update!(opt, p, grads[p])
Instead of having to write `[m[1].W, m[1].b, ...]`, Flux provides a params function `params(m)` that returns a list of all parameters in the model for you.
For the update step, there's nothing whatsoever wrong with writing the loop above it'll work just fine but Flux provides various *optimisers* that make it more convenient.
opt = SGD([W, b], 0.1) # Gradient descent with learning rate 0.1
opt() # Carry out the update, modifying `W` and `b`.
An optimiser takes a parameter list and returns a function that does the same thing as `update` above. We can pass either `opt` or `update` to our [training loop](, which will then run the optimiser after every mini-batch of data.
An optimiser `update!` accepts a parameter and a gradient, and updates the parameter according to the chosen rule. We can also pass `opt` to our [training loop](, which will update all parameters of the model in a loop. However, we can now easily replace `Descent` with a more advanced optimiser such as `ADAM`.
## Optimiser Reference
All optimisers return a function that, when called, will update the parameters passed to it.
All optimisers return an object that, when passed to `train!`, will update the parameters passed to it.

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ To actually train a model we need three things:
With these we can call `Flux.train!`:
Flux.train!(objective, data, opt)
Flux.train!(objective, params, data, opt)
There are plenty of examples in the [model zoo](
@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ m = Chain(
Dense(32, 10), softmax)
loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(m(x), y)
ps = Flux.params(m)
# later
Flux.train!(loss, data, opt)
Flux.train!(loss, ps, data, opt)
The objective will almost always be defined in terms of some *cost function* that measures the distance of the prediction `m(x)` from the target `y`. Flux has several of these built in, like `mse` for mean squared error or `crossentropy` for cross entropy loss, but you can calculate it however you want.
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ julia> @epochs 2 Flux.train!(...)
`train!` takes an additional argument, `cb`, that's used for callbacks so that you can observe the training process. For example:
train!(objective, data, opt, cb = () -> println("training"))
train!(objective, ps, data, opt, cb = () -> println("training"))
Callbacks are called for every batch of training data. You can slow this down using `Flux.throttle(f, timeout)` which prevents `f` from being called more than once every `timeout` seconds.
@ -89,6 +90,6 @@ A more typical callback might look like this:
test_x, test_y = # ... create single batch of test data ...
evalcb() = @show(loss(test_x, test_y))
Flux.train!(objective, data, opt,
Flux.train!(objective, ps, data, opt,
cb = throttle(evalcb, 5))

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ using MacroTools: @forward
export Chain, Dense, RNN, LSTM, GRU, Conv, ConvTranspose, MaxPool, MeanPool,
DepthwiseConv, Dropout, LayerNorm, BatchNorm,
params, mapleaves, cpu, gpu
params, mapleaves, cpu, gpu, f32, f64
@reexport using NNlib

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@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
module CUDA
using ..CuArrays
using Pkg.TOML
function version_check()
minor_version = 9
project = joinpath(dirname(pathof(CuArrays)), "../Project.toml")
project = TOML.parse(String(read(project)))
version = VersionNumber(get(project, "version", "0.0.0"))
if !(version.major == 0 && version.minor == minor_version)
@warn """
Flux is only supported with CuArrays v0.$minor_version.
Try running `] pin CuArrays@0.$minor_version`.
if !applicable(CuArray{UInt8}, undef, 1)
(T::Type{<:CuArray})(::UndefInitializer, sz...) = T(sz...)

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@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ struct Chain{T<:Tuple}
Chain(xs...) = new{typeof(xs)}(xs)
@forward Chain.layers Base.getindex, Base.first, Base.last, Base.lastindex
@forward Chain.layers Base.iterate
@forward Chain.layers Base.getindex, Base.length, Base.first, Base.last,
Base.iterate, Base.lastindex
children(c::Chain) = c.layers
mapchildren(f, c::Chain) = Chain(f.(c.layers)...)

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@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ DepthwiseConv(w::AbstractArray{T,N}, b::AbstractVector{T}, σ = identity;
stride = 1, pad = 0) where {T,N} =
DepthwiseConv(σ, w, b, expand.(sub2(Val(N)), (stride, pad))...)
DepthwiseConv(k::NTuple{N,Integer}, ch::Integer, σ = identity; init = initn,
DepthwiseConv(k::NTuple{N,Integer}, ch::Integer, σ = identity; init = glorot_uniform,
stride = 1, pad = 0) where N =
DepthwiseConv(param(init(k..., 1, ch)), param(zeros(ch)), σ,
stride = stride, pad = pad)
DepthwiseConv(k::NTuple{N,Integer}, ch::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, σ = identity; init = initn,
DepthwiseConv(k::NTuple{N,Integer}, ch::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, σ = identity; init = glorot_uniform,
stride::NTuple{N,Integer} = map(_->1,k),
pad::NTuple{N,Integer} = map(_->0,k)) where N =
DepthwiseConv(param(init(k..., ch[2], ch[1])), param(zeros(ch[2]*ch[1])), σ,

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@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ mutable struct BatchNorm{F,V,W,N}
BatchNorm(chs::Integer, λ = identity;
initβ = (i) -> zeros(i), initγ = (i) -> ones(i), ϵ = 1e-5, momentum = .1) =
initβ = (i) -> zeros(Float32, i), initγ = (i) -> ones(Float32, i), ϵ = 1f-5, momentum = 0.1f0) =
BatchNorm(λ, param(initβ(chs)), param(initγ(chs)),
zeros(chs), ones(chs), ϵ, momentum, true)

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@ -2,16 +2,14 @@ using NNlib: logsoftmax, logσ
# Cost functions
mse(, y) = sum(( .- y).^2)/length(y)
mse(, y) = sum(( .- y).^2) * 1 // length(y)
function crossentropy(::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat; weight = 1)
-sum(y .* log.() .* weight) / size(y, 2)
-sum(y .* log.() .* weight) * 1 // size(y, 2)
@deprecate logloss(x, y) crossentropy(x, y)
function logitcrossentropy(logŷ::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat; weight = 1)
return -sum(y .* logsoftmax(logŷ) .* weight) / size(y, 2)
return -sum(y .* logsoftmax(logŷ) .* weight) * 1 // size(y, 2)

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@ -68,3 +68,6 @@ end
a::TrackedMatrix * b::OneHotVector = invoke(*, Tuple{AbstractMatrix,OneHotVector}, a, b)
a::TrackedMatrix * b::OneHotMatrix = invoke(*, Tuple{AbstractMatrix,OneHotMatrix}, a, b)
onecold(x::TrackedVector, l...) = onecold(data(x), l...)
onecold(x::TrackedMatrix, l...) = onecold(data(x), l...)

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using Flux: Params
check_decay(opt, decay) = decay == 0 ? opt : Optimiser(opt, InvDecay(decay))
# legacy update rule
updaterule(opt, ps) = () -> update!(opt, ps)
updaterule(opt, ps) = () -> _update_params!(opt, ps)
function SGD(params::Union{AbstractArray, Params}, η = 0.1; decay = 0.)
depwarn("SGD(params) is deprecated; use Descent(η::Float64) instead", :SGD)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ struct OldOptimiser
update!(opt::OldOptimiser, ps) = opt.func()
_update_params!(opt::OldOptimiser, ps) = opt.func()
# Train function
function train!(loss, data, opt; cb = () -> ())

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ end
Descent() = Descent(0.1)
function update!(o::Descent, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::Descent, x, Δ)
Δ .*= o.eta
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end
Momentum(η = 0.01, ρ = 0.9) = Momentum(η, ρ, IdDict())
function update!(o::Momentum, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::Momentum, x, Δ)
η, ρ = o.eta, o.rho
v = get!(o.velocity, x, zero(x))::typeof(x)
@. v = ρ * v - η * Δ
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ end
Nesterov(η = 0.001, ρ = 0.9) = Nesterov(η, ρ, IdDict())
function update!(o::Nesterov, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::Nesterov, x, Δ)
η, ρ = o.eta, o.rho
v = get!(o.velocity, x, zero(x))::typeof(x)
d = @. ρ^2 * v - (1+ρ) * η * Δ
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ end
RMSProp(η = 0.001, ρ = 0.9) = RMSProp(η, ρ, IdDict())
function update!(o::RMSProp, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::RMSProp, x, Δ)
η, ρ = o.eta, o.rho
acc = get!(o.acc, x, zero(x))::typeof(x)
@. acc = ρ * acc + (1 - ρ) * Δ^2
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ end
ADAM(η = 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999)) = ADAM(η, β, IdDict())
function update!(o::ADAM, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::ADAM, x, Δ)
η, β = o.eta, o.beta
mt, vt, βp = get!(o.state, x, (zero(x), zero(x), β))
@. mt = β[1] * mt + (1 - β[1]) * Δ
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ end
AdaMax(η = 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999)) = AdaMax(η, β, IdDict())
function update!(o::AdaMax, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::AdaMax, x, Δ)
η, β = o.eta, o.beta
mt, ut, βp = get!(o.state, x, (zero(x), zero(x), β))
@. mt = β[1] * mt + (1 - β[1]) * Δ
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ end
ADAGrad(η = 0.1) = ADAGrad(η, IdDict())
function update!(o::ADAGrad, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::ADAGrad, x, Δ)
η = o.eta
acc = get!(o.acc, x, fill(ϵ, size(x)))::typeof(x)
@. acc += Δ^2
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ end
ADADelta(ρ = 0.9) = ADADelta(ρ, IdDict())
function update!(o::ADADelta, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::ADADelta, x, Δ)
ρ = o.rho
acc, Δacc = get!(o.state, x, (zero(x), zero(x)))
@. acc = ρ * acc + (1 - ρ) * Δ^2
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ end
AMSGrad(η = 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999)) = AMSGrad(η, β, IdDict())
function update!(o::AMSGrad, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::AMSGrad, x, Δ)
η, β = o.eta, o.beta
mt, vt, v̂t = get!(o.state, x, (fill(ϵ, size(x)), fill(ϵ, size(x)), fill(ϵ, size(x))))
@. mt = β[1] * mt + (1 - β[1]) * Δ
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ end
NADAM(η = 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999)) = NADAM(η, β, IdDict())
function update!(o::NADAM, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::NADAM, x, Δ)
η, β = o.eta, o.beta
β1p, β2p = o.beta
mt, vt = get!(o.state, x, (zero(x), zero(x)))
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ end
[ADAMW]( fixing weight decay regularization in Adam.
ADAMW(η = 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999), decay = 0) =
Optimiser(ADAM(η, β), WeightDecay(wd))
Optimiser(ADAM(η, β), WeightDecay(decay))
# Compose optimizers
@ -250,13 +250,21 @@ Optimiser(o...) = Optimiser(Any[o...])
Base.getindex(c::Optimiser, i::AbstractArray) = Optimiser(c.os[i]...)
function update!(o::Optimiser, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::Optimiser, x, Δ)
for opt in o.os
Δ = update!(opt, x, Δ)
Δ = apply!(opt, x, Δ)
return Δ
Apply inverse time decay to an optimiser
Optimiser(InvDecay(..), Opt(..))
mutable struct InvDecay
@ -264,7 +272,7 @@ end
InvDecay(γ = 0.001) = InvDecay(γ, IdDict())
function update!(o::InvDecay, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::InvDecay, x, Δ)
γ = o.gamma
n = get!(o.state, x, 1)
Δ .*= 1 / (1 + γ * n)
@ -272,6 +280,16 @@ function update!(o::InvDecay, x, Δ)
return Δ
`ExpDecay(eta, decay, decay_step, clip)`
Schedule the learning rate `eta` by `decay` every `decay_step` till a minimum of `clip`.
To apply exponential decay to an optimiser:
Optimiser(ExpDecay(..), Opt(..))
mutable struct ExpDecay
@ -282,7 +300,7 @@ end
ExpDecay(opt = 0.001, decay = 0.1, decay_step = 1000, clip = 1e-4) = ExpDecay(opt, decay, decay_step, clip, IdDict())
function update!(o::ExpDecay, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::ExpDecay, x, Δ)
η, s, decay = o.eta, o.step, o.decay
n = o.current[x] = get(o.current, x, 0) + 1
if o.current[x]%s == 0 && count(x -> x%s == 0, values(o.current)) == 1
@ -292,13 +310,18 @@ function update!(o::ExpDecay, x, Δ)
@. Δ *= decay
Decay the weight parameter by `wd`
mutable struct WeightDecay
WeightDecay() = WeightDecay(0)
function update!(o::WeightDecay, x, Δ)
function apply!(o::WeightDecay, x, Δ)
wd = o.wd
@. Δ += wd * x

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@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
using Juno
using Flux.Tracker: data, grad, back!
import Flux.Tracker: data, grad, back!, update!
import Base.depwarn
function update!(opt, xs)
function update!(opt, x, )
update!(x, apply!(opt, x, copy(data())))
function _update_params!(opt, xs)
for x in xs
Δ = update!(opt,, x.grad)
Δ = apply!(opt,, x.grad) .-= Δ
Δ .= 0
@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ function stop()
train!(model, loss, data, opt)
train!(loss, params, data, opt; cb)
For each datapoint `d` in `data` computes the gradient of `loss(d...)` through
backpropagation and calls the optimizer `opt`.
@ -54,11 +58,11 @@ Takes a callback as keyword argument `cb`. For example, this will print "trainin
every 10 seconds:
Flux.train!(model, loss, data, opt,
Flux.train!(loss, params, data, opt,
cb = throttle(() -> println("training"), 10))
The callback can return `:stop` to interrupt the training loop.
The callback can call `Flux.stop()` to interrupt the training loop.
Multiple optimisers and callbacks can be passed to `opt` and `cb` as arrays.
@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ function train!(loss, ps, data, opt; cb = () -> ())
l = loss(d...)
@interrupts back!(l)
update!(opt, ps)
_update_params!(opt, ps)
if cb() == :stop
depwarn("Use of `:stop` is deprecated; use `Flux.stop()` instead", :stop)

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using MacroTools: @q, @forward
import Base: ==
export TrackedArray, TrackedVector, TrackedMatrix, Params, gradient,
param, back!
jacobian, hessian, param, back!
tracker(x) = nothing
@ -61,24 +61,20 @@ macro grad(ex)
@q(Tracker._forward($(args...)) where $(T...) = $body) |> esc
function update!(x, Δ) .+= data(Δ)
tracker(x).grad .= 0
return x
hook(f, x) -> x
Hook into gradient backpropagation. `x` is unmodified, but when backpropagating
`f` will be applied to the incoming gradient. For example, `hook(-, x)` will reverse
the sign of the gradient applied to `x`."""
the sign of the gradient applied to `x`.
hook(f, x) = istracked(x) ? track(hook, f, x) : x
@grad hook(f, x) = data(x), Δ -> (nothing, f(Δ))

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function back!(x, Δ; once = true)
function gradient_(f, xs...)
xs = param.(xs)
xs = param.(data.(xs))
l = f(xs...)
@ -179,3 +179,30 @@ end
gradient(f, xs...; nest = false) =
nest ? gradient_nested(f, xs...) : gradient_(f, xs...)
gradient(f, ps::Params) = gradient_nested(f, ps)
# Jacobians and Hessians
import ..Flux
J = jacobian(m,x)
Calculate the output jacobian `J = d/dx m(x)` such that each row `i` of `J` corresponds to the gradient `J[i,:] = ∇ₓ(m(x)[i])`
function jacobian(m,x)
xp = param(x)
y = m(xp)
k = length(y)
n = length(x)
J = Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef,k,n)
for i = 1:k
Flux.back!(y[i], once = false) # Populate gradient accumulator
J[i,:] = xp.grad
xp.grad .= 0 # Reset gradient accumulator
hessian(f, x) = jacobian(x -> gradient(f, x, nest=true)[1], x)

src/tracker/forward.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
using ForwardDiff
seed(x::Real, ::Val) = Dual(x, true)
function seed(x, ::Val{N}, offset = 0) where N
map(x, reshape(1:length(x), size(x))) do x, i
Dual(x, ntuple(j -> j+offset == i, Val(N)))
extract(x::ForwardDiff.Dual) = x.value, [x.partials...]
function extract(xs::AbstractArray{ForwardDiff.Dual{T,V,N}}) where {T,V,N}
J = similar(xs, V, N, length(xs))
for i = 1:length(xs), j = 1:N
J[j, i] = xs[i].partials.values[j]
return map(x -> x.value, xs), J
function forward_jacobian(f, x, ::Val{N}) where N
y, _J = extract(f(seed(x, Val(N))))
J = similar(_J, length(x), length(y))
J[1:N,:] = _J
offset = 0
while offset + N < length(x)
offset += N
_, _J = extract(f(seed(x, Val(N), offset)))
range = (1+offset):min(N+offset,length(x))
J[range,:] = @view _J[range.-offset,:]
return y, J
function forward_jacobian(f, x)
if length(x) < ForwardDiff.DEFAULT_CHUNK_THRESHOLD
forward_jacobian(f, x, Val(length(x)))
forward_jacobian(f, x, Val(ForwardDiff.DEFAULT_CHUNK_THRESHOLD))
forwarddiff(f, x) = istracked(x) ? track(forwarddiff, f, x) : f(x)
vec_scalar(x) = vec(x)
vec_scalar(x::Real) = [x]
reshape_scalar(x, y) = reshape(y, size(x))
reshape_scalar(x::Real, y) = y[]
@grad function forwarddiff(f, x)
y, J = forward_jacobian(f, data(x))
return y, -> (nothing, reshape_scalar(x, J*vec_scalar()))

View File

@ -65,6 +65,12 @@ Base.setindex!(xs::TrackedArray, v, i...) =
back!(::TrackedArray) = error("Value is not scalar; use `back!(sum(x))` or `back!(x, Δ)`")
function update!(x::TrackedArray, Δ) .+= data(Δ)
tracker(x).grad .= 0
return x
# Fallthrough methods
for f in :[Base.size, Base.ndims, Base.collect].args
@ -115,8 +121,8 @@ Base.:-(xs::TrackedArray) = track(-, xs)
Base.transpose(xs::TrackedArray) = track(transpose, xs)
Base.adjoint(xs::TrackedArray) = track(adjoint, xs)
@grad transpose(xs) = transpose(data(xs)), Δ -> (reshape(transpose(Δ), size(xs)),)
@grad adjoint(xs) = data(xs)', Δ -> (reshape(Δ', size(xs)),)
@grad transpose(xs) = transpose(data(xs)), Δ -> (trim(xs, transpose(Δ)),)
@grad adjoint(xs) = data(xs)', Δ -> (trim(xs, Δ'),)
Base.repeat(xs::TrackedArray; kw...) = track(repeat, xs; kw...)
@ -136,30 +142,28 @@ Base.repeat(xs::TrackedArray; kw...) = track(repeat, xs; kw...)
for f in [:vcat, :hcat]
UArray = :(Union{TrackedArray,Vector,Matrix,Adjoint,Transpose})
@eval begin
# This section is a bit of a hack since julia doesn't have a standardised
# promotion mechanism for concatenation yet
function combinations(xs, n)
n < 1 && return [[]]
cs = combinations(xs, n-1)
[[x, c...] for x in xs, c in cs]
# It should support tracked concatenation with rank ∈ (1,2) with a
# TrackedArray anywhere among the arguments This works as long as base has
# other functions that captures `(::Union{Vector,RowVector,Matrix}...)`.
Base.$f(a::$UArray...) = track($f, a...)
for i = 0:2, c = combinations([:AbstractArray, :TrackedArray], i), f = [:hcat, :vcat]
cnames = map(_ -> gensym(), c)
@eval Base.$f($([:($x::$c) for (x, c) in zip(cnames, c)]...), x::TrackedArray, xs::AbstractArray...) =
track($f, $(cnames...), x, xs...)
# It should support tracked concatenation with rank>2 if the TrackedArray is
# first
Base.$f(a::TrackedArray, b::AbstractArray...) = track($f, a, b...)
Base.$f(a::TrackedArray, b::$UArray...) = track($f, a, b...) # resolves ambiguity introduced by previous row
for i = 0:2, c = combinations([:AbstractVecOrMat, :TrackedVecOrMat], i), f = [:hcat, :vcat]
cnames = map(_ -> gensym(), c)
@eval Base.$f($([:($x::$c{T}) for (x, c) in zip(cnames, c)]...), x::TrackedVecOrMat{T}, xs::AbstractVecOrMat{T}...) where T =
track($f, $(cnames...), x, xs...)
# It should support tracked concatenation with rank>2 if the TrackedArray is
# second
Base.$f(a::Array, b::TrackedArray, c::AbstractArray...) = track($f, a, b, c...)
Base.$f(a::Union{Vector,Matrix,Adjoint,Transpose}, b::TrackedArray,
c::$UArray...) =
track($f, a, b, c...) # resolves ambiguity introduced by previous row
for i = 0:2, c = combinations([:AbstractVector, :TrackedVector], i), f = [:hcat, :vcat]
cnames = map(_ -> gensym(), c)
@eval Base.$f($([:($x::$c{T}) for (x, c) in zip(cnames, c)]...), x::TrackedVector{T}, xs::AbstractVector{T}...) where T =
track($f, $(cnames...), x, xs...)
@grad function vcat(xs...)
@ -192,10 +196,11 @@ end
end; dims) = track(cat, a, dims = dims), b::TrackedArray, c::AbstractArray...; dims) = track(cat, a, b, c..., dims = dims), b::AbstractArray, c::AbstractArray...; dims) = track(cat, a, b, c..., dims = dims), b::TrackedArray, c::AbstractArray...; dims) = track(cat, a, b, c..., dims = dims)
for i = 0:2, c = combinations([:AbstractArray, :TrackedArray], i)
cnames = map(_ -> gensym(), c)
@eval$([:($x::$c) for (x, c) in zip(cnames, c)]...), x::TrackedArray, xs::AbstractArray...; dims) =
track(cat, $(cnames...), x, xs..., dims = dims)
@grad function cat(Xs...; dims)
cat(data.(Xs)..., dims = dims), function (Δ)
@ -218,8 +223,11 @@ Base.reshape(xs::TrackedArray, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64}}) = track(reshape, xs,
@grad reshape(xs, dims) = reshape(data(xs), dims), Δ -> (reshape(Δ, size(xs)),nothing)
Base.permutedims(xs::TrackedArray, dims) = track(permutedims, xs, dims)
@grad permutedims(xs, dims) = permutedims(data(xs), dims), Δ -> (permutedims(Δ, invperm(dims)),nothing)
Base.permutedims(xs::TrackedArray, perm) = track(permutedims, xs, perm)
@grad permutedims(xs, perm) = permutedims(data(xs), perm), Δ -> (permutedims(Δ, invperm(perm)),nothing)
Base.PermutedDimsArray(xs::TrackedArray, perm) = track(PermutedDimsArray, xs, perm)
@grad PermutedDimsArray(xs, perm) = PermutedDimsArray(data(xs), perm), Δ -> (PermutedDimsArray(Δ, invperm(perm)),nothing)
function _kron(mat1::AbstractMatrix,mat2::AbstractMatrix)
m1, n1 = size(mat1)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
struct TrackedReal{T<:Real} <: Real
mutable struct TrackedReal{T<:Real} <: Real
@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ function back!(x::TrackedReal; once = true)
return back!(x, 1, once = once)
function update!(x::TrackedReal, Δ) += data(Δ)
tracker(x).grad = 0
return x
function, x::TrackedReal)
T = get(io, :typeinfo, Any)
show(io, data(x))
@ -33,6 +39,8 @@ Base.convert(::Type{TrackedReal{T}}, x::Real) where T = TrackedReal(convert(T, x
Base.convert(::Type{TrackedReal{T}}, x::TrackedReal{S}) where {T,S} =
error("Not implemented: convert tracked $S to tracked $T")
(T::Type{<:TrackedReal})(x::Real) = convert(T, x)
for op in [:(==), :≈, :<, :(<=)]
@eval Base.$op(x::TrackedReal, y::Real) = Base.$op(data(x), y)
@eval Base.$op(x::Real, y::TrackedReal) = Base.$op(x, data(y))
@ -46,11 +54,19 @@ for f in :[isinf, isnan, isfinite].args
@eval Base.$f(x::TrackedReal) = Base.$f(data(x))
Base.Printf.fix_dec(x::TrackedReal, n::Int) = Base.Printf.fix_dec(data(x), n)
Base.Printf.fix_dec(x::TrackedReal, n::Int, a...) = Base.Printf.fix_dec(data(x), n, a...)
Base.float(x::TrackedReal) = x
Base.promote_rule(::Type{TrackedReal{S}},::Type{T}) where {S,T} =
using Random
for f in :[rand, randn, randexp].args
@eval Random.$f(rng::AbstractRNG,::Type{TrackedReal{T}}) where {T} = param(rand(rng,T))
using DiffRules, SpecialFunctions, NaNMath
for (M, f, arity) in DiffRules.diffrules()
@ -85,6 +101,13 @@ import Base:^
^(a::TrackedReal, b::Integer) = track(^, a, b)
# Hack for conversions
using ForwardDiff: Dual
(T::Type{<:Real})(x::Dual) = Dual(T(x.value), map(T, x.partials.values))
(Dual{T,V,N})(x::Dual) where {T,V,N} = invoke(Dual{T,V,N}, Tuple{Number}, x)
# Tuples
struct TrackedTuple{T<:Tuple}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Adapt: adapt
import Adapt: adapt, adapt_storage
import .Tracker: IdSet
children(x) = ()
@ -14,11 +14,6 @@ function treelike(m::Module, T, fs = fieldnames(T))
function treelike(T, fs = fieldnames(T))
Base.depwarn("`treelike(T)` is deprecated, use `@treelike T`", :treelike)
treelike(Base._current_module(), T, fs)
macro treelike(T, fs = nothing)
fs == nothing || isexpr(fs, :tuple) || error("@treelike T (a, b)")
fs = fs == nothing ? [] : [:($(map(QuoteNode, fs.args)...),)]
@ -69,3 +64,22 @@ gpu_adaptor = identity
gpu(x) = mapleaves(gpu_adaptor, x)
# Precision
adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = convert.(T, xs)
paramtype(T::Type{<:Real}, m) = mapleaves(x -> adapt(T, x), m)
f32(m) = paramtype(Float32, m)
f64(m) = paramtype(Float64, m)
# General parameter map
function mapparams(f, m)
mapleaves(m) do x
Tracker.istracked(x) ? param(f( :
x isa Union{AbstractArray,Number} ? f(x) :

View File

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ zeros(dims...) = Base.zeros(Float32, dims...)
unsqueeze(xs, dim) = reshape(xs, (size(xs)[1:dim-1]..., 1, size(xs)[dim:end]...))
stack(xs, dim) = cat(dim, unsqueeze.(xs, dim)...)
unstack(xs, dim) = [slicedim(xs, dim, i) for i = 1:size(xs, dim)]
stack(xs, dim) = cat(unsqueeze.(xs, dim)..., dims=dim)
unstack(xs, dim) = [copy(selectdim(xs, dim, i)) for i in 1:size(xs, dim)]
chunk(xs, n)
@ -139,25 +139,6 @@ function throttle(f, timeout; leading=true, trailing=false)
J = jacobian(m,x)
Calculate the output jacobian `J = d/dx m(x)` such that each row `i` of `J` corresponds to the gradient `J[i,:] = ∇ₓ(m(x)[i])`
function jacobian(m,x)
xp = param(x)
y = m(xp)
k = length(y)
n = length(x)
J = Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef,n,k)
for i = 1:k
Flux.back!(y[i], once = false) # Populate gradient accumulator
J[:,i] = xp.grad
xp.grad .= 0 # Reset gradient accumulator
@jit ...

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ x = param(randn(5, 5))
cx = gpu(x)
@test cx isa TrackedArray && isa CuArray
@test Flux.onecold(param(gpu([1.,2.,3.]))) == 3
x = Flux.onehotbatch([1, 2, 3], 1:3)
cx = gpu(x)
@test cx isa Flux.OneHotMatrix && isa CuArray

View File

@ -21,3 +21,15 @@ end
@test size(m(r)) == (10, 5)
@testset "Depthwise Conv" begin
r = zeros(Float32, 28, 28, 3, 5)
m1 = DepthwiseConv((2, 2), 3=>5)
@test size(m1(r), 3) == 15
m2 = DepthwiseConv((2, 2), 3)
@test size(m2(r), 3) == 3

View File

@ -49,4 +49,16 @@ const ϵ = 1e-7
@testset "logitbinarycrossentropy" begin
@test logitbinarycrossentropy.(logŷ, y) binarycrossentropy.(σ.(logŷ), y; ϵ=0)
@testset "no spurious promotions" begin
for T in (Float16, Float32, Float64)
y = rand(T, 2)
ŷ = rand(T, 2)
for f in (mse, crossentropy, logitcrossentropy)
fwd, back = Flux.Tracker.forward(mse, , y)
@test typeof(fwd) == Flux.Tracker.TrackedReal{T}
@test eltype(back(one(T))[1]) == Flux.Tracker.TrackedReal{T}

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using Flux.Tracker
using Test
@testset "Optimise" begin
w = randn(10, 10)
@testset for Opt in [ADAGrad, AdaMax, ADADelta, AMSGrad, NADAM, Descent, ADAM, Nesterov, RMSProp, Momentum]
@testset for Opt in [ADAMW, ADAGrad, AdaMax, ADADelta, AMSGrad, NADAM, Descent, ADAM, Nesterov, RMSProp, Momentum]
w = param(randn(10, 10))
loss(x) = Flux.mse(w*x, w*x)
opt = Opt(0.001)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ using Test
for t = 1: 10^5
l = loss(rand(10))
delta = Optimise.update!(opt,, w.grad)
delta = Optimise.apply!(opt,, w.grad) .-= delta
@test Flux.mse(w, w) < 0.01
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ end
for t = 1:10^5
l = loss(rand(10))
delta = Optimise.update!(opt,, w.grad)
delta = Optimise.apply!(opt,, w.grad) .-= delta
@test Flux.mse(w, w) < 0.01

View File

@ -1,18 +1,3 @@
# Pkg.test runs with --check_bounds=1, forcing all bounds checks.
# This is incompatible with CUDAnative (see JuliaGPU/CUDAnative.jl#98)
if Base.JLOptions().check_bounds == 1
file = @__FILE__
--color=$(Base.have_color ? "yes" : "no")
--compiled-modules=$(Bool(Base.JLOptions().use_compiled_modules) ? "yes" : "no")
--startup-file=$(Base.JLOptions().startupfile != 2 ? "yes" : "no")
--code-coverage=$(["none", "user", "all"][1+Base.JLOptions().code_coverage])
using Flux, Test, Random, Statistics
using Random

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using Flux
using Flux.Tracker, Test, NNlib
using Flux.Tracker: TrackedReal, gradcheck, grad, checkpoint
using Flux.Tracker: TrackedReal, gradient, gradcheck, grad, checkpoint, forwarddiff
using NNlib: conv, ∇conv_data, depthwiseconv
using Printf: @sprintf
using LinearAlgebra: diagm, dot, LowerTriangular, norm
@ -42,12 +42,7 @@ function promotiontest(f, A, B, C)
r0 = f(A, B, C)
r1 = f(param(A), B, C)
r2 = f(A, param(B), C)
if all(ndims.((A,B,C)) .≤ 2) && f [hcat, vcat]
r3 = f(A, B, param(C))
@test_throws MethodError f(A, B, param(C)) # until julia#20815 is resolved
r3 = r2
r3 = f(A, B, param(C))
r4 = f(param(A), param(B), param(C))
@test !isa(r0, TrackedArray)
@ -121,6 +116,7 @@ end
@test gradtest(x -> permutedims(x, [3,1,2]), rand(4,5,6))
@test gradtest(x -> PermutedDimsArray(x, [3,1,2]), rand(4,5,6))
@test gradtest(x -> repeat(x; inner=2), rand(5))
@test gradtest(x -> repeat(x; inner=2, outer=3), rand(5))
@ -202,6 +198,8 @@ end
@test gradtest(x -> meanpool(x, (2,2)), rand(10, 10, 3, 2))
@test gradtest(x -> meanpool(x, (2,2,2)), rand(5, 5, 5, 3, 2))
@test gradtest(x -> Float64.(x), 5)
@testset "equality & order" begin
# TrackedReal
@test param(2)^2 == param(4)
@ -273,7 +271,7 @@ Tracker.back!(b)
@test grad.((x,y)) == (3, 2)
@test Tracker.gradient(2, 3) do x, y
@test gradient(2, 3) do x, y
xy = Tracker.collect([x, y])
end == (3, 2)
@ -299,4 +297,31 @@ end
@test count == 3
@testset "Updates" begin
xs = param([1, 2, 3])
Tracker.update!(xs, param([4, 5, 6]))
@test xs == [5, 7, 9]
x = param(3)
Tracker.update!(x, param(4))
@test x == 7
@testset "Params" begin
W = param(randn(5, 10))
x = rand(10)
dW = gradient(W -> sum(W*x), W)[1]
gs = gradient(() -> sum(W*x), Tracker.Params([W]))
@test gs[W] == dW
@testset "Forward" begin
@test @inferred(Tracker.forward_jacobian(x -> [sum(x)], rand(5,5), Val(12)))[2] ==
reshape(ones(25), :, 1)
@test gradient([2, 3]) do x
forwarddiff(x) do x
end == ([3, 2],)
end #testset

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using Flux
using Flux: throttle, jacobian, glorot_uniform, glorot_normal
using Flux: throttle, jacobian, glorot_uniform, glorot_normal, stack, unstack
using StatsBase: std
using Random
using Test
@ -86,3 +86,22 @@ end
m = RNN(10, 5)
@test size.(params(m)) == [(5, 10), (5, 5), (5,), (5,)]
@testset "Precision" begin
m = Chain(Dense(10, 5, relu), Dense(5, 2))
x = rand(10)
@test eltype(m[1] == Float32
@test eltype(m(x).data) == Float32
@test eltype(f64(m)(x).data) == Float64
@test eltype(f64(m)[1] == Float64
@test eltype(f32(f64(m))[1] == Float32
@test Tracker.isleaf(f32(f64(m))[1].W)
@testset "Stacking" begin
stacked_array=[ 8 9 3 5; 9 6 6 9; 9 1 7 2; 7 4 10 6 ]
unstacked_array=[[8, 9, 9, 7], [9, 6, 1, 4], [3, 6, 7, 10], [5, 9, 2, 6]]
@test unstack(stacked_array, 2) == unstacked_array
@test stack(unstacked_array, 2) == stacked_array
@test stack(unstack(stacked_array, 1), 1) == stacked_array