Merge pull request #600 from FluxML/tb/cuptr

Adapt to the new CUDAdrv.CuPtr pointer type.
This commit is contained in:
Tim Besard 2019-03-22 14:37:55 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit f2dc57f938
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 40 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
module CUDA
using ..CuArrays
import ..CuArrays.CUDAdrv: CuPtr, CU_NULL
using Pkg.TOML
function version_check()
minor_version = 9
major_version = 1
project = joinpath(dirname(pathof(CuArrays)), "../Project.toml")
project = TOML.parse(String(read(project)))
version = VersionNumber(get(project, "version", "0.0.0"))
if !(version.major == 0 && version.minor == minor_version)
if version.major != major_version
@warn """
Flux is only supported with CuArrays v0.$minor_version.
Try running `] pin CuArrays@0.$minor_version`.
Flux is only supported with CuArrays v$major_version.x.
Try running `] pin CuArrays@$major_version`.

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function DropoutDesc(ρ::Real; seed::Integer=0)
@check ccall((:cudnnDropoutGetStatesSize,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Csize_t}),handle(),s)
states = CuArray{UInt8}(undef, s[]) # TODO: can we drop this when ρ=0?
desc = DropoutDesc(d[], states)
@check ccall((:cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Nothing},Cfloat,Ptr{Nothing},Csize_t,Culonglong),
@check ccall((:cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Nothing},Ptr{Nothing},Cfloat,CuPtr{Nothing},Csize_t,Culonglong),
finalizer(desc) do x
@check ccall((:cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Nothing},),x)
@ -79,18 +79,18 @@ function cudnnBNForward!(y::CuArray{T}, g::CuArray{T}, b::CuArray{T}, x::CuArray
mean = zeros(CuArray{T}, dims...)
ivar = ones(CuArray{T}, dims...)
mean = C_NULL
ivar = C_NULL
mean = CU_NULL
ivar = CU_NULL
@check ccall((:cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Cdouble, Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Cdouble, Ptr{T}, Ptr{T}),
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, CuPtr{T},
Cdouble, CuPtr{T}, CuPtr{T},
Cdouble, CuPtr{T}, CuPtr{T}),
Ref(T(alpha)), Ref(T(beta)),
xd, x,
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ function cudnnBNForward!(y::CuArray{T}, g::CuArray{T}, b::CuArray{T}, x::CuArray
@check ccall((:cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, CuPtr{T},
CuPtr{T}, CuPtr{T},
Ref(T(alpha)), Ref(T(beta)),
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ function cudnnBNBackward!(dg::CuArray{T}, g::CuArray{T}, db::CuArray{T},
mean, ivar = cache.mean, cache.ivar
info("mean and ivar are fetched from the cache")
mean, ivar = C_NULL, C_NULL
mean, ivar = CU_NULL, CU_NULL
@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ function cudnnBNBackward!(dg::CuArray{T}, g::CuArray{T}, db::CuArray{T},
Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{T},
Cdouble, Ptr{T}, Ptr{T}),
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, CuPtr{T}, CuPtr{T},
Cdouble, CuPtr{T}, CuPtr{T}),
Ref(T(alpha)), Ref(T(beta)),
Ref(T(dalpha)), Ref(T(dbeta)),

View File

@ -101,18 +101,18 @@ function cudnnRNNForward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, cd, c, wd, w, yd
if reserve == nothing
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNForwardInference, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
CuPtr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
handle(), rnn, seqlen,
xd, x, hd, h, cd, c, wd, w, yd, y, hod, ho, cod, co,
workspace, length(workspace))
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNForwardTraining, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
CuPtr{Nothing}, Csize_t, CuPtr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
handle(), rnn, seqlen,
xd, x, hd, h, cd, c, wd, w, yd, y, hod, ho, cod, co,
workspace, length(workspace), reserve, length(reserve))
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ end
xDesc(x) = [TensorDesc(eltype(x), (1, size(x, 1), size(x, 2)))]
hDesc(h::Nothing) = C_NULL, C_NULL
hDesc(h::Nothing) = C_NULL, CU_NULL
hDesc(x::Integer) = (@assert x == 0; hDesc(nothing))
function hDesc(h::CuArray)
TensorDesc(eltype(h), (size(h, 1), size(h, 2), 1)), h
@ -169,10 +169,10 @@ function cudnnRNNBackwardData(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, yd, y, dyd, dy, dhod, dho
wd, w, hd, h, cd, c, dxd, dx, dhd, dh, dcd, dc, ws, rs) where T
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNBackwardData,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing},
Ptr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing},
CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T},
CuPtr{Nothing}, Csize_t, CuPtr{Nothing}, Csize_t),
handle(), rnn, seqlen, yd, y, dyd, dy, dhod, dho, dcod, dco,
wd, w, hd, h, cd, c, dxd, dx, dhd, dh, dcd, dc, ws, length(ws), rs, length(rs))
@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ function cudnnRNNBackwardWeights(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, yd, y, d
workspace, reserve) where T
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNBackwardWeights,libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{Nothing}, Cint, # handle, rnnDesc, seqLength
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, #x
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, #hx
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{T}, #y
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, #ws
Ptr{Nothing}, Ptr{T}, #dw
Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t), #rs
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, #x
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, #hx
Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, CuPtr{T}, #y
CuPtr{Nothing}, Csize_t, #ws
Ptr{Nothing}, CuPtr{T}, #dw
CuPtr{Nothing}, Csize_t), #rs
handle(), rnn, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, yd, y,
workspace, length(workspace), dwd, dw, reserve, length(reserve))