Add SamePad for conv layers
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ using MacroTools: @forward
using Zygote: Params, @adjoint, gradient, pullback
export gradient
export Chain, Dense, Maxout, RNN, LSTM, GRU, Conv, CrossCor, ConvTranspose, MaxPool, MeanPool,
export Chain, Dense, Maxout, RNN, LSTM, GRU, SamePad, Conv, CrossCor, ConvTranspose, MaxPool, MeanPool,
DepthwiseConv, Dropout, AlphaDropout, LayerNorm, BatchNorm, InstanceNorm, GroupNorm,
SkipConnection, params, fmap, cpu, gpu, f32, f64
@ -2,6 +2,28 @@ using NNlib: conv, ∇conv_data, depthwiseconv
expand(N, i::Tuple) = i
expand(N, i::Integer) = ntuple(_ -> i, N)
Padding for convolutional layers will be calculated so that outputshape == inputshape when stride = 1.
For stride > 1 the output shape depends on the type of convolution layer.
struct SamePad end
calc_padding(pad, k::NTuple{N,T}, dilation, stride) where {T,N}= expand(Val(2*(N-2)), pad)
function calc_padding(::SamePad, k, dilation, stride)
#Formula from Relationship 14 in
# Effective kernel size, including dilation
k_eff = @. k + (k - 1) * (dilation - 1)
# How much total padding needs to be applied?
pad_amt = @. k_eff - 1
# In case amount of padding is odd we need to apply different amounts to each side.
return Tuple(mapfoldl(i -> [ceil(Int, i/2), i ÷ 2], vcat, pad_amt))
Conv(size, in=>out)
Conv(size, in=>out, relu)
@ -22,6 +44,8 @@ In other words, a 100×100 RGB image would be a `100×100×3×1` array,
and a batch of 50 would be a `100×100×3×50` array.
Takes the keyword arguments `pad`, `stride` and `dilation`.
Use `pad=SamePad()` to apply padding so that outputsize == inputsize / stride
struct Conv{N,M,F,A,V}
@ -35,8 +59,8 @@ end
function Conv(w::AbstractArray{T,N}, b::AbstractVector{T}, σ = identity;
stride = 1, pad = 0, dilation = 1) where {T,N}
stride = expand(Val(N-2), stride)
pad = expand(Val(2*(N-2)), pad)
dilation = expand(Val(N-2), dilation)
pad = calc_padding(pad, size(w)[1:N-2], dilation, stride)
return Conv(σ, w, b, stride, pad, dilation)
@ -79,6 +103,8 @@ Data should be stored in WHCN order. In other words, a 100×100 RGB image would
be a `100×100×3` array, and a batch of 50 would be a `100×100×3×50` array.
Takes the keyword arguments `pad`, `stride` and `dilation`.
Use `pad=SamePad()` to apply padding so that outputsize == stride * inputsize - stride + 1
struct ConvTranspose{N,M,F,A,V}
@ -92,8 +118,8 @@ end
function ConvTranspose(w::AbstractArray{T,N}, b::AbstractVector{T}, σ = identity;
stride = 1, pad = 0, dilation = 1) where {T,N}
stride = expand(Val(N-2), stride)
pad = expand(Val(2*(N-2)), pad)
dilation = expand(Val(N-2), dilation)
pad = calc_padding(pad, size(w)[1:N-2], dilation, stride)
return ConvTranspose(σ, w, b, stride, pad, dilation)
@ -149,6 +175,8 @@ Data should be stored in WHCN order. In other words, a 100×100 RGB image would
be a `100×100×3` array, and a batch of 50 would be a `100×100×3×50` array.
Takes the keyword arguments `pad`, `stride` and `dilation`.
Use `pad=SamePad()` to apply padding so that outputsize == inputsize / stride
struct DepthwiseConv{N,M,F,A,V}
@ -162,8 +190,8 @@ end
function DepthwiseConv(w::AbstractArray{T,N}, b::AbstractVector{T}, σ = identity;
stride = 1, pad = 0, dilation = 1) where {T,N}
stride = expand(Val(N-2), stride)
pad = expand(Val(2*(N-2)), pad)
dilation = expand(Val(N-2), dilation)
pad = calc_padding(pad, size(w)[1:N-2], dilation, stride)
return DepthwiseConv(σ, w, b, stride, pad, dilation)
@ -221,6 +249,8 @@ In other words, a 100×100 RGB image would be a `100×100×3×1` array,
and a batch of 50 would be a `100×100×3×50` array.
Takes the keyword arguments `pad`, `stride` and `dilation`.
Use `pad=SamePad()` to apply padding so that outputsize == inputsize / stride
struct CrossCor{N,M,F,A,V}
@ -234,8 +264,8 @@ end
function CrossCor(w::AbstractArray{T,N}, b::AbstractVector{T}, σ = identity;
stride = 1, pad = 0, dilation = 1) where {T,N}
stride = expand(Val(N-2), stride)
pad = expand(Val(2*(N-2)), pad)
dilation = expand(Val(N-2), dilation)
pad = calc_padding(pad, size(w)[1:N-2], dilation, stride)
return CrossCor(σ, w, b, stride, pad, dilation)
@ -102,3 +102,20 @@ end
@testset "$ltype SamePad kernelsize $k" for ltype in (Conv, ConvTranspose, DepthwiseConv, CrossCor), k in ( (1,), (2,), (3,), (4,5), (6,7,8))
data = ones(Float32, (k .+ 3)..., 1,1)
l = ltype(k, 1=>1, pad=SamePad())
@test size(l(data)) == size(data)
l = ltype(k, 1=>1, pad=SamePad(), dilation = k .÷ 2)
@test size(l(data)) == size(data)
stride = 3
l = ltype(k, 1=>1, pad=SamePad(), stride = stride)
if ltype == ConvTranspose
@test size(l(data))[1:end-2] == stride .* size(data)[1:end-2] .- stride .- 1
@test size(l(data))[1:end-2] == ceil.(Int, size(data)[1:end-2] ./ stride)
Reference in New Issue