
117 lines
3.4 KiB

@testset "DataLoader" begin
X = reshape([1:10;], (2, 5))
Y = [1:5;]
d = DataLoader(X, batchsize=2)
@inferred first(d)
batches = collect(d)
@test eltype(batches) == eltype(d) == typeof(X)
@test length(batches) == 3
@test batches[1] == X[:,1:2]
@test batches[2] == X[:,3:4]
@test batches[3] == X[:,5:5]
d = DataLoader(X, batchsize=2, partial=false)
@inferred first(d)
batches = collect(d)
@test eltype(batches) == eltype(d) == typeof(X)
@test length(batches) == 2
@test batches[1] == X[:,1:2]
@test batches[2] == X[:,3:4]
d = DataLoader((X,), batchsize=2, partial=false)
@inferred first(d)
batches = collect(d)
@test eltype(batches) == eltype(d) == Tuple{typeof(X)}
@test length(batches) == 2
@test batches[1] == (X[:,1:2],)
@test batches[2] == (X[:,3:4],)
d = DataLoader((X, Y), batchsize=2)
@inferred first(d)
batches = collect(d)
@test eltype(batches) == eltype(d) == Tuple{typeof(X), typeof(Y)}
@test length(batches) == 3
@test length(batches[1]) == 2
@test length(batches[2]) == 2
@test length(batches[3]) == 2
@test batches[1][1] == X[:,1:2]
@test batches[1][2] == Y[1:2]
@test batches[2][1] == X[:,3:4]
@test batches[2][2] == Y[3:4]
@test batches[3][1] == X[:,5:5]
@test batches[3][2] == Y[5:5]
# test with NamedTuple
d = DataLoader((x=X, y=Y), batchsize=2)
@inferred first(d)
batches = collect(d)
@test eltype(batches) == eltype(d) == NamedTuple{(:x, :y), Tuple{typeof(X), typeof(Y)}}
@test length(batches) == 3
@test length(batches[1]) == 2
@test length(batches[2]) == 2
@test length(batches[3]) == 2
@test batches[1][1] == batches[1].x == X[:,1:2]
@test batches[1][2] == batches[1].y == Y[1:2]
@test batches[2][1] == batches[2].x == X[:,3:4]
@test batches[2][2] == batches[2].y == Y[3:4]
@test batches[3][1] == batches[3].x == X[:,5:5]
@test batches[3][2] == batches[3].y == Y[5:5]
# test interaction with `train!`
θ = ones(2)
X = zeros(2, 10)
loss(x) = sum((x .- θ).^2)
d = DataLoader(X)
Flux.train!(loss, [θ], ncycle(d, 10), Descent(0.1))
@test norm(θ) < 1e-4
# test interaction with `train!`
θ = zeros(2)
X = ones(2, 10)
Y = fill(2, 10)
loss(x, y) = sum((y - x'*θ).^2)
d = DataLoader((X, Y))
Flux.train!(loss, [θ], ncycle(d, 10), Descent(0.1))
@test norm(θ .- 1) < 1e-10
@testset "CMUDict" begin
@test cmudict()["CATASTROPHE"] == :[K,AH0,T,AE1,S,T,R,AH0,F,IY0].args
@test length(CMUDict.phones()) == 39
@test length(CMUDict.symbols()) == 84
@testset "MNIST" begin
@test MNIST.images()[1] isa Matrix
@test MNIST.labels() isa Vector{Int64}
@testset "FashionMNIST" begin
@test FashionMNIST.images()[1] isa Matrix
@test FashionMNIST.labels() isa Vector{Int64}
@testset "Sentiment" begin
@test Data.Sentiment.train() isa Vector{Data.Tree{Any}}
@testset "Iris" begin
@test Iris.features() isa Matrix
@test size(Iris.features()) == (4,150)
@test Iris.labels() isa Vector{String}
@test size(Iris.labels()) == (150,)
@testset "Housing" begin
@test Housing.features() isa Matrix # test broken due to SSL certifate expiration problem
@test size(Housing.features()) == (506, 13)
@test Housing.targets() isa Array{Float64}
@test size(Housing.targets()) == (506, 1)