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GlobalMeanPool, + DepthwiseConv, ConvTranspose, CrossCor, GRUCell, LSTMCell,RNNCell, Maxout +using Flux: params, outdims, sigmoid, rrelu, elu, celu, softsign, softplus, tanh, gelu, + hardsigmoid, logsigmoid,swish, selu, softmax, logsoftmax, hardtanh, + leakyrelu, relu6, lisht, tanhshrink, logcosh, mish, relu, trelu, + softshrink, identity +using Statistics: mean +using CUDAapi: has_cuda_gpu +export avgpowerdraw, modelflops + +include("power/powerdraw.jl") +include("neflops/measureutils.jl") +include("neflops/layerflops.jl") +include("neflops/gradientflops.jl") +include("neflops/modelflops.jl") + +function __init__() + @info "Finished loading GreenFlux..." end + +end # module diff --git a/src/neflops/gradientflops.jl b/src/neflops/gradientflops.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cd2a5b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/neflops/gradientflops.jl @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +""" + gradientflops(layer, input)::Float64 + +Calculates the number of non-embedding Floating Point Operations `neFLOPs` for most layers. +`layer` should be any of the [Flux](https://github.com/FluxML/Flux.jl) model layers except +`GlobalMaxPool` and `GlobalMeanPool`. + +# Example +```julia +layer = Conv((2, 2), 1=>16, relu) +input = (4,4) +layerflops(Conv((2, 2), 1=>16, relu),(4,4)) +``` +""" +function gradientflops(layer::Dense, input::Tuple) + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + x,y,Fn = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + x,y,_ = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + bi = length(layer.b) + noofoper = gradientoperations(layer) + return convert(Float64, ((xo*yo+bi)*noofoper)*Fm), (xo,yo) +end + +function gradientflops(layer::Maxout,input::Tuple) + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + x,y,Fm = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + x,y,_ = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + a,b = layer.over + return convert(Float64,xo*yo*Fm), (x,1) +end + + +function gradientflops(layer::Conv, input::Tuple) + _,_,_,outputfeaturemaps = size(layer.weight) + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + x,y,Fm = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + x,y,_ = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + noofoper = gradientoperations(layer) + if size(layer.bias) == () + return convert(Float64,xo*yo*noofoper*Fm), (xo,yo,outputfeaturemaps) + else + return convert(Float64,((xo*yo+size(layer.bias))*noofoper)*Fm), (xo,yo,outputfeaturemaps) + end +end + +function gradientflops(layer::MaxPool, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey = layer.k + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + x,y,Fm = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + x,y,_ = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + return convert(Float64,outx*outy*Fm), (outx,outy) +end + +gradientflops(layer::GlobalMaxPool, input::Tuple) = error("Must be implemented in a future release") + +function gradientflops(layer::MeanPool, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey = layer.k + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + x,y,Fm = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + x,y,_ = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + return convert(Float64,outx*outy*Fm), (outx,outy) +end + +gradientflops(layer::GlobalMeanPool, input::Tuple) = error("Must be implemented in a future release") + +function gradientflops(layer::DepthwiseConv, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey,inputfeaturemaps,outputfeaturemaps = size(layer.weight) + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + x,y,Fm = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + x,y,_ = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + noofoper = gradientoperations(layer) + if size(layer.bias) == () + return convert(Float64,kernelsizex*kernelsizey*noofoper*Fm), (outx,outy) + else + return convert(Float64,kernelsizex*kernelsizey*noofoper*Fm + (length(layer.bias)-1)), (outx,outy) + end +end + +function gradientflops(layer::ConvTranspose, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey,inputfeaturemaps,outputfeaturemaps = size(layer.weight) + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + x,y,Fm = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + x,y,_ = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + noofoper = gradientoperations(layer) + if size(layer.bias) == () + return convert(Float64,kernelsizex*kernelsizey*noofoper*Fm), (outx,outy) + else + return convert(Float64,kernelsizex*kernelsizey*noofoper*Fm + (length(layer.bias)-1)), (outx,outy) + end +end + +function gradientflops(layer::CrossCor, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey,inputfeaturemaps,outputfeaturemaps = size(layer.weight) + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + x,y,Fm = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + x,y,_ = input + xo, yo = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + noofoper = gradientoperations(layer) + if size(layer.bias) == () + return convert(Float64,kernelsizex*kernelsizey*noofoper*Fm), (outx,outy) + else + return convert(Float64,kernelsizex*kernelsizey*noofoper*Fm + (length(layer.bias)-1)), (outx,outy) + end +end + +function gradientflops(layer::Recur{T}, input::Tuple) where {T <: RNNCell} + inM,inN = input + WhM,WhN = size(layer.cell.Wh) + WiM,WiN = size(layer.cell.Wi) + hM = length(layer.cell.h) + noofoper = activationoperations(layer) + if size(layer.cell.b) == () + return convert(Float64,((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM)*noofoper)), (hM,1) + else + bM = length(layer.cell.b) + return convert(Float64,((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + bM)*noofoper)), (bM,1) + end +end + +function gradientflops(layer::Recur{T}, input::Tuple) where {T <: LSTMCell} + inM,inN = input + WhM,WhN = size(layer.cell.Wh) + WiM,WiN = size(layer.cell.Wi) + hM = length(layer.cell.h) + noofoper = 3 + if size(layer.cell.b) == () + return convert(Float64,((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+(3*hM)+((hM*noofoper)+hM)), (hM,1) + else + bM = length(layer.cell.b) + return convert(Float64,((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+(3*bM)+((bM*noofoper)+bM)), (bM,1) + end +end + +function gradientflops(layer::Recur{T}, input::Tuple) where {T <: GRUCell} + inM,inN = input + WhM,WhN = size(layer.cell.Wh) + WiM,WiN = size(layer.cell.Wi) + hM = length(layer.cell.h) + noofoper = 3 + if size(layer.cell.b) == () + return convert(Float64,((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+(3*hM)+((hM*noofoper)+hM)), (hM,1) + else + bM = length(layer.cell.b) + return convert(Float64,((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*(WiN+hM)-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+(4bM)), (bM,1) + end +end diff --git a/src/neflops/layerflops.jl b/src/neflops/layerflops.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46bfd6f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/neflops/layerflops.jl @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +""" + layerflops(layer, input)::Float64 + +Calculates the number of non-embedding Floating Point Operations `neFLOPs` for most layers. +`layer` should be any of the [Flux](https://github.com/FluxML/Flux.jl) model layers except +`GlobalMaxPool` and `GlobalMeanPool`. + +# Example +```julia +layer = Conv((2, 2), 1=>16, relu) +input = (4,4) +layerflops(Conv((2, 2), 1=>16, relu),(4,4)) +``` + +""" +function layerflops(layer::Dense,input::Tuple) + N,M = size(layer.W) + Mi = 0; Ni = 0; Fm = 1; out = 0 + if length(input) == 3 + Mi,Ni,Fm = input + out = outdims(layer,(Mi,Ni)) + elseif length(input) == 2 + Mi,Ni = input + Fm = 1 + out = outdims(layer,input) + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + bi = length(layer.b) + if length(out) < 2 + out = (out[1],1) + end + noofopers = activationoperations(layer) + return convert(Float64,((2*Mi*N - M)+bi)*noofopers*Fm), out +end + +function layerflops(layer::Maxout,input::Tuple) + i = 0; j = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + i,j,Fm = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + i,j = input + Fm = 1 + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + a,b = layer.over + return convert(Float64,a*b*j*i*Fm), (j,1) +end + + +function layerflops(layer::Conv, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey,inputfeaturemaps,outputfeaturemaps = size(layer.weight) + x = 0; y = 0 + if length(input) == 3 + x, y, _ = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + x, y = input + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + noofoper = activationoperations(layer) + if size(layer.bias) == () + return convert(Float64,inputfeaturemaps*(kernelsizex*kernelsizey+(kernelsizex*kernelsizey-1))*outx*outy + outx*outy*noofoper*outputfeaturemaps), (outx,outy,outputfeaturemaps) + else + return convert(Float64,(2*kernelsizex*kernelsizey)*inputfeaturemaps*outx*outy + outx*outy*noofoper*outputfeaturemaps), (outx,outy,outputfeaturemaps) + end +end + +function layerflops(layer::MaxPool, input::Tuple) + Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + _,_,Fm = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + _,_ = input + Fm = 1 + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + kernelsizex,kernelsizey = layer.k + outx, outy = outdims(layer,input) + return convert(Float64,kernelsizex*kernelsizey*outx*outy*Fm), (outx,outy) +end + +layerflops(layer::GlobalMaxPool, input::Tuple) = error("Must be implemented in a future release") + +function layerflops(layer::MeanPool, input::Tuple) + Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + _,_,Fm = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + _,_ = input + Fm = 1 + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + kernelsizex,kernelsizey = layer.k + outx, outy = outdims(layer,input) + return convert(Float64,kernelsizex*kernelsizey*outx*outy*Fm), (outx,outy) +end + +layerflops(layer::GlobalMeanPool, input::Tuple) = error("Must be implemented in a future release") + +function layerflops(layer::DepthwiseConv, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey,inputfeaturemaps,outputfeaturemaps = size(layer.weight) + x = 0; y = 0 + if length(input) == 3 + x, y, _ = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + x, y = input + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + noofoper = activationoperations(layer) + if size(layer.bias) == () + return convert(Float64,inputfeaturemaps*(kernelsizex*kernelsizey+(kernelsizex*kernelsizey-1))*outx*outy + outx*outy*noofoper*outputfeaturemaps), (outx,outy,outputfeaturemaps) + else + return convert(Float64,(2*kernelsizex*kernelsizey)*inputfeaturemaps*outx*outy + outx*outy*noofoper*outputfeaturemaps), (outx,outy,outputfeaturemaps) + end +end + +function layerflops(layer::ConvTranspose, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey,inputfeaturemaps,outputfeaturemaps = size(layer.weight) + x = 0; y = 0 + if length(input) == 3 + x, y, _ = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + x, y = input + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + noofoper = activationoperations(layer) + if size(layer.bias) == () + return convert(Float64,inputfeaturemaps*(kernelsizex*kernelsizey+(kernelsizex*kernelsizey-1))*outx*outy + outx*outy*noofoper*outputfeaturemaps), (outx,outy,outputfeaturemaps) + else + return convert(Float64,(2*kernelsizex*kernelsizey)*inputfeaturemaps*outx*outy + outx*outy*noofoper*outputfeaturemaps), (outx,outy,outputfeaturemaps) + end +end + +function layerflops(layer::CrossCor, input::Tuple) + kernelsizex,kernelsizey,inputfeaturemaps,outputfeaturemaps = size(layer.weight) + x = 0; y = 0 + if length(input) == 3 + x, y, _ = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + x, y = input + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + outx, outy = outdims(layer,(x,y)) + noofoper = activationoperations(layer) + if size(layer.bias) == () + return convert(Float64,inputfeaturemaps*(kernelsizex*kernelsizey+(kernelsizex*kernelsizey-1))*outx*outy + outx*outy*noofoper*outputfeaturemaps), (outx,outy,outputfeaturemaps) + else + return convert(Float64,(2*kernelsizex*kernelsizey)*inputfeaturemaps*outx*outy + outx*outy*noofoper*outputfeaturemaps), (outx,outy,outputfeaturemaps) + end +end + +function layerflops(layer::Recur{T}, input::Tuple) where {T <: RNNCell} + inM = 0; inN = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + inM,inN, Fm = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + inM,inN = input + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + WhM,WhN = size(layer.cell.Wh) + WiM,WiN = size(layer.cell.Wi) + hM = length(layer.cell.h) + noofoper = activationoperations(layer) + if size(layer.cell.b) == () + return convert(Float64,(((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM)*noofoper))*Fm), (hM,1) + else + bM = length(layer.cell.b) + return convert(Float64,(((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + bM)*noofoper))*Fm), (bM,1) + end +end + +function layerflops(layer::Recur{T}, input::Tuple) where {T <: LSTMCell} + inM = 0; inN = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + inM,inN, Fm = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + inM,inN = input + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + WhM,WhN = size(layer.cell.Wh) + WiM,WiN = size(layer.cell.Wi) + hM = length(layer.cell.h) + noofoper = 3 + if size(layer.cell.b) == () + return convert(Float64,(((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+(3*hM)+((hM*noofoper)+hM))*Fm), (hM,1) + else + bM = length(layer.cell.b) + return convert(Float64,(((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+(3*bM)+((bM*noofoper)+bM))*Fm), (bM,1) + end +end + +function layerflops(layer::Recur{T}, input::Tuple) where {T <: GRUCell} + inM = 0; inN = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(input) == 3 + inM,inN, Fm = input + elseif length(input) == 2 + inM,inN = input + else + error("Not a valid Input size, expected (::Int,::Int) or (::Int,::Int,::Int)") + end + WhM,WhN = size(layer.cell.Wh) + WiM,WiN = size(layer.cell.Wi) + hM = length(layer.cell.h) + noofoper = 3 + if size(layer.cell.b) == () + return convert(Float64,(((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM)*noofoper)+(3*hM)+((hM*noofoper)+hM))*Fm), (hM,1) + else + bM = length(layer.cell.b) + return convert(Float64,(((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*WiN-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+((2*WhN*WhM-hM + 2*WiM*(WiN+hM)-inM + 2*bM)*noofoper)+(4bM))*Fm), (bM,1) + end +end diff --git a/src/neflops/measureutils.jl b/src/neflops/measureutils.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6273319 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/neflops/measureutils.jl @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +""" + activationoperations(layer)::Int + +Outputs the approximate mumber of operations for a Flux activation function. + +```julia +layer = Conv(weight = weight, + σ = sigmoid) + +activationoperations(Conv(weight = weight, + σ = sigmoid)) +``` +""" +function activationoperations(layer::Recur) + layer = recurrentunpack(layer) + activation = layer.σ + if activation == sigmoid || activation == rrelu || activation == elu || activation == celu || + activation == softsign || activation == softplus || activation == tanh + noofoper = 3 + elseif activation == gelu + noofoper = 8 + elseif activation == hardsigmoid || activation == logsigmoid || activation == swish || + activation == selu || activation == softmax || activation == logsoftmax + noofoper = 4 + elseif activation == hardtanh || activation == leakyrelu || activation == relu6 || + activation == lisht || activation == tanhshrink + noofoper = 2 + elseif activation == logcosh || activation == mish + noofoper = 5 + elseif activation == relu || activation == trelu || activation == softshrink + noofoper = 1 + elseif activation == identity + noofoper = 0 + else + @info "Unkown activation type defaulting to identity" + return 0 + end + return noofoper +end + + +function activationoperations(layer) + activation = layer.σ + if activation == sigmoid || activation == rrelu || activation == elu || activation == celu || + activation == softsign || activation == softplus || activation == tanh + noofoper = 4 + elseif activation == gelu + noofoper = 9 + elseif activation == hardsigmoid || activation == logsigmoid || activation == swish || + activation == selu || activation == softmax || activation == logsoftmax + noofoper = 5 + elseif activation == hardtanh || activation == leakyrelu || activation == relu6 || + activation == lisht || activation == tanhshrink + noofoper = 3 + elseif activation == logcosh || activation == mish + noofoper = 6 + elseif activation == relu || activation == trelu || activation == softshrink + noofoper = 2 + elseif activation == identity + noofoper = 1 + else + @info "Unkown activation type defaulting to identity" + return 1 + end + return noofoper +end + +""" + gradientoperations(layer)::Int + +Outputs the approximate mumber of operations for the gradient of a Flux activation +function. + +```julia +layer = Conv(weight = weight, + σ = sigmoid) + +gradientoperations(Conv(weight = weight, + σ = sigmoid)) +``` +""" +function gradientoperations(layer::Recur) + layer = recurrentunpack(layer) + activation = layer.σ + if activation == sigmoid || activation == rrelu || activation == elu || activation == celu || + activation == softsign || activation == softplus || activation == tanh + noofoper = 4 + elseif activation == gelu + noofoper = 8 + elseif activation == hardsigmoid || activation == logsigmoid || activation == swish || + activation == selu || activation == softmax || activation == logsoftmax + noofoper = 4 + elseif activation == hardtanh || activation == leakyrelu || activation == relu6 || + activation == lisht || activation == tanhshrink + noofoper = 2 + elseif activation == logcosh || activation == mish + noofoper = 5 + elseif activation == relu || activation == trelu || activation == softshrink + noofoper = 1 + elseif activation == identity + noofoper = 0 + else + @info "Unkown activation type defaulting to identity" + return 1 + end + return noofoper +end + +function gradientoperations(layer) + activation = layer.σ + if activation == sigmoid || activation == rrelu || activation == elu || activation == celu || + activation == softsign || activation == softplus || activation == tanh + noofoper = 4 + elseif activation == gelu + noofoper = 8 + elseif activation == hardsigmoid || activation == logsigmoid || activation == swish || + activation == selu || activation == softmax || activation == logsoftmax + noofoper = 4 + elseif activation == hardtanh || activation == leakyrelu || activation == relu6 || + activation == lisht || activation == tanhshrink + noofoper = 2 + elseif activation == logcosh || activation == mish + noofoper = 5 + elseif activation == relu || activation == trelu || activation == softshrink + noofoper = 1 + elseif activation == identity + noofoper = 0 + else + @info "Unkown activation type defaulting to identity" + return 1 + end + return noofoper +end + +function recurrentunpack(layer::Recur) + return layer.cell +end + +islayer(::Any) = false +islayer(::Recur) = true +islayer(::Dense) = true +islayer(::Conv) = true +islayer(::MaxPool) = true +islayer(::MeanPool) = true +islayer(::DepthwiseConv) = true +islayer(::ConvTranspose) = true +islayer(::CrossCor) = true +islayer(::Maxout) = true + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/neflops/modelflops.jl b/src/neflops/modelflops.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f04fb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/neflops/modelflops.jl @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +""" + modelflops(model::Chain)::Float64 + +Calculates the approximate number of Floating Point Operations that the model will require + + +```julia +weight = rand(Float64, 3, 3, 5) +bias = zeros(Float64, 5) +Conv(weight = weight, + bias = bias, + σ = sigmoid) +``` +""" +function modelflops(model::Chain,inputsize::Tuple,samplesize::Float64,batchsize::Float64) + x = 0; y = 0; Fm = 1 + if length(inputsize) == 3 + x,y,Fm = inputsize + elseif length(inputsize) == 2 + x,y = inputsize + end + modellayers = collect(model) + nelayers = Array{Any,1}() + layeroutput = Array{Tuple,1}() + outsizes = Array{Tuple,1}() + lossandgradient = 1 + for ml in modellayers + if islayer(ml) + push!(nelayers,ml) + end + end + output = (0,0) + for mli in 1:length(nelayers) + if mli == 1 + noflops, output = layerflops(nelayers[mli],inputsize) + layeroutput = vcat(layeroutput, noflops) + else + noflops, output = layerflops(nelayers[mli],output) + layeroutput = vcat(layeroutput, noflops) + end + end + numberoflayers = length(layeroutput) + return sum(layeroutput) * samplesize + lossandgradient*batchsize +end diff --git a/src/power/powerdraw.jl b/src/power/powerdraw.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c97fe96 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/power/powerdraw.jl @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +""" + gpupowerdraw()::Float64 + +The function uses Linux `nvidia-smi` package to sample and get the average electricity +draw of the GPUs. +""" +function gpupowerdraw() + if has_cuda_gpu() + gpucommand = `nvidia-smi` + usage = Array{Any}(undef,60) + cap = Array{Any}(undef,60) + nogpus = 0 + + for count in 1:60 + smis = Array{Any}[] + smiss = Array{Any}[] + gpus = Array{Any}[] + powerdraw = Array{Float64}[] + powercap = Array{Float64}[] + + smi = read(gpucommand, String); + smi = split(smi, "\n") + for s in smi + push!(smis,split(s, " ")) + end + for s in smis + push!(smiss,filter(x->x≠"",s)) + end + for strings in smiss + if length(strings) > 5 && strings[6] == "/" && strings[10] == "/" + push!(gpus,strings) + end + end + + nogpus = length(gpus) + + for g in gpus + usagestr = "" + capstr = "" + if g[5] == "N/A" + usagestr = "0.0" + else + usagestr = usagestr * g[5] + end + if g[7] == "N/A" + capstr = "0.0" + else + capstr = capstr * g[7] + end + powerdraw = vcat(powerdraw, parse(Float64,usagestr)) + powercap = vcat(powercap, parse(Float64,capstr)) + end + usage[count] = mean(powerdraw) + cap[count] = mean(powercap) + + sleep(1) + end + return nogpus, mean(usage), mean(cap) + else + @info "This computer does not have acces to a GPU passing to CPU and RAM computations" + end +end + + +""" + cpupowerdraw()::Float64 + +This function uses the Linux `powerstat` utility to get the average CPU energy cost. +""" +function cpupowerdraw() + cpucommand = `powerstat -R -n -d0` + try + cpu = read(cpucommand, String); + cpu = split(cpu,"\n") + cpu = cpu[66][60:64] + + return parse(Float64,cpu) + catch e + @info "powerstat not installed in your computer" + end +end + + +#TODO: further fine tune the model +""" + rampowerdraw()::Float64 + +[Approximate RAM Power Draw](https://www.jedec.org/) the values are provided by the JEDEC we just take the +ratio of activated memory against the unactivated for the maximum power value and convert it +to hours. +""" +function rampowerdraw() + ramcommand = `free` + powerused = Array{Float64}(undef,60) + for count in 1:60 + ram = read(ramcommand, String); + ram = split(ram,"\n") + ram = split(ram[2]," ") + filter!(x->x≠"",ram) + usedram = parse(Float64,ram[3]) + totalram = parse(Float64,ram[2]) + powerused[count] = ((usedram*1.575)/totalram)*1.904 + sleep(1) + end + return mean(powerused) +end + + +#TODO: modify the code to work in Windows. +""" + avgpowerdraw()::Float64 + +[Average Power Draw](https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.02243) where `pc` is the average power +draw (in watts) from all CPU sockets during training, let `pr` be the average power draw from all +DRAM (main memory) sockets, let `pg` be the average power draw of the GPUs during training and `g` +the number of available gpus. + +`apd = 1.58*t*(pc + pr + g*pg)/1000` + +returns the average power consumption in kWh. +""" +function avgpowerdraw() + if has_cuda_gpu() + starttime = time() + g, pg, _ = gpupowerdraw() + pc = cpupowerdraw() + pr = rampowerdraw() + endtime = time() + elapsedtime = (endtime - starttime)/3600 + return 1.58*elapsedtime*(pc + pr + g*pg)/1000 + else + pc = cpupowerdraw() + pr = rampowerdraw() + endtime = time() + elapsedtime = (endtime - starttime)/3600 + return 1.58*elapsedtime*(pc + pr)/1000 + end +end