import sys sys.path.append('..') import os import torch import numpy as np import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn import functional as F import data import utils import metrics from main_bayesian import getModel as getBayesianModel from main_frequentist import getModel as getFrequentistModel import config_mixtures as cfg import uncertainty_estimation as ue device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class Pass(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Pass, self).__init__() def forward(self, x): return x def _get_splitmnist_datasets(num_tasks): datasets = [] for i in range(1, num_tasks + 1): name = 'SplitMNIST-{}.{}'.format(num_tasks, i) datasets.append(data.getDataset(name)) return datasets def get_splitmnist_dataloaders(num_tasks, return_datasets=False): loaders = [] datasets = _get_splitmnist_datasets(num_tasks) for i in range(1, num_tasks + 1): trainset, testset, _, _ = datasets[i-1] curr_loaders = data.getDataloader( trainset, testset, cfg.valid_size, cfg.batch_size, cfg.num_workers) loaders.append(curr_loaders) # (train_loader, valid_loader, test_loader) if return_datasets: return loaders, datasets return loaders def get_splitmnist_models(num_tasks, bayesian=True, pretrained=False, weights_dir=None, net_type='lenet'): inputs = 1 outputs = 10 // num_tasks models = [] if pretrained: assert weights_dir for i in range(1, num_tasks + 1): if bayesian: model = getBayesianModel(net_type, inputs, outputs) else: model = getFrequentistModel(net_type, inputs, outputs) models.append(model) if pretrained: weight_path = weights_dir + f"model_{net_type}_{num_tasks}.{i}.pt" models[-1].load_state_dict(torch.load(weight_path)) return models def get_mixture_model(num_tasks, weights_dir, net_type='lenet', include_last_layer=True): """ Current implementation is based on average value of weights """ net = getBayesianModel(net_type, 1, 5) if not include_last_layer: net.fc3 = Pass() task_weights = [] for i in range(1, num_tasks + 1): weight_path = weights_dir + f"model_{net_type}_{num_tasks}.{i}.pt" task_weights.append(torch.load(weight_path)) mixture_weights = net.state_dict().copy() layer_list = list(mixture_weights.keys()) for key in mixture_weights: if key in layer_list: concat_weights =[w[key].unsqueeze(0) for w in task_weights] , dim=0) average_weight = torch.mean(concat_weights, dim=0) mixture_weights[key] = average_weight net.load_state_dict(mixture_weights) return net def predict_regular(net, validloader, bayesian=True, num_ens=10): """ For both Bayesian and Frequentist models """ net.eval() accs = [] for i, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(validloader): inputs, labels =, if bayesian: outputs = torch.zeros(inputs.shape[0], net.num_classes, num_ens).to(device) for j in range(num_ens): net_out, _ = net(inputs) outputs[:, :, j] = F.log_softmax(net_out, dim=1).data log_outputs = utils.logmeanexp(outputs, dim=2) accs.append(metrics.acc(log_outputs, labels)) else: output = net(inputs) accs.append(metrics.acc(output.detach(), labels)) return np.mean(accs) def predict_using_uncertainty_separate_models(net1, net2, valid_loader, uncertainty_type='epistemic_softmax', T=25): """ For Bayesian models """ accs = [] total_u1 = 0.0 total_u2 = 0.0 set1_selected = 0 set2_selected = 0 epi_or_ale, soft_or_norm = uncertainty_type.split('_') soft_or_norm = True if soft_or_norm=='normalized' else False for i, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(valid_loader): inputs, labels =, pred1, epi1, ale1 = ue.get_uncertainty_per_batch(net1, inputs, T=T, normalized=soft_or_norm) pred2, epi2, ale2 = ue.get_uncertainty_per_batch(net2, inputs, T=T, normalized=soft_or_norm) if epi_or_ale=='epistemic': u1 = np.sum(epi1, axis=1) u2 = np.sum(epi2, axis=1) elif epi_or_ale=='aleatoric': u1 = np.sum(ale1, axis=1) u2 = np.sum(ale2, axis=1) elif epi_or_ale=='both': u1 = np.sum(epi1, axis=1) + np.sum(ale1, axis=1) u2 = np.sum(epi2, axis=1) + np.sum(ale2, axis=1) else: raise ValueError("Not correct uncertainty type") total_u1 += np.sum(u1).item() total_u2 += np.sum(u2).item() set1_preferred = u2 > u1 # idx where set1 has less uncertainty set1_preferred = np.expand_dims(set1_preferred, 1) preds = np.where(set1_preferred, pred1, pred2) set1_selected += np.sum(set1_preferred) set2_selected += np.sum(~set1_preferred) accs.append(metrics.acc(torch.tensor(preds), labels)) return np.mean(accs), set1_selected/(set1_selected + set2_selected), \ set2_selected/(set1_selected + set2_selected), total_u1, total_u2 def predict_using_confidence_separate_models(net1, net2, valid_loader): """ For Frequentist models """ accs = [] set1_selected = 0 set2_selected = 0 for i, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(valid_loader): inputs, labels =, pred1 = F.softmax(net1(inputs), dim=1) pred2 = F.softmax(net2(inputs), dim=1) set1_preferred = pred1.max(dim=1)[0] > pred2.max(dim=1)[0] # idx where set1 has more confidence preds = torch.where(set1_preferred.unsqueeze(1), pred1, pred2) set1_selected += torch.sum(set1_preferred).float().item() set2_selected += torch.sum(~set1_preferred).float().item() accs.append(metrics.acc(preds.detach(), labels)) return np.mean(accs), set1_selected/(set1_selected + set2_selected), \ set2_selected/(set1_selected + set2_selected) def wip_predict_using_epistemic_uncertainty_with_mixture_model(model, fc3_1, fc3_2, valid_loader, T=10): accs = [] total_epistemic_1 = 0.0 total_epistemic_2 = 0.0 set_1_selected = 0 set_2_selected = 0 for i, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(valid_loader): inputs, labels =, outputs = [] for i in range(inputs.shape[0]): # loop over batch input_image = inputs[i].unsqueeze(0) p_hat_1 = [] p_hat_2 = [] preds_1 = [] preds_2 = [] for t in range(T): net_out_mix, _ = model(input_image) # set_1 net_out_1 = fc3_1(net_out_mix) preds_1.append(net_out_1) prediction = F.softplus(net_out_1) prediction = prediction / torch.sum(prediction, dim=1) p_hat_1.append(prediction.cpu().detach()) # set_2 net_out_2 = fc3_2(net_out_mix) preds_2.append(net_out_2) prediction = F.softplus(net_out_2) prediction = prediction / torch.sum(prediction, dim=1) p_hat_2.append(prediction.cpu().detach()) # set_1 p_hat =, dim=0).numpy() p_bar = np.mean(p_hat, axis=0) preds =, dim=0) pred_set_1 = torch.sum(preds, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) temp = p_hat - np.expand_dims(p_bar, 0) epistemic =, temp) / T epistemic_set_1 = np.sum(np.diag(epistemic)).item() total_epistemic_1 += epistemic_set_1 # set_2 p_hat =, dim=0).numpy() p_bar = np.mean(p_hat, axis=0) preds =, dim=0) pred_set_2 = torch.sum(preds, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) temp = p_hat - np.expand_dims(p_bar, 0) epistemic =, temp) / T epistemic_set_2 = np.sum(np.diag(epistemic)).item() total_epistemic_2 += epistemic_set_2 if epistemic_set_1 > epistemic_set_2: set_2_selected += 1 outputs.append(pred_set_2) else: set_1_selected += 1 outputs.append(pred_set_1) outputs =, dim=0) accs.append(metrics.acc(outputs.detach(), labels)) return np.mean(accs), set_1_selected/(set_1_selected + set_2_selected), \ set_2_selected/(set_1_selected + set_2_selected), total_epistemic_1, total_epistemic_2