{{ if or (eq site.BaseURL "/") (eq site.BaseURL "http://localhost:1313/") (eq site.BaseURL "http://examplesite.org/") (eq site.BaseURL "https://examplesite.org/") (eq site.BaseURL "http://examplesite.com/") (eq site.BaseURL "https://examplesite.com/")}}{{else}} {{ end }} {{ if .IsTranslated }} {{ range .AllTranslations }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with site.Params.author }}{{ end }} {{ hugo.Generator }} {{ $favicon:= site.Params.favicon }} {{ if fileExists (add `assets/` $favicon) }} {{ $favicon:= resources.Get $favicon }} {{ $favicon_16:= $favicon.Resize "16x png"}} {{ $favicon_32:= $favicon.Resize "32x png"}} {{ $favicon_180:= $favicon.Resize "180x png"}} {{ end }} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{ $image_path := .Params.image | default site.Params.image -}} {{ $image_path_local := printf "static/%s" $image_path -}} {{ $image_ext := trim (path.Ext $image_path | lower) "." -}} {{ if fileExists $image_path_local -}} {{/* If not SVG, read image aspect ratio and define Twitter Card and Open Graph width and height */ -}} {{ if ne $image_ext "svg" -}} {{ with (imageConfig $image_path_local) -}} {{ if (and (gt .Width 144) (gt .Height 144)) -}} {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ with site.Social.twitter -}}{{ end -}} {{ range site.Authors }} {{ with .twitter -}}{{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ template "_internal/opengraph.html" . }} {{ template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . }} {{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}