Finished the current home page, updated projects and CV sections

This commit is contained in:
EddieCueto 2020-06-19 15:39:45 -06:00
parent 2a2980a3c4
commit 5205811c42
4 changed files with 13 additions and 579 deletions

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<li class="menu-list-item {{ispage extras/plotly}}active{{end}}"><a href="/extras/plotly/" class="menu-list-link">Plotly</a>
</ul> -->
<!-- FAQ -->
<li class="menu-list-item {{ispage faq/*}}active{{end}}"><a href="/faq/technical/" class="menu-list-link">• FAQ</a>
<!-- <li class="menu-list-item {{ispage faq/*}}active{{end}}"><a href="/faq/technical/" class="menu-list-link">• FAQ</a> -->
<!-- <ul class="menu-list-child-list ">
<li class="menu-list-item {{ispage faq/technical}}active{{end}}"><a href="/faq/technical/" class="menu-list-link">Technical</a>
<li class="menu-list-item {{ispage faq/troubleshooting}}active{{end}}"><a href="/faq/troubleshooting/" class="menu-list-link">Troubleshooting</a>

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@ -1,383 +1,5 @@
@def hascode = true
# Inserting and evaluating code
# Curriculum Vitae
\blurb{Franklin makes it easy to insert code and the result of running the code; Julia code can be evaluated on the fly.}
## Overview
### Inserting code
As per Common Mark specifications, you have multiple ways of inserting code:
* **inline code**: you can use single backticks (\`) or double backticks (\`\`) (if the code contains single ticks) like so:
This is some `inline code` or ``inline ` code with a tick``.
* **code blocks**: it is recommended to use triple backticks (\`\`\`) optionally followed by a language name for highlighting like so:
This is some julia code:
a = 2
@show a
* **code blocks 2**: you can also use indented code blocks (lines starting with four spaces or a tab) but _fenced code blocks should be preferred_ and you now have to opt-in to use them by setting `@def indented_code = true`
This is some code:
a = 2
@show a
**Note**: when either using indented code blocks or using fenced code blocks with no language name, then the code language for highlighting can be specified with the local page variable `lang` i.e. `@def lang = "julia"` (which is the default) or `@def lang = ""` if you don't want the code to be highlighted.
### Evaluating code
When presenting code in a post, it's often convenient to have a way to check the code works and the output shown corresponds to the code.
In Franklin there are two approaches that help you for this:
1. For Julia code, a **live-evaluation** of code blocks is supported,
1. For all languages, you can run the script separately and use Franklin to insert the code file and/or the output generated by the code.
## Live evaluation (Julia)
Julia code blocks can be evaluated on the fly and their output either displayed as code or re-interpreted as Markdown.
**Evaluation time**: when a code block is created or modified and the page is saved, it will trigger a page build that will _wait_ for the evaluation of the code block to complete. So if your code block takes a long time to execute, the page will not be updated before that's done.
That being said, if you don't modify the code block, it will only be executed **once** as the output is saved to file.
Code blocks that _should not_ be evaluated should be added as per standard markdown, so for instance:
a = 10
Code blocks that _should_ be evaluated should be added with `julia:path/to/script` where `path/to/script` indicates _where_ the script corresponding to the code block will be saved (**note**: the given path _must_ be in UNIX format even if you're on Windows)
a = 10
@show a
What this will do is:
1. write the code to the file `/assets/[subpath]/code/ex1.jl`
1. run the code and capture its output (`STDOUT`) and write it to `/assets/[subpath]/code/output/ex1.out`
The `[subpath]` here is the _exact same sub-path structure_ than to the page where the code block is inserted.
To clarify, let's say you wrote the above code-block in
then with the syntax above, the script will be saved in
### More on paths
There are three ways you can specify where the script corresponding to a code-block should be saved.
1. _relative to the page_: `./[p]/script` is as above, it will write the code block to `/assets/[subpath]/p/script.jl` where `subpath` corresponds to the sub-path of the page where the code block is inserted (path below `/src/`)
1. _relative to the assets dir_: `p/script` will write the code block to `/assets/p/script.jl`
1. _full path_: `/p/script` will write the code block to `/p/script.jl`
**Note**: when code blocks are evaluated, their output (`STDOUT`) is captured and saved at `[path]/output/script.out` where `[path]` is what precedes `script.jl` in the cases above.
### Inserting the output
Let's say you've added the following code block:
using LinearAlgebra
a = [1, 2, 3]
@show dot(a, a)
In order to show the raw output (whatever was captured in STDOUT) as a code block, write
which in the present example will introduce exactly the following HTML
<pre><code class="language-julia">dot(a, a) = 14</code></pre>
and will look like
dot(a, a) = 14
If you now change the vector `a` in the code block, the page will be re-compiled with the code-block re-evaluated and the new output will be shown.
If you would like the output to be re-interpeted by Franklin as text, you can use `\textoutput` instead.
Here's an example:
using Statistics
temps = (15, 15, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 12, 10, 24)
println("The _average_ temperature is **$(mean(temps))°C**.")
That code block and the `\textoutput` command will appear as:
using Statistics
temps = (15, 15, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 12, 10, 24)
println("The _average_ temperature is **$(mean(temps))°C**.")
The _average_ temperature is **16.3°C**.
Finally if you want to show your code "notebook-style", i.e. both STDOUT and the result of the last line, use `\show`:
x = 5
resulting in:
x = 5
### Hiding lines
Sometimes you may want to run some lines but hide them from the presentation, for this just use `# hide` at the end of the line (`hide` is not case sensitive so `# HiDe` would be fine too):
using LinearAlgebra # hide
a = [1, 2, 3]
@show dot(a, a)
You could also hide the entire code block if you only care about the output, for this put a `# hideall` on any line:
using Statistics
temps = (15, 15, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 12, 10, 24)
println("The _average_ temperature is **$(mean(temps))°C**.")
Which will appear as just:
The _average_ temperature is **16.3°C**.
### Project.toml
It can be convenient to set up your website as you would a Julia environment: _activating_ it and _adding_ the packages that you will use in code blocks.
In order to do this, just activate the environment as you would otherwise, this will generate a `Project.toml` which will subsequently be used by Franklin without you having to worry about it.
For instance, let's say that you want to use `PyCall` in some code blocks, then before starting the Franklin server do
(1.x) pkg> activate .
(myWebsite) pkg> add PyCall
once that's done, if you now start the server, Franklin will write
julia> serve()
Activating environment at `~/Desktop/myWebsite/Project.toml`
In other words, whenever you start the server, Franklin will now activate the environment with that `Project.toml`.
This is particularly useful if you intend to write a tutorial website (for a live example of this, see the [MLJ Tutorials](
### Plots
Using the machinery introduced above, you can also evaluate code that generates a plot which you can then include on the page.
In the example below, `PyPlot` is used but you could do something similar with other frameworks.
Assuming you've added `PyPlot` to your environment, this markdown
using PyPlot
figure(figsize=(8, 6))
x = range(-2, 2, length=500)
for α in 1:5
plot(x, sinc.(α .* x))
savefig(joinpath(@OUTPUT, "sinc.svg")) # hide
will give:
using PyPlot
figure(figsize=(8, 6))
x = range(-2, 2, length=500)
for α in 1:5
plot(x, sinc.(α .* x))
savefig(joinpath(@OUTPUT, "sinc.svg")) # hide
**Note**: observe that here everything is done with relative paths, `pyplot1` is placed in the `/assets/` folder relatively to the path of the current page and the `\fig` since it's given a path that doesn't start with `/` or `./` will also look in that folder to try to find a figure which starts with the name `sinc`. See also [more about paths](#more_on_paths).
### Troubleshooting
A few things can go wrong when attempting to use and evaluate code blocks.
The first thing to do if no output is shown or an error appears is to make sure that:
1. if the code uses packages, these packages are available in the local environment,
1. the code "just works" in the REPL.
If this is the case and you still have issues, then you may want to force re-evaluation of the code on the page.
In such a case, try adding `@def reeval = true` on the page which will cause **all** code blocks on the page to be completely re-evaluated and their output re-generated.
Assuming that helped, you will then want to remove that line as otherwise that page will be fully re-evaluated _every single time the page is modified_ which will cause an unnecessary overhead.
**Important note**: unless you explicitly use `@def reeval = true`, code blocks are evaluated *only* if:
- an earlier code block has been evaluated (in which case, since their results may depend on it, all subsequent blocks are re-evaluated),
- the content of the code block has changed.
An example where this can be a bit tricky is if your code block calls a function on a file, for instance `read(file, String)`; if the underlying *file* is changed, the code block will **not** be re-evaluated (since the code doesn't change), so in such cases you will want to use a `@def reeval = true`.
## Offline evaluation (any language)
The philosophy here is:
* keep your code snippets in appropriate subfolders of `/assets/` where they can be run and their output can be saved, this can be compared to a `test/` folder in a Julia package,
* run some or all of the snippets (before running Franklin),
* use `\input{...}{...}` in your markdown (see below) and when the website is updated, it will plug-in the most recent parts that have been generated.
That way, if you modify the code, everything will be updated on the website too while ensuring that the code actually runs and generates the output you're displaying.
Again, the script files can contain `# hide` at the end of lines you do not want to show (`#` to be replaced by whatever symbol indicates comments in that language).
The `generate_results.jl` file should run the scripts and redirect outputs to the `assets/[path]/output` directory.
You can use something like the script below (if you generate an example website with `newsite`, it's already in there) though you can of course modify it as you wish.
dir = @__DIR__
Small helper function to run some code and redirect the output (stdout) to a file.
function genplain(s::String)
open(joinpath(dir, "output", "$(splitext(s)[1]).out"), "w") do outf
redirect_stdout(outf) do
include(joinpath(dir, s))
# run `script1.jl` and redirect what it prints to `output/script1.out`
# run `script2.jl` which has a savefig(joinpath(@__DIR__, "output", "script2.png"))
The function `genplain("scriptname.jl")` just redirects the output of the script to `output/scriptname.out`.
So for instance if you have in `assets/scripts/script1.jl`
Then `genplain("script1.jl")` will generate `/assets/scripts/output/script1.out` with content
\note{You could have scripts in any language here (`R`, `Python`, ...) as long as the folder structure is the same.}
### Inserting code
In order to insert the code of a script and have it highlighted you can use
This will insert the content of the file `/assets/scripts/script1.jl` (see also the section earlier on paths) into a block that will be highlighted as julia code.
### Plain-text output
In order to insert the plain-text output of a script, you can use
This will insert the content of the file `/assets/scripts/script1.out` into a non-highlighted code-block.
### Plot output
In order to insert a plot generated by a script, you can use `\fig` as indicated earlier or
or `\input{plot:id}{scripts/script1.jl}`. This will look for an image file with root name `/assets/scripts/script1.ext` where `ext` is `gif, png, jp(e)g, svg`.
If you use `plot:id` then it will look for an image file with root name `/assets/scripts/script1id.ext`.
The `plot:id` option is useful if you have a script that generates several plots for instance.
### Slicing up
The structure in the `generate_results.jl` effectively means that all your code is run as one big script.
This also means that if you want to slice some of your code in several parts and show intermediate outputs (e.g. plots), you can just do that by having a `script_1_p1.jl`, `script_1_p2.jl` etc. and then just use `\input` multiple times.
### Have to upload my CV

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
This blog is where I intent to update my projects as well as my research. I am doing this right now due to COVID-19 and the fact that the epidemic started when I was about to start a PhD position in TU Dublin.
Currently I've been working in two "big" projects:
* `Setting up this blog` and
* `Create complexity measures for Deep Neural Networks (DNN)`.
* `Implement complexity measures for Deep Neural Networks (DNN)`.
Both of this projects are being developed with [Julia](, language which was introduced to my during my time at Instituto Politécnico Nacional [IPN]( The Julia packages that I am either using or extending are [Flux.jl]( and [Franklin.jl](
@ -30,4 +30,10 @@ end
## A bit about myself
My interest in science started from a very early age I was in love with physics because a teacher in elementary school had a copy of the book `COSMOS` which he lend me and I was marveled by the words of [Carl Sagan](
My interest in science started from a very early age I was in love with physics because a teacher in elementary school had a copy of the book `COSMOS` which he lend me and I was marveled by the words of [Carl Sagan]( A few years later I discovered chemistry and gave it a try but found it a bit expensive and hard so I kept trying to find "my calling", until as a teenager I got my first PC thanks to working in tending yards and some money that my parents were able to lend me.
It was an old HP machine that had installed Windows Me ha,ha,ha one of the first things that I did was to open it to see how it was inside. After a few week, while browsing the web I read that there was something known as programming that allowed people to do stuff on computers, so a first attempt to learn to program was done in Basic and failed. In the following years due to some economical problems in my family I had to postpone my education for a few years, but was able to resume.
After my "sabbatical" I was able to finish a bachelor in mathematics which I loved, yes after some years I was able to find my calling and learned to program in C++ (which I don't use any more :P). But some of the biggest questions that I still have were not answered during my time in university. Mostly what is computation and why are there some problems harder to solve than others (some are even impossible to solve). So, as the very naive and curious person that I am, started a master in computer science and it was the best time of my life, living in one of the biggest cities of the world and working in one of the best research centers in Mexico [CIC-IPN](
Finally in this last years I got a position as a lead data analyst on a machine learning project [Zahoree](, when I started on the project it was a big data platform but with a a good amount of effort and work was able to change the direction of the project into a [customer experience]( optimization platform. Following this I won a position in [D-REAL]( that will allow me to finance my PhD at [TU Dublin](

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@ -1,197 +1,3 @@
reviewed: 18/4/20
# My Projects
# Working with Franklin
\blurb{Set things up in minutes and focus on writing great content.}
## Creating your website
To get started, the easiest is to use the `newsite` function to generate a website folder which you can then modify to your heart's content.
The command takes one mandatory argument: the _name_ of the folder (which can be `"."` if you want to set things up in your current directory).
You can optionally specify a template:
julia> newsite("TestWebsite"; template="vela")
✓ Website folder generated at "TestWebsite" (now the current directory).
→ Use serve() from Franklin to see the website in your browser.
There are a number of [simple templates]( you can choose from and tweak.
\note{The templates are meant to be used as _starting points_ and will likely require some fixes to match what you want. Your help to make them better is very welcome.}
Once you have created a new website folder, you can start the live-rendering of your website with
julia> serve()
→ Initial full pass...
→ Starting the server...
✓ LiveServer listening on http://localhost:8000/ ...
(use CTRL+C to shut down)
and navigate in a browser to the corresponding address to preview the website.
### Folder structure
The initial call to `newsite` generates a folder with the following structure:
├── _assets/
├── _layout/
├── _libs/
After running `serve` the first time, an additional folder is generated: `__site` which will contain your full generated website.
Among these folders:
* the files in the top folder such as `` are the source files for the generated pages, you must have an `` or `index.html` at the top level but can then use whatever folder structure you want (see further),
* you should **not** modify the content of `__site` as it's *generated* and any changes you do in there may be silently over-written whenever you modify files elsewhere,
* the folders `_assets/`, `_libs/`, `_layout` and `_css` contain *auxiliary files* supporting your site:
* `_assets/` will contain images, code snippets, etc.,
* `_css/` will contain the style sheets,
* `_libs/` will contain javascript libraries,
* `_layout/` will contain bits of HTML scaffolding for the generated pages,
### Top folder
In this folder,
* `` will generate the site's landing page,
* `pages/` would correspond to pages on your website (you can have whatever subfolder structure you want in here),
* `` allows to specify variables that help steer the page generation, you can also use it to declare global variables or definitions that can then be used on all pages.
\note{You can also write pages in plain HTML. For instance you may want to write an `index.html` file instead of generating it via the ``. You will still need to put it at the exact same place and let Franklin copy the files appropriately.}
Note that Franklin generates a folder structure in `__site` which allows to have URLs like `[website]/page1/`. The following rules are applied:
* the filename is `[path/]` or `[path/]index.html`, it will be copied over "as is" to `__site/[path/]index.html`,
* the filename is `[path/]` or `[path/]somepage.html`, it will be copied to `__site/[path/]somepage/index.html`.
So for instance if we ignore auxiliary files and you have
├── folder
│ └──
it will lead to
├── index.html
├── folder
│ └── subpage
│ └── index.html
└── page
└── index.html
which allows to have the following URLs:
* `[website]/`
* `[website]/page/`
* `[website]/folder/subpage/`
### Reserved names
To avoid name clashes, refrain from using the following paths where `/` indicates the topdir (website folder):
* `/css/` or `/`
* `/layout/` or `/`
* `/literate/` or `/`
Also bear in mind that Franklin will ignore ``, ``, `Manifest.toml` and `Project.toml`.
### Editing and testing your website
The `serve` function can be used to launch a server which will track and render modifications.
There are a few useful options you can use beyond the barebone `serve()`, do `?serve` in your REPL for all options, we list a few noteworthy one below:
* `clear=false`, whether to erases `__site` and starts from a blank slate,
* `single=false`, whether to do a single build pass generating all pages and not start the server.
* `prerender=false`, whether to prerender code blocks and maths (see the [optimisation step](#optimisation_step))
* `verb=false`, whether to show information about which page is being processed etc,
* `silent=false`, whether to suppress any informative messages that could otherwise appear in your console when editing your site, this goes one step further than `verb=false` as it also applies for code evaluation,
* `eval_all=false`, whether to re-evaluate all code blocks on all pages.
## Post-processing
### Verify links
Before deploying you may want to verify that links on your website lead somewhere, to do so use the `verify_links()`.
It will take a few second to verify all links on every generated pages but can be quite helpful to identify dead links or links with typos:
julia> verify_links()
Verifying links... [you seem online ✓]
- internal link issue on page /menu3/.
then after fixing and re-generating pages:
julia> verify_links()
All internal and external links verified ✓.
### Pre-rendering and compression
The `optimize` function can
* pre-render KaTeX and highlight.js code to HTML so that the pages don't have to load these javascript libraries,
* minify all generated HTML and CSS.
See `?optimize` for options.
Those two steps may lead to faster loading pages.
Note that in order to run them, you will need a couple of external dependencies as mentioned in the [installation section](/index.html#installing_optional_extras).
The `optimize` function is called by default in the `publish` function which can be used to help deploy your website.
### Publish
\note{If you use GitHub or GitLab with a deployment action on those platforms, you do not need to use `publish`, you can just push your changes and let the relevant action do the rest on the platform. See the section on [deployment](/workflow/deploy/).}
Once you have synched your local folder with a remote repository (see [deployment instructions](/workflow/deploy/)), the `publish` function can be called to deploy your website; it essentially:
- applies an optional optimisation step (see previous point),
- does a `git add -A; git commit -am "franklin-update"; git push`.
See `?publish` for more information.
In any case, before deploying, if you're working on a _project website_ i.e. a website whose root URL will look like `` then you should add the following line in your `` file:
@def prepath = "project"
the `publish` function will then ensure that all links are fixed before deploying your website.
Note also that the `publish` function accepts a `final=` keyword to which you can pass any function `() -> nothing` to do some final post-processing before pushing updates online.
For instance, you can use `final=lunr` where `lunr` is a function exported by Franklin which generates a Lunr search index (see [this tutorial](/extras/lunr/) for more details).
### Still have to update this section.