Another change of style
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
name: Build and Deploy
name: Build and Deploy
on: [push]
# For a **project** site (, push things
# to the **master** branch and make sure to set the line below to
# ` - master`; also, at the end of the file, change to `BRANCH: gh-pages`
# For a **personal** site (, push things to a **dev**
# branch and make sure to set the line below to `- dev` this is
# because for user pages GitHub pages **requires** the deployment to be
# on the master branch; also, at the end of the file, change to
# `BRANCH: master`
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -21,44 +8,10 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v2
uses: actions/checkout@v2
persist-credentials: false
persist-credentials: false
- name: Install SSH Client
continue-on-error: true
uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.2.0
ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.FRANKLIN_PRIV }}
# Python is necessary for pre-rendering steps as well as to install
# matplotlib which is necessary if you intend to use PyPlot. If you do
# not, then you can remove the `run: pip install matplotlib` line.
- name: Install python
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
python-version: '3.x'
- run: pip install matplotlib # if you use PyPlot this is needed
- name: Install Julia
uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1
version: 1.4.1
# The steps below ensure that NodeJS and Franklin are loaded then it
# installs highlight.js which is needed for the prerendering step.
# Then the environment is activated and instantiated to install all
# Julia packages which may be required to successfully build your site.
# The last line should be `optimize()` though you may want to give it
# specific arguments, see the documentation or ?optimize in the REPL.
- run: julia -e '
using Pkg; Pkg.add(["NodeJS", "Franklin"]);
using NodeJS; run(`$(npm_cmd()) install highlight.js`);
using Franklin;
Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate();
- name: Build and Deploy
- name: Build and Deploy
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3
SSH: true
# Set this to `BRANCH: gh-pages` for a **project** page and to
# `BRANCH: master` for a **personal** page
BRANCH: gh-pages
BRANCH: gh-pages
FOLDER: __site
FOLDER: __site
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
stage: deploy
- mv __site public
- public
- master
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 33 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.4 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 768 B |
@ -1 +0,0 @@
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 605 B |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# Parent file to run all scripts which may generate
# some output that you want to display on the website.
# this can be used as a tester to check that all the code
# on your website runs properly.
dir = @__DIR__
Small helper function to run some code and redirect the output (stdout) to a file.
function genplain(s::String)
open(joinpath(dir, "output", "$(splitext(s)[1]).txt"), "w") do outf
redirect_stdout(outf) do
include(joinpath(dir, s))
# output
# plots
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L 173.216772 134.583886
L 179.842375 126.521946
L 186.467978 118.856262
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L 232.847199 76.837112
L 239.472801 72.551579
L 246.098404 68.703042
L 252.724007 65.29214
L 259.34961 62.318757
L 265.975213 59.782039
L 272.600816 57.680397
L 279.226419 56.011526
L 285.852022 54.772416
L 292.477625 53.959365
L 299.103228 53.568
L 305.728831 53.593287
L 312.354434 54.029553
L 318.980037 54.870502
L 325.60564 56.109236
L 332.231243 57.738273
L 338.856846 59.749568
L 345.482449 62.134537
L 352.108052 64.884074
L 358.733655 67.988577
L 365.359258 71.437971
L 371.984861 75.221729
L 378.610464 79.328899
L 385.236067 83.748128
L 391.86167 88.467683
L 398.487273 93.47548
" style="fill:none;stroke:#1f77b4;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-width:1.5;"/>
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 17 KiB |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
using LinearAlgebra # HIDE
using Random:seed! # HIDE
seed!(0) # HIDE
x = randn(5)
y = randn(5)
for i in 1:5
println(rpad("*"^i, 10, '-'), round(dot(x, y), digits=1))
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
using PyPlot
x = range(0, stop=1, length=50)
plot(x, sin.(2x).*exp.(-x/3))
savefig(joinpath(@__DIR__, "output", "script2.svg"))
@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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* Made by Osman Nuri Okumus <> (
* Under MIT License
!function(n,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e(require("jquery")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],e):n.metisMenu=e(n.jQuery)}(this,function(n){"use strict";function a(s){for(var n=1;n<arguments.length;n++){var a=null!=arguments[n]?arguments[n]:{},e=Object.keys(a);"function"==typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols&&(e=e.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(a).filter(function(n){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a,n).enumerable}))),e.forEach(function(n){var e,i,t;e=s,t=a[i=n],i in e?Object.defineProperty(e,i,{value:t,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[i]=t})}return s}var o,e,r,i,t,l,c,s,g=function(t){var e="transitionend",s={TRANSITION_END:"mmTransitionEnd",triggerTransitionEnd:function(n){t(n).trigger(e)},supportsTransitionEnd:function(){return Boolean(e)}};function n(n){var e=this,i=!1;return t(this).one(s.TRANSITION_END,function(){i=!0}),setTimeout(function(){i||s.triggerTransitionEnd(e)},n),this}return t.fn.mmEmulateTransitionEnd=n,t.event.special[s.TRANSITION_END]={bindType:e,delegateType:e,handle:function(n){if(t( n.handleObj.handler.apply(this,arguments)}},s}(n=n&&n.hasOwnProperty("default")?n.default:n);return i="."+(r=e="metisMenu"),t=(o=n).fn[e],l={toggle:!0,preventDefault:!0,activeClass:"active",collapseClass:"collapse",collapseInClass:"in",collapsingClass:"collapsing",triggerElement:"a",parentTrigger:"li",subMenu:"ul"},c={SHOW:"show"+i,SHOWN:"shown"+i,HIDE:"hide"+i,HIDDEN:"hidden"+i,CLICK_DATA_API:"click"+i+".data-api"},s=function(){function s(n,e){this.element=n,this.config=a({},l,e),this.transitioning=null,this.init()}var n=s.prototype;return n.init=function(){var a=this,r=this.config;o(this.element).find(r.parentTrigger+"."+r.activeClass).has(r.subMenu).children(r.subMenu).addClass(r.collapseClass+" "+r.collapseInClass),o(this.element).find(r.parentTrigger).not("."+r.activeClass).has(r.subMenu).children(r.subMenu).addClass(r.collapseClass),o(this.element).find(r.parentTrigger).has(r.subMenu).children(r.triggerElement).on(c.CLICK_DATA_API,function(n){var e=o(this),i=e.parent(r.parentTrigger),t=i.siblings(r.parentTrigger).children(r.triggerElement),s=i.children(r.subMenu);r.preventDefault&&n.preventDefault(),"true"!==e.attr("aria-disabled")&&(i.hasClass(r.activeClass)?(e.attr("aria-expanded",!1),a.hide(s)):(,e.attr("aria-expanded",!0),r.toggle&&t.attr("aria-expanded",!1)),r.onTransitionStart&&r.onTransitionStart(n))})},{var e=this;if(!this.transitioning&&!o(n).hasClass(this.config.collapsingClass)){var i=o(n),t=o.Event(c.SHOW);if(i.trigger(t),!t.isDefaultPrevented()){i.parent(this.config.parentTrigger).addClass(this.config.activeClass),this.config.toggle&&this.hide(i.parent(this.config.parentTrigger).siblings().children(this.config.subMenu+"."+this.config.collapseInClass)),i.removeClass(this.config.collapseClass).addClass(this.config.collapsingClass).height(0),this.setTransitioning(!0);i.height(n[0].scrollHeight).one(g.TRANSITION_END,function(){e.config&&e.element&&(i.removeClass(e.config.collapsingClass).addClass(e.config.collapseClass+" "+e.config.collapseInClass).height(""),e.setTransitioning(!1),i.trigger(c.SHOWN))}).mmEmulateTransitionEnd(350)}}},n.hide=function(n){var e=this;if(!this.transitioning&&o(n).hasClass(this.config.collapseInClass)){var i=o(n),t=o.Event(c.HIDE);if(i.trigger(t),!t.isDefaultPrevented()){i.parent(this.config.parentTrigger).removeClass(this.config.activeClass),i.height(i.height())[0].offsetHeight,i.addClass(this.config.collapsingClass).removeClass(this.config.collapseClass).removeClass(this.config.collapseInClass),this.setTransitioning(!0);var s=function(){e.config&&e.element&&(e.transitioning&&e.config.onTransitionEnd&&e.config.onTransitionEnd(),e.setTransitioning(!1),i.trigger(c.HIDDEN),i.removeClass(e.config.collapsingClass).addClass(e.config.collapseClass))};0===i.height()||"none"===i.css("display")?s():i.height(0).one(g.TRANSITION_END,s).mmEmulateTransitionEnd(350)}}},n.setTransitioning=function(n){this.transitioning=n},n.dispose=function(){o.removeData(this.element,r),o(this.element).find(this.config.parentTrigger).has(this.config.subMenu).children(this.config.triggerElement).off("click"),this.transitioning=null,this.config=null,this.element=null},s.jQueryInterface=function(t){return this.each(function(){var n=o(this),,i=a({},l,,"object"==typeof t&&t?t:{});if(!e&&/dispose/.test(t)&&this.dispose(),e||(e=new s(this,i),,e)),"string"==typeof t){if(void 0===e[t])throw new Error('No method named "'+t+'"');e[t]()}})},s}(),o.fn[e]=s.jQueryInterface,o.fn[e].Constructor=s,o.fn[e].noConflict=function(){return o.fn[e]=t,s.jQueryInterface},s});
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,28 +1,55 @@
@def author = "Eduardo Cueto Mendoza"
Add here global page variables to use throughout your
@def hasmath = false <!-- mostly there's no maths on pages -->
@def generate_rss = false
The website_* must be defined for the RSS to work
@def website_title = "Franklin Template"
@def website_descr = "Example website using Franklin"
@def website_url = ""
@def author = "Septimia Zenobia"
@def mintoclevel = 2 <!-- TOCS only for level h2 and higher -->
@def maxtoclevel = 3 <!-- TOCS only up to level 3 included -->
@def mintoclevel = 2
@def hasplotly = false
Add here files or directories that should be ignored by Franklin, otherwise
Useful HTML snippets
these files might be copied and, if markdown, processed by Franklin which
* \blurb{...} for a blurb at the top of a page
you might not want. Indicate directories by ending the name with a `/`.
* \refblank{...} for a link with target blank
* \lineskip forces skipping of a line somewhere
@def ignore = ["node_modules/", "franklin", ""]
Add here global latex commands to use throughout your
pages. It can be math commands but does not need to be.
<span style="font-size:24px;font-weight:300;">!#1</span>
For instance:
* \newcommand{\phrase}{This is a long phrase to copy.}
\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}
\newcommand{\scal}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
<a href="!#2" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">#1</a>
\newcommand{\note}[1]{@@note @@title ⚠ Note@@ @@content #1 @@ @@}
using Markdown
println("\`\`\`\`\`plaintext $(Markdown.htmlesc(raw"""#2""")) \`\`\`\`\`")
using Markdown
println("\`\`\`\`\`html $(Markdown.htmlesc(raw"""#2""")) \`\`\`\`\`")
\newcommand{\span}[2]{~~~<span style="display:inline-block;!#1">~~~!#2~~~</span>~~~}
\newcommand{\goto}[1]{~~~<a href="!#1" id="goto"><span id="check">✓</span><span id="arrow"><b>→</b></span></a>~~~}
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
@def title = "A Neural Network Developer"
@def tags = ["syntax", "code"]
@def hascode = true
@def hascode = true
# Welcome to my blog
# Welcome to my blog
@ -30,194 +28,66 @@ function len(p::T) where T<:Point
## A bit about myself
My interest in science started from a very early age I was in love with physics because a teacher in elementary school had a copy of the book `COSMOS` which he lend me and I was marveled by the words of [Carl Sagan](
# How to use Franklin
# Building static websites in Julia
\tableofcontents (comment here) you can use \toc as well (comment here)
\blurb{Franklin is a simple, customisable static site generator oriented towards technical blogging and light, fast-loading pages.}
This section is meant as a refresher if you're new to Franklin.
## Key features
Have a look at both how the website renders and the corresponding markdown (``).
Modify at will to get a feeling for how things work!
Ps: if you want to modify the header or footer or the general look of the website, adjust the files in
* `src/_css/` and
* \goto{/syntax/markdown/} Augmented markdown allowing definition of LaTeX-like commands,
* `src/_html_parts/`.
* \goto{/syntax/divs-commands/} Easy inclusion of user-defined div-blocks,
* \goto{/syntax/divs-commands/} Maths rendered via [KaTeX](, code via [highlight.js]( both can be pre-rendered,
* \goto{/code/} Can live-evaluate Julia code blocks,
* \goto{/workflow/#creating_your_website} Live preview of modifications,
* \goto{/workflow/#optimisation_step} Simple optimisation step to compress and pre-render the website,
* \goto{/workflow/#publication_step} Simple publication step to deploy the website,
* \goto{/code/literate/} Straightforward integration with [Literate.jl](
## The base with Markdown
## Quick start
The [standard markdown syntax]( can be used such as titles using `#`, lists:
To install Franklin with Julia **≥ 1.3**,
* element with **bold**
* element with _emph_
(v1.4) pkg> add Franklin
or code-blocks `inline` or with highlighting (note the `@def hascode = true` in the source to allow [highlight.js]( to do its job):
abstract type Point end
struct PointR2{T<:Real} <: Point
struct PointR3{T<:Real} <: Point
function len(p::T) where T<:Point
sqrt(sum(getfield(p, η)^2 for η ∈ fieldnames(T)))
You can also quote stuff
You can then just try it out:
> You must have chaos within you to ...
julia> using Franklin
julia> newsite("mySite", template="pure-sm")
✓ Website folder generated at "mySite" (now the current directory).
→ Use serve() from Franklin to see the website in your browser.
or have tables:
julia> serve()
→ Initial full pass...
| English | Mandarin |
→ Starting the server...
| --------------- | ---------- |
✓ LiveServer listening on http://localhost:8000/ ...
| winnie the pooh | 维尼熊 |
(use CTRL+C to shut down)
Note that you may have to do a bit of CSS-styling to get these elements to look the way you want them (the same holds for the whole page in fact).
### Symbols and html entities
If you want a dollar sign you have to escape it like so: \$, you can also use html entities like so: → or π or, if you're using Juno for instance, you can use `\pi[TAB]` to insert the symbol as is: π (it will be converted to a html entity).[^1]
If you want to show a backslash, just use it like so: \ ; if you want to force a line break, use a ` \\ ` like \\ so (this is on a new line).[^blah]
If you want to show a backtick, escape it like so: \` and if you want to show a tick in inline code use double backticks like ``so ` ...``.
Footnotes are nice too:
[^1]: this is the text for the first footnote, you can style all this looking at `.fndef` elements; note that the whole footnote definition is _expected to be on the same line_.
[^blah]: and this is a longer footnote with some blah from veggie ipsum: turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus winter purslane kale. Celery potato scallion desert raisin horseradish spinach carrot soko.
## Basic Franklin extensions
### Divs
It is sometimes useful to have a short way to make a part of the page belong to a div so that it can be styled separately.
You can do this easily with Franklin by using `@@divname ... @@`.
For instance, you could want a blue background behind some text.
Here we go! (this is styled in the css sheet with name "colbox-blue").
Since it's just a `<div>` block, you can put this construction wherever you like and locally style your text.
### LaTeX and Maths
Essentially three things are imitated from LaTeX
1. you can introduce definitions using `\newcommand`
1. you can use hyper-references with `\eqref`, `\cite`, ...
1. you can show nice maths (via KaTeX)
The definitions can be introduced in the page or in the `` (in which case they're available everywhere as opposed to just in that page).
For instance, the commands `\scal` and `\R` are defined in the config file (see `src/`) and can directly be used whereas the command `\E` is defined below (and therefore only available on this page):
\newcommand{\E}[1]{\mathbb E\left[#1\right]}
Now we can write something like
$$ \varphi(\E{X}) \le \E{\varphi(X)}. \label{equation blah} $$
since we've given it the label `\label{equation blah}`, we can refer it like so: \eqref{equation blah} which can be convenient for pages that are math-heavy.
In a similar vein you can cite references that would be at the bottom of the page: \citep{noether15, bezanson17}.
**Note**: the LaTeX commands you define can also incorporate standard markdown (though not in a math environment) so for instance let's define a silly `\bolditalic` command.
\newcommand{\bolditalic}[1]{_**!#1**_} (comment here)_ ignore this comment, it helps atom to not get confused by the trailing underscore when highlighting the code but is not necessary.(comment here)
and use it \bolditalic{here for example}.
Here's another quick one, a command to change the color:
\newcommand{\col}[2]{~~~<span style="color:#1">#2</span>~~~}
This is \col{blue}{in blue} or \col{#bf37bc}{in #bf37bc}.
### A quick note on whitespaces
For most commands you will use `#k` to refer to the $k$-th argument as in LaTeX.
In order to reduce headaches, this forcibly introduces a whitespace on the left of whatever is inserted which, usually, changes nothing visible (e.g. in a math settings).
However there _may be_ situations where you do not want this to happen and you know that the insertion will not clash with anything else.
In that case, you should simply use `!#k` which will not introduce that whitespace.
It's probably easier to see this in action:
* with: \pathwith{script.jl}, there's a whitespace you don't want 🚫
* without: \pathwithout{script.jl} here there isn't ✅
### Raw HTML
You can include raw HTML by just surrounding a block with `~~~`.
Not much more to add.
This may be useful for local custom layouts like having a photo next to a text in a specific way.
<div class="row">
<div class="container">
<img class="left" src="/assets/rndimg.jpg">
Marine iguanas are truly splendid creatures. They're found on the Gálapagos islands, have skin that basically acts as a solar panel, can swim and may have the ability to adapt their body size depending on whether there's food or not.
Evolution is cool.
<div style="clear: both"></div>
**Note 1**: again, entire such blocks can be made into latex-like commands via `\newcommand{\mynewblock}[1]{...}`.
**Note 2**: whatever is in a raw HTML block is *not* further processed (so you can't have LaTeX in there for instance). A partial way around this is to use `@@...` blocks which *will* be recursively parsed. The following code gives the same result as above with the small difference that there is LaTeX being processed in the inner div.
@@left  @@
Marine iguanas are **truly splendid** creatures. They're not found in equations like $\exp(-i\pi)+1$. But they're still quite cool.
<div style="clear: both"></div>
## Pages and structure
Here are a few empty pages connecting to the menu links to show where files can go and the resulting paths. (It's probably best if you look at the source folder for this).
* [menu 1](/menu1/)
* [menu 2](/menu2/)
* [menu 3](/menu3/)
## References (not really)
* \biblabel{noether15}{Noether (1915)} **Noether**, Körper und Systeme rationaler Funktionen, 1915.
* \biblabel{bezanson17}{Bezanson et al. (2017)} **Bezanson**, **Edelman**, **Karpinski** and **Shah**, [Julia: a fresh approach to numerical computing](, SIAM review 2017.
## Header and Footer
As you can see here at the bottom of the page, there is a footer which you may want on all pages but for instance you may want the date of last modification to be displayed.
In a fashion heavily inspired by [Hugo](, you can write things like
Last modified: {{ fill fd_mtime }}.
(cf. `src/_html_parts/page_foot.html`) which will then replace these braces with the content of a dictionary of variables at the key `fd_mtime`.
If you navigate to that URL in your browser, you will see the website. If you then open `` in an editor and modify it at will, the changes will be live rendered in your browser.
This dictionary of variables is accessed locally by pages through `@def varname = value` and globally through the `` page via the same syntax.
You can also inspect the file `` which offers more examples of what Franklin can do.
There's a few other such functions of the form `{{fname p₁ p₂}}` as well as support for conditional blocks. If you wander through the `src/_html_parts/` folder and its content, you should be able to see those in action.
## Installing optional extras
Franklin allows a post-processing step to compress HTML and CSS and pre-render code blocks and math environments.
This requires a couple of dependencies:
* [`python3`]( for the minification of the site,
* [`node.js`]( for the pre-rendering of KaTeX and code highlighting.
You will then need to install `highlight.js`, which you should do from Julia using the [NodeJS.jl]( package:
julia> using NodeJS
julia> run(`sudo $(npm_cmd()) install highlight.js`)
**Note**: a key advantage of using `NodeJS` for this instead of using `npm` yourself is that it puts the libraries in the "right place" for Julia to find them.
Assuming you have `python3`, Franklin will try to install the python package [`css_html_js_minify`]( if via `pip3`.
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
@def title = "Code blocks"
@def hascode = true
@def date = Date(2019, 3, 22)
@def rss = "A short description of the page which would serve as **blurb** in a `RSS` feed; you can use basic markdown here but the whole description string must be a single line (not a multiline string). Like this one for instance. Keep in mind that styling is minimal in RSS so for instance don't expect maths or fancy styling to work; images should be ok though: "
@def tags = ["syntax", "code"]
# Working with code blocks
## Live evaluation of code blocks
If you would like to show code as well as what the code outputs, you only need to specify where the script corresponding to the code block will be saved.
Indeed, what happens is that the code block gets saved as a script which then gets executed.
This also allows for that block to not be re-executed every time you change something _else_ on the page.
Here's a simple example (change values in `a` to see the results being live updated):
using LinearAlgebra
a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2]
@show dot(a, a)
println(dot(a, a))
You can now show what this would look like:
* you don't have to specify the `.jl` (see below),
* you do need to explicitly use print statements or `@show` for things to show, so just leaving a variable at the end like you would in the REPL will show nothing,
* only Julia code blocks are supported at the moment, there may be a support for scripting languages like `R` or `python` in the future,
* the way you specify the path is important; see [the docs]( for more info. If you don't care about how things are structured in your `/assets/` folder, just use `./scriptname.jl`. If you want things to be grouped, use `./group/scriptname.jl`. For more involved uses, see the docs.
Lastly, it's important to realise that if you don't change the content of the code, then that code will only be executed _once_ even if you make multiple changes to the text around it.
Here's another example,
for i ∈ 1:5, j ∈ 1:5
print(" ", rpad("*"^i,5), lpad("*"^(6-i),5), j==5 ? "\n" : " "^4)
which gives the (utterly useless):
note the absence of `.jl`, it's inferred.
You can also hide lines (that will be executed nonetheless):
using Random
Random.seed!(1) # hide
@show randn(2)
## Including scripts
Another approach is to include the content of a script that has already been executed.
This can be an alternative to the description above if you'd like to only run the code once because it's particularly slow or because it's not Julia code.
For this you can use the `\input` command specifying which language it should be tagged as:
\input{julia}{/_assets/scripts/script1.jl} <!--_-->
these scripts can be run in such a way that their output is also saved to file, see `scripts/generate_results.jl` for instance, and you can then also input the results:
\output{/_assets/scripts/script1.jl} <!--_-->
which is convenient if you're presenting code.
**Note**: paths specification matters, see [the docs]( for details.
Using this approach with the `generate_results.jl` file also makes sure that all the code on your website works and that all results match the code which makes maintenance easier.
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
@def title = "More goodies"
@def hascode = true
@def rss = "A short description of the page which would serve as **blurb** in a `RSS` feed; you can use basic markdown here but the whole description string must be a single line (not a multiline string). Like this one for instance. Keep in mind that styling is minimal in RSS so for instance don't expect maths or fancy styling to work; images should be ok though: "
@def rss_title = "More goodies"
@def rss_pubdate = Date(2019, 5, 1)
@def tags = ["syntax", "code", "image"]
# More goodies
## More markdown support
The Julia Markdown parser in Julia's stdlib is not exactly complete and Franklin strives to bring useful extensions that are either defined in standard specs such as Common Mark or that just seem like useful extensions.
* indirect references for instance [like so]
[like so]:
or also for images
![][some image]
some people find that useful as it allows referring multiple times to the same link for instance.
[some image]:
* un-qualified code blocks and indented code blocks are allowed and are julia by default
a = 1
b = a+1
a = 1
b = a+1
you can specify the default language with `@def lang = "julia"`.
If you actually want a "plain" code block, qualify it as `plaintext` like
so this is plain-text stuff.
## A bit more highlighting
Extension of highlighting for `pkg` an `shell` mode in Julia:
(v1.4) pkg> add Franklin
shell> blah
julia> 1+1
(Sandbox) pkg> resolve
you can tune the colouring in the CSS etc via the following classes:
* `.hljs-meta` (for `julia>`)
* `.hljs-metas` (for `shell>`)
* `.hljs-metap` (for `...pkg>`)
## More customisation
Franklin, by design, gives you a lot of flexibility to define how you want stuff be done, this includes doing your own parsing/processing and your own HTML generation using Julia code.
In order to do this, you can define two types of functions in a `utils.jl` file which will complement your `` file:
* `hfun_*` allow you to plug custom-generated HTML somewhere
* `lx_*` allow you to do custom parsing of markdown and generation of HTML
The former (`hfun_*`) is most likely to be useful.
### Custom "hfun"
If you define a function `hfun_bar` in the `utils.jl` then you have access to a new template function `{{bar ...}}`. The parameters are passed as a list of strings, for instance variable names but it could just be strings as well.
For instance:
function hfun_bar(vname)
val = Meta.parse(vname[1])
return round(sqrt(val), digits=2)
.hf {background-color:black;color:white;font-weight:bold;}
Can be called with `{{bar 4}}`: **{{bar 4}}**.
Usually you will want to pass variable name (either local or global) and collect their value via one of `locvar`, `globvar` or `pagevar` depending on your use case.
Let's have another toy example:
function hfun_m1fill(vname)
var = vname[1]
return pagevar("menu1", var)
Which you can use like this `{{m1fill title}}`: **{{m1fill title}}**. Of course in this specific case you could also have used `{{fill title menu1}}`: **{{fill title menu1}}**.
Of course these examples are not very useful, in practice you might want to use it to generate actual HTML in a specific way using Julia code.
For instance you can use it to customise how [tag pages look like](/menu3/#customising_tag_pages).
A nice example of what you can do is in the [SymbolicUtils.jl manual]( where they use a `hfun_` to generate HTML encapsulating the content of code docstrings, in a way doing something similar to what Documenter does. See [how they defined it](
**Note**: the output **will not** be reprocessed by Franklin, if you want to generate markdown which should be processed by Franklin, then use `return fd2html(markdown, internal=true)` at the end.
### Custom "lx"
These commands will look the same as latex commands but what they do with their content is now entirely controlled by your code.
You can use this to do your own parsing of specific chunks of your content if you so desire.
The definition of `lx_*` commands **must** look like this:
function lx_baz(com, _)
# keep this first line
brace_content = Franklin.content(com.braces[1]) # input string
# do whatever you want here
return uppercase(brace_content)
You can call the above with `\baz{some string}`: \baz{some string}.
**Note**: the output **will be** reprocessed by Franklin, if you want to avoid this, then escape the output by using `return "~~~" * s * "~~~"` and it will be plugged in as is in the HTML.
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
@def title = "Menu 3"
# Working with tags
* page with tag [`syntax`](/tag/syntax/)
* page with tag [`image`](/tag/image/)
* page with tag [`code`](/tag/code/)
## Indicating tags
To mark a page with tags, add:
@def tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
then that page, along with all others that have the tag `tag1` will be listed at `/tag/tag1/`.
## Customising tag pages
You can change how a `/tag/...` page looks like by modifying the `_layout/tag.html`. An important note is that you can **only** use **global** page variables (defined in ``).
There are three "exceptions":
1. you can still use `{{ispage /tag/tagname/}} ... {{end}}` (or `{{isnotpage ...}}`) to have a different layout depending on the tag,
1. you can use the `fd_tag` variable which contains the name of the tag so `{{fill fd_tag}}` will input the tag string as is,
1. you can use `{{fill varname path/to/page}}` to exploit a page variable defined in a specific page.
## Customising tag lists
By default the tag list is very simple: it just collects all pages that match the tags and it shows them in a simple list by anti-chronological order (more recent at the top).
You can customise this by defining your own `hfun_custom_taglist` function in the `utils.jl` file. The commented blueprint for the simple default setting is below and should give you an idea of how to write your own generator.
Assuming you've defined such a function, don't forget to use `{{custom_taglist}}` in the `_layout/tag.html` instead of the default `{{taglist}}`.
function hfun_custom_taglist()::String
# -----------------------------------------
# Part1: Retrieve all pages associated with
# the tag & sort them
# -----------------------------------------
# retrieve the tag string
tag = locvar(:fd_tag)
# recover the relative paths to all pages that have that
# tag, these are paths like /blog/page1
rpaths = globvar("fd_tag_pages")[tag]
# you might want to sort these pages by chronological order
# you could also only show the most recent 5 etc...
sorter(p) = begin
# retrieve the "date" field of the page if defined, otherwise
# use the date of creation of the file
pvd = pagevar(p, :date)
if isnothing(pvd)
return Date(Dates.unix2datetime(stat(p * ".md").ctime))
return pvd
sort!(rpaths, by=sorter, rev=true)
# --------------------------------
# Part2: Write the HTML to plug in
# --------------------------------
# instantiate a buffer in which we will write the HTML
# to plug in the tag page
c = IOBuffer()
write(c, "...1...")
# go over all paths
for rpath in rpaths
# recover the url corresponding to the rpath
url = get_url(rpath)
# recover the title of the page if there is one defined,
# if there isn't, fallback on the path to the page
title = pagevar(rpath, "title")
if isnothing(title)
title = "/$rpath/"
# write some appropriate HTML
write(c, "...2...")
# finish the HTML
write(c, "...3...")
# return the HTML string
return String(take!(c))
For instance the default uses:
<!-- 1, 3: simple list-->
<!-- 2: simple list item plugging in path + title -->
<li><a href="/$rpath/">$title</a></li>
@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
function hfun_bar(vname)
using Markdown
val = Meta.parse(vname[1])
return round(sqrt(val), digits=2)
function hfun_m1fill(vname)
function lx_escape(com, _)
var = vname[1]
# keep this first line
return pagevar("index", var)
content = Franklin.content(com.braces[1]) # input string
lang, code = split(content, "::")
scode = strip(code)
function lx_baz(com, _)
esc_code = Markdown.htmlesc(scode)
# keep this first line
io = IOBuffer()
brace_content = Franklin.content(com.braces[1]) # input string
println(io, "```$lang")
# do whatever you want here
println(io, esc_code)
return uppercase(brace_content)
println(io, "```")
return String(take!(io))
Reference in New Issue