@def hascode = true # Welcome to my blog This blog is where I intent to update my projects as well as my research. I am doing this right now due to COVID-19 and the fact that the epidemic started when I was about to start a PhD position in TU Dublin. Currently I've been working in two "big" projects: * `Setting up this blog` and * `Create complexity measures for Deep Neural Networks (DNN)`. Both of this projects are being developed with [Julia](https://julialang.org/), language which was introduced to my during my time at Instituto Politécnico Nacional [IPN](https://www.ipn.mx/). The Julia packages that I am either using or extending are [Flux.jl](https://fluxml.ai/) and [Franklin.jl](https://franklinjl.org/). A small snippet of Julia: ```julia abstract type Point end struct PointR2{T<:Real} <: Point x::T y::T end struct PointR3{T<:Real} <: Point x::T y::T z::T end function len(p::T) where T<:Point sqrt(sum(getfield(p, η)^2 for η ∈ fieldnames(T))) end ``` ## A bit about myself My interest in science started from a very early age I was in love with physics because a teacher in elementary school had a copy of the book `COSMOS` which he lend me and I was marveled by the words of [Carl Sagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Sagan)