2017-12-04 18:01:46 +00:00
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from stopWords import stopWrdList
def getTrnVect():
# code to get the trained vectors
import yaml
str_trained_vect = open('trn_vect.vec', 'r').read().split('\n')
trained_vect = []
for i in str_trained_vect:
del str_trained_vect, i
return trained_vect
def classify_news(document):
# code to vectorize news to classify
from similarityMeasures import cos_sim
vect_to_classify = []
news = open(document, 'r').read()
stop_words = stopWrdList()
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(strip_accents='ascii', analyzer='word', stop_words=stop_words, max_features=100)
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(vect_to_classify)
vector = X.toarray()
trained_vectors = getTrnVect()
# get dim
len_vector = len(vector[0])
len_train = len(trained_vectors[0])
vector = list(vector[0])
if len_train > len_vector:
for i in range(len_train - len_vector):
sim_vect = []
for i in trained_vectors:
sim_vect.append(cos_sim(vector, i))
maxi = max(sim_vect)
x = 0
for i in sim_vect:
if i == maxi:
y = x
x = x + 1
part_neu_vect = 'This note has neutral emotions and it is related with the party'
part_neg_vect = 'This note has negative emotions and it is related with the party'
part_pos_vect = 'This note has positive emotions and it is related with the party'
cont_neu_vect = 'This note has neutral emotions and it is related with the opposition'
cont_neg_vect = 'This note has negative emotions and it is related with the opposition'
cont_pos_vect = 'This note has positive emotions and it is related with the opposition'
2017-12-04 22:32:36 +00:00
neut_neu_vect = 'This note has neutral emotions and it is not particularly related to a political party'
neut_neg_vect = 'This note has negative emotions and it is not particularly related to a political party'
neut_pos_vect = 'This note has positive emotions and it is not particularly related to a political party'
2017-12-04 18:01:46 +00:00
results = [part_neu_vect, part_neg_vect, part_pos_vect, cont_neu_vect, cont_neg_vect, cont_pos_vect, neut_neu_vect, neut_neg_vect, neut_pos_vect]