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2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
Ricky T. Q. Chen*, Yulia Rubanova*, Jesse Bettencourt*, David Duvenaud
University of Toronto, Vector Institute
{rtqichen, rubanova, jessebett, duvenaud}@cs.toronto.edu
We introduce a new family of deep neural network models. Instead of specifying a
discrete sequence of hidden layers, we parameterize the derivative of the hidden
state using a neural network. The output of the network is computed using a black-
box differential equation solver. These continuous-depth models have constant
memory cost, adapt their evaluation strategy to each input, and can explicitly trade
numerical precision for speed. We demonstrate these properties in continuous-depth
residual networks and continuous-time latent variable models. We also construct
continuous normalizing flows, a generative model that can train by maximum
likelihood, without partitioning or ordering the data dimensions. For training, we
show how to scalably backpropagate through any ODE solver, without access to its
internal operations. This allows end-to-end training of ODEs within larger models.
1 Introduction
Models such as residual networks, recurrent neural network decoders, and normalizing flows build
complicated transformations by composing a sequence of transformations to a hidden state:
<<FORMULA>> (1)
where t ∈ {0 . . . T } and ht ∈ R . These iterative updates can be seen as an Euler discretization of a
continuous transformation (Lu et al., 2017; Haber and Ruthotto, 2017; Ruthotto and Haber, 2018).
What happens as we add more layers and take smaller steps? In the limit, we parameterize the continuous
dynamics of hidden units using an ordinary differential equation (ODE) specified by a neural network:
Starting from the input layer h(0), we can define the output layer h(T ) to be the solution to this
<<FORMULA>> (2)
ODE initial value problem at some time T . This value can be computed by a black-box differential
equation solver, which evaluates the hidden unit dynamics f wherever necessary to determine the
solution with the desired accuracy. Figure 1 contrasts these two approaches.
Defining and evaluating models using ODE solvers has several benefits:
Memory efficiency In Section 2, we show how to compute gradients of a scalar-valued loss with
respect to all inputs of any ODE solver, without backpropagating through the operations of the solver.
Not storing any intermediate quantities of the forward pass allows us to train our models with constant
memory cost as a function of depth, a major bottleneck of training deep models.
32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018), Montréal, Canada.
Adaptive computation Eulers method is perhaps the simplest method for solving ODEs. There
have since been more than 120 years of development of efficient and accurate ODE solvers (Runge,
1895; Kutta, 1901; Hairer et al., 1987). Modern ODE solvers provide guarantees about the growth
of approximation error, monitor the level of error, and adapt their evaluation strategy on the fly to
achieve the requested level of accuracy. This allows the cost of evaluating a model to scale with
problem complexity. After training, accuracy can be reduced for real-time or low-power applications.
Scalable and invertible normalizing flows An unexpected side-benefit of continuous transforma-
tions is that the change of variables formula becomes easier to compute. In Section 4, we derive
this result and use it to construct a new class of invertible density models that avoids the single-unit
bottleneck of normalizing flows, and can be trained directly by maximum likelihood.
Continuous time-series models Unlike recurrent neural networks, which require discretizing
observation and emission intervals, continuously-defined dynamics can naturally incorporate data
which arrives at arbitrary times. In Section 5, we construct and demonstrate such a model.
2 Reverse-mode automatic differentiation of ODE solutions
The main technical difficulty in training continuous-depth networks is performing reverse-mode
differentiation (also known as backpropagation) through the ODE solver. Differentiating through
the operations of the forward pass is straightforward, but incurs a high memory cost and introduces
additional numerical error.
We treat the ODE solver as a black box, and compute gradients using the adjoint sensitivity
method (Pontryagin et al., 1962). This approach computes gradients by solving a second, aug-
mented ODE backwards in time, and is applicable to all ODE solvers. This approach scales linearly
with problem size, has low memory cost, and explicitly controls numerical error.
Consider optimizing a scalar-valued loss function L(), whose input is the result of an ODE solver:
<<FORMULA>> (3)
To optimize L, we require gradients with respect to θ. The first step is to determining how the gradient
of the loss depends on the hidden state z(t) at each instant. This quantity is called the adjoint a(t) = ∂L/∂z(t).
Its dynamics are given by another ODE, which can be thought of as the State instantaneous analog of the chain rule:
Adjoint State
<<FORMULA>> (4)
We can compute ∂L/∂z(t0 ) by another call to an ODE solver. This solver must run backwards, starting from the initial
value of ∂L/∂z(t1 ). One complication is that solving this ODE requires the knowing value of z(t) along its entire tra-
jectory. However, we can simply recompute z(t) backwards in time together with the adjoint, starting from its final
value z(t1 ).
If the loss depends directly on the state at multi- Computing the gradients with respect to the pa-
ple observation times, the adjoint state must be parameters θ requires evaluating a third integral,
updated in the direction of the partial derivative of which depends on both z(t) and a(t):
the loss with respect to each observation.
<<FORMULA>> (5)
The vector-Jacobian products <<FORMULA>> and <<FORMULA>> in (4) and (5) can be efficiently evaluated by
automatic differentiation, at a time cost similar to that of evaluating f . All integrals for solving z,
and <<FORMULA>> can be computed in a single call to an ODE solver, which concatenates the original state, the
adjoint, and the other partial derivatives into a single vector. Algorithm 1 shows how to construct the
necessary dynamics, and call an ODE solver to compute all gradients at once.
Most ODE solvers have the option to output the state z(t) at multiple times. When the loss depends
on these intermediate states, the reverse-mode derivative must be broken into a sequence of separate
solves, one between each consecutive pair of output times (Figure 2). At each observation, the adjoint
must be adjusted in the direction of the corresponding partial derivative ∂L/∂z(ti ).
The results above extend those of Stapor et al. (2018, section 2.4.2). An extended version of
Algorithm 1 including derivatives w.r.t. t0 and t1 can be found in Appendix C. Detailed derivations
are provided in Appendix B. Appendix D provides Python code which computes all derivatives for
scipy.integrate.odeint by extending the autograd automatic differentiation package. This
code also supports all higher-order derivatives. We have since released a PyTorch (Paszke et al.,
2017) implementation, including GPU-based implementations of several standard ODE solvers at
Replacing residual networks with ODEs for supervised learning
In this section, we experimentally investigate the training of neural ODEs for supervised learning.
Software To solve ODE initial value problems numerically, we use the implicit Adams method
implemented in LSODE and VODE and interfaced through the scipy.integrate package. Being
an implicit method, it has better guarantees than explicit methods such as Runge-Kutta but requires
solving a nonlinear optimization problem at every step. This setup makes direct backpropagation
through the integrator difficult. We implement the adjoint sensitivity method in Pythons autograd
framework (Maclaurin et al., 2015). For the experiments in this section, we evaluated the hidden
state dynamics and their derivatives on the GPU using Tensorflow, which were then called from the
Fortran ODE solvers, which were called from Python autograd code.
Model Architectures We experiment with a small residual network which downsamples the et al. (1998).
input twice then applies 6 standard residual blocks He et al. (2016b), which are replaced by an ODESolve
module in the ODE-Net variant. We also test a network with the same architecture but where gradients are
backpropagated directly through a Runge-Kutta integrator, re-ferred to as RK-Net. Table 1 shows test error,
number of parameters, and memory cost. L denotes the number of layers in the ResNet, and L̃ is the number
of function evaluations that the ODE solver
requests in a single forward pass, which can be interpreted as an implicit number of layers. We find
that ODE-Nets and RK-Nets can achieve around the same performance as the ResNet.
Error Control in ODE-Nets ODE solvers can approximately ensure that the output is within a
given tolerance of the true solution. Changing this tolerance changes the behavior of the network.
We first verify that error can indeed be controlled in Figure 3a. The time spent by the forward call is
proportional to the number of function evaluations (Figure 3b), so tuning the tolerance gives us a
trade-off between accuracy and computational cost. One could train with high accuracy, but switch to
a lower accuracy at test time.
Figure 3: Statistics of a trained ODE-Net. (NFE = number of function evaluations.)
Figure 3c) shows a surprising result: the number of evaluations in the backward pass is roughly
half of the forward pass. This suggests that the adjoint sensitivity method is not only more memory
efficient, but also more computationally efficient than directly backpropagating through the integrator,
because the latter approach will need to backprop through each function evaluation in the forward
Network Depth Its not clear how to define the depth of an ODE solution. A related quantity is
the number of evaluations of the hidden state dynamics required, a detail delegated to the ODE solver
and dependent on the initial state or input. Figure 3d shows that he number of function evaluations
increases throughout training, presumably adapting to increasing complexity of the model.
4 Continuous Normalizing Flows
The discretized equation (1) also appears in normalizing flows (Rezende and Mohamed, 2015) and
the NICE framework (Dinh et al., 2014). These methods use the change of variables theorem to
compute exact changes in probability if samples are transformed through a bijective function f :
<<FORMULA>> (6)
An example is the planar normalizing flow (Rezende and Mohamed, 2015):
<<FORMULA>> (7)
Generally, the main bottleneck to using the change of variables formula is computing of the deter-
minant of the Jacobian ∂f/∂z, which has a cubic cost in either the dimension of z, or the number
of hidden units. Recent work explores the tradeoff between the expressiveness of normalizing flow
layers and computational cost (Kingma et al., 2016; Tomczak and Welling, 2016; Berg et al., 2018).
Surprisingly, moving from a discrete set of layers to a continuous transformation simplifies the
computation of the change in normalizing constant:
Theorem 1 (Instantaneous Change of Variables). Let z(t) be a finite continuous random variable
with probability p(z(t)) dependent on time. Let dz dt = f (z(t), t) be a differential equation describing
a continuous-in-time transformation of z(t). Assuming that f is uniformly Lipschitz continuous in z
and continuous in t, then the change in log probability also follows a differential equation,
<<FORMULA>> (8)
Proof in Appendix A. Instead of the log determinant in (6), we now only require a trace operation.
Also unlike standard finite flows, the differential equation f does not need to be bijective, since if
uniqueness is satisfied, then the entire transformation is automatically bijective.
As an example application of the instantaneous change of variables, we can examine the continuous
analog of the planar flow, and its change in normalization constant:
<<FORMULA>> (9)
Given an initial distribution p(z(0)), we can sample from p(z(t)) and evaluate its density by solving
this combined ODE.
Using multiple hiddenP units with P linear cost While det is not a linear function, the trace function
is, which implies tr( n Jn ) = n tr(Jn ). Thus if our dynamics is given by a sum of functions then
the differential equation for the log density is also a sum:
<<FORMULA>> (10)
This means we can cheaply evaluate flow models having many hidden units, with a cost only linear in
the number of hidden units M . Evaluating such wide flow layers using standard normalizing flows
costs O(M 3 ), meaning that standard NF architectures use many layers of only a single hidden unit.
Time-dependent dynamics We can specify the parameters of a flow as a function of t, making the
differential equation f (z(t), t) change with t. This is parameterization is a kind of hypernetwork
(Ha et al., 2016). We also introduce a gating mechanism for each hidden unit,
where σn (t) ∈ (0, 1) is a neural network that learns when the dynamic fn (z) should be applied. We
call these models continuous normalizing flows (CNF).
4.1 Experiments with Continuous Normalizing Flows
We first compare continuous and discrete planar flows at learning to sample from a known distribution.
We show that a planar CNF with M hidden units can be at least as expressive as a planar NF with
K = M layers, and sometimes much more expressive.
Density matching We configure the CNF as described above, and train for 10,000 iterations
using Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014). In contrast, the NF is trained for 500,000 iterations using
RMSprop (Hinton et al., 2012), as suggested by Rezende and Mohamed (2015). For this task, we
minimize KL (q(x)kp(x)) as the loss function where q is the flow model and the target density p(·)
can be evaluated. Figure 4 shows that CNF generally achieves lower loss.
Maximum Likelihood Training A useful property of continuous-time normalizing flows is that
we can compute the reverse transformation for about the same cost as the forward pass, which cannot
be said for normalizing flows. This lets us train the flow on a density estimation task by performing
maximum likelihood estimation, which maximizes Ep(x) [log q(x)] where q(·) is computed using
the appropriate change of variables theorem, then afterwards reverse the CNF to generate random
samples from q(x).
For this task, we use 64 hidden units for CNF, and 64 stacked one-hidden-unit layers for NF. Figure 5
shows the learned dynamics. Instead of showing the initial Gaussian distribution, we display the
transformed distribution after a small amount of time which shows the locations of the initial planar
flows. Interestingly, to fit the Two Circles distribution, the CNF rotates the planar flows so that
the particles can be evenly spread into circles. While the CNF transformations are smooth and
interpretable, we find that NF transformations are very unintuitive and this model has difficulty fitting
the two moons dataset in Figure 5b.
5 A generative latent function time-series model
Applying neural networks to irregularly-sampled data such as medical records, network traffic, or
neural spiking data is difficult. Typically, observations are put into bins of fixed duration, and the
latent dynamics are discretized in the same way. This leads to difficulties with missing data and ill-
defined latent variables. Missing data can be addressed using generative time-series models (Álvarez
and Lawrence, 2011; Futoma et al., 2017; Mei and Eisner, 2017; Soleimani et al., 2017a) or data
imputation (Che et al., 2018). Another approach concatenates time-stamp information to the input of
an RNN (Choi et al., 2016; Lipton et al., 2016; Du et al., 2016; Li, 2017).
We present a continuous-time, generative approach to modeling time series. Our model represents
each time series by a latent trajectory. Each trajectory is determined from a local initial state, zt0 , and
a global set of latent dynamics shared across all time series. Given observation times t0 , t1 , . . . , tN
and an initial state zt0 , an ODE solver produces zt1 , . . . , ztN , which describe the latent state at each
observation.We define this generative model formally through a sampling procedure:
<<FORMULA>> (11)
<<FORMULA>> (12)
<<FORMULA>> (13)
Function f is a time-invariant function that takes the value z at the current time step and outputs the
gradient: ∂z(t)/∂t = f (z(t), θf ). We parametrize this function using a neural net. Because f is time-
invariant, given any latent state z(t), the entire latent trajectory is uniquely defined. Extrapolating
this latent trajectory lets us make predictions arbitrarily far forwards or backwards in time.
Training and Prediction We can train this latent-variable model as a variational autoen-
coder (Kingma and Welling, 2014; Rezende et al., 2014), with sequence-valued observations. Our
recognition net is an RNN, which consumes the data sequentially backwards in time, and out-
puts qφ (z0 |x1 , x2 , . . . , xN ). A detailed algorithm can be found in Appendix E. Using ODEs as a
generative model allows us to make predictions for arbitrary time points t1 ...tM on a continuous
Poisson Process likelihoods The fact that an observation oc-
curred often tells us something about the latent state. For ex-
ample, a patient may be more likely to take a medical test if
they are sick. The rate of events can be parameterized by a
function of the latent state: p(event at time t| z(t)) = λ(z(t)).
Given this rate function, the likelihood of a set of indepen-
dent observation times in the interval [tstart , tend ] is given by an t
inhomogeneous Poisson process (Palm, 1943):
We can parameterize λ(·) using another neural network. Con-
veniently, we can evaluate both the latent trajectory and the
Poisson process likelihood together in a single call to an ODE solver. Figure 7 shows the event rate
learned by such a model on a toy dataset.
A Poisson process likelihood on observation
times can be combined with a data likelihood to
jointly model all observations and the times at
which they were made.
5.1 Time-series Latent ODE Experiments
We investigate the ability of the latent ODE
model to fit and extrapolate time series. The
recognition network is an RNN with 25 hidden
units. We use a 4-dimensional latent space. We
parameterize the dynamics function f with a
one-hidden-layer network with 20 hidden units.
The decoder computing p(xti |zti ) is another
neural network with one hidden layer with 20
hidden units. Our baseline was a recurrent neu-
ral net with 25 hidden units trained to minimize
negative Gaussian log-likelihood. We trained a
second version of this RNN whose inputs were
concatenated with the time difference to the next
observation to aid RNN with irregular observations.
Bi-directional spiral dataset We generated neural network. (b): Reconstructions and extrapo-
a dataset of 1000 2-dimensional spirals, each lations by a latent neural ODE. Blue curve shows
starting at a different point, sampled at 100 model prediction. Red shows extrapolation. (c) A
equally-spaced timesteps. The dataset contains projection of inferred 4-dimensional latent ODE
two types of spirals: half are clockwise while trajectories onto their first two dimensions. Color
the other half counter-clockwise. To make the indicates the direction of the corresponding trajec-
task more realistic, we add gaussian noise to the tory. The model has learned latent dynamics which
progression through time, starting at purple and ending at red. Note that the trajectories on the left
are counter-clockwise, while the trajectories on the right are clockwise.
Time series with irregular time points To generate irregular timestamps, we randomly sample
points from each trajectory without replacement (n = {30, 50, 100}). We report predictive root-
mean-squared error (RMSE) on 100 time points extending beyond those that were used for training.
Table 2 shows that the latent ODE has substantially lower predictive RMSE.
We observed that reconstructions and extrapolations are consistent with the ground truth
regardless of number of observed points and despite the noise.
Latent space interpolation Figure 8c shows latent trajectories projected onto the first two dimen-
sions of the latent space. The trajectories form two separate clusters of trajectories, one decoding to
clockwise spirals, the other to counter-clockwise. Figure 9 shows that the latent trajectories change
smoothly as a function of the initial point z(t0 ), switching from a clockwise to a counter-clockwise
6 Scope and Limitations
Minibatching The use of mini-batches is less straightforward than for standard neural networks.
One can still batch together evaluations through the ODE solver by concatenating the states of each
batch element together, creating a combined ODE with dimension D × K. In some cases, controlling
error on all batch elements together might require evaluating the combined system K times more
often than if each system was solved individually. However, in practice the number of evaluations did
not increase substantially when using minibatches.
Uniqueness When do continuous dynamics have a unique solution? Picards existence theo-
rem (Coddington and Levinson, 1955) states that the solution to an initial value problem exists and is
unique if the differential equation is uniformly Lipschitz continuous in z and continuous in t. This
theorem holds for our model if the neural network has finite weights and uses Lipshitz nonlinearities,
such as tanh or relu.
Setting tolerances Our framework allows the user to trade off speed for precision, but requires
the user to choose an error tolerance on both the forward and reverse passes during training. For
sequence modeling, the default value of 1.5e-8 was used. In the classification and density estimation
experiments, we were able to reduce the tolerance to 1e-3 and 1e-5, respectively, without degrading
Reconstructing forward trajectories Reconstructing the state trajectory by running the dynamics
backwards can introduce extra numerical error if the reconstructed trajectory diverges from the
original. This problem can be addressed by checkpointing: storing intermediate values of z on the
forward pass, and reconstructing the exact forward trajectory by re-integrating from those points. We
did not find this to be a practical problem, and we informally checked that reversing many layers of
continuous normalizing flows with default tolerances recovered the initial states.
7 Related Work
The use of the adjoint method for training continuous-time neural networks was previously pro-
posed (LeCun et al., 1988; Pearlmutter, 1995), though was not demonstrated practically. The
interpretation of residual networks He et al. (2016a) as approximate ODE solvers spurred research
into exploiting reversibility and approximate computation in ResNets (Chang et al., 2017; Lu et al.,
2017). We demonstrate these same properties in more generality by directly using an ODE solver.
Adaptive computation One can adapt computation time by training secondary neural networks
to choose the number of evaluations of recurrent or residual networks (Graves, 2016; Jernite et al.,
2016; Figurnov et al., 2017; Chang et al., 2018). However, this introduces overhead both at training
and test time, and extra parameters that need to be fit. In contrast, ODE solvers offer well-studied,
computationally cheap, and generalizable rules for adapting the amount of computation.
Constant memory backprop through reversibility Recent work developed reversible versions
of residual networks (Gomez et al., 2017; Haber and Ruthotto, 2017; Chang et al., 2017), which gives
the same constant memory advantage as our approach. However, these methods require restricted
architectures, which partition the hidden units. Our approach does not have these restrictions.
Learning differential equations Much recent work has proposed learning differential equations
from data. One can train feed-forward or recurrent neural networks to approximate a differential
equation (Raissi and Karniadakis, 2018; Raissi et al., 2018a; Long et al., 2017), with applica-
tions such as fluid simulation (Wiewel et al., 2018). There is also significant work on connecting
Gaussian Processes (GPs) and ODE solvers (Schober et al., 2014). GPs have been adapted to fit
differential equations (Raissi et al., 2018b) and can naturally model continuous-time effects and
interventions (Soleimani et al., 2017b; Schulam and Saria, 2017). Ryder et al. (2018) use stochastic
variational inference to recover the solution of a given stochastic differential equation.
Differentiating through ODE solvers The dolfin library (Farrell et al., 2013) implements adjoint
computation for general ODE and PDE solutions, but only by backpropagating through the individual
operations of the forward solver. The Stan library (Carpenter et al., 2015) implements gradient
estimation through ODE solutions using forward sensitivity analysis. However, forward sensitivity
analysis is quadratic-time in the number of variables, whereas the adjoint sensitivity analysis is
linear (Carpenter et al., 2015; Zhang and Sandu, 2014). Melicher et al. (2017) used the adjoint
method to train bespoke latent dynamic models.
In contrast, by providing a generic vector-Jacobian product, we allow an ODE solver to be trained
end-to-end with any other differentiable model components. While use of vector-Jacobian products
for solving the adjoint method has been explored in optimal control (Andersson, 2013; Andersson
et al., In Press, 2018), we highlight the potential of a general integration of black-box ODE solvers
into automatic differentiation (Baydin et al., 2018) for deep learning and generative modeling.
8 Conclusion
We investigated the use of black-box ODE solvers as a model component, developing new models
for time-series modeling, supervised learning, and density estimation. These models are evaluated
adaptively, and allow explicit control of the tradeoff between computation speed and accuracy.
Finally, we derived an instantaneous version of the change of variables formula, and developed
continuous-time normalizing flows, which can scale to large layer sizes.
9 Acknowledgements
We thank Wenyi Wang and Geoff Roeder for help with proofs, and Daniel Duckworth, Ethan Fetaya,
Hossein Soleimani, Eldad Haber, Ken Caluwaerts, Daniel Flam-Shepherd, and Harry Braviner for
feedback. We thank Chris Rackauckas, Dougal Maclaurin, and Matthew James Johnson for helpful
discussions. We also thank Yuval Frommer for pointing out an unsupported claim about parameter
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Appendix A Proof of the Instantaneous Change of Variables Theorem
Theorem (Instantaneous Change of Variables). Let z(t) be a finite continuous random variable with probability
p(z(t)) dependent on time. Let dz/dt = f (z(t), t) be a differential equation describing a continuous-in-time
transformation of z(t). Assuming that f is uniformly Lipschitz continuous in z and continuous in t, then the
change in log probability also follows a differential equation:
Proof. To prove this theorem, we take the infinitesimal limit of finite changes of log p(z(t)) through time. First
we denote the transformation of z over an ε change in time as
<<FORMULA>> (14)
We assume that f is Lipschitz continuous in z(t) and continuous in t, so every initial value problem has a unique
solution by Picards existence theorem. We also assume z(t) is bounded. These conditions imply that f , Tε , and
∂T are all bounded. In the following, we use these conditions to exchange limits and products.
We can write the differential equation <<FORMULA>> using the discrete change of variables formula, and the
definition of the derivative:
<<FORMULA>> (15)
<<FORMULA>> (16)
<<FORMULA>> (by LHôpitals rule) (17)
<<FORMULA>> (18)
<<FORMULA>> (19)
<<FORMULA>> (20)
The derivative of the determinant can be expressed using Jacobis formula, which gives
<<FORMULA>> (21)
<<FORMULA>> (22)
<<FORMULA>> (23)
Substituting Tε with its Taylor series expansion and taking the limit, we complete the proof.
<<FORMULA>> (24)
<<FORMULA>> (25)
<<FORMULA>> (26)
<<FORMULA>> (27)
A.1 Special Cases
Planar CNF. Let f (z) = uh(wz + b), then ∂z = u ∂h ∂z. Since the trace of an outer product is the inner
product, we have
<<FORMULA>> (28)
This is the parameterization we use in all of our experiments.
Hamiltonian CNF. The continuous analog of NICE (Dinh et al., 2014) is a Hamiltonian flow, which splits
the data into two equal partitions and is a volume-preserving transformation, implying that ∂t = 0. We
can verify this. Let
<<FORMULA>> (29)
Then because the Jacobian is all zeros on its diagonal, the trace is zero. This is a volume-preserving flow.
A.2 Connection to Fokker-Planck and Liouville PDEs
The Fokker-Planck equation is a well-known partial differential equation (PDE) that describes the probability
density function of a stochastic differential equation as it changes with time. We relate the instantaneous change
of variables to the special case of Fokker-Planck with zero diffusion, the Liouville equation.
As with the instantaneous change of variables, let z(t) ∈ RD evolve through time following dz(t)/dt = f (z(t), t).
Then Liouville equation describes the change in density of za fixed point in spaceas a PDE,
<<FORMULA>> (30)
However, (30) cannot be easily used as it requires the partial derivatives of p(z,t)/∂z, which is typically approximated
using finite difference. This type of PDE has its own literature on efficient and accurate simulation (Stam, 1999).
Instead of evaluating p(·, t) at a fixed point, if we follow the trajectory of a particle z(t), we obtain
partial derivative from first argument, z(t) partial derivative from second argument, t
<<FORMULA>> (31)
We arrive at the instantaneous change of variables by taking the log,
<<FORMULA>> (32)
While still a PDE, (32) can be combined with z(t) to form an ODE of size D + 1,
<<FORMULA>> (33)
Compared to the Fokker-Planck and Liouville equations, the instantaneous change of variables is of more
practical impact as it can be numerically solved much more easily, requiring an extra state of D for following
the trajectory of z(t). Whereas an approach based on finite difference approximation of the Liouville equation
would require a grid size that is exponential in D.
Appendix B A Modern Proof of the Adjoint Method
We present an alternative proof to the adjoint method (Pontryagin et al., 1962) that is short and easy to follow.
B.1 Continuous Backpropagation
Let z(t) follow the differential equation dt = f (z(t), t, θ), where θ are the parameters. We will prove that if
we define an adjoint state
<<FORMULA>> (34)
then it follows the differential equation
<<FORMULA>> (35)
For ease of notation, we denote vectors as row vectors, whereas the main text uses column vectors.
The adjoint state is the gradient with respect to the hidden state at a specified time t. In standard neural networks,
the gradient of a hidden layer ht depends on the gradient from the next layer ht+1 by chain rule
<<FORMULA>> (36)
With a continuous hidden state, we can write the transformation after an ε change in time as
<<FORMULA>> (37)
<<FORMULA>> (38)
The proof of (35) follows from the definition of derivative:
<<FORMULA>> (39)
<<FORMULA>> (by Eq 38) (40)
<<FORMULA>> (Taylor series around z(T)) (41)
<<FORMULA>> (42)
<<FORMULA>> (43)
<<FORMULA>> (44)
<<FORMULA>> (45)
We pointed out the similarity between adjoint method and backpropagation (eq. 38). Similarly to backpropaga-
tion, ODE for the adjoint state needs to be solved backwards in time. We specify the constraint on the last time
point, which is simply the gradient of the loss wrt the last time point, and can obtain the gradients with respect to
the hidden state at any time, including the initial value.
<<FORMULA>> (46)
Here we assumed that loss function L depends only on the last time point tN . If function L depends also on
intermediate time points t1 , t2 , . . . , tN 1 , etc., we can repeat the adjoint step for each of the intervals [tN 1 , tN ],
[tN 2 , tN 1 ] in the backward order and sum up the obtained gradients.
B.2 Gradients wrt. θ and t
We can generalize (35) to obtain gradients with respect to θa constant wrt. tand and the initial and end times,
t0 and tN . We view θ and t as states with constant differential equations and write
<<FORMULA>> (47)
We can then combine these with z to form an augmented state1 with corresponding differential equation and
adjoint state,
<<FORMULA>> (48)
Note this formulates the augmented ODE as an autonomous (time-invariant) ODE, but the derivations in the
previous section still hold as this is a special case of a time-variant ODE. The Jacobian of f has the form
<<FORMULA>> (49)
where each 0 is a matrix of zeros with the appropriate dimensions. We plug this into (35) to obtain
<<FORMULA>> (50)
The first element is the adjoint differential equation (35), as expected. The second element can be used to obtain
the total gradient with respect to the parameters, by integrating over the full interval and setting aθ (tN ) = 0.
<<FORMULA>> (51)
Finally, we also get gradients with respect to t0 and tN , the start and end of the integration interval.
<<FORMULA>> (52)
Between (35), (46), (51), and (52) we have gradients for all possible inputs to an initial value problem solver.
Appendix C Full Adjoint sensitivities algorithm
This more detailed version of Algorithm 1 includes gradients with respect to the start and end times of integration.
Algorithm 2 Complete reverse-mode derivative of an ODE initial value problem
Input: dynamics parameters θ, start time t0 , stop time t1 , final state z(t1 ), loss gradient ∂L/∂z(t1 )
Note that weve overloaded t to be both a part of the state and the (dummy) independent variable. The
distinction is clear given context, so we keep t as the independent variable for consistency with the rest of the
Appendix D Autograd Implementation
Appendix E Algorithm for training the latent ODE model
To obtain the latent representation zt0 , we traverse the sequence using RNN and obtain parameters of distribution
q(zt0 |{xti , ti }i , θenc ). The algorithm follows a standard VAE algorithm with an RNN variational posterior and
an ODESolve model:
<<FORMULA>> (53)
Appendix F Extra Figures
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<<END>> <<END>> <<END>>
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Learning differential equations that are easy to solve
Jacob Kelly Jesse Bettencourt
University of Toronto, Vector Institute University of Toronto, Vector Institute
jkelly@cs.toronto.edu jessebett@cs.toronto.edu
Matthew James Johnson David Duvenaud
Google Brain University of Toronto, Vector Institute
mattjj@google.com duvenaud@cs.toronto.edu
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2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Differential equations parameterized by neural networks become expensive to solve
numerically as training progresses. We propose a remedy that encourages learned
dynamics to be easier to solve. Specifically, we introduce a differentiable surrogate
for the time cost of standard numerical solvers, using higher-order derivatives
of solution trajectories. These derivatives are efficient to compute with Taylor-
mode automatic differentiation. Optimizing this additional objective trades model
performance against the time cost of solving the learned dynamics. We demonstrate
our approach by training substantially faster, while nearly as accurate, models in
supervised classification, density estimation, and time-series modelling tasks.
1 Introduction
Differential equations describe a systems behavior by specifying its instantaneous dynamics.
Historically, differential equations have been derived from theory, such as Newtonian mechanics,
Maxwells equations, or epidemiological models of infectious disease, with parameters inferred
from observations. Solutions to these equations usually cannot be expressed in closed-form,
requiring numerical approximation. Recently, ordinary differential equations parameterized by
millions of learned parameters, called neural ODEs, have been fit for latent time series models,
density models, or as a replacement for very deep neural networks (Rubanova et al., 2019; Grath-
wohl et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2018). These models are not constrained to match a theoretical
model,and sometimes substantially different dynamics can give nearly indistinguishable predictions.
This raises the possibility that we can find nearly equivalent models that are substantially easier
and faster to solve. Yet standard training methods have no way to penalize the complexity of the
dynamics being learned.
Equal Contribution. Code available at: github.com/jacobjinkelly/easy-neural-ode
How can we learn dynamics that are faster to solve numerically without substantially changing their
predictions? Much of the computational advantages of a continuous-time formulation come from
using adaptive solvers, and most of the time cost of these solvers comes from repeatedly evaluating
the dynamics function, which in our settings is a moderately-sized neural network. So, wed like to
reduce the number of function evaluations (NFE) required for these solvers to reach a given error
tolerance. Ideally, we would add a term penalizing the NFE to the training objective, and let a
gradient-based optimizer trade off between solver cost and predictive performance. But because NFE
is integer-valued, we need to find a differentiable surrogate.
The NFE taken by an adaptive solver depends on how far it can extrapolate the trajectory forward
without introducing too much error. For example, for a standard adaptive-step Runge-Kutta solver
with order m, the step size is approximately inversely proportional to the norm of the local mth total
derivative of the solution trajectory with respect to time. That is, a larger mth derivative leads to a
smaller step size and thus more function evaluations. Thus, we propose to minimize the norm of this
total derivative during training, as a way to control the time required to solve the learned dynamics.
In this paper, we investigate the effect of this speed regularization in various models and solvers.
We examine the relationship between the solver order and the regularization order, and characterize
the tradeoff between speed and performance. In most instances, we find that solver speed can be
approximately doubled without a substantial increase in training loss. We also provide an extension
to the JAX program transformation framework that provides Taylor-mode automatic differentiation,
which is asymptotically more efficient for computing the required total derivatives than standard
nested gradients.
Our work compares against and generalizes that of Finlay et al. (2020), who proposed regularizing
dynamics in the FFJORD density estimation model, and showed that it stabilized dynamics enough
in that setting to allow the use of fixed-step solvers during training.
2 Background
An ordinary differential equation (ODE) specifies the instantaneous change of a vector-valued state
<<FORMULA>>, computing the state at a later time:
is called an initial value problem (IVP). For example, f could describe the equations of motion for a
particle, or the transmission and recovery rates for a virus across a population. Usually, the required
integral has no analytic solution, and must be approximated numerically.
Adaptive-step Runge-Kutta ODE Solvers Runge-Kutta methods (Runge, 1895; Kutta, 1901)
approximate the solution trajectories of ODEs through a series of small steps, starting at time t0 .
At each step, they choose a step size h, and fit a local approximation to the solution, ẑ(t), using
several evaluations of f . When h is sufficiently small, the numerical error of a mth-order method
is bounded by kẑ(t + h) z(t + h)k ≤ chm+1 for some constant c (Hairer et al., 1993). So, for a
mth-order method, the local error grows approximately in proportion to the size of the mth coefficient
in the Taylor expansion of the true solution. All else being equal, controlling this coefficient for all
dimensions of z(t) will allow larger steps to be taken without surpassing the error tolerance.
Neural Ordinary Differential Equations The dynamics function f can be a moderately-sized
neural network, and its parameters θ trained by gradient descent. Solving the resulting IVP is
analogous to evaluating a very deep residual network in which the number of layers corresponds
to the number of function evaluations of the solver (Chang et al., 2017; Ruthotto & Haber, 2018;
Chen et al., 2018). Solving such continuous-depth models using adaptive numerical solvers has
several computational advantages over standard discrete-depth network architectures. However, this
approach is often slower than using a fixed-depth network, due to an inability to control the number
of steps required by an adaptive-step solver.
3 Regularizing Higher-Order Derivatives for Speed
The ability of Runge-Kutta methods to take large and accurate steps is limited by the Kth-order
Taylor coefficients of the solution trajectory. We would like these coefficients to be small. Specifically,
we propose to regularize the squared norm of the Kth-order total derivatives of the state with respect
to time, integrated along the entire solution trajectory:
<<FORMULA>> (1)
where k·k2 is the squared `2 norm, and the dependence on the dynamics parameters θ is implicit
through the solution z(t) integrating dz(t)
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<<dt = f (z(t), t, θ)>>.
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During training, we weigh this regularization term by a hyperparameter λ and add it to our original loss
to get our regularized objective:
<<FORMULA>> (2)
What kind of solutions are allowed when RK = 0? For K = 0,
we have kz(t)k2 = 0, so the only possible solution is z(t) = 0.
For K = 1, we have kf (z(t), t)k2 = 0, so all solutions are
constant, flat trajectories. For K = 2 solutions are straight-line
trajectories. Higher values of K shrink higher derivatives, but
dont penalize lower-order dynamics. For instance, a quadratic
trajectory will have R3 = 0. Setting the Kth order dynamics to
exactly zero everywhere automatically makes all higher orders
zero as well. Figure 1 shows that regularizing R3 on a toy 1D
neural ODE reduces NFE.
Which orders should we regularize? We propose matching the
order of the regularizer to that of the solver being used. We
conjecture that regularizing dynamics of lower orders than that
of the solver restricts the model unnecessarily, and that let-
ting the lower orders remain unregularized should not increase
NFE very much. Figure 2 shows empirically which orders
of Runge-Kutta solvers can efficiently solve which orders of
toy polynomial trajectories. We test these conjectures on real
models and datasets in section 6.2.
The solution trajectory and our regularization term can be computed in a single call to an ODE solver
by augmenting the system with the integrand in eq. (1).
4 Efficient Higher Order Differentiation with Taylor Mode
The number of terms in higher-order forward derivatives grows exponentially in K, becoming
prohibitively expensive for K = 5, and causing substantial slowdowns even for K = 2 and K = 3.
Luckily, there exists a generalization of forward-mode automatic differentiation (AD), known as
Taylor mode, which can compute the total derivative exactly for a cost of only O(K 2 ). We found
that this asymptotic improvement reduced wall-clock time by an order of magnitude, even for K as
low as 3.
First-order forward-mode AD Standard forward-mode AD computes, for a function f (x) and
an input perturbation vector v, the product ∂f ∂x v. This Jacobian-vector product, or JVP, can be
computed efficiently without explicitly instantiating the Jacobian. This implicit computation of JVPs
is straightforward whenever f is a composition of operations for which which implicit JVP rules are
Higher-order Jacobian-vector products Forward-mode AD can be generalized to higher orders
to compute Kth-order Jacobians contracted K times against the perturbation vector: ∂∂xKf v ⊗K .
Similarly, this can also be computed without representing any Jacobian matrices explicitly.
A naïve approach to higher-order forward mode is to recursively apply first-order forward mode.
Specifically, nesting JVPs K times gives the right answer: <<FORMULA>> but
causes an unnecessary exponential slowdown, costing O(exp(K)). This is because expressions that
appear in lower derivatives also appear in higher derivatives, but the work to compute is not shared
across orders.
Taylor Mode Taylor-mode AD generalizes Function Taylor propagation rule
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
first-order forward mode to compute the first <<y = z + cw>> <<y[k] = z[k] + cw[k]>>
K derivatives exactly with a time cost of only <<Pk>>
O(K 2 ) or O(K log K), depending on the op- <<y =zw>> << y[k] = h j=0 z[j] w[kj] i>>
erations involved. Instead of providing rules <<y = z/w>> <<y[k] = w10 zk j=0 z[j] w[kj]>>
for propagating perturbation vectors, one pro- <<Pk>>
<<y = exp(z)>> <<ỹ[k] = j=1 y[kj] z̃[j]>>
vides rules for propagating truncated Taylor <<Pk>>
series. Some example rules are shown in ta- <<s = sin(z)>> <<s̃[k] = j=1 z̃[j] c[kj]>>
ble 1. For more details see the Appendix and <<c = cos(z)>> <<c̃[k] = j=1 z̃[j] s[kj]>>
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Griewank & Walther (2008, Chapter 12). We
provide an open source implementation of Table 1: Rules for propagating Taylor polynomial
Taylor mode AD in the JAX Python library coefficients through standard functions. These rules
(Bradbury et al., 2018). generalize standard first-order derivatives. Notation
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<z[i] = i!1 zi>> and <<ỹ[i] = i!i zi>>.
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5 Experiments
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We consider three different tasks in which continuous-
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depth or continuous time models might have computa-
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tional advantages over standard discrete-depth models:
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supervised learning, continuous generative modeling of
time-series (Rubanova et al., 2019), and density estima-
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
tion using continuous normalizing flows (Grathwohl et al.,
2019). Unless specified otherwise, we use the standard
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dopri5 Runge-Kutta 4(5) solver (Dormand & Prince,
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
1980; Shampine, 1986). <<FIGURE>>
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
5.1 Supervised Learning Figure 3: Number of function evalua-
tions (NFE) and training error during
We construct a model for MNIST classification: it takes in training. Speed regularization (solid)
as input a flattened MNIST image and integrates it through decreases the NFE throughout training
dynamics given by a simple MLP, then applies a linear without substantially changing the train-
classification layer. In fig. 3 we compare the NFE and ing error.
training error of a model with and without regularizing
R3 .
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5.2 Continuous Generative Time Series Models
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As in Rubanova et al. (2019), we use the Latent ODE
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architecture for modelling trajectories of ICU patients
using the PhysioNet Challenge 2012 dataset (Silva
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
et al., 2012). This variational autoencoder architec-
ture uses an RNN recognition network, and models
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
the state dynamics using an ODE in a latent space.
In the supervised learning setting described in the
previous section only the final state affects model pre- Figure 4: Regularizing dynamics in a la-
dictions. In contrast, time-series models predictions tent ODE modeling PhysioNet clinical data.
also depend on the value of the trajectory at all inter- Shown are a representative 2-dimensional
mediate times when observations were made. So, we slice of 20 dimensional dynamics. We re-
might expect speed regularization to be ineffective duce average NFE from 281 to 90 while only
due to these extra constraints on the dynamics. How- incurring an 8% increase in loss.
ever, fig. 4 shows that, without changing their overall
shape the latent dynamics can be adjusted to reduce their NFE by a factor of 3.
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5.3 Density Estimation with Continuous Normalizing Flows
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Our third task is unsupervised density estimation, using a scalable variant of continuous normalizing
flows called FFJORD (Grathwohl et al., 2019). We fit the MINIBOONE tabular dataset from
Papamakarios et al. (2017) and the MNIST image dataset (LeCun et al., 2010). We use the respective
singe-flow architectures from Grathwohl et al. (2019).
Grathwohl et al. (2019) noted that the NFE required to numerically integrate their dynamics could
become prohibitively expensive throughout training. Table 2 shows that we can reduce NFE by 38%
for only a 0.6% increase in log-likelihood measured in bits/dim.
How to train your Neural ODE We compare against the approach of Finlay et al. (2020), who
design two regularization terms specifically for stabilizing the dynamics of FFJORD models:
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The first term is designed to encourage straight-line paths, and the second, stochastic, term is designed
to reduce overfitting. Finlay et al. (2020) used fixed-step solvers during training for some datasets.
We compare these two regularization on training with each of adaptive and fixed-step solvers, and
evaluated using an adaptive solver, in section 6.3.
6 Analysis and Discussion
6.1 Trading off function evaluations for loss
What does the trade off between accuracy and speed look like? Ideally, we could reduce the solver
time a lot without substantially reducing model performance. Indeed, this is demonstrated in all three
settings we explored. Figure 5 shows that generally, model performance starts getting substantially
worse only after a 50% reduction in solver speed when controlling R2 .
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Figure 5: Tuning the regularization of R2 trades off between training loss and solver speed in three
different applications of neural ODEs. Horizontal axes show average number of function evaluations,
and vertical axes show unregularized training loss, both at the end of training.
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6.2 Order of regularization vs. order of solver
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Which order of total derivatives should we regularize for a particular solver? As mentioned earlier,
we conjecture that the best choice would be to match the order of the solver being used. Regularizing
too low an order might needlessly constrain the dynamics and make it harder to fit the data, while
regularizing too high an order might leave the dynamics difficult to solve for a lower-order solver.
However, we also expect that optimizing higher-order derivatives might be challenging, since these
higher derivatives can change quickly even for small changes to the dynamics parameters.
Figures 6 and 7 investigate this question on the task of MNIST classification. Figure 6 compares the
effectiveness of regularizing different orders when using a solver of a particular order. For a 2nd
order solver, regularizing K = 2 produces a strictly better trade-off between performance and speed,
as expected. For higher-order solvers, including ones with adaptive order, we found that regularizing
orders above K = 3 gave little benefit.
Figure 7 investigates the relationship between RK and the quantity it is meant to be a surrogate
for: NFE. We observe a clear monotonic relationship between the two, for all orders of solver and
6.3 Do we reduce training time?
Our approach produces models that are fastest to evaluate at test time. However, when we train
with adaptive solvers we do not improve overall training time, due to the additional expense of
computing our regularizer. Training with a fixed-grid solver is faster, but can be unstable if dynamics
are unregularized. Finlay et al. (2020)s regularization and ours allow us to use fixed grid solvers and
reduce training time. However, ours is 2.4× slower than Finlay et al. (2020) for FFJORD because
their regularization re-uses terms already computed in the FFJORD training objective. For objectives
where these cannot be re-used, like MNIST classification, our method is 1.7× slower, but achieves
better test-time NFE.
6.4 Are we making the solver overconfident?
Because we optimize dynamics in a way specifically designed to make the solver take longer steps,
we might fear that we are “adversarially attacking” our solver, making it overconfident in its ability
to extrapolate. Figure 8c shows that this is not the case for MNIST classification.
6.5 Does speed regularization overfit?
Finlay et al. (2020) motivated one of their regularization terms by the possibility of overfitting: having
faster dynamics only for the examples in the training set, but still low on the test set. However, they
did not check whether overfitting was occurring. In fig. 8b we confirm that our regularized dynamics
have nearly identical average solve time on a held-out test set, on MNIST classification.
7 Related Work
Although the field of numerical ODE solvers is extremely mature, as far as we know, there has
been almost no work specifically on tuning differential equations to be faster to solve. The closest
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Figure 8: Figure 8c We observe that the actual solver error is about equally well-calibrated for
regularized dynamics as random dynamics, indicating that regularization does not make the solver
overconfident. Figure 8b: There is negligible overfitting of solver speed. ??: Speed regularization
does not usefully improve generalization. For large λ, our method reduces overfitting, but increases
overall test error due to under-fitting.
related work is Grathwohl et al. (2019) who mention attempting to use weight decay and spectral
normalization to reduce NFE, and of course Finlay et al. (2020), who, among other contributions,
introduced the use of fixed-step solvers for stable training.
Stabilizing dynamics Simard et al. (1991) regularized the dynamics of discrete-time recurrent
neural networks to improve their stability, by constraining the norm of the Jacobian of the dynamics
function in the direction of its largest eigenvalue. However, this approach has an O(D3 ) time cost.
De Brouwer et al. (2019) introduced a parameterization of neural ODEs analogous to instantaneous
Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) recurrent neural network architectures in order to stabilize training
dynamics. Dupont et al. (2019) provided theoretical arguments that adding extra dimensions to the
state of a neural ODE should make training easier, and showed that this helped reduce NFE during
Gradually increasing depth Chang et al. (2017) noted the connection between residual networks
and ODEs, and took advantage of this connection to gradually make resnets deeper during training,
in order to save time. One can view the increase in NFE while neural ODEs as an automatic, but
uncontrolled, version of their method. Their results suggest we might benefit from introducing a
speed regularization schedule that gradually tapers off during training.
Gradient Regularization Novak et al. (2018); Drucker & LeCun (1992) regularized the gradients
of neural networks to improve generalization.
Table 2: Density Estimation on MNIST using FFJORD. For adaptive solvers, indicated by ∞ Steps,
our approach is slowest to train, but requires the fewest NFE once trained. For fixed-step solvers our
approach achieves lower bits/dim and NFE when comparing across fixed-grid solvers using the same
number of steps. Fixed step solvers that diverged due to instability are indicated by NaN bits/dim.
8 Scope
The initial speedups obtained in this paper are not yet enough to make neural ODEs competitive with
standard fixed-depth architectures in terms of speed for standard supervised learning. However, there
are many applications where continuous-depth architectures provide a unique advantage. Besides
density models such as FFJORD and time series models, continuous-depth architectures have been
applied in solving mean-field games (Ruthotto et al., 2019), image segmentation (Pinckaers & Litjens,
2019), image super-resolution (Scao, 2020), and molecular simulations (Wang et al., 2020). These
applications, which already use continuous-time models, could benefit from the speed regularization
proposed in this paper.
While we investigated only ODEs in this paper, this approach could presumably be extended straight-
forwardly to neural stochastic differential equations fit by adaptive solvers (Li et al., 2020) and other
flavors of parametric differential equations fit by gradient descent (Rackauckas et al., 2019).
9 Limitations
Hyperparameters The hyperparameter λ needs to be chosen to balance speed and training loss.
One the other hand, neural ODEs dont require choosing the outer number of layers, which needs to
be chosen separately for each stack of layers in standard architectures.
One also needs to choose solver order and tolerances, and these can substantially affect solver speed.
We did not investigate loosening tolerances, or modifying other parameters of the solver. The default
tolerance of 1.4e-8 for both atol and rtol behaved well in all our experiments.
One also needs to choose K. Higher K seems to generally work better, but is slower per step at
training time. In principle, if one can express their utility explicitly in terms of training loss and NFE,
it may be possible to tune λ automatically during training using the predictable relationship between
RK and NFE shown in fig. 7.
Slower overall training Although speed regularization reduces the overall NFE during training, it
makes each step more expensive. In our density estimation experiments (table 2), the overall effect
was about about 70% slower training, compared to no regularization, when using adaptive solvers.
However, test-time evaluation is much faster, since there is no slowdown per step.
10 Conclusions
This paper is an initial attempt at controlling the integration time of differential equations by regular-
izing their dynamics. This is an almost unexplored problem, and there are almost certainly better
quantities to optimize than the ones examined in this paper.
Based on these initial experiments, we propose three practical takeaways:
1. Across all tasks, tuning the regularization usually gave at least a 2x speedup without
substantially hurting model performance.
2. Overall training time with speed regularization is in general about 30% to 50% slower with
adaptive solvers.
3. For standard solvers, regularizing orders higher than R2 or R3 provided little additional
Future work It may be possible to adapt solver architectures to take advantage of flexibility in
choosing the dynamics. Standard solver design has focused on robustly and accurately solving a
given set of differential equations. However, in a learning setting, we could consider simply rejecting
some kinds of dynamics as being too difficult to solve, analogous to other kinds of constraints we put
on models to encourage statistical regularization.
We thank Barak Perlmutter, Ken Jackson, Ricky T.Q. Chen, Will Grathwohl, Chris Finlay, and
Chris Rackauckas for feedback and helpful discussions. Resources used in preparing this research
were provided, in part, by the Province of Ontario, the Government of Canada through CIFAR, and
companies sponsoring the Vector Institute.
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Appendix A Taylor-mode Automatic Differentiation
A.1 Taylor Polynomials
To clarify the relationship between the presentation in Chapter 13 of Griewank & Walther (2008) and
our results we give the distinction between the Taylor coefficients and derivative coefficients, also
known, unhelpfully, as Tensor coefficients.
For a sufficiently smooth vector valued function f : Rn → Rm and the polynomial
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<< x(t) = x[0] + x[1] t + x[2] t2 + x[3] t3 + · · · + x[d] td ∈ Rn>> (5)
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we are interested in the d-truncated Taylor expansion
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<<y(t) = f (x(t)) + O(td+1 )>> (6)
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<<≡ y[0] + y[1] t + y[2] t + y[3] t + · · · + y[d] t ∈ R >> (7)
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with the notation that <<FORMULA>> is the Taylor coefficient, which is the normalized derivative coefficient.
The Taylor coefficients of the expansion, y[j] , are smooth functions of the i ≤ j coefficients x[i],
<<FORMULA>> (8)
<<FORMULA>> (9)
<<FORMULA>> (10)
<<FORMULA>> (11)
These, as given in Griewank & Walther (2008), are written in terms of the normalized, Taylor
coefficients. This obscures their direct relationship with the derivatives, which we make explicit.
Consider the polynomial eq. (5) with Taylor coefficients expanded so their normalization is clear.
Further, lets use suggestive notation that these coefficients correspond to the higher derivatives of
x with respect to t, making x(t) a Taylor polynomial. That is <<FORMULA>>.
<<FORMULA>> (12)
<<FORMULA>> (13)
<<FORMULA>> (14)
Again, we are interested in the polynomial eq. (7), but with the normalization terms explicit
<<FORMULA>> (15)
Now we can expand the expressions for the Taylor coefficients y[i] to expressions for derivative
coefficients yi = i!y[i].
The coefficients of the Taylor expansion, yj , are smooth functions of the i ≤ j coefficients xi,
<<FORMULA>> (16)
<<FORMULA>> (17)
<<FORMULA>> (18)
<<FORMULA>> (19)
<<FORMULA>> (20)
<<FORMULA>> (21)
Therefore, eqs. (16), (17), (19) and (21) show that the derivative coefficient yi are exactly the ith
order higher derivatives of the composition f (x(t)) with respect to t. The key insight to this exercise
is that by writing the derivative coefficients explicitly we reveal that the expressions for the terms,
eqs. (16) to (18) and (20), involve terms previously computed for lower order terms.
In general, it will be useful to consider that the yk derivative coefficients is a function of all lower
order input derivatives
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<<yk = yk (x0 , . . . , xk )>>. (22)
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We provide the API to compute this in JAX by indexing the k-output of jet
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<<yk = jet(f, x0 , (x1 , . . . , xk ))[k]>>.
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A.2 Relationship with Differential Equations
A.2.1 Autonomous Form
We can transform the initial value problem
<<FORMULA>> (23)
into an autonomous dynamical system by augmenting the system to include the independent variable
with trivial dynamics Hairer et al. (1993):
<<FORMULA>> (24)
We do this for notational convenience, as well it disambiguates that derivatives with respect to t are
meant in the “total" sense. This is aleviates the potential ambiguity of ∂t f (x(t), t) which could mean
both the derivative with respect to the second argument and the derivative through x(t) by the chain
rule <<FORMULA>>.
A.2.2 Taylor Coefficients for ODE Solution with jet
Recall that jet gives us the coefficients for yi as a function of f and the coefficients xj≤i . We
can use jet and the relationship xk+1 = yk to recursively compute the coefficients of the solution
Algorithm 1 Taylor Coefficients for ODE Solution by Recursive Jet
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A.3 Regularizing Taylor Terms
Computing the Taylor coefficients for the ODE solution as in algorithm 1 will give a local approx-
imation to the ODE solution. If infinitely many Taylor coefficients could be computed this would
give the exact solution. The order of the final Taylor coefficient, determining the truncation of the
polynomial, gives the order of the approximation.
If the higher order Taylor coefficients of the solution are large, then truncation will result in a local
approximation that quickly diverts from the solution. However, if the higher Taylor coefficients are
small then the local approximation will remain close to the solution. This motivates our regularization
method. The effect of our regularizer on the Taylor expansion of a solution to a neural ODE can be
seen in fig. 9.
Appendix B Experimental Details
Experiments were conducted using GPU-based ODE solvers. Training gradients were computed
using the adjoint method, in which the trajectory is reconstructed backwards in time to save memory,
for backpropagation. As in Finlay et al. (2020), we normalize our regularization term in eq. (1) by
the dimension of the vector-valued trajectory z(t) so that we may choose λ free of scaling by the
dimension of the problem.
B.1 Efficient computation of the gradient of regularization term
To optimize our regularized objective, we must compute its gradient. We use the adjoint method
as described in Chen et al. (2018) to differentiate through the solution to the ODE. In particular, to
optimize our model we only need to compute the gradient of the regularization term. The adjoint
method gives the gradient of the ODE solution as a solution to an augmented ODE.
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Figure 9: Left: The dynamics and a trajectory of a neural ODE trained on a toy supervised learning
problem. The dynamics are poorly approximated by a 6th-order local Taylor series, and requires 92
NFE by a solve by a 5th-order Runge-Kutta solver. Right: Regularizing the 6th-order derivatives of
trajectories gives dynamics that are easier to solve numerically, requiring only 68 NFE.
B.2 Supervised Learning
The dynamics function f : Rd × R → Rd is given by an MLP as follows
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<<z1 = σ(x)>>
<<h1 = W1 [z1 ; t] + b1>>
<<z2 = σ(h1 )>>
<<y = W2 [z2 ; t] + b2>>
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Where <<[·; ·]>> denotes concatenation of a scalar onto a column vector. The parameters are <<W1 ∈
R^h×d>>, <<b1 ∈ R^h>> and <<W2 ∈ R^d×h>> , <<b2 ∈ R^d>> . Here we use 100 hidden units, i.e.<< h = 100>>. We have
<<d = 784>>, the dimension of an MNIST image.
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We train with a batch size of 100 for 160 epochs. We use the standard training set of 60,000 images,
and the standard test set of 10,000 images as a validation/test set. We optimize our model using SGD
with momentum with β = 0.9. Our learning rate schedule is 1e-1 for the first 60 epochs, 1e-2 until
epoch 100, 1e-3 until epoch 140, and 1e-4 for the final 20 epochs.
B.3 Continuous Generative Modelling of Time-Series
The PhysioNet dataset consists of observations of 41 distinct traits over a time period of 48 hours.
We remove the parameters “Age”, “Gender”, “Height”, and “ICUType” as these attributes do not vary
in time. We also quantize the measurements for each attribute by the hour by averaging multiple
measurements within the same hour. This leaves 49 unique time stamps (the extra time stamp for
observations at exactly the endpoint of the 48 hour observation period). We report all our losses on
this quantized data. We performed this rather coarse quantization for computational reasons having
to do with our particular implementation of this model. The validation split was obtained by taking
a random split of 20% of the trajectories from the full dataset. In total there are 8000 trajectories.
Code is included for processing the dataset, and links to downloading the data may be found in the
code for Rubanova et al. (2019). All other experimental details may be found in the main body and
appendices of Rubanova et al. (2019).
B.4 Continuous Normalizing Flows
For the model trained on the MINIBOONE tabular dataset from Papamakarios et al. (2017), we used
the same architecture as in Table 4 in the appendix of Grathwohl et al. (2019). We chose the number
of epochs and a learning rate schedule based on manual tuning on the validation set, in contrast
to Grathwohl et al. (2019) who tuned these automatically using early stopping and an automatic
heuristic for the learning rate decay using evaluation on a validation set. In particular, we trained for
500 epochs with a learning rate of 1e-3 for the first 300 epochs, 1e-4 until epoch 425, and 1e-5
for the remaining 75 epochs. The number of epochs and learning rate schedule was determined by
evaluating the model on the validation set every 10 epochs, and decaying the learning rate by a factor
of 10 once the loss on the validation set stopped improving for several evaluations, with the goal of
matching or improving upon the log-likelihood reported in Grathwohl et al. (2019). The data was
obtained as made available from Papamakarios et al. (2017), which was already processed and split
into train/validation/test. In particular, the training set has 29556 examples, the validation set has
3284 examples, and the test set has 3648 examples, which consist of 43 features.
It is important to note that we implemented a single-flow model for the MNIST dataset, while the
original comparison in Finlay et al. (2020) was on a multi-flow model. This accounts for discrepancy
in bits/dim and NFE reported in Finlay et al. (2020).
All other experimental details are as in Grathwohl et al. (2019).
B.5 Hardware
MNIST Supervised learning, Physionet Time-series, and MNIST FFJORD experiments were trained
and evaluated on NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU. Tabular data FFJORD experiments were evaluated on
NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU but trained on NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU. All experiments except for MNIST
FFJORD were trained with double precision for purposes of reproducibility.
Appendix C Additional Results
C.1 Overfitting of NFE
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Figure 10: The difference in NFE is tracked by the variance of NFE.
In fig. 10 we note that there is a striking correspondence in the variance of NFE across individual
examples (in both the train set (dark red) and test set (light red)) and the absolute difference in NFE
between examples in the training set and test set. This suggests that any difference in the average
NFE between training examples and test examples is explained by noise in the estimate of the true
average NFE. It is also interesting that speed regularization does not have a monotonic relationship
with the variance of NFE, and we speculate as to how this might interact between the correspondence
of NFE for a particular example and the difficulty in the model correctly classifying it.
C.2 Trading off function evaluations with a surrogate loss
In fig. 11 and fig. 12 we confirm that our method poses a suitable tradeoff not only on the loss being
optimized, but also on the potentially non-differentiable loss which we truly care about. On MNIST,
we get a similar pareto curve when plotting classification error as opposed to cross-entropy loss, and
similarly on the time-series modelling task we see that we get a similar pareto curve on MSE loss as
compared to IWAE loss. The pareto curves are plotted for R3 , R2 respectively.
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Figure 11: MNIST Classification
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Figure 12: Physionet Time-Series
C.3 Wall-clock Time
We include additional tables with wall-clock time and training with fixed grid solvers in table 3 and
table 4.
Appendix D Comparison to How to Train Your Neural ODE
The terms from Finlay et al. (2020) are
and an estimate of
Table 3: Classification on MNIST
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These are combined with a weighted average and integrated along the solution trajectory.
These terms are motivated by the expansion
Namely, eq. (3) regularizes the first total derivative of the solution, f (z(t), t), along the trajectory, and
eq. (4) regularizes a stochastic estimate of the Frobenius norm of the spatial derivative, ∇z f (z(t), t),
along the solution trajectory.
In contrast, R2 regularizes the norm of the second total derivative directly. In particular, this takes
into account the ∂f ∂t term. In other words, this accounts for the explicit dependence of f on time,
while eq. (3) and eq. (4) capture only the implicit dependence on time through z(t).
Even in the case of an autonomous system, that is, where ∂f ∂t is identically 0 and the dynamics f only
depend implicitly on time, these terms still differ. Namely, R2 integrates the following along the
solution trajectory:
while Finlay et al. (2020) penalizes the respective norms of the matrix ∇z f (z(t), t) and vector
f (z(t), t) separately.
Table 4: Density Estimation on Tabular Data (MINIBOONE)
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<<END>> <<END>> <<END>>
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How to Train Your Neural ODE: the World of Jacobian and Kinetic Regularization
Chris Finlay 1 Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen 2 Levon Nurbekyan 3 Adam M Oberman 1
Training neural ODEs on large datasets has not
been tractable due to the necessity of allowing
the adaptive numerical ODE solver to refine its
step size to very small values. In practice this
leads to dynamics equivalent to many hundreds
or even thousands of layers. In this paper, we
overcome this apparent difficulty by introducing
a theoretically-grounded combination of both op-
timal transport and stability regularizations which
encourage neural ODEs to prefer simpler dynam-
ics out of all the dynamics that solve a problem
well. Simpler dynamics lead to faster conver-
gence and to fewer discretizations of the solver,
considerably decreasing wall-clock time without
loss in performance. Our approach allows us to
train neural ODE-based generative models to the
same performance as the unregularized dynamics,
with significant reductions in training time. This
brings neural ODEs closer to practical relevance
in large-scale applications.
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Figure 1. Optimal transport map and a generic normalizing flow.
Indeed, it was observed that there is a striking similarity
1. Introduction between ResNets and the numerical solution of ordinary
differential equations (E, 2017; Haber & Ruthotto, 2017;
Recent research has bridged dynamical systems, a Ruthotto & Haber, 2018; Chen et al., 2018; 2019). In these
workhorse of mathematical modeling, with neural networks, works, deep networks are interepreted as discretizations of
the defacto function approximator for high dimensional data. an underlying dynamical system, where time indexes the
The great promise of this pairing is that the vast mathemat- “depth” of the network and the parameters of the discretized
ical machinery stemming from dynamical systems can be dynamics are learned. An alternate viewpoint was taken by
leveraged for modelling high dimensional problems in a neural ODEs (Chen et al., 2018), where the dynamics of
dimension-independent fashion. the neural network are approximated by an adaptive ODE
Connections between neural networks and ordinary differ- solver on the fly. This latter approach is quite compelling
ential equations (ODEs) were almost immediately noted as it does not require specifying the number of layers of the
after residual networks (He et al., 2016) were first proposed. network beforehand. Furthermore, it allows the learning of
homeomorphisms without any structural constraints on the
function computed by the residual block.
Neural ODEs have shown great promise in the physical sciences
(Köhler et al., 2019), in modeling irregular time series
(Rubanova et al., 2019), mean field games (Ruthotto et al.,
2019), continuous-time modeling (Yildiz et al., 2019; Kanaa
et al., 2019), and for generative modeling through normaliz-
ing flows with free-form Jacobians (Grathwohl et al., 2019).
Recent work has even adapted neural ODEs to the stochas- based on (ODE) which abstain from a priori fixing step-size.
tic setting (Li et al., 2020). Despite these successes, some Chen et al.s method is a continuous-time generalization of
hurdles still remain. In particular, although neural ODEs are residual networks, where the dynamics are generated by an
memory efficient, they can take a prohibitively long time to adaptive ODE solver that chooses step-size on-the-fly.
train, which is arguably one of the main stumbling blocks
Because of their adaptive nature, neural ODEs can be more
towards their widespread adoption.
flexible than ResNets in certain scenarios, such as when
In this work we reduce the training time of neural ODEs trading between model speed and accuracy. Moreover given
by regularizing the learned dynamics, complementing other a fixed network depth, the memory footprint of neural ODEs
recent approaches to this end such as augmented neural is orders of magnitude smaller than a standard ResNet dur-
ODEs (Dupont et al., 2019). Without further constraints on ing training. They therefore show great potential on a host
their dynamics, high dimensional neural ODEs may learn of applications, including generative modeling and density
dynamics which minimize an objective function, but which estimation. An apparent drawback of neural ODEs is their
generate irregular solution trajectories. See for example long training time: although a learned function f (· ; θ) may
Figure 1b, where an unregularized flow exhibits undesirable generate a map that solves a problem particularly well, the
properties due to unnecessarily fluctuating dynamics. As computational cost of numerically integrating (ODE) may
a solution, we propose two theoretically motivated regular- be so prohibitive that it is not tractable in practice. In this
ization terms arising from an optimal transport viewpoint paper we demonstrate this need not be so: with proper reg-
of the learned map, which encourage well-behaved dynam- ularization, it is possible to learn f (· ; θ) so that (ODE) is
ics (see 1a left). We empirically demonstrate that proper easily and quickly solved.
regularization leads to significant speed-up in training time
without loss in performance, thus bringing neural ODEs 2.1. FFJORD
closer to deployment on large-scale datasets. Our methods
are validated on the problem of generative modelling and In density estimation and generative modeling, we wish
density estimation, as an example of where neural ODEs to estimate an unknown data distribution p(x) from which
have shown impressive results, but could easily be applied we have drawn N samples. Maximum likelihood seeks to
elsewhere. approximate p(x) with a parameterized distribution pθ (x)
by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the
In summary, our proposed regularized neural ODE (RN- two, or equivalently minimizing
ODE) achieves the same performance as the baseline, while
reducing the wall-clock training time by many hours or even
days. <<FORMULA>> (1)
2. Neural ODEs & Continuous normalizing Continuous normalizing flows (Grathwohl et al., 2019; Chen
flows et al., 2018) parameterize pθ (x) using a vector field f :
Rd × R 7→ Rd as follows. Let z(x, T ) be the solution map
Neural ODEs simplify the design of deep neural networks given by running the dynamics (ODE) for fixed time T .
by formulating the forward pass of a deep network as the Suppose we are given a known distribution q at final time T ,
solution of a ordinary differential equation. Initial work such as the normal distribution. Change of variables tells us
along these lines was motivated by the similarity of the eval- that the distribution pθ (x) may be evaluated through
uation of one layer of a ResNet and the Euler discretization
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
of an ODE. Suppose the block in the t-th layer of a ResNet <<log pθ (x) = log q (z(x, T )) + log det | ∇ z(x, T )|>> (2)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
is given by the function f (x, t; θ), where θ are the blocks
parameters. Then the evaluation of this layer of the ResNet Evaluating the log determinant of the Jacobian is difficult.
is simply xt+1 = xt + f (xt , t; θ). Now, instead consider Grathwohl et al. (2019) exploit the following identity from
the following ODE fluid mechanics (Villani, 2003, p 114)
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<FORMULA>> (ODE) <<log det | ∇ z(x, t)| = div (f ) (z(x, t), t))>> (3)
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2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
The Euler discretization of this ODE with step-size <<τ>> is where <<div(·)>> is the divergence operator, <<div(f ) (x) =
<<zt+1 = zt + τ f (zt , t; θ)>>, which is nearly identical to the i ∂xi fi (x)>>. By the fundamental theorem of calculus, we
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
forward evaluation of the ResNets layer (setting step-size 1
In the normalizing flow literature divergence is typically writ-
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<τ = 1>> gives equality). Armed with this insight, Chen et al. ten explicitly as the trace of the Jacobian, however we use div (·)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
(2018) suggested a method for training neural networks which is more common elsewhere.
Figure 2. Log-likelihood (measured in bits/dim) on the validation set as a function of wall-clock time. Rolling average of three hours, with
90% confidence intervals.
may then rewrite (2) in integral form From this simple motivating example, the need for regular-
ity of the vector field is apparent. Without placing demands
on the vector field f , it is entirely possible that the learned
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<log pθ (x) = log q (z(x, T )) + div (f ) (z(x, s), s) ds>>
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
dynamics will be poorly conditioned. This is not just a theo-
(4) retical exercise: because the dynamics must be solved with
Remark 2.1 (Divergence trace estimate). In (Grathwohl a numerical integrator, poorly conditioned dynamics will
et al., 2019), the divergence is estimated using an unbiased lead to difficulties during numerical integration of (ODE).
Monte-Carlo trace estimate (Hutchinson, 1990; Avron & Indeed, later we present results demonstrating a clear corre-
Toledo, 2011), lation between the number of time steps an adaptive solver
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
takes to solve (ODE), and the regularity of f . 
<<FORMULA>> (5) How can the regularity of the vector field be measured? One
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
motivating approach is to measure the force experienced by
a particle z(t) under the dynamics generated by the vector
By using the substitution (4), the task of maximizing log- field f , which is given by the total derivative of f with
likelihood shifts from choosing pθ to minimize (1), to learn- respect to time
ing the flow generated by a vector field f . This results in a
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
normalizing flow with a free-form Jacobian and reversible
dynamics, and was named FFJORD by Grathwohl et al.. <<FORMULA>> (6)
2.2. The need for regularity <<FORMULA>> (7)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
The vector field learned through FFJORD that maximizes Well conditioned flows will place constant, or nearly con-
the log-likelihood is not unique, and raises troubling prob- stant, force on particles as they travel. Thus, in this work we
lems related to the regularity of the flow. For a simple propose regularizing the dynamics with two penalty terms,
example, refer to Figure 1, where we plot two normaliz- one term regularizing f and the other ∇ f . The first penalty,
ing flows, both mapping a toy one-dimensional distribution presented in Section 3, is a measure of the distance travelled
to the unit Gaussian, and where both maximize the log- under the flow f , and can alternately be interpreted as the
likelihood of exactly the same sample of particles. Figure kinetic energy of the flow. This penalty term is based off
1a presents a “regular” flow, where particles travel in straight of numerical methods in optimal transport, and encourages
lines that travel with constant speed. In contrast, Figure 1b particles to travel in straight lines with constant speed. The
shows a flow that still maximizes the log-likelihood, but second penalty term, discussed in Section 4, performs regu-
that has undesirable properties, such as rapidly varying local larization on the Jacobian of the vector field. Taken together
trajectories and non-constant speed. the two terms ensure that the force experienced by a particle
under the flow is constant or nearly so. 3.1. Linking normalizing flows to optimal transport
These two regularizers will promote dynamics that follow Now suppose we wish to minimize (18a), with q(z) a unit
numerically easy-to-integrate paths, thus greatly speeding normal distribution, and p(x) a data distribution, unknown
up training time. to us, but from which we have drawn N samples, and which
we model as a discrete distribution of Dirac masses. Enforc-
3. Optimal transport maps & ing the initial condition is trivial because we have sampled
from p directly. The continuity equation (18b) need not be
enforced because we are tracking a finite number of sam-
There is a remarkable similarity between density estimation pled particles. However the final time condition ρT = q
using continuous time normalizing flows, and the calcula- cannot be implemented directly, since we do not have di-
tion of the optimal transport map between two densities rect control on the form ρT (z) takes. Instead, introduce
using the Benamou-Brenier formulation (Benamou & Bre- a Kullback-Leibler term to (18a) penalizing discrepancy
nier, 2000; Santambrogio, 2015). While a review of optimal between ρT and q. This penalty term has an elegant simpli-
transport theory is far outside the scope of this paper, here fication when p(x) is modeled as a distribution of a finite
we provide an informal summary of key ideas relevant to number of masses, as is done in generative modeling. Set-
continuous normalizing flows. The quadratic-cost optimal ting ρ0 = pθ a brief derivation yields
transport map between two densities p(x) and q(x) is a map
z : Rd 7→ Rd minimizing the transport cost
<<FORMULA>> (10)
<<FORMULA>> (8)
With this simplification (18a) becomes
subject to the constraint that A q(z) dz = z1 (A) p(x) dx,
in other words that the measure of any set A is preserved
under the map z. In a seminal work, Benamou & Brenier <<FORMULA>> (11)
(2000) showed that rather than solving for minimizers of (8)
directly, an indirect (but computationally efficient) method
is available by writing z(x, T ) as the solution map of a
flow under a vector field f (as in (ODE)) for time T , by For further details on this derivation consult the supplemen-
minimizing tary materials.
The connection between the Benamou-Brenier formulation
<<FORMULA>> (9a) of the optimal transport problem on a discrete set of points
and continuous normalizing flows is apparent: the optimal
transport problem (11) is a regularized form of the continu-
<<FORMULA>> (9b) ous normalizing flow optimization problem (1). We there-
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<ρ0 (x) = p>>, (9c) fore expect that adding a kinetic energy regularization term
<<ρT (z) = q>>. (9d) to FFJORD will encourage solution trajectories to prefer
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
straight lines with constant speed.
The objective function (18a) is a measure of the kinetic
energy of the flow. The constraint (18b) ensures probability
mass is conserved. The latter two constraints guarantee the 4. Unbiased Frobenius norm regularization of
learned distribution agrees with the source p and target q. the Jacobian
Note that the kinetic energy (18a) is an upper bound on the
Refering to equation (7), one can see that even if f is regu-
transport cost, with equality only at optimality.
larized to be small, via a kinetic energy penalty term, if the
The optimal flow f minimizing (18) has several particularly Jacobian is large then the force experienced by a particle
appealing properties. First, particles induced by the opti- may also still be large. As a result, the error of the numerical
mal flow f travel in straight lines. Second, particles travel integrator can be large, which may lead an adaptive solver
with constant speed. Moreover, under suitable conditions to make many function evaluations. This relationship is
on the source and target distributions, the optimal solution apparent in Figure 3, where we empirically demonstrate the
map is unique (Villani, 2008). Therefore the solution map correlation between the number of function evaluations of
z(x, t) is entirely characterized by the initial and final posi- f taken by the adaptive solver, and the size of the Jacobian
tions: z(x, t) = (1 Tt )z(x, 0) + Tt z(x, T ). Consequently, norm of f . The correlation is remarkably strong: dynamics
given an optimal f it is extraordinarily easy to solve (ODE) governed by a poorly conditioned Jacobian matrix require
numerically with minimal computational effort. the adaptive solver to take many small time steps.
Algorithm 1 RNODE: regularized neural ODE training of
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Figure 3. Number of function evaluations vs Jacobian Frobenius
norm of flows on CIFAR10 during training with vanilla FFJORD,
using an adaptive ODE solver.
Avron & Toledo, 2011). For real matrix B, an unbiased
<<FORMULA>> estimate of the trace is given by
<<FORMULA>> (14)
where <<FORMULA>> is drawn from a unit normal distribution.
Thus the squared Frobenius norm can be easily estimated by
setting B = AAT.
Moreover, in particle-based methods, the kinetic energy Turning to the Jacobian <<FORMULA>> of a vector valued func-
term forces dynamics to travel in straight lines only on tion f : Rd 7→ Rd , recall that the vector-Jacobian product
data seen during training, and so the regularity of the map <<FORMULA>> may be quickly computed through reverse-mode
is only guaranteed on trajectories taken by training data. automatic differentiation. Therefore an unbiased Monte-
The issue here is one of generalization: the map may be Carlo estimate of the Frobenius norm of the Jacobian is
irregular on off-distribution or perturbed images, and cannot readily available
be remedied by the kinetic energy term during training alone.
In the context of generalization, Jacobian regularization is <<FORMULA>> (15)
analagous to gradient regularization, which has been shown
to improve generalization (Drucker & LeCun, 1992; Novak <<FORMULA>> (16)
et al., 2018).
For these reasons, we also propose regularizing the Jacobian Conveniently, in the FFJORD framework the quantity
through its Frobenius norm. The Frobenius norm k · kF of a <<FORMULA>> must be computed during the estimate of the prob-
real matrix A can be thought of as the `2 norm of the matrix ability distribution under the flow, in the Monte-Carlo esti-
A vectorized mate of the divergence term (5). Thus Jacobian Frobenius
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<FORMULA>> (12) norm regularization is available with essentially no extra
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
computational cost.
Equivalently it may be computed as
5. Algorithm description
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<kAkF = tr(AAT)>> (13) All together, we propose modifying the objective function
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
of the FFJORD continuous normalizing flow (Grathwohl
and is the Euclidean norm of the singular values of a matrix. et al., 2019) with the two regularization penalties of Sec-
In trace form, the Frobenius norm lends itself to estimation tions 3 & 4. The proposed method is called RNODE, short
using a Monte-Carlo trace estimator (Hutchinson, 1990; for regularized neural ODE. Pseudo-code of the method is
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Table 1. Log-likelihood (in bits/dim) and training time (in hours) on validation images with uniform dequantization. Results on clean
images are found in the supplemental materials. For comparison we report both the results of the original FFJORD paper (Grathwohl
et al., 2019) and our own independent run of FFJORD (“vanilla”) on CIFAR10 and MNIST. Vanilla FFJORD did not train on ImageNet64
(denoted by “x”). Also reported are results for other flow-based generative modeling papers. Our method (FFJORD with RNODE) has
comparable log-likelihood as FFJORD but is significantly faster.
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Figure 4. Quality of generated samples samples on 5bit CelebA-HQ64 with RNODE. Here temperature annealing (Kingma & Dhariwal,
2018) with T = 0.7 was used to generate visually appealing images. For full sized CelebA-HQ256 samples, consult the supplementary
presented in Algorithm 1. The optimization problem to be Here E, l, and n are respectively the kinetic energy, the
solved is log determinant of the Jacobian, and the integral of the
Frobenius norm of the Jacobian.
Both the divergence term and the Jacobian Frobenius norm
are approximated with Monte-Carlo trace estimates. In our
<<FORMULA>> implementation, the Jacobian Frobenius estamate reuses
the computatian T ∇ f from the divergence estimate for
efficiency. We remark that the kinetic energy term only
<<FORMULA>> requires the computation of a dot product. Thus just as
in FFJORD, our implementation scales linearly with the
<<FORMULA>> (17) number of time steps taken by the ODE solver.
Gradients of the objective function with respect to the net-
where z(x, t) is determined by numerically solving (ODE). work parameters are computed using the adjoint sensitivity
Note that we take the mean over number of samples and method (Pontryagin et al., 1962; Chen et al., 2018).
input dimension. This is to ensure that the choice of regu-
larization strength λK and λJ is independent of dimension
size and sample size. 6. Experimental design
To compute the three integrals and the log-probability under Here we demonstrate the benefits of regularizing neural
q of z(x, T ) at final time T , we augment the dynamics of ODEs on generative models, an application where neu-
the ODE with three extra terms, so that the entire system ral ODEs have shown strong empirical performance. We
solved by the numerical integrator is use four datasets: CIFAR10 (Krizhevsky & Hinton, 2009),
MNIST (LeCun & Cortes, 1998), downsampled ImageNet
(64x64) (van den Oord et al., 2016), and 5bit CelebA-HQ
(256x256) (Karras et al., 2017). We use an identical neural
<<FORMULA>> (RNODE) architecture to that of Grathwohl et al. (2019). The dynamics
(Kingma & Dhariwal, 2018) trained with 40 GPUs for a week;
in contrast we train with four GPUs in just under a week.
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2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Figure 5. Ablation study of the effect of the two regularizers, comparing two measures of flow regularity during training with a fixed
step-size ODE solver. Figure 5a: mean Jacobian Frobenius norm as a function of training epoch. Figure 5b: mean kinetic energy of the
flow as a function of training epoch. Figure 5c: number of function evaluations.
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
are defined by a neural network <<f (z, t; θ(t)) : Rd × R+ 7→ step size by a factor of two until the discrete dynamics were
Rd>> where <<θ(t)>> is piecewise constant in time. On MNIST we stable and achieved good performance. The Runge-Kutta
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
use 10 pieces; CIFAR10 uses 14; downsampled ImageNet 4(5) adaptive solver was used on the two larger datasets. We
uses 18; and CelebA-HQ uses 26 pieces. Each piece is a have also observed that RNODE improves the training time
4-layer deep convolutional network comprised of 3x3 ker- of the adaptive solvers as well, requiring many fewer func-
nels and softplus activation functions. Intermediary layers tion evaluations; however in Python we have found that the
have 64 hidden dimensions, and time t is concatenated to fixed grid solver is typically quicker at a specified number
the spatial input z. The integration time of each piece is of function evaluations. At test time RNODE uses the same
[0, 1]. Weight matrices are chosen to imitate the multi-scale adaptive solver as FFJORD.
architecture of Real NVP (Dinh et al., 2017), in that im-
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
We always initialize RNODE so that <<f(z, t) = 0>>; thus train-
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
ages are squeezed via a permutation to halve image height
ing begins with an initial identity map. This is done by zero-
and width but quadruple the number of channels. Diver-
ing the parameters of the last layer in each piece (block),
gence of f is estimated using the Gaussian Monte-Carlo
following Goyal et al. (2017). The identity map is an ap-
trace estimator with one sample of fixed noise per solver
propriate choice because it has zero transport cost and zero
Frobenius norm. Moreover the identity map is trivially
On MNIST and CIFAR10 we train with a batch size of solveable for any numerical solver, thus training begins
200 and train for 100 epochs on a single GPU3 , using the without any effort required on the solvers behalf.
Adam optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2015) with a learning rate
On all datasets we set both the kinetic energy regularization
of 1e3. On the two larger datasets, we train with four
coefficient λK and the Jacobian norm coefficient λJ to 0.01.
GPUs, using a per-GPU batch size of respectively 3 and 50
for CelebA-HQ and ImageNet. Data is preprocessed by per-
turbing with uniform noise followed by the logit transform. 7. Results
The reference implementation of FFJORD solves the dy- A comparison of RNODE against FFJORD and other flow-
namics using a Runge-Kutta 4(5) adaptive solver (Dormand based generative models is presented in Table 1. We report
& Prince, 1980) with error tolerances 1e5 and initial step both our running of “vanilla” FFJORD and the results as
size 1e2. We have found that using less accurate solvers originally reported in (Grathwohl et al., 2019). We highlight
on the reference implementation of FFJORD results in nu- that RNODE runs roughly 2.8x faster than FFJORD on both
merically unstable training dynamics. In contrast, a simple datasets, while achieving or surpassing the performance of
fixed-grid four stage Runge-Kutta solver suffices for RN- FFJORD. This can further be seen in Figure 2 where we plot
ODE during training on MNIST and CIFAR10, using a bits per dimension ( d1 log2 p(x), a normalized measure
step size of 0.25. The step size was determined based on of log-likelihood) on the validation set as a function of
a simple heuristic of starting with 0.5 and decreasing the training epoch, for both datasets. Visual inspection of the
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
sample quality reveals no qualitative difference between
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Figure 6. Quality of generated samples samples with and without regularization on MNIST, left, and CIFAR10, right.
regularized and unregularized approaches; refer to Figure 6. encourages flows to travel a minimal distance. In addition,
Generated images for downsampled ImageNet and CelebA- we see that the Jacobian norm alone also has a beneficial
HQ are deferred to the supplementary materials; we provide effect on the distance particles travel. Overall, the results
smaller generated images for networks trained on CelebA- support our theoretical reasoning empirically.
HQ 64x64 in Figure 4.
Surprisingly, our run of “vanilla” FFJORD achieved slightly 8. Previous generative flows inspired by
better performance than the results reported in (Grathwohl optimal transport
et al., 2019). We suspect the discrepancy in performance
and run times between our implementation of FFJORD and Zhang et al. (2018) define a neural ODE flow where the
that of the original paper is due to batch size: Grathwohl dynamics are given as the gradient of a scalar potential func-
et al. use a batch size of 900 and train on six GPUs, whereas tion. This interpretation has deep connections to optimal
on MNIST and CIFAR10 we use a batch size of 200 and transport: the optimal transport map is the gradient of a
train on a single GPU. convex potential function. Yang & Karniadakis (2019) con-
tinue along these lines, and define an optimal transport again
We were not able to train vanilla FFJORD on ImageNet64, as a scalar potential gradient. Yang & Karniadakis (2019)
due to numerical underflow in the adaptive solvers time step. enforce that the learned map is in fact an optimal trans-
This issue cannot be remedied by increasing the solvers port map by penalizing their objective function with a term
error tolerance, for this would bias the log-likelihood esti- measuring violations of the continuity equation. Ruthotto
mates on validation. et al. (2019) place generative flows within a broader context
of mean field games, and as an example consider a neural
7.1. Ablation study on MNIST ODE gradient potential flow solving the optimal transport
problem in up to 100 dimensions. We also note the recent
In Figure 5, we compare the effect of each regularizer by
work of Twomey et al. (2019), who proposed regularizing
itself on the training dynamics with the fixed grid ODE
neural ODEs with an Euler-step discretization of the kinetic
solver on the MNIST dataset. Without any regularization at
energy term to enforce straightness, although connections
all, training dynamics are numerically unstable and fail after
to optimal transport were not discussed.
just under 50 epochs. This is precisely when the Jacobian
norm grows large; refer to Figure 5a. Figure 5a demonstrates When a flow is the gradient of a scalar potential, the change
that each regularizer by itself is able to control the Jacobian of variables formula (4) simplifies so that the divergence
norm. The Jacobian regularizer is better suited to this task, term is replaced by the Laplacian of the scalar potential.
although it is interesting that the kinetic energy regularizer Although mathematically parsimonious and theoretically
also improves the Jacobian norm. Unsurprisingly Figure 5b well-motivated, we chose not to implement our flow as the
demonstrates the addition of the kinetic energy regularizer gradient of a scalar potential function due to computational
How to Train Your Neural ODE: the World of Jacobian and Kinetic Regularization
constraints: such an implementation would require triple through CIFAR, and companies sponsoring the Vector Insti-
backprop (twice to compute or approximate the Laplacian, tute (www.vectorinstitute.ai/#partners).
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(2019) circumvented this problem by utilizing special struc- References
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A. Details of Section 3.1: Benamou-Brenier Hence, multiplying the objective function in (20) by λ and
formulation in Lagrangian coordinates ignoring the f -independent term Exp log p(x) we obtain
an equivalent objective function
The Benamou-Brenier formulation of the optimal transporta-
tion (OT) problem in Eulerian coordinates is
<<FORMULA>> (21)
<<FORMULA>> (18a)
Finally, if we assume that {xi }N i=1 are iid sampled from p,
<<FORMULA>> (18b) we obtain the empirical objective function
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<ρ0 (x) = p>>, (18c)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<ρT (z) = q>>. (18d) <<FORMULA>> (22)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
The connection between continuous normalizing flows
(CNF) and OT becomes transparent once we rewrite (18) in
Lagrangian coordinates. Indeed, for regular enough velocity
B. Additional results
fields f one has that the solution of the continuity equation Here we present additional generated samples on the two
(18b), (18c) is given by ρt = z(·, t)]p where z is the flow larger datasets considered, CelebA-HQ and ImageNet64. In
addition bits/dim on clean images are reported in Table 2.
The relation ρt = z(·, t)]p means that for arbitrary test
function φ we have that
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<φ(x)ρt (x, t)dx = φ(z(x, t))p(x)dx>>
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Therefore (18) can be rewritten as
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<min kf (z(x, t), t)k2 p(x) dxdt>> (19a)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<subject to ż(x, t) = f (z(x, t), t)>>, (19b)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<z(x, 0) = x>>, (19c)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<z(·, T )]p = q>>. (19d)
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Note that ρt is eliminated in this formulation. The terminal
condition (18d) is trivial to implement in Eulerian coordi-
nates (grid-based methods) but not so simple in Lagrangian
ones (19d) (grid-free methods). To enforce (19d) we intro-
duce a penalty term in the objective function that measures
the deviation of z(·, T )]p from q. Thus, the penalized ob-
jective function is
<<FORMULA>> (20)
where λ > 0 is the penalization strength. Next, we observe
that this objective function can be written as an expectation
with respect to x p. Indeed, the Kullback-Leibler di-
vergence is invariant under coordinate transformations, and
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Figure 7. Quality of FFJORD RNODE generated images on ImageNet-64.
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
2020-08-05 18:36:50 +00:00
Figure 8. Quality of FFJORD RNODE generated images on CelebA-HQ. We use temperature annealing, as described in (Kingma &
Dhariwal, 2018), to generate visually appealing images, with T = 0.5, . . . , 1.
Table 2. Additional results and model statistics of FFJORD RNODE. Here we report validation bits/dim on both validation images, and on
validation images with uniform variational dequantization (ie perturbed by uniform noise). We also report number of trainable model
2020-08-07 02:01:26 +00:00
<<END>> <<END>> <<END>>
A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep
The authors of this guide would like to thank David Warde-Farley,
Guillaume Alain and Caglar Gulcehre for their valuable feedback. We
are likewise grateful to all those who helped improve this tutorial with
helpful comments, constructive criticisms and code contributions. Keep
them coming!
Special thanks to Ethan Schoonover, creator of the Solarized color
scheme, 1 whose colors were used for the figures.
Your feedback is welcomed! We did our best to be as precise, infor-
mative and up to the point as possible, but should there be any thing you
feel might be an error or could be rephrased to be more precise or com-
prehensible, please dont refrain from contacting us. Likewise, drop us a
line if you think there is something that might fit this technical report
and you would like us to discuss we will make our best effort to update
this document.
Source code and animations
The code used to generate this guide along with its figures is available
on GitHub. 2 There the reader can also find an animated version of the
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Discrete convolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
1.2 Pooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
2 Convolution arithmetic 12
2.1 No zero padding, unit strides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
2.2 Zero padding, unit strides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
2.2.1 Half (same) padding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
2.2.2 Full padding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
2.3 No zero padding, non-unit strides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
2.4 Zero padding, non-unit strides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
3 Pooling arithmetic 18
4 Transposed convolution arithmetic 19
4.1 Convolution as a matrix operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
4.2 Transposed convolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
4.3 No zero padding, unit strides, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
4.4 Zero padding, unit strides, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
4.4.1 Half (same) padding, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
4.4.2 Full padding, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
4.5 No zero padding, non-unit strides, transposed . . . . . . . . . . .24
4.6 Zero padding, non-unit strides, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
5 Miscellaneous convolutions 28
5.1 Dilated convolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Chapter 1
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been at the heart of spectac-
ular advances in deep learning. Although CNNs have been used as early as the
nineties to solve character recognition tasks (Le Cunet al., 1997), their current
widespread application is due to much more recent work, when a deep CNN
was used to beat state-of-the-art in the ImageNet image classification challenge
(Krizhevskyet al., 2012).
Convolutional neural networks therefor e constitute a very useful tool for ma-
chine learning practitioners. However, learning to use CNNs for the first time
is generally an intimidating experience. A convolutional layers output shape
is affected by the shape of its input as well as the choice of kernel shape, zero
padding and strides, and the relationship between these properties is not triv-
ial to infer. This contrasts with fully-connected layers, whose output size is
independent of the input size. Additionally, CNNs also usually feature apool-
ingstage, adding yet another level of complexity with respect to fully-connected
networks. Finally, so-called transposed convolutional layers (also known as frac-
tionally strided convolutional layers) have been employed in more and more work
as of late (Zeileret al., 2011; Zeiler and Fergus, 2014; Longet al., 2015; Rad-
for det al., 2015; Visinet al., 2015; Imet al., 2016), and their relationship with
convolutional layers has been explained with various degrees of clarity.
This guides objective is twofold:
1.Explain the relationship between convolutional layers and transposed con-
volutional layers.
2.Provide an intuitive underst and ing of the relationship between input shape,
kernel shape, zero padding, strides and output shape in convolutional,
pooling and transposed convolutional layers.
In order to remain broadly applicable, the results shown in this guide are
independent of implementation details and apply to all commonly used machine
learning frameworks, such as Theano (Bergstraet al., 2010; Bastienet al., 2012),
Torch (Collobertet al., 2011), Tensorflow (Abadiet al., 2015) and Caffe (Jia et al., 2014).
This chapter briefly reviews the main building blocks of CNNs, namely dis-
crete convolutions and pooling. for an in-depth treatment of the subject, see
Chapter 9 of the Deep Learning textbook (Goodfellowet al., 2016).
1.1 Discrete convolutions
The bread and butter of neural networks is affine transformations: a vector
is received as input and is multiplied with a matrix to produce an output (to
which a bias vector is usually added before passing the result through a non-
linearity). This is applicable to any type of input, be it an image, a sound
clip or an unordered collection of features: whatever their dimensionality, their
representation can always be flattened into a vector before the transfomation.
Images, sound clips and many other similar kinds of data have an intrinsic
structure. More formally, they share these important properties:
They are stored as multi-dimensional arrays.
They feature one or more axes for which ordering matters (e.g., width and
height axes for an image, time axis for a sound clip).
One axis, called the channel axis, is used to access different views of the
data (e.g., the red, green and blue channels of a color image, or the left
and right channels of a stereo audio track).
These properties are not exploited when an affine transformation is applied;
in fact, all the axes are treated in the same way and the topological information
is not taken into account. Still, taking advantage of the implicit structure of
the data may prove very h and y in solving some tasks, like computer vision and
speech recognition, and in these cases it would be best to preserve it. This is
where discrete convolutions come into play.
A discrete convolution is a linear transformation that preserves this notion
of ordering. It is sparse (only a few input units contribute to a given output
unit) and reuses parameters (the same weights are applied to multiple locations
in the input).
Figure 1.1 provides an example of a discrete convolution. The light blue
grid is called the input feature map. To keep the drawing simple, a single input
feature map is represented, but it is not uncommon to have multiple feature
maps stacked one onto another. 1 A kernel(shaded area) of value
Figure 1.1: Computing the output values of a discrete convolution.
Figure 1.2: Computing the output values of a discrete convolution for N = 2, i1 =i2 = 5, k1 =k2 = 3, s1 =s2 = 2, and p1 =p2 = 1.
slides across the input feature map. At each location, the product between
each element of the kernel and the input element it overlaps is computed and
the results are summed up to obtain the output in the current location. The
procedure can be repeated using different kernels to for m as many output feature
maps as desired (Figure 1.3). The final outputs of this procedure are called
output feature maps.2 If there are multiple input feature maps, the kernel will
have to be 3-dimensional or, equivalently each one of the feature maps will
be convolved with a distinct kernel and the resulting feature maps will be
summed up elementwise to produce the output feature map.
The convolution depicted in Figure 1.1 is an instance of a 2-D convolution,
but it can be generalized to N-D convolutions. for instance, in a 3-D convolu-
tion, the kernel would be a cuboid and would slide across the height, width and
depth of the input feature map.
The collection of kernels defining a discrete convolution has a shape corre-
sponding to some permutation of(n;m;k 1 ;:::;k N ), where
The following properties affect the output size oj of a convolutional layer
along axis j:
for instance, Figure 1.2 shows a 3x3 kernel applied to a 5x5 input padded
with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides.
Note that strides constitute a for m of subsampling. As an alternative to
being interpreted as a measure of how much the kernel is translated, strides can
also be viewed as how much of the output is retained. for instance, moving
the kernel by hops of two is equivalent to moving the kernel by hops of one but
retaining only odd output elements (Figure 1.4).
1 An example of this is what was referred to earlier as channels for images and sound clips.
2 While there is a distinction between convolution and cross-correlation from a signal pro-
cessing perspective, the two become interchangeable when the kernel is learned. for the sake
of simplicity and to stay consistent with most of the machine learning literature, the term
convolution will be used in this guide.
Figure 1.3: A convolution mapping from two input feature maps to three output
feature maps using a32 3x3 collection of kernels w. In the left pathway,
input feature map 1 is convolved with kernel w1;1 and input feature map 2 is
convolved with kernel w1;2 , and the results are summed together elementwise
to for m the first output feature map. The same is repeated for the middle and
right pathways to for m the second and third feature maps, and all three output
feature maps are grouped together to for m the output.
Figure 1.4: An alternative way of viewing strides. Instead of translating the
3x3 kernel by increments ofs= 2(left), the kernel is translated by increments
of1 and only one ins= 2output elements is retained (right).
1.2 Pooling
In addition to discrete convolutions themselves,pooling operations make up
another important building block in CNNs. Pooling operations reduce the size
of feature maps by using some function to summarize subregions, such as taking
the average or the maximum value.
Pooling works by sliding a window across the input and feeding the content
of the window to a pooling function. In some sense, pooling works very much
like a discrete convolution, but replaces the linear combination described by the
kernel with some other function. Figure 1.5 provides an example for average
pooling, and Figure 1.6 does the same for max pooling.
The following properties affect the output size j of a pooling layer along
Figure 1.5: Computing the output values of a 3x3 average pooling operation on a 5x5 input using 1x1 strides.
Figure 1.6: Computing the output values of a 3x3 max pooling operation on a 5X5 input using 1X1 strides.
Convolution arithmetic
The analysis of the relationship between convolutional layer properties is eased
by the fact that they dont interact across axes, i.e., the choice of kernel size,
stride and zero padding along axis j only affects the output size of axis j.
Because of that, this chapter will focus on the following simplified setting:
2-D discrete convolutions (N= 2),
square inputs (i1 =i2 =i),
square kernel size (k1 =k2 =k),
same strides along both axes (s1 =s2 =s),
same zero padding along both axes (p1 =p2 =p).
This facilitates the analysis and the visualization, but keep in mind that the
results outlined here also generalize to the N-D and non-square cases.
2.1 No zero padding, unit strides
The simplest case to analyze is when the kernel just slides across every position
of the input (i.e.,s= 1 and p= 0). Figure 2.1 provides an example for i= 4
and k= 3.
One way of defining the output size in this case is by the number of possible
placements of the kernel on the input. Lets consider the width axis: the kernel
starts on the leftmost part of the input feature map and slides by steps of one
until it touches the right side of the input. The size of the output will be equal
to the number of steps made, plus one, accounting for the initial position of the
kernel (Figure 2.8a). The same logic applies for the height axis.
More formally, the following relationship can be inferred:
Relationship 1.for any i,k and p, and for s= 1,
2.2 Zero padding, unit strides
To factor in zero padding (i.e., only restricting tos= 1), lets consider its effect
on the effective input size: padding with p zeros changes the effective input size
from i to i+ 2p. In the general case, Relationship 1 can then be used to infer
the following relationship:
Relationship 2.for any i,k and p, and for s= 1,
Figure 2.2 provides an example for i= 5,k= 4 and p= 2.
In practice, two specific instances of zero padding are used quite extensively
because of their respective properties. Lets discuss them in more detail.
2.2.1 Half (same) padding
Having the output size be the same as the input size (i.e.,o=i) can be a
desirable property:
Relationship 3.for any i and for k o d (k= 2n+ 1; n2N),
s= 1 and p=b k=2 c=n,
This is sometimes referred to as half(or same) padding. Figure 2.3 provides an
example for i= 5,k= 3 and (therefor e) p= 1.
2.2.2 Full padding
While convolving a kernel generally decreases the output size with respect to
the input size, sometimes the opposite is required. This can be achieved with
proper zero padding:
Relationship 4.for any i and k, and for p=kx1 and s= 1,
Figure 2.1: (No padding, unit strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 4x4
input using unit strides (i.e.,i= 4,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 0).
Figure 2.2: (Arbitrary padding, unit strides) Convolving a 4x4 kernel over a
5x5 input padded with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,
k= 4,s= 1 and p= 2).
Figure 2.3: (Half padding, unit strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5
input using half padding and unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 1).
Figure 2.4: (Full padding, unit strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5
input using full padding and unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 2).
This is sometimes referred to as full padding, because in this setting every
possible partial or complete superimposition of the kernel on the input feature
map is taken into account. Figure 2.4 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and
(therefore) p= 2.
2.3 No zero padding, non-unit strides
All relationships derived so far only apply for unit-strided convolutions. Incorporating
non unitary strides requires another inference leap. To facilitate
the analysis, lets momentarily ignore zero padding (i.e.,s >1 and p= 0).
Figure 2.5 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and s= 2.
Once again, the output size can be defined in terms of the number of possible
placements of the kernel on the input. Lets consider the width axis: the kernel
starts as usual on the leftmost part of the input, but this time it slides by steps
of sizes until it touches the right side of the input. The size of the output is
again equal to the number of steps made, plus one, accounting for the initial
position of the kernel (Figure 2.8b). The same logic applies for the height axis.
From this, the following relationship can be inferred:
Relationship 5.for any i,k and s, and for p= 0,
The floor function accounts for the fact that sometimes the last possible step
does not coincide with the kernel reaching the end of the input, i.e., some input
units are left out (see Figure 2.7 for an example of such a case).
2.4 Zero padding, non-unit strides
The most general case (convolving over a zero padded input using non-unit
strides) can be derived by applying Relationship 5 on an effective input of size
i+ 2p, in analogy to what was done for Relationship 2:
Relationship 6.for any i,k,p and s,
As before, the floor function means that in some cases a convolution will produce
the same output size for multiple input sizes. More specifically, ifi+ 2pkis
a multiple ofs, then any input size j=i+a; a2 f0;:::; sx1 g will produce
the same output size. Note that this ambiguity applies only for s >1.
Figure 2.6 shows an example with i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1, while
Figure 2.7 provides an example for i= 6,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1. Interestingly,
despite having different input sizes these convolutions share the same output
size. While this doesnt affect the analysis for convolutions, this will complicate
the analysis in the case of transposed convolutions.
Figure 2.5: (No zero padding, arbitrary strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over
a 5x5 input using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 0).
Figure 2.6: (Arbitrary padding and strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a
5x5 input padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 5,
k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1).
Figure 2.7: (Arbitrary padding and strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a
6x6 input padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 6,
k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1). In this case, the bottom row and right column of the
zero padded input are not covered by the kernel.
(a) The kernel has to slide two steps (b) The kernel has to slide one step of
to the right to touch the right side of size two to the right to touch the right
the input ( and equivalently downwards). side of the input ( and equivalently down-
Adding one to account for the initial ker- wards). Adding one to account for the
nel position, the output size is 3x3. initial kernel position, the output size is 2x2.
Figure 2.8: Counting kernel positions.
Chapter 3
Pooling arithmetic
In a neural network, pooling layers provide invariance to small translations of
the input. The most common kind of pooling is max pooling, which consists
in splitting the input in (usually non-overlapping) patches and outputting the
maximum value of each patch. Other kinds of pooling exist, e.g., mean or
average pooling, which all share the same idea of aggregating the input locally
by applying a non-linearity to the content of some patches (Boureauet al.,
2010a,b, 2011; Saxeet al., 2011).
Some readers may have noticed that the treatment of convolution arithmetic
only relies on the assumption that some function is repeatedly applied onto
subsets of the input. This means that the relationships derived in the previous
chapter can be reused in the case of pooling arithmetic. Since pooling does not
involve zero padding, the relationship describing the general case is as follows:
Relationship 7.for any i,k and s,
This relationship holds for any type of pooling.
Chapter 4
Transposed convolution arithmetic
The need for transposed convolutions generally arises from the desire to use a
transfor mation going in the opposite direction of a normal convolution, i.e., from
something that has the shape of the output of some convolution to something
that has the shape of its input while maintaining a connectivity pattern that
is compatible with said convolution. for instance, one might use such a trans-
for mation as the decoding layer of a convolutional autoencoder or to project
feature maps to a higher-dimensional space.
Once again, the convolutional case is considerably more complex than the
fully-connected case, which only requires to use a weight matrix whose shape has
been transposed. However, since every convolution boils down to an efficient im-
plementation of a matrix operation, the insights gained from the fully-connected
case are useful in solving the convolutional case.
Like for convolution arithmetic, the dissertation about transposed convolu-
tion arithmetic is simplified by the fact that transposed convolution properties
dont interact across axes.
The chapter will focus on the following setting:
2-D transposed convolutions (N= 2),
square inputs (i1 =i2 =i),
square kernel size (k1 =k2 =k),
same strides along both axes (s1 =s2 =s),
same zero padding along both axes (p1 =p2 =p).
Once again, the results outlined generalize to the N-D and non-square cases.
4.1 Convolution as a matrix operation
Take for example the convolution represented in Figure 2.1. If the input and
output were to be unrolled into vectors from left to right, top to bottom, the
convolution could be represented as a sparse matrix C where the non-zero elements
are the elements w i;j of the kernel (with i and j being the row and column
of the kernel respectively):
This linear operation takes the input matrix flattened as a 16-dimensional
vector and produces a 4-dimensional vector that is later reshaped as the 2x2
output matrix.
Using this representation, the backward pass is easily obtained by trans-
posingC; in other words, the error is backpropagated by multiplying the loss
withCT . This operation takes a 4-dimensional vector as input and produces
a 16-dimensional vector as output, and its connectivity pattern is compatible
withCby construction.
Notably, the kernel w defines both the matrices C and CT used for the
for ward and backward passes.
4.2 Transposed convolution
Lets now consider what would be required to go the other way around, i.e.,
map from a 4-dimensional space to a 16-dimensional space, while keeping the
connectivity pattern of the convolution depicted in Figure 2.1. This operation
is known as a transposed convolution.
Transposed convolutions also called fractionally strided convolutions or
deconvolutions 1 work by swapping the for ward and backward passes of a con-
volution. One way to put it is to note that the kernel defines a convolution, but
whether its a direct convolution or a transposed convolution is determined by
how the for ward and backward passes are computed.
for instance, although the kernel w defines a convolution whose for ward and
backward passes are computed by multiplying with C and CT respectively, it
also defines a transposed convolution whose for ward and backward passes are
computed by multiplying withCT and (CT )T =C respectively. 2
Finally note that it is always possible to emulate a transposed convolution
with a direct convolution. The disadvantage is that it usually involves adding
1 The term “deconvolution” is sometimes used in the literature, but we advocate against it
on the grounds that a deconvolution is mathematically defined as the inverse of a convolution,
which is different from a transposed convolution.
2 The transposed convolution operation can be thought of as the gradient of some convolution
with respect to its input, which is usually how transposed convolutions are implemented
in practice.
many columns and rows of zeros to the input, resulting in a much less efficient
Building on what has been introduced so far, this chapter will proceed some-
what backwards with respect to the convolution arithmetic chapter, deriving the
properties of each transposed convolution by referring to the direct convolution
with which it shares the kernel, and defining the equivalent direct convolution.
4.3 No zero padding, unit strides, transposed
The simplest way to think about a transposed convolution on a given input is
to imagine such an input as being the result of a direct convolution applied on
some initial feature map. The transposed convolution can be then considered as
the operation that allows to recover the shape 3 of this initial feature map.
Lets consider the convolution of a 3x3 kernel on a 4x4 input with unitary
stride and no padding (i.e.,i= 4,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 0). As depicted in
Figure 2.1, this produces a 2x2 output. The transpose of this convolution will
then have an output of shape 4x4 when applied on a 2x2 input.
Another way to obtain the result of a transposed convolution is to apply an
equivalent but much less efficient direct convolution. The example described
so far could be tackled by convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 2x2 input padded
with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 2,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and
p0 = 2), as shown in Figure 4.1. Notably, the kernels and strides sizes remain
the same, but the input of the transposed convolution is now zero padded. 4
One way to understand the logic behind zero padding is to consider the
connectivity pattern of the transposed convolution and use it to guide the design
of the equivalent convolution. for example, the top left pixel of the input of the
direct convolution only contribute to the top left pixel of the output, the top
right pixel is only connected to the top right output pixel, and so on.
To maintain the same connectivity pattern in the equivalent convolution it is
necessary to zero pad the input in such a way that the first (top-left) application
of the kernel only touches the top-left pixel, i.e., the padding has to be equal to
the size of the kernel minus one.
Proceeding in the same fashion it is possible to determine similar observa-
tions for the other elements of the image, giving rise to the following relationship:
3 Note that the transposed convolution does not guarantee to recover the input itself, as it
is not defined as the inverse of the convolution, but rather just returns a feature map that has
the same width and height.
4 Note that although equivalent to applying the transposed matrix, this visualization adds
a lot of zero multiplications in the for m of zero padding. This is done here for illustration
purposes, but it is inefficient, and software implementations will normally not perfor m the
useless zero multiplications.
Relationship 8.A convolution described bys= 1,p= 0 and k
has an associated transposed convolution described byk0 =k,s0 =s
and p0 = kx1 and its output size is
Interestingly, this corresponds to a fully padded convolution with unit strides.
4.4 Zero padding, unit strides, transposed
Knowing that the transpose of a non-padded convolution is equivalent to con-
volving a zero padded input, it would be reasonable to suppose that the trans-
pose of a zero padded convolution is equivalent to convolving an input padded
It is indeed the case, as shown in Figure 4.2 for i= 5,k= 4 and p= 2.
for mally, the following relationship applies for zero padded convolutions:
Relationship 9.A convolution described by s= 1,k and phas an
associated transposed convolution described by k0 =k,s0 =s and
p0 =kp1 and its output size is
4.4.1 Half (same) padding, transposed
By applying the same inductive reasoning as befor e, it is reasonable to expect
that the equivalent convolution of the transpose of a half padded convolution
is itself a half padded convolution, given that the output size of a half padded
convolution is the same as its input size. Thus the following relation applies:
Relationship 10.A convolution described byk= 2n+1; n2N,
s= 1 and p=bk=2c=nh as an associated transposed convolution
described byk0 =k,s0 =s and p0 =p and its output size is
Figure 4.3 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and (therefor e)p= 1.
4.4.2 Full padding, transposed
Knowing that the equivalent convolution of the transpose of a non-padded con-
volution involves full padding, it is unsurprising that the equivalent of the trans-
pose of a fully padded convolution is a non-padded convolution:
Figure 4.1: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 4x4 input using
unit strides (i.e.,i= 4,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 0). It is equivalent to convolving
a 3x3 kernel over a 2x2 input padded with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit
strides (i.e.,i0 = 2,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 2).
Figure 4.2: The transpose of convolving a 4x4 kernel over a 5x5 input padded
with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 4,s= 1 and
p= 2). It is equivalent to convolving a 4x4 kernel over a 6x6 input padded
with a 1x1 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 6,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and
p0 = 1).
Figure 4.3: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using
half padding and unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 1). It is
equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using half padding
and unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 5,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 1).
Relationship 11.A convolution described bys= 1,k and p= kx1
has an associated transposed convolution described byk0 =k,s0 =s
and p0 = 0 and its output size is
Figure 4.4 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and (therefor e)p= 2.
4.5 No zero padding, non-unit strides, transposed
Using the same kind of inductive logic as for zero padded convolutions, one
might expect that the transpose of a convolution with s >1 involves an equiv-
alent convolution with s <1. As will be explained, this is a valid intuition,
which is why transposed convolutions are sometimes called fractionally strided
Figure 4.5 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and s= 2which helps
understand what fractional strides involve: zeros are inserted between input
units, which makes the kernel move around at a slower pace than with unit
strides. 5
for the moment, it will be assumed that the convolution is non-padded
(p= 0) and that its input size i is such that ixk is a multiple ofs. In that
case, the following relationship holds:
Relationship 12.A convolution described byp= 0,k and s and
whose input size is such that ixk is a multiple ofs, has an associated
transposed convolution described by~i0 ,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = kx1 ,
where~i0 is the size of the stretched input obtained by adding sx1
zeros between each input unit, and its output size is
4.6 Zero padding, non-unit strides, transposed
When the convolutions input sizeiis such thati+ 2pkis a multiple ofs,
the analysis can extended to the zero padded case by combining Relationship 9
and Relationship 12:
5 Doing so is inefficient and real-world implementations avoid useless multiplications by
zero, but conceptually it is how the transpose of a strided convolution can be thought of.
Figure 4.4: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using
full padding and unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 2). It is equivalent
to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a77input using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 7,
k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 0).
Figure 4.5: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using
2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 0). It is equivalent to convolving
a 3x3 kernel over a 2x2 input (with1zero inserted between inputs) padded
with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 2,~i0 = 3,k0 =k,s0 = 1
and p0 = 2).
Figure 4.6: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input padded
with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and
p= 1). It is equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 3x3 input (with
1zero inserted between inputs) padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using unit
strides (i.e.,i0 = 3,~i0 = 5,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 1).
Relationship 13.A convolution described byk,s and p and whose
input sizeiis such tha ti+2pk is a multiple of s has an associated
transposed convolution described by~i0 ,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 =
kp1, where ~i0 is the size of the stretched input obtained by
adding sx1 zeros between each input unit, and its output size is
Figure 4.6 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1.
The constraint on the size of the inputican be relaxed by introducing
another parametera2 f0;:::; sx1 gthat allows to distinguish between thes
different cases that all lead to the samei0 :
Relationship 14.A convolution described byk,s and phas an
associated transposed convolution described bya,~i0 ,k0 =k,s0 = 1
and p0 =kp1, where~i0 is the size of the stretched input obtained
by adding sx1 zeros between each input unit, and a= (i+ 2pk)
modsrepresents the number of zeros added to the bottom and right
edges of the input, and its output size is
Figure 4.7 provides an example for i= 6,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1.
Figure 4.7: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 6x6 input padded
with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 6,k= 3,s= 2 and
p= 1). It is equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 2x2 input (with
1zero inserted between inputs) padded with a 1x1 border of zeros (with an
additional border of size1added to the bottom and right edges) using unit
strides (i.e.,i0 = 3,~i0 = 5,a= 1,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 1).
Chapter 5
Miscellaneous convolutions
5.1 Dilated convolutions
Readers familiar with the deep learning literature may have noticed the term
“dilated convolutions” (or “atrous convolutions”, from the French expressioncon-
volutions à trous) appear in recent papers. Here we attempt to provide an in-
tuitive underst and ing of dilated convolutions. for a more in-depth description
and to underst and in what contexts they are applied, see Chenet al.(2014); Yu
and Koltun (2015).
Dilated convolutions “inflate” the kernel by inserting spaces between the ker-
nel elements. The dilation “rate” is controlled by an additional hyperparameter
d. Implementations may vary, but there are usually dx1 spaces inserted between
kernel elements such thatd= 1corresponds to a regular convolution.
Dilated convolutions are used to cheaply increase the receptive field of output
units without increasing the kernel size, which is especially effective when multi-
ple dilated convolutions are stacked one after another. for a concrete example,
see Oordet al.(2016), in which the proposed WaveNet model implements an
autoregressive generative model for raw audio which uses dilated convolutions
to condition new audio frames on a large context of past audio frames.
To underst and the relationship tying the dilation rated and the output size
o, it is useful to think of the impact ofdon theeffective kernel size. A kernel
of sizekdilated by a factordhas an effective size
This can be combined with Relationship 6 to for m the following relationship for
dilated convolutions:
Relationship 15.for any i,k,p and s, and for a dilation rated,
Figure 5.1: (Dilated convolution) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a77input
with a dilation factor of 2 (i.e.,i= 7,k= 3,d= 2,s= 1 and p= 0).
Figure 5.1 provides an example for i= 7,k= 3 and d= 2.
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A Survey of Model Compression and Acceleration for Deep Neural Networks
Yu Cheng, Duo Wang, Pan Zhou Member IEEE, and Tao Zhang Senior Member IEEE
Abstract—Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have [2], [3]. It is also very time-consuming to train such a model
recently achieved great success in many visual recognition tasks. to get reasonable performance. In architectures that rely only However, existing deep neural network models are computation- on fully-connected layers, the number of parameters can grow ally expensive and memory intensive, hindering their deployment
in devices with low memory resources or in applications with to billions [4].
strict latency requirements. Therefore, a natural thought is to As larger neural networks with more layers and nodes
without significantly decreasing the model performance. During becomes critical, especially for some real-time applications the past few years, tremendous progress has been made in such as online learning and incremental learning. In addi- this area. In this paper, we survey the recent advanced tech-
niques for compacting and accelerating CNNs model developed. tion, recent years witnessed significant progress in virtual
These techniques are roughly categorized into four schemes: reality, augmented reality, and smart wearable devices, cre-
parameter pruning and sharing, low-rank factorization, trans- ating unprecedented opportunities for researchers to tackle
ferred/compact convolutional filters, and knowledge distillation. fundamental challenges in deploying deep learning systems to Methods of parameter pruning and sharing will be described at portable devices with limited resources (e.g. memory, CPU, the beginning, after that the other techniques will be introduced.
For each scheme, we provide insightful analysis regarding the energy, bandwidth). Efficient deep learning methods can have
performance, related applications, advantages, and drawbacks significant impacts on distributed systems, embedded devices,
etc. Then we will go through a few very recent additional and FPGA for Artificial Intelligence. For example, the ResNet-
successful methods, for example, dynamic capacity networks and 50 [5] with 50 convolutional layers needs over 95MB memory stochastic depths networks. After that, we survey the evaluation for storage and over 3.8 billion floating number multiplications matrix, the main datasets used for evaluating the model per-
formance and recent benchmarking efforts. Finally, we conclude when processing an image. After discarding some redundant
this paper, discuss remaining challenges and possible directions weights, the network still works as usual but saves more than
on this topic. 75% of parameters and 50% computational time. For devices
Index Terms—Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, like cell phones and FPGAs with only several megabyte
Model Compression and Acceleration, resources, how to compact the models used on them is also
Achieving these goal calls for joint solutions from many
disciplines, including but not limited to machine learning, op-
In recent years, deep neural networks have recently received timization, computer architecture, data compression, indexing,
lots of attention, been applied to different applications and and hardware design. In this paper, we review recent works
achieved dramatic accuracy improvements in many tasks. on compressing and accelerating deep neural networks, which
These works rely on deep networks with millions or even attracted a lot of attention from the deep learning community
billions of parameters, and the availability of GPUs with and already achieved lots of progress in the past years.
very high computation capability plays a key role in their We classify these approaches into four categories: pa-
success. For example, the work by Krizhevskyet al.[1] rameter pruning and sharing, low-rank factorization, trans-
achieved breakthrough results in the 2012 ImageNet Challenge ferred/compact convolutional filters, and knowledge distil-
using a network containing 60 million parameters with five lation. The parameter pruning and sharing based methods
convolutional layers and three fully-connected layers. Usually, explore the redundancy in the model parameters and try to
it takes two to three days to train the whole model on remove the redundant and uncritical ones. Low-rank factor-
ImagetNet dataset with a NVIDIA K40 machine. Another ization based techniques use matrix/tensor decomposition to
example is the top face verification results on the Labeled estimate the informative parameters of the deep CNNs. The
Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset were obtained with networks approaches based on transferred/compact convolutional filters
containing hundreds of millions of parameters, using a mix design special structural convolutional filters to reduce the
of convolutional, locally-connected, and fully-connected layers parameter space and save storage/computation. The knowledge
distillation methods learn a distilled model and train a more Yu Cheng is a Researcher from Microsoft AI & Research, One Microsoft
Way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA. compact neural network to reproduce the output of a larger
Duo Wang and Tao Zhang are with the Department of Automation, network.
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. In Table I, we briefly summarize these four types of Pan Zhou is with the School of Electronic Information and Communi- methods. Generally, the parameter pruning & sharing, low- cations, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074,
be used in DNN models with fully connected layers and
convolutional layers, achieving comparable performances. On
the other hand, methods using transferred/compact filters are
designed for models with convolutional layers only. Low-rank
factorization and transfered/compact filters based approaches
provide an end-to-end pipeline and can be easily implemented
in CPU/GPU environment, which is straightforward. while
parameter pruning & sharing use different methods such as
vector quantization, binary coding and sparse constraints to
perform the task. Generally it will take several steps to achieve
the goal.
Fig. 1. The three-stage compression method proposed in [10]: pruning, Regarding the training protocols, models based on param- quantization and encoding. The input is the original model and the output
eter pruning/sharing low-rank factorization can be extracted is the compression model.
from pre-trained ones or trained from scratch. While the
transferred/compact filter and knowledge distillation models
can only support train from scratch. These methods are inde- memory usage and float point operations with little loss in
pendently designed and complement each other. For example, classification accuracy.
transferred layers and parameter pruning & sharing can be The method proposed in [10] quantized the link weights
used together, and model quantization & binarization can be using weight sharing and then applied Huffman coding to the
used together with low-rank approximations to achieve further quantized weights as well as the codebook to further reduce
speedup. We will describe the details of each theme, their the rate. As shown in Figure 1, it started by learning the con-
properties, strengths and drawbacks in the following sections. nectivity via normal network training, followed by pruning the
small-weight connections. Finally, the network was retrained
to learn the final weights for the remaining sparse connections.
This work achieved the state-of-art performance among allEarly works showed that network pruning is effective in parameter quantization based methods. It was shown in [11] reducing the network complexity and addressing the over- that Hessian weight could be used to measure the importancefitting problem [6]. After that researcher found pruning orig- of network parameters, and proposed to minimize Hessian-inally introduced to reduce the structure in neural networks weighted quantization errors in average for clustering networkand hence improve generalization, it has been widely studied parameters.to compress DNN models, trying to remove parameters which In the extreme case of the 1-bit representation of eachare not crucial to the model performance. These techniques can weight, that is binary weight neural networks. There arebe further classified into three sub-categories: quantization and many works that directly train CNNs with binary weights, forbinarization, parameter sharing, and structural matrix. instance, BinaryConnect [12], BinaryNet [13] and XNORNet-
works [14]. The main idea is to directly learn binary weights orA. Quantization and Binarization activation during the model training. The systematic study in
Network quantization compresses the original network by [15] showed that networks trained with back propagation could
reducing the number of bits required to represent each weight. be resilient to specific weight distortions, including binary
Gonget al.[6] and Wu et al. [7] appliedk-means scalar weights.
quantization to the parameter values. Vanhouckeet al.[8] Drawbacks: the accuracy of the binary nets is significantly
showed that 8-bit quantization of the parameters can result lowered when dealing with large CNNs such as GoogleNet.
in significant speed-up with minimal loss of accuracy. The Another drawback of such binary nets is that existing bina-
work in [9] used 16-bit fixed-point representation in stochastic rization schemes are based on simple matrix approximations
rounding based CNN training, which significantly reduced and ignore the effect of binarization on the accuracy loss. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE, SPECIAL ISSUE ON DEEP LEARNING FOR IMAGE UNDERSTANDING (ARXIV EXTENDED VERSION) 3
To address this issue, the work in [16] proposed a proximal connected layers, which is often the bottleneck in terms of
Newton algorithm with diagonal Hessian approximation that memory consumption. These network layers use the nonlinear
directly minimizes the loss with respect to the binary weights. transformsf(x;M) =(Mx), where()is an element-wise
The work in [17] reduced the time on float point multiplication nonlinear operator,xis the input vector, andMis themn
in the training stage by stochastically binarizing weights and matrix of parameters [29]. WhenMis a large general dense
converting multiplications in the hidden state computation to matrix, the cost of storingmnparameters and computing
significant changes. matrix-vector products inO(mn)time. Thus, an intuitive
way to prune parameters is to imposexas a parameterizedB. Pruning and Sharing structural matrix. Anmn matrix that can be described
Network pruning and sharing has been used both to reduce using much fewer parameters thanmnis called a structured
network complexity and to address the over-fitting issue. An matrix. Typically, the structure should not only reduce the
early approach to pruning was the Biased Weight Decay memory cost, but also dramatically accelerate the inference
[18]. The Optimal Brain Damage [19] and the Optimal Brain and training stage via fast matrix-vector multiplication and
Surgeon [20] methods reduced the number of connections gradient computations.
based on the Hessian of the loss function, and their work sug- Following this direction, the work in [30], [31] proposed a
gested that such pruning gave higher accuracy than magnitude- simple and efficient approach based on circulant projections,
while maintaining competitive error rates. Given a vectorr=based pruning such as the weight decay method. The training procedure of those methods followed the way training from <<FORMULA>>, a circulant matrix R^2 R^dxd is defined
as: <<FORMULA>>
scratch manner. A recent trend in this direction is to prune redundant, <<FORMULA>> non-informative weights in a pre-trained CNN model. For <<FORMULA>>
example, Srinivas and Babu [21] explored the redundancy <<FORMULA>> among neurons, and proposed a data-free pruning method to
remove redundant neurons. Hanet al.[22] proposed to reduce <<FORMULA>>
the total number of parameters and operations in the entire thus the memory cost becomesO(d)instead of O(d^2) network. Chenet al.[23] proposed a HashedNets model that This circulant structure also enables the use of Fast Fourier used a low-cost hash function to group weights into hash Transform (FFT) to speed up the computation. Given ad-buckets for parameter sharing. The deep compression method dimensional vectorr, the above 1-layer circulant neural net-in [10] removed the redundant connections and quantized the work in Eq. 1 has time complexity ofO(dlogd).weights, and then used Huffman coding to encode the quan- In [32], a novel Adaptive Fastfood transform was introducedtized weights. In [24], a simple regularization method based to reparameterize the matrix-vector multiplication of fully on soft weight-sharing was proposed, which included both connected layers. The Adaptive Fast food transform matrix quantization and pruning in one simple (re-)training procedure. R2Rnd was defined as:The above pruning schemes typically produce connections
pruning in CNNs. <<FORMULA>> (2)
There is also growing interest in training compact CNNs whereS,GandBare random diagonal matrices. 2
with sparsity constraints. Those sparsity constraints are typ- <<FORMULA>> is a random permutation matrix, and H denotes
ically introduced in the optimization problem asl0 orl1 - the Walsh-Hadamard matrix. Reparameterizing a fully con-
norm regularizers. The work in [25] imposed group sparsity nected layer with d inputs and n outputs using the Adaptive
constraint on the convolutional filters to achieve structured Fast food transform reduces the storage and the computational
brain Damage, i.e., pruning entries of the convolution kernels costs from O(n^d) to O(n) and from O(n^d) to O(n*log(d)),
in a group-wise fashion. In [26], a group-sparse regularizer respectively.
on neurons was introduced during the training stage to learn The work in [29] showed the effectiveness of the new
compact CNNs with reduced filters. Wenet al.[27] added a notion of parsimony in the theory of structured matrices. Their
structured sparsity regularizer on each layer to reduce trivial proposed method can be extended to various other structured
filters, channels or even layers. In the filter-level pruning, all matrix classes, including block and multi-level Toeplitz-like
the above works used l2-norm regularizers. The work in [28] [33] matrices related to multi-dimensional convolution [34].
usedl1 -norm to select and prune unimportant filters. Following this idea, [35] proposed a general structured effi-
Drawbacks: there are some potential issues of the pruning cient linear layer for CNNs.
and sharing. First, pruning with l1 or l2 regularization requires Drawbacks: one problem of this kind of approaches is that
more iterations to converge than general. In addition, all the structural constraint will hurt the performance since the
pruning criteria require manual setup of sensitivity for layers, constraint might bring bias to the model. On the other hand,
which demands fine-tuning of the parameters and could be how to find a proper structural matrix is difficult. There is no
cumbersome for some applications. theoretical way to derive it out.
C. Designing Structural Matrix
In architectures that contain fully-connected layers, it is Convolution operations contribute the bulk of most com-
critical to explore this redundancy of parameters in fully- putations in deep CNNs, thus reducing the convolution layer IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE, SPECIAL ISSUE ON DEEP LEARNING FOR IMAGE UNDERSTANDING (ARXIV EXTENDED VERSION) 4
Fig. 2. A typical framework of the low-rank regularization method. The left
is the original convolutional layer and the right is the low-rank constraint
convolutional layer with rank-K.
would improve the compression rate as well as the overall
speedup. For the convolution kernels, it can be viewed as a
4D tensor. Ideas based on tensor decomposition is derived by For instance, Mishaet al.[41] reduced the number of dynamic
the intuition that there is a significant amount of redundancy parameters in deep models using the low-rank method. [42]
in the 4D tensor, which is a particularly promising way to explored a low-rank matrix factorization of the final weight
remove the redundancy. Regarding the fully-connected layer, layer in a DNN for acoustic modeling. In [3], Luet al.adopted
it can be view as a 2D matrix and the low-rankness can also truncated SVD (singular value decomposition) to decompsite
help. the fully connected layer for designing compact multi-task
It has been a long time for using low-rank filters to acceler- deep learning architectures.
ate convolution, for example, high dimensional DCT (discrete Drawbacks: low-rank approaches are straightforward for
cosine transform) and wavelet systems using tensor products model compression and acceleration. The idea complements
to be constructed from 1D DCT transform and 1D wavelets recent advances in deep learning, such as dropout, recti-
respectively. Learning separable 1D filters was introduced fied units and maxout. However, the implementation is not
by Rigamontiet al.[36], following the dictionary learning that easy since it involves decomposition operation, which
idea. Regarding some simple DNN models, a few low-rank is computationally expensive. Another issue is that current
approximation and clustering schemes for the convolutional methods perform low-rank approximation layer by layer, and
kernels were proposed in [37]. They achieved 2speedup thus cannot perform global parameter compression, which
for a single convolutional layer with 1% drop in classification is important as different layers hold different information.
accuracy. The work in [38] proposed using different tensor Finally, factorization requires extensive model retraining to
decomposition schemes, reporting a 4.5speedup with 1% achieve convergence when compared to the original model.
drop in accuracy in text recognition.
The low-rank approximation was done layer by layer. The IV. T RANSFERRED /COMPACT CONVOLUTIONAL FILTERS
parameters of one layer were fixed after it was done, and the CNNs are parameter efficient due to exploring the trans-layers above were fine-tuned based on a reconstruction error lation invariant property of the representations to the input criterion. These are typical low-rank methods for compressing image, which is the key to the success of training very deep2D convolutional layers, which is described in Figure 2. Fol- models without severe over-fitting. Although a strong theory lowing this direction, Canonical Polyadic (CP) decomposition is currently missing, a large number of empirical evidenceof was proposed for the kernel tensors in [39]. Their work support the notion that both the translation invariant property used nonlinear least squares to compute the CP decomposition. and the convolutional weight sharing are important for good In [40], a new algorithm for computing the low-rank tensor predictive performance. The idea of using transferred convolu- decomposition for training low-rank constrained CNNs from tional filters to compress CNN models is motivated by recent scratch were proposed. It used Batch Normalization (BN) to works in [43], which introduced the equivariant group theory.transform the activation of the internal hidden units. In general, Letxbe an input,()be a network or layer and T() be the both the CP and the BN decomposition schemes in [40] (BN transform matrix. The concept of equivalence is defined as:Low-rank) can be used to train CNNs from scratch. However,
there are few differences between them. For example, finding <<FORMULA>> (3)
the best low-rank approximation in CP decomposition is an ill-
posed problem, and the best rank-K (K is the rank number) indicating that transforming the input x by the transform T()
approximation may not exist sometimes. While for the BN and then passing it through the network or layer () should
scheme, the decomposition always exists. We perform a simple give the same result as first mapping x through the network
comparison of both methods shown in Table II. The actual and then transforming the representation. Note that in Eq.
speedup and the compression rates are used to measure their (10), the transforms <<T()>> and <<T_0()>> are not necessarily the
performances. same as they operate on different objects. According to this
As we mentioned before, the fully connected layers can theory, it is reasonable applying transform to layers or filters
be viewed as a 2D matrix and thus the above mentioned () to compress the whole network models. From empirical
methods can also be applied there. There are several classical observation, deep CNNs also benefit from using a large set of
works on exploiting low-rankness in fully connected layers. convolutional filters by applying certain transformT()to a IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE, SPECIAL ISSUE ON DEEP LEARNING FOR IMAGE UNDERSTANDING (ARXIV EXTENDED VERSION) 5
small set of base filters since it acts as a regularizer for the TABLE III
Following this direction, there are many recent reworks
proposed to build a convolutional layer from a set of base <<TABLE>>
filters [43][46]. What they have in common is that the
transform T() lies in the family of functions that only operate
in the spatial domain of the convolutional filters. For example,
the work in [45] found that the lower convolution layers of
CNNs learned redundant filters to extract both positive and
negative phase information of an input signal, and definedT() Drawbacks: there are few issues to be addressed for ap-to be the simple negation function: proaches that apply transform constraints to convolutional fil-
<<FORMULA>> (4)
ters. First, these methods can achieve competitive performance x for wide/flat architectures (like VGGNet) but not thin/deepwhereWx is the basis convolutional filter andW is the filter x ones (like GoogleNet, Residual Net). Secondly, the transferconsisting of the shifts whose activation is opposite to that assumptions sometimes are too strong to guide the learning,ofWx and selected after max-pooling operation. By doing making the results unstable in some cases.this, the work in [45] can easily achieve 2compression Using a compact filter for convolution can directly reducerate on all the convolutional layers. It is also shown that the the computation cost. The key idea is to replace the loosenegation transform acts as a strong regularizer to improve and over-parametric filters with compact blocks to improve the classification accuracy. The intuition is that the learning the speed, which significantly accelerate CNNs on severalalgorithm with pair-wise positive-negative constraint can lead benchmarks. Decomposing33convolution into two11to useful convolutional filters instead of redundant ones. convolutions was used in [48], which achieved significantIn [46], it was observed that magnitudes of the responses acceleration on object recognition. SqueezeNet [49] was pro-from convolutional kernels had a wide diversity of pattern posed to replace33convolution with11convolu-representations in the network, and it was not proper to discard tion, which created a compact neural network with about 50weaker signals with a single threshold. Thus a multi-bias non- fewer parameters and comparable accuracy when compared tolinearity activation function was proposed to generates more AlexNet.patterns in the feature space at low computational cost. The
transformT()was define as:
<<FORMULA>> (5)
To the best of our knowledge, exploiting knowledge transfer
where were the multi-bias factors. The work in [47] con- (KT) to compress model was first proposed by Caruanaet
side red a combination of rotation by a multiple of 90 and al.[50]. They trained a compressed/ensemble model of strong
horizontal/vertical flipping with: classifiers with pseudo-data labeled, and reproduced the output
of the original larger network. But the work is limited to
<<FORMULA>> (6)
shallow models. The idea has been recently adopted in [51]
whereWT was the transformation matrix which rotated the as knowledge distillation (KD) to compress deep and wide
original filters with angle2 f90;180;270g. In [43], the networks into shallower ones, where the compressed model
transform was generalized to any angle learned from data, and mimicked the function learned by the complex model. The
was directly obtained from data. Both works [47] and [43] main idea of KD based approaches is to shift knowledge from
can achieve good classification performance. a large teacher model into a small one by learning the class
The work in [44] definedT()as the set of translation distributions output via softmax.
functions applied to 2D filters: The work in [52] introduced a KD compression framework,
which eased the training of deep networks by following a
<<FORMULA>> (7)
student-teacher paradigm, in which the student was penalized
whereT(;x;y)denoted the translation of the first operand by according to a softened version of the teachers output. The
(x;y)along its spatial dimensions, with proper zero padding framework compressed an ensemble of teacher networks into
at borders to maintain the shape. The proposed framework a student network of similar depth. The student was trained
can be used to 1) improve the classification accuracy as a to predict the output and the classification labels. Despite
regularized version of maxout networks, and 2) to achieve its simplicity, KD demonstrates promising results in various
parameter efficiency by flexibly varying their architectures to image classification tasks. The work in [53] aimed to address
compress networks. the network compression problem by taking advantage of
Table III briefly compares the performance of different depth neural networks. It proposed an approach to train thin
methods with transferred convolutional filters, using VGGNet but deep networks, called FitNets, to compress wide and
(16 layers) as the baseline model. The results are reported shallower (but still deep) networks. The method was extended
on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets with Top-5 error. It is the idea to allow for thinner and deeper student models. In
observed that they can achieve reduction in parameters with order to learn from the intermediate representations of teacher
little or no drop in classification accuracy. network, FitNet made the student mimic the full feature maps
of the teacher. However, such assumptions are too strict since layer with global average pooling [44], [62]. Network architec-
the capacities of teacher and student may differ greatly. ture such as GoogleNet or Network in Network, can achieve
All the above approaches are validated on MNIST, CIFAR- state-of-the-art results on several benchmarks by adopting
10, CIFAR-100, SVHN and AFLW benchmark datasets, and this idea. However, these architectures have not been fully
experimental results show that these methods match or outper- optimized the utilization of the computing resources inside
form the teachers performance, while requiring notably fewer the network. This problem was noted by Szegedyet al.[62]
parameters and multiplications. and motivated them to increase the depth and width of the
There are several extension along this direction of dis- network while keeping the computational budget constant.
tillation knowledge. The work in [54] trained a parametric The work in [63] targeted the Residual Network based
student model to approximate a Monte Carlo teacher. The model with a spatially varying computation time, called
proposed framework used online training, and used deep stochastic depth, which enabled the seemingly contradictory
neural networks for the student model. Different from previous setup to train short networks and used deep networks at test
works which represented the knowledge using the soften label time. It started with very deep networks, while during training,
probabilities, [55] represented the knowledge by using the for each mini-batch, randomly dropped a subset of layers
neurons in the higher hidden layer, which preserved as much and bypassed them with the identity function. Following this
information as the label probabilities, but are more compact. direction, thew work in [64] proposed a pyramidal residual
The work in [56] accelerated the experimentation process by networks with stochastic depth. In [65], Wuet al.proposed
instantaneously transferring the knowledge from a previous an approach that learns to dynamically choose which layers
network to each new deeper or wider network. The techniques of a deep network to execute during inference so as to best
are based on the concept of function-preserving transfor- reduce total computation. Veitet al.exploited convolutional
mations between neural network specifications. Zagoruyko networks with adaptive inference graphs to adaptively define
et al.[57] proposed Attention Transfer (AT) to relax the their network topology conditioned on the input image [66].
assumption of FitNet. They transferred the attention maps that Other approaches to reduce the convolutional overheads in-are summaries of the full activations. clude using FFT based convolutions [67] and fast convolutionDrawbacks: KD-based approaches can make deeper models using the Winograd algorithm [68]. Zhaiet al.[69] proposed athinner and help significantly reduce the computational cost. strategy call stochastic spatial sampling pooling, which speed-However, there are a few disadvantages. One of those is that up the pooling operations by a more general stochastic version.KD can only be applied to classification tasks with softmax Saeedanet al.presented a novel pooling layer for convolu-loss function, which hinders its usage. Another drawback is tional neural networks termed detail-preserving pooling (DPP),the model assumptions sometimes are too strict to make the based on the idea of inverse bilateral filters [70]. Those worksperformance competitive with other type of approaches. only aim to speed up the computation but not reduce the
memory storage.
We first summarize the works utilizing attention-based
methods. Note that attention-based mechanism [58] can reduce
computations significantly by learning to selectively focus or In the past five years the deep learning community had“attend” to a few, task-relevant input regions. The work in made great efforts in benchmark models. One of the most[59] introduced the dynamic capacity network (DCN) that well-known model used in compression and acceleration forcombined two types of modules: the small sub-networks with CNNs is Alexnet [1], which has been occasionally usedlow capacity, and the large ones with high capacity. The low- for assessing the performance of compression. Other popularcapacity sub-networks were active on the whole input to first standard models include LeNets [71], All-CNN-nets [72] andfind the task-relevant areas, and then the attention mechanism many others. LeNet-300-100 is a fully connected networkwas used to direct the high-capacity sub-networks to focus on with two hidden layers, with 300 and 100 neurons each.the task-relevant regions. By dong this, the size of the CNNs LeNet-5 is a convolutional network that has two convolutionalmodel has been significantly reduced. layers and two fully connected layers. Recently, more andFollowing this direction, the work in [60] introduced the more state-of-the-art architectures are used as baseline modelsconditional computation idea, which only computes the gra- in many works, including network in networks (NIN) [73],dient for some important neurons. It proposed a sparsely- VGG nets [74] and residual networks (ResNet) [75]. Table IVgated mixture-of-experts Layer (MoE). The MoE module summarizes the baseline models commonly used in severalconsisted of a number of experts, each a simple feed-forward typical compression methods.neural network, and a trainable gating network that selected
a sparse combination of the experts to process each input. In The standard criteria to measure the quality of model
[61], dynamic deep neural networks (D2NN) were introduced, compression and acceleration are the compression and the
which were a type of feed-forward deep neural network that speedup rates. Assume thatais the number of the parameters
selected and executed a subset of D2NN neurons based on the in the original model Manda is that of the compressed
input. model M , then the compression rate (M;M ) of M over
There have been other attempts to reduce the number of Mis aparameters of neural networks by replacing the fully connected (M;M ) = : (8)a IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE, SPECIAL ISSUE ON DEEP LEARNING FOR IMAGE UNDERSTANDING (ARXIV EXTENDED VERSION) 7
TABLE IV or low rank factorization based methods. If you need
SUMMARIZATION OF BASELINE MODELS USED IN DIFFERENT end-to-end solutions for your problem, the low rank REPRESENTATIVE WORKS OF NETWORK COMPRESSION . and transferred convolutional filters approaches could be
For applications in some specific domains, methods with low-rank factorization [40] human prior (like the transferred convolutional filters, Network in network [73] low-rank factorization [40]
<<TABLE>> structural matrix) sometimes have benefits. For example,
when doing medical images classification, transferred Residual networks [75] compact filters [49], stochastic depth [63] convolutional filters could work well as medical images parameter sharing [24]
(like organ) do have the rotation transformation property.
Usually the approaches of pruning & sharing could give parameter pruning [20], [22] reasonable compression rate while not hurt the accuracy.
Thus for applications which requires stable model accu-
Another widely used measurement is the index space saving racy, it is better to utilize pruning & sharing.
defined in several papers [30], [35] as If your problem involves small/medium size datasets, you
can try the knowledge distillation approaches. The com-aa
<<FORMULA>> (9) pressed student model can take the benefit of transferring a knowledge from teacher model, making it robust datasets
where a and a are the number of the dimension of the index which are not large.
space in the original model and that of the compressed model, As we mentioned before, techniques of the four groups
respectively. are orthogonal. It is reasonable to combine two or three
Similarly, given the running timesofMands ofM , of them to maximize the performance. For some spe-
the speedup rate <<FORMULA>> is defined as: cific applications, like object detection, which requires
s both convolutional and fully connected layers, you can
<<FORMULA>> (10)
compress the convolutional layers with low rank based
Most work used the average training time per epoch to measure method and the fully connected layers with a pruning
the running time, while in [30], [35], the average testing time technique.
was used. Generally, the compression rate and speedup rate B. Technique Challengesare highly correlated, as smaller models often results in faster
computation for both the training and the testing stages. Techniques for deep model compression and acceleration
Good compression methods are expected to achieve almost are still in the early stage and the following challenges still
the same performance as the original model with much smaller need to be addressed.
parameters and less computational time. However, for different Most of the current state-of-the-art approaches are built
applications with different CNN designs, the relation between on well-designed CNN models, which have limited free-
parameter size and computational time may be different. dom to change the configuration (e.g., network structural,
For example, it is observed that for deep CNNs with fully hyper-parameters). To handle more complicated tasks,
connected layers, most of the parameters are in the fully it should provide more plausible ways to configure the
connected layers; while for image classification tasks, float compressed models.
point operations are mainly in the first few convolutional layers Pruning is an effective way to compress and acceler-
since each filter is convolved with the whole image, which is ate CNNs. The current pruning techniques are mostly
usually very large at the beginning. Thus compression and designed to eliminate connections between neurons. On
acceleration of the network should focus on different type of the other hand, pruning channel can directly reduce the
layers for different applications. feature map width and shrink the model into a thinner
one. It is efficient but also challenging because removing
VIII. D ISCUSSION AND CHALLENGES channels might dramatically change the input of the
following layer.In this paper, we summarized recent efforts on compressing
and accelerating deep neural networks (DNNs). Here we dis- As we mentioned before, methods of structural matrix
and transferred convolutional filters impose prior humancuss more details about how to choose different compression knowledge to the model, which could significantly affectapproaches, and possible challenges/solutions on this area. the performance and stability. It is critical to investigate
how to control the impact of those prior knowledge.A. General Suggestions The methods of knowledge distillation provide many ben-
There is no golden rule to measure which approach is the efits such as directly accelerating model without special
best. How to choose the proper method is really depending hardware or implementations. It is still worthy developing
on the applications and requirements. Here are some general KD-based approaches and exploring how to improve their
guidance we can provide: performances.
If the applications need compacted models from pre- Hardware constraints in various of small platforms (e.g.,
trained models, you can choose either pruning & sharing mobile, robotic, self-driving car) are still a major problem IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE, SPECIAL ISSUE ON DEEP LEARNING FOR IMAGE UNDERSTANDING (ARXIV EXTENDED VERSION) 8
to hinder the extension of deep CNNs. How to make full see more work for applications with larger deep nets (e.g.,
use of the limited computational source and how to design video and image frames [88], [89]).
special compression methods for such platforms are still
challenges that need to be addressed. IX. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Despite the great achievements of these compression ap-
proaches, the black box mechanism is still the key barrier The authors would like to thank the reviewers and broader
to the adoption. Exploring the knowledge interpret-ability community for their feedback on this survey. In particular,
is still an important problem. we would like to thank Hong Zhao from the Department of
Automation of Tsinghua University for her help on modifying
C. Possible Solutions the paper. This research is supported by National Science
Foundation of China with Grant number 61401169.To solve the hyper-parameters configuration problem, we
can rely on the recent learning-to-learn strategies [76], [77].
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2018. and 1999, respectively, and another Ph.D. degree
[87]J. Huang, V. Rathod, C. Sun, M. Zhu, A. Korattikara, A. Fathi, I. Fischer, from Saga University, Saga, Japan, in 2002, all in
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trade-offs for modern convolutional object detectors,” in2017 IEEE the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2017, He serves the Associate Dean, School of Information
Honolulu, HI, USA, July 21-26, 2017, 2017, pp. 32963297. Science and Technology and Head of the Department
[88]Y. Cheng, Q. Fan, S. Pankanti, and A. Choudhary, “Temporal sequence of Automation. His current research interests include
modeling for video event detection,” in The IEEE Conference on artificial intelligence, robotics, image processing,
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2014. control theory, and control of spacecraft.
<<END>> <<END>> <<END>>
Analysis and Design of Echo State Networks
Mustafa C. Ozturk
Dongming Xu
Jose C. Principe
Computational NeuroEngineering Laboratory, Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, U.S.A.
The design of echo state network (ESN) parameters relies on the selec-
tion of the maximum eigenvalue of the linearized system around zero
(spectral radius). However, this procedure does not quantify in a sys-
tematic manner the performance of the ESN in terms of approximation
error. This article presents a functional space approximation framework
to better understand the operation of ESNs and proposes an information-
theoretic metric, the average entropy of echo states, to assess the richness
of the ESN dynamics. Furthermore, it provides an interpretation of the
ESN dynamics rooted in system theory as families of coupled linearized
systems whose poles move according to the input signal dynamics. With
this interpretation, a design methodology for functional approximation
is put forward where ESNs are designed with uniform pole distributions
covering the frequency spectrum to abide by the richness metric, irre-
spective of the spectral radius. A single bias parameter at the ESN input,
adapted with the modeling error, configures the ESN spectral radius to
the input-output joint space. Function approximation examples compare
the proposed design methodology versus the conventional design.
1 Introduction
Dynamic computational models require the ability to store and access the
time history of their inputs and outputs. The most common dynamic neural
architecture is the time-delay neural network (TDNN) that couples delay
lines with a nonlinear static architecture where all the parameters (weights)
are adapted with the backpropagation algorithm. The conventional delay
line utilizes ideal delay operators, but delay lines with local first-order re-
cursive filters have been proposed by Werbos (1992) and extensively stud-
ied in the gamma model (de Vries, 1991; Principe, de Vries, & de Oliviera,
1993). Chains of first-order integrators are interesting because they effec-
tively decrease the number of delays necessary to create time embeddings
(Principe, 2001). Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) implement a differ-
ent type of embedding that is largely unexplored. RNNs are perhaps the
most biologically plausible of the artificial neural network (ANN) models
(Anderson, Silverstein, Ritz, & Jones, 1977; Hopfield, 1984; Elman, 1990),
but are not well understood theoretically (Siegelmann & Sontag, 1991;
Siegelmann, 1993; Kremer, 1995). One of the main practical problems with
RNNs is the difficulty to adapt the system weights. Various algorithms,
such as backpropagation through time (Werbos, 1990) and real-time recur-
rent learning (Williams & Zipser, 1989), have been proposed to train RNNs;
however, these algorithms suffer from computational complexity, resulting
in slow training, complex performance surfaces, the possibility of instabil-
ity, and the decay of gradients through the topology and time (Haykin,
1998). The problem of decaying gradients has been addressed with spe-
cial processing elements (PEs) (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997). Alter-
native second-order training methods based on extended Kalman filtering
(Singhal & Wu, 1989; Puskorius & Feldkamp, 1994; Feldkamp, Prokhorov,
Eagen, & Yuan, 1998) and the multistreaming training approach (Feldkamp
et al., 1998) provide more reliable performance and have enabled practical
applications in identification and control of dynamical systems (Kechri-
otis, Zervas, & Monolakos, 1994; Puskorius & Feldkamp, 1994; Delgado,
Kambhampati, & Warwick, 1995).
echo state network (ESN) by Jaeger (2001, 2002a; Jaeger & Hass, 2004) and
the liquid state machine (LSM) by Maass (Maass, Natschlager, & Markram,¨
2002). ESNs possess a highly interconnected and recurrent topology of
nonlinear PEs that constitutes a “reservoir of rich dynamics” (Jaeger, 2001)
and contain information about the history of input and output patterns.
The outputs of these internal PEs (echo states) are fed to a memoryless but
adaptive readout network (generally linear) that produces the network out-
put. The interesting property of ESN is that only the memoryless readout is
trained, whereas the recurrent topology has fixed connection weights. This
reduces the complexity of RNN training to simple linear regression while
preserving a recurrent topology, but obviously places important constraints
in the overall architecture that have not yet been fully studied. Similar ideas
have been explored independently by Maass and formalized in the LSM
architecture. LSMs, although formulated quite generally, are mostly im-
plemented as neural microcircuits of spiking neurons (Maass et al., 2002),
whereas ESNs are dynamical ANN models. Both attempt to model biolog-
ical information processing using similar principles. We focus on the ESN
formulation in this letter.
The echo state condition is defined in terms of the spectral radius (the
largest among the absolute values of the eigenvalues of a matrix, denoted
by·) of the reservoirs weight matrix (W<1). This condition states
that the dynamics of the ESN is uniquely controlled by the input, and the
effect of the initial states vanishes. The current design of ESN parameters
relies on the selection of spectral radius. However, there are many possible
weight matrices with the same spectral radius, and unfortunately they do
not all perform at the same level of mean square error (MSE) for functional
approximation. A similar problem exists in the design of the LSM. LSMs
have been shown to possess universal approximation given the separation
property (SP) for the liquid (reservoir in ESNs) and the approximation
property (AP) for the readout (Maass et al., 2002). SP is quantified by a
kernel-quality measure proposed in Maass, Legenstein, and Bertschinger
(2005) that is based on the rank of a matrix formed by the system states
corresponding to different input signals. The kernel quality is a measure
for the complexity and diversity of nonlinear operations carried out by the
liquid on its input stream in order to boost the classification power of a
subsequent linear decision hyperplane (Maass et al., 2005). A variation of
SP has been proposed in Bertschinger and Natschlager (2004), and it has¨
been argued that complex calculations can be best carried out by networks
on the boundary between ordered and chaotic dynamics.
In this letter,we are interested in studying the ESN for functional approx-
imation (filters that map input function su(·) of time on output function sy(·)
of time). We see two major shortcomings with the current ESN approach
that uses echo state condition as a design principle. First, the impact of fixed
reservoir parameters for function approximation means that the informa-
tion about the desired response is conveyed only to the output projection.
This is not optimal, and strategies to select different reservoirs for different
applications have not been devised. Second, imposing a constraint only on
the spectral radius is a weak condition to properly set the parameters of
the reservoir, as experiments show (different randomizations with the same
spectral radius perform differently for the same problem; see Figure 2).
This letter aims to address these two problems by proposing a frame-
work, a metric, and a design principle for ESNs. The framework is a signal
processing interpretation of basis and projections in functional spaces to
describe and understand the ESN architecture. According to this interpre-
tation, the ESN states implement a set of basis functionals (representation
space) constructed dynamically by the input, while the readout simply
projects the desired response onto this representation space. The metric
to describe the richness of the ESN dynamics is an information-theoretic
quantity, the average state entropy (ASE). Entropy measures the amount of
information contained in a given random variable (Shannon, 1948). Here,
the random variable is the instantaneous echo state from which the en-
tropy for the overall state (vector) is estimated. The probability density
function (pdf) in a differential geometric framework should be thought of
as a volume form; that is, in our case, the pdf of the state vector describes
the metric of the state space manifold (Amari, 1990). Moreover, Cox (1946)
established information as a coordinate free metric in the state manifold.
Therefore, entropy becomes a global descriptor of information that quanti-
fies the volume of the manifold defined by the random variable. Due to the
time dependency of the states, the state entropy averaged over time (ASE)
is an appropriate estimate of the volume of the state manifold.
The design principle specifies that one should consider independently
thecorrelationamongthebasisandthespectralradius.In the absence of any
information about the desired response, the ESN states should be designed
with the highest ASE, independent of the spectral radius. We interpret the
ESN dynamics as a combination of time-varying linear systems obtained
from the linearization of the ESN nonlinear PE in a small, local neighbor-
hood of the current state. The design principle means that the poles of the
linearized ESN reservoir should have uniform pole distributions to gener-
ate echo states with the most diverse pole locations (which correspond to
the uniformity of time constants). Effectively, this will create the least cor-
related bases for a given spectral radius, which corresponds to the largest
volume spanned by the basis set. When the designer has no other informa-
tion about the desired response to set the basis, this principle distributes
the systems degrees of freedom uniformly in space. It approximates for
ESNs the well-known property of orthogonal basis. The unresolved issue
that ASE does not quantify is how to set the spectral radius, which depends
again on the desired mapping. The concept of memory depth as explained
in Principe et al. (1993) and Jaeger (2002a) is helpful in understanding the
issues associated with the spectral radius. The correlation time of the de-
sired response (as estimated by the first zero of the autocorrelation function)
gives an indication of the type of spectral radius required (long correlation
time requires high spectral radius). Alternatively, a simple adaptive bias is
added at the ESN input to control the spectral radius integrating the infor-
mation from the input-output joint space in the ESN bases. For sigmoidal
PEs, the bias adjusts the operating points of the reservoir PEs, which has
the net effect of adjusting the volume of the state manifold as required to
approximate the desired response with a small error. This letter shows that
ESNs designed with this strategy obtain systematically better results in a
set of experiments when compared with the conventional ESN design.
2 Analysis of Echo State Networks
2.1 Echo States as Bases and Projections.Let us consider the ar-
chitecture and recursive update equation of a typical ESN more closely.
Consider the recurrent discrete-time neural network given in Figure 1
with M input units, N internal PEs, and L output units. The value of
the input unit at time n is <<u(n)=[u1 (n),u2 (n),...,uM (n)]^T>> , of internal
units are <<x(n)=[x1 (n),x2 (n),...,xN (n)]^T>> , and of output units are <<y(n)=
[y1 (n),y2 (n),...,yL (n)]^T>> . The connection weights are given in anN×M
weight matrixWin =(win ) for connections between the input and the inter- ij
nalPEs,in an N×N matrix W=(wij ) for connections between the internal
PEs, in an L×N matrix <<W_out =(w_out)>> for connections from PEs to the ij
Input Layer Dynamical Reservoir Read-out
Figure 1: An echo state network (ESN). ESN is composed of two parts: a fixed-
weight (W<1) recurrent network and a linear readout. The recurrent net-
work is a reservoir of highly interconnected dynamical components, states of
which are called echo states. The memoryless linear readout is trained to pro-
duce the output.
output units, and in an N× L matrix <<FORMULA>> for the connections ij that project back from the output to the internal PEs (Jaeger, 2001). The
activation of the internal PEs (echo state) is updated according to
<<FORMULA>>, (2.1)
where f=(f1 ,f2 ,...,fN ) are the internal PEs activation functions.Here, all
i s are hyperbolic tangent functions ( ex ). The output from the readout ex +ex
network is computed according to
<<y(n+1)=f_out (W_out x(n+1))>>, (2.2)
where <<f_out =(f_out ,f_out ,...,f_out )>> are the output units nonlinear functions <<FORMULA>> (Jaeger, 2001, 2002a).
Generally, the readout is linear so f_out is identity.
ESNs resemble the RNN architecture proposed in Puskorius and
Feldkamp (1996) and also used by Sanchez (2004) in brain-machine
interfaces. The critical difference is the dimensionality of the hidden re-
current PE layer and the adaptation of the recurrent weights. We submit
that the ideas of approximation theory in functional spaces (bases and pro-
jections), so useful in adaptive signal processing (Principe, 2001), should
be utilized to understand the ESN architecture. Let h(u(t)) be a real-valued
function of a real-valued vector
<<u(t)=[u1 (t),u2 (t),...,uM (t)] T>>.
In functional approximation, the goal is to estimate the behavior ofh(u(t))
as a combination of simpler functions ϕi (t), called the basis functionals,
such that its approximant,hˆ(u(t)), is given by
Here,ai s are the projections ofh(u(t)) onto each basis function. One of
the central questions in practical functional approximation is how to choose
the set of bases to approximate a given desired signal. In signal processing,
of the input. When the basis set is complete and can be made as large
as required, fixed bases work wonders (e.g., Fourier decompositions). In
neural computing, the basic idea is to derive the set of bases from the
input signal through a multilayered architecture. For instance, consider a
single hidden layer TDNN with NPEs and a linear output. The hidden-
layer PE outputs can be considered a set of nonorthogonal basis functionals
dependent on the input,
bij s are the input layer weights, andgis the PE nonlinearity. The approxi-
mation produced by the TDNN is then
<<FORMULA>>, (2.3)
whereai s are the weights of the output layer. Notice that thebij s adapt
the bases and theai s adapt the projection in the projection space. Here the
goal is to restrict the number of bases (number of hidden layer PEs) because
their number is coupled with the number of parameters to adapt, which
has an impact on generalization and training set size, for example. Usually,
since all of the parameters of the network are adapted, the best basis in the
joint (input and desired signals) space as well as the best projection can be
achieved and represents the optimal solution. The output of the TDNN is
a linear combination of its internal representations, but to achieve a basis
set (even if nonorthogonal), linear independence among theϕi (u(t))s must
be enforced. Ito, Shah and Pon, and others have shown that this is indeed
the case (Ito, 1996; Shah & Poon, 1999), but a thorough discussion is outside
the scope of this article.
The ESN (and the RNN) architecture can also be studied in this frame-
work. The states of equation 2.1 correspond to the basis set, which are
recursively computed from the input, output, and previous states through
Win ,W,andWback . Notice, however, that none of these weight matrices is
adapted, that is, the functional bases in the ESN are uniquely defined by the
input and the initial selection of weights. In a sense, ESNs are trading the
adaptive connections in the RNN hidden layer by a brute force approach
of creating fixed diversified dynamics in the hidden layer.
For an ESN with a linear readout network, the output equation (y(n+
1)=Wout x(n+1)) has the same form of equation 2.3, where theϕi s and
ai s are replaced by the echo states and the readout weights, respectively.
The readout weights are adapted in the training data, which means that the
ESN is able to find the optimal projection in the projection space, just like
the RNN or the TDNN.
A similar perspective of basis and projections for information processing
in biological networks has been proposed by Pouget and Sejnowski (1997).
They explored the possibility that the response of neurons in parietal cortex
serves as basis functions for the transformations from the sensory input
to the motor responses. They proposed that “the role of spatial represen-
tations is to code the sensory inputs and posture signals in a format that
simplifies subsequent computation, particularly in the generation of motor
The central issue in ESN design is exactly the nonadaptive nature of
the basis set. Parameter sets in the reservoir that provide linearly inde-
pendent states and possess a given spectral radius may define drastically
different projection spaces because the correlation among the bases is not
constrained. A simple experiment was designed to demonstrate that the se-
lection of the ESN parameters by constraining the spectral radius is not the
most suitable for function approximation. Consider a 100-unit ESN where
the input signal is sin(2πn/10π). Mimicking Jaeger (2001), the goal is to let
the ESN generate the seventh power of the input signal. Different realiza-
tions of a randomly connected 100-unit ESN were constructed where the
entries ofWare set to 0.4,0.4, and 0 with probabilities of 0.025, 0.025,
and 0.95, respectively. This corresponds to a spectral radius of 0.88. Input
weights are set to+1or,1 with equal probabilities, andWback is set to
zero. Input is applied for 300 time steps, and the echo states are calculated
using equation 2.1. The next step is to train the linear readout. One method
Figure 2: Performances of ESNs for different realizations ofWwith the same
weight distribution. The weight values are set to 0.4,0.4, and 0 with proba-
bilities of 0.025, 0.025, and 0.95. All realizations have the same spectral radius
of 0.88. In the 50 realizations, MSEs vary from 5.9×10 9 to 8.9×10 5 . Results
show that for each set of random weights that provide the same spectral ra-
dius, the correlation or degree of redundancy among the bases will change, and
different performances are encountered in practice.
to determine the optimal output weight matrix,Wout , in the mean square
error (MSE) sense (where MSE is defined by <<FORMULA>>) is to use 2 the Wiener solution given by Haykin (2001):
Here,E[.] denotes the expected value operator, andddenotes the desired
signal. Figure 2 depicts the MSE values for 50 different realizations of
the ESNs. As observed, even though each ESN has the same sparseness
and spectral radius, the MSE values obtained vary greatly among differ-
ent realizations. The minimum MSE value obtained among the 50 realiza-
tions is 5.9x10 9 , whereas the maximum MSE is 8.9x10 5 . This experiment
demonstrates that a design strategy that is based solely on the spectral
radius is not sufficient to specify the system architecture for function ap-
proximation. This shows that for each set of random weights that provide
bases will change, and different performances are encountered in practice.
2.2 ESN Dynamics as a Combination of Linear Systems.
It is well known that the dynamics of a nonlinear system can be approximated by
that of a linear system in a small neighborhood of an equilibrium point
(Kuznetsov, Kuznetsov, & Marsden, 1998). Here, we perform the analysis
with hyperbolic tangent nonlinearities and approximate the ESN dynam-
ics by the dynamics of the linearized system in the neighborhood of the
current system state. Hence, when the system operating point varies over
time, the linear system approximating the ESN dynamics changes. We are
particularly interested in the movement of the poles of the linearized ESN.
Consider the update equation for the ESN without output feedback given
<<x(n+1)=f(Win u(n+1)+Wx(n))>>.
Linearizing the system around the current statex(n), one obtains the
Jacobian matrix, <<J(n+1)>>, defined by
Here,net i(n) is the ith entry of the vector <<(W_in u(n+1)+Wx(n))>>, and w_ij
denotes the (i,j)th entry of W. The poles of the linearized system at time
n+1 are given by the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrixJ(n+1). 1 As the
amplitude of each PE changes, the local slope changes, and so the poles of
A. The transfer function of a linear system <<x(n+1)=Ax(n)+Bu(n)>> is <<X(z) =(zIU(z)A)1>>
Adjoint <<(zIA)>>. The poles of the transfer function can be obtained by solving <<det(zIA)=0>>.
The solution corresponds to the eigenvalues of A.
the linearized system are time varying, although the parameters of ESN are
fixed. In order to visualize the movement of the poles, consider an ESN with
100 states. The entries of the internal weight matrix are chosen to be 0,
0.4 and 0.4 with probabilities 0.9, 0.05, and 0.05.W is scaled such that a
spectral radius of 0.95 is obtained. Input weights are set to +1 or 1 with
equal probabilities. A sinusoidal signal with a period of 100 is fed to the
system, and the echo states are computed according to equation 2.1. Then
the Jacobian matrix and the eigenvalues are calculated using equation 2.5.
Figure 3 shows the pole tracks of the linearized ESN for different input
values. A single ESN with fixed parameters implements a combination of
many linear systems with varying pole locations, hence many different
time constants that modulate the richness of the reservoir of dynamics as a
function of input amplitude. Higher-amplitude portions of the signal tend
to saturate the nonlinear function and cause the poles to shrink toward
the origin of thez-plane (decreases the spectral radius), which results in a
system with a large stability margin. When the input is close to zero, the
poles of the linearized ESN are close to the maximal spectral radius chosen,
decreasing the stability margin. When compared to their linear counterpart,
an ESN with the same number of states results in a detailed coverage of
thez-plane dynamics, which illustrates the power of nonlinear systems.
Similar results can be obtained using signals of different shapes at the ESN
A key corollary of the above analysis is that the spectral radius of an
ESN can be adjusted using a constant bias signal at the ESN input without
changing the recurrent connection matrix,W. The application of a nonzero
constant bias will move the operating point to regions of the sigmoid func-
tion closer to saturation and always decrease the spectral radius due to the
shape of the nonlinearity. 2 The relevance of bias in terms of overall system
performance has also been discussed in Jaeger (2002b) and Bertschinger
and Natschlager (2004), but here we approach it from a system theory per-¨
spective and explain its effect on reservoir dynamics.
3 Average State Entropy as a Measure of the Richness of ESN Reservoir
Previous research was aware of the influence of diversity of the recurrent
layer outputs on the overall performance of ESNs and LSMs. Several met-
rics to quantify the diversity have been proposed (Jaeger, 2001; Maass, et al.,
2 Assume W has nondegenerate eigenvalues and corresponding linearly independent
eigenvectors. Then consider the eigendecomposition of W, where <<FORMULA>>,Pis the
eigenvectormatrixandDisthediagonalmatrixofeigenvalues <<FORMULA>> of W.SinceF(n)andD
are diagonal, <<FORMULA>> is the eigendecomposition
of <<J(n+1)>>. Here, each entry of <<FORMULA>>, is an eigenvalue of J. Therefore,
<<FORMULA>> since <<FORMULA>>.
Figure 3: The pole tracks of the linearized ESN with 100 PEs when the input
goes through a cycle. An ESN with fixed parameters implements a combination
of linear systems with varying pole locations. (A) One cycle of sinusoidal signal
with a period of 100. (BE) The positions of poles of the linearized systems
when the input values are at B, C, D, and E in Figure 5A. (F) The cumulative
pole locations show the movement of the poles as the input changes. Due to
the varying pole locations, different time constants modulate the richness of
the reservoir of dynamics as a function of input amplitude. Higher-amplitude
signals tend to saturate the nonlinear function and cause the poles to shrink
toward the origin of thez-plane (decreases the spectral radius), which results in
a system with a large stability margin. When the input is close to zero, the poles
the stability margin. An ESN with more states results in a detailed coverage of
thez-plane dynamics, which illustrates the power of nonlinear systems, when
compared to their linear counterpart.
Here, our approach of bases and projections leads to a new metric.
We propose the instantaneous state entropy to quantify the distribution of
instantaneous amplitudes across the ESN states. Entropy of the instanta-
neous ESN states is appropriate to quantify performance in function ap-
proximation because the ESN output is a mere weighted combination of
the instantaneous value of the ESN states. If the echo states instantaneous
amplitudes are concentrated on only a few values across the ESN state dy-
namic range, the ability to approximate an arbitrary desired response by
weighting the states is limited (and wasteful due to redundancy between
the different states), and performance will suffer. On the other hand, if the
ESN states provide a diversity of instantaneous amplitudes, it is much eas-
ier to achieve the desired mapping. Hence, the instantaneous entropy of the
states appears as a good measure to quantify the richness of dynamics with
instantaneous mappers. Due to the time structure of signals, the average
state entropy (ASE), defined as the state entropy averaged over time, will be
the parameter used to quantify the diversity in the dynamical reservoir of
the ESN. Moreover, entropy has been proposed as an appropriate measure
of the volume of the signal manifold (Cox, 1946; Amari, 1990). Here, ASE
measures the volume of the echo state manifold spanned by trajectories.
of information. In addition, an efficient nonparametric estimator of Renyis
Xu, & Fisher, 2000). Renyis entropy with parameterγfor a random variable
X with a <<FORMULA>> is given by Renyi (1970):
Renyis quadratic entropy is obtained forγ=2 (forγ→1, Shannons en-
tropy is obtained). GivenNsamples{x1 ,x2 ,...,xN }drawn from the un-
known pdf to be estimated, Parzen windowing approximates the underly-
ing pdf by
whereKσ is the kernel function with the kernel sizeσ. Then the Renyis
quadratic entropy can be estimated by (Principe et al., 2000)
The instantaneous state entropy is estimated using equation 3.1 where
thesamplesaretheentriesofthestatevectorx(n)=[x1 (n),x2 (n),...,xN (n)] T
of an ESN withNinternal PEs. Results will be shown with a gaussian kernel
with kernel size chosen to be 0.3 of the standard deviation of the entries
of the state vector. We will show that ASE is a more sensitive parameter to
quantify the approximation properties of ESNs by experimentally demon-
strating that ESNs with different spectral radius and even with the same
spectral radius display different ASEs.
Let us consider the same 100-unit ESN that we used in the previous
section built with three different spectral radii 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 with an input
signal of sin(2πn/20). Figure 4A depicts the echo states over 200 time ticks.
The instantaneous state entropy is also calculated at each time step using
equation 3.1 and plotted in Figure 4B. First, note that the instantaneous
state entropy changes over time with the distribution of the echo states as
we would expect, since state entropy is dependent on the input signal that
also changes in this case. Second, as the spectral radius increases in the
simulation, the diversity in the echo states increases. For the spectral radius
of 0.2, echo states instantaneous amplitudes are concentrated on only a
few values, which is wasteful due to redundancy between different states.
In practice, to quantify the overall representation ability over time, we will
use ASE, which takes values0.735,0.007, and 0.335 for the spectral
radii of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8, respectively. Moreover, even for the same spectral
radius, several ASEs are possible. Figure 4C shows ASEs from 50 different
realizations of ESNs with the same spectral radius of 0.5, which means that
ASE is a finer descriptor of the dynamics of the reservoir. Although we
have presented an experiment with sinusoidal signal, similar results are
obtained for other inputs as long as the input dynamic range is properly
Maximizing ASE means that the diversity of the states over time is the
largest and should provide a basis set that is as uncorrelated as possible.
This condition is unfortunately not a guarantee that the ESN so designed
will perform the best, because the basis set in ESNs is created independent
of the desired response and the application may require a small spectral
radius. However, we maintain that when the desired response is not ac-
cessible for the design of the ESN bases or when the same reservoir is
to be used for a number of problems, the default strategy should be to
maximize the ASE of the state vector. The following section addresses
the design of ESNs with high ASE values and a simple mechanism to
adjust the reservoir dynamics without changing the recurrent connection
4 Designing Echo State Networks
4.1 Design of the Echo State Recurrent Connections.According to the
interpretation of ESNs as coupled linear systems, the design of the internal
connection matrix, W, will be based on the distribution of the poles of the
linearized system around zero state. Our proposal is to design the ESN
such that the linearized system has uniform pole distribution inside the
unit circle of thez-plane. With this design scenario, the system dynamics
will include uniform coverage of time constants arising from the uniform
distribution of the poles, which also decorrelates as much as possible the
basis functionals. This principle was chosen by analogy to the identification
approximation of a given transfer function by a linear system with finite
order is achieved when poles are placed in the neighborhood of the spectral
resonances. When no information is available about the desired response,
we should uniformly spread the poles to anticipate good approximation to
arbitrary mappings.
We again use a maximum entropy principle to distribute the poles inside
the unit circle uniformly. The constraints of a circle as boundary conditions
for discrete linear systems and complex conjugate locations are easy to
include for the pole distribution (Thogula, 2003). The poles are first initial-
ized at random locations; the quadratic Renyis entropy is calculated by
equation 3.1, and poles are moved such that the entropy of the new dis-
tribution is increased over iterations (Erdogmus & Principe, 2002). This
method is efficient to find uniform coverage of the unit circle with an arbi-
trary number of poles. The system with the uniform pole locations can be
interpreted using linear system theory. The poles that are close to the unit
circle correspond to many sharp bandpass filters specializing in different
frequency regions, whereas the inner poles realize filters of larger frequency
support. Moreover, different orientations (angles) of the poles create filters
of different center frequencies.
Now the problem is to construct an internal weight matrix from the pole
locations (eigenvalues ofW). In principle, we would like to create a sparse
Figure 4: Examples of echo states and instantaneous state entropy. (A) Outputs
from top to bottom, respectively. The diversity of echo states increases when the
spectral radius increases. Within the dynamic range of the echo states, systems
with smaller spectral radius can generate only uneven representations, while
forW=0.8, outputs of echo states almost uniformly distribute within their
dynamic range. (B) Instantaneous state entropy is calculated using equation 3.1.
Information contained in the echo states is changing over time according to the
input amplitude. Therefore, the richness of representation is controlled by the
input amplitude. Moreover, the value of ASE increases with spectral radius.
(C) ASEs from 50 different realizations of ESNs with the same spectral radius
of 0.5. The plot shows that ASE is a finer descriptor of the dynamics of the
reservoir than the spectral radius.
matrix, so we started with the sparsest matrix (with an inverse), which is
the direct canonical structure given by (Kailath, 1980)
The characteristic polynomial of W_i's
<<FORMULA>>, (4.2)
wherepi s are the eigenvalues andai s are the coefficients of the character-
istic polynomial ofW. Here, we know the pole locations of the linear system
obtained from the linearization of the ESN, so using equation 4.2, we can
obtain the characteristic polynomial and constructWmatrix in the canon-
ical form using equation 4.1. We will call the ESN constructed based on
the uniform pole principle ASE-ESN. All other possible solutions with the
same eigenvalues can be obtained byQ1 WQ,whereQis any nonsingular
To corroborate our hypothesis, we would like to show that the linearized
ESN designed with the recurrent weight matrix having the eigenvalues
uniformly distributed inside the unit circle creates higher ASE values for a
given spectral radius compared to other ESNs with random internal con-
nection weight matrices. We will consider an ESN with 30 states and use our
procedure to create theWmatrix for ASE-ESN for different spectral radii
between <<[0.1, 0.95]>>. Similarly, we constructed ESNs with sparse randomW
matrices with different sparseness constraints. This corresponds to a weight
distribution having the values 0, c and c with probabilities <<p_1>> ,<<(1p_1)/2>>,
and <<(1p_1)/2>>, wherep1 defines the sparseness ofWandcis a constant
that takes a specific value depending on the spectral radius. We also created
Wmatrices with values uniformly distributed between1 and 1 (U-ESN)
and scaled to obtain a given spectral radius (Jaeger & Hass, 2004). Then,
for differentWin matrices, we run the ASE-ESNs with the sinusoidal input
given in section 3 and calculate ASE. Figure 5 compares the ASE values
averaged over 1000 realizations. As observed from the figure, the ASE-ESN
with uniform pole distribution generates higher ASE on average for all
spectral radii compared to ESNs with sparse and uniform random connec-
tions. This approach is indeed conceptually similar to Jeffreys maximum
entropy prior (Jeffreys, 1946): it will provide a consistently good response
for the largest class of problems. Concentrating the poles of the linearized
Figure 5: Comparison of ASE values obtained for ASE-ESN havingWwith
uniform eigenvalue distribution, ESNs with randomWmatrix, and U-ESN
with uniformly distributed weights between1 and 1. Randomly generated
weights have sparseness of 0.07, 0.1, and 0.2. ASE values are calculated for the
networks with spectral radius from 0.1 to 0.95. The ASE-ESN with uniform pole
distribution generates a higher ASE on average for all spectral radii compared
to ESNs with random connections.
system in certain regions of the space provides good performance only if
the desired response has energy in this part of the space, as is well known
from the theory of Kautz filters (Kautz, 1954).
4.2 Design of the Adaptive Bias.
In conventional ESNs, only the output weights are trained, optimizing the
projections of the desired response onto the basis functions (echo states).
Since the dynamical reservoir is fixed,
the basis functions are only input dependent. However, since function ap-
proximation is a problem in the joint space of the input and desired signals,
a penalty in performance will be incurred. From the linearization analysis
that shows the crucial importance of the operating point of the PE non-
linearity in defining the echo state dynamics, we propose to use a single
external adaptive bias to adjust the effective spectral radius of an ESN. No-
tice that according to linearization analysis, bias can reduce only spectral
radius. The information for adaptation of bias is the MSE in training, which
modulates the spectral radius of the system with the information derived
from the approximation error. With this simple mechanism, some informa-
projection space of the ESN. The beauty of this method is that the spectral
radius can be adjusted by a single parameter that is external to the system
without changing reservoir weights.
The training of bias can be easily accomplished. Indeed, since the pa-
rameter space is only one-dimensional, a simple line search method can be
efficiently employed to optimize the bias. Among different line search al-
gorithms, we will use a search that uses Fibonacci numbers in the selection
of points to be evaluated (Wilde, 1964). The Fibonacci search method min-
imizes the maximum number of evaluations needed to reduce the interval
of uncertainty to within the prescribed length. In our problem, a bias value
is picked according to Fibonacci search. For each value of bias, training
data are applied to the ESN, and the echo states are calculated. Then the
corresponding optimal output weights and the objective function (MSE)
are evaluated to pick the next bias value.
Alternatively, gradient-based methods can be utilized to optimize the
bias, due to simplicity and low computational cost. System update equation
with an external bias signal,b,isgivenby
<<x(n+1)=f(W_in u(n+1)+Win b+Wx(n))>>.
The update equation forbis given by
Here,Ois the MSE defined previously. This algorithm may suffer from
similar problems observed in gradient-based methods in recurrent net-
works training. However, we observed that the performance surface is
rather simple. Moreover, since the search parameter is one-dimensional,
the gradient vector can assume only one of the two directions. Hence, im-
precision in the gradient estimation should affect the speed of convergence
but normally not change the correct gradient direction.
5 Experiments
This section presents a variety of experiments in order to test the validity
of the ESN design scheme proposed in the previous section.
5.1 Short-Term Memory Capacity.
This experiment compares the shortterm memory (STM) capacity of ESNs
with the same spectral radius using
the framework presented in Jaeger (2002a). Consider an ESN with a sin-
gle input signal, <<u(n)>>, optimally trained with the desired signal <<u(nk)>>,
for a given delayk. Denoting the optimal output signalyk (n), thek-delay
STM capacity of a network,MC k , is defined as a squared correlation coef-
ficient betweenu <<(nk)>> and <<FORMULA>> (Jaeger, 2002a). The STM capacity, MC,
of the network is defined as <<FORMULA>>. STM capacity measures how accu-
rately the delayed versions of the input signal are recovered with optimally
trained output units. Jaeger (2002a) has shown that the memory capacity
for recalling an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) input by an
Nunit RNN with linear output units is bounded by N.
We use ESNs with 20 PEs and a single input unit. ESNs are driven
by an i.i.d. random input signal,<<u(n)>>, that is uniformly distributed over
[0.5, 0.5]. The goal is to train the ESN to generate the delayed versions
of the input, <<u(n1),...,u(n40)>>. We used four different ESNs: R-ESN,
U-ESN, ASE-ESN, and BASE-ESN. R-ESN is a randomly connected ESN
used in Jaeger (2002a) where the entries ofWmatrix are set to 0, 0.47,
0.47 with probabilities 0.8, 0.1, 0.1, respectively. This corresponds to a
sparse connectivity of 20% and a spectral radius of 0.9. The entries ofWof
U-ESN are uniformly distributed over [1, 1] and scaled to obtain the spec-
tral radius of 0.9. ASE-ESN also has a spectral radius of 0.9 and is designed
with uniform poles. BASE-ESN has the same recurrent weight matrix as
ASE-ESN and an adaptive bias at its input. In each ESN, the input weights
are set to 0.1 or0.1 with equal probability, and direct connections from the
input to the output are allowed, whereasWback is set to 0 (Jaeger, 2002a).
The echo states are calculated using equation 2.1 for 200 samples of the
input signal, and the first 100 samples corresponding to initial transient
are eliminated. Then the output weight matrix is calculated using equation
2.4. For the BASE-ESN, the bias is trained for each task. All networks are
run with a test input signal, and the corresponding output andMC k are
calculated. Figure 6 shows thek-delay STM capacity (averaged over 100
trials) of each ESN for delays 1,...,40 for the test signal. The STM capac-
ities of R-ESN, U-ESN, ASE-ESN, and BASE-ESN are 13.09, 13.55, 16.70,
and 16.90, respectively. First, ESNs with uniform pole distribution (ASE-
ESN and BASE-ESN) haveMCs that are much longer than the randomly
generated ESN given in Jaeger (2002a) in spite of all having the same spec-
tral radius. In fact, the STM capacity of ASE-ESN is close to the theoretical
forms slightly better than ASE-ESN for delays less than 9. In fact, for small
k, large ASE degrades the performance because the tasks do not need long
memory depth. However, the drawback of high ASE for smallkis recov-
ered in BASE-ESN, which reduces the ASE to the appropriate level required
for the task. Overall, the addition of the bias to the ASE-ESN increases the
STM capacity from 16.70 to 16.90. On the other hand, U-ESN has slightly
better STM compared to R-ESN with only three different weight values,
although it has more distinct weight values compared to R-ESN. It is also
significant to note that theMCwill be very poor for an ESN with smaller
spectral radius even with an adaptive bias, since the problem requires large
ASE and bias can only reduce ASE. This experiment demonstrates the
Figure 6: Thek-delay STM capacity of each ESN for delays 1,...,40 computed
using the test signal. The results are averaged over 100 different realizations of
each ESN type with the specifications given in the text for differentWandWin
matrices. The STM capacities of R-ESN, U-ESN, ASE-ESN, and BASE-ESN are
13.09, 13.55, 16.70, and 16.90, respectively.
suitability of maximizing ASE in tasks that require a substantial memory
5.2 Binary Parity Check.
The effect of the adaptive bias was marginal
in the previous experiment since the nature of the problem required large
ASE values. However, there are tasks in which the optimal solutions re-
quire smaller ASE values and smaller spectral radius. Those are the tasks
where the adaptive bias becomes a crucial design parameter in our design
Consider an ESN with 100 internal units and a single input unit. ESN is
is to train an ESN to generate them-bit parity corresponding to lastmbits
received, wheremis 3,...,8. Similar to the previous experiments, we used
the R-ESN, ASE-ESN, and BASE-ESN topologies. R-ESN is a randomly
connected ESN where the entries ofWmatrix are set to 0, 0.06,0.06
with probabilities 0.8, 0.1, 0.1, respectively. This corresponds to a sparse
connectivity of 20% and a spectral radius of 0.3. ASE-ESN and BASE-ESN
are designed with a spectral radius of 0.9. The input weights are set to 1 or -1
with equal probability, and direct connections from the input to the output
are allowed whereasWback is set to 0. The echo states are calculated using
equation 2.1 for 1000 samples of the input signal, and the first 100 samples
corresponding to the initial transient are eliminated.Then the output weight
Figure 7: The number of wrong decisions made by each ESN form=3,...,8
in the binary parity check problem. The results are averaged over 100 differ-
ent realizations of R-ESN, ASE-ESN, and BASE-ESN for differentWandWin
matrices with the specifications given in the text. The total numbers of wrong
decisions form=3,...,8 of R-ESN, ASE-ESN, and BASE-ESN are 722, 862, and
matrix is calculated using equation 2.4. For ESN with adaptive bias, the bias
is trained for each task. The binary decision is made by a threshold detector
that compares the output of the ESN to 0.5. Figure 7 shows the number of
wrong decisions (averaged over 100 different realizations) made by each
ESN for <<m=3,...,8>>.
The total numbers of wrong decisions for <<m=3,...,8>> of R-ESN, ASE-
ESN, and BASE-ESN are 722, 862, and 699, respectively. ASE-ESN performs
poorly since the nature of the problem requires a short time constant for
fast response, but ASE-ESN has a large spectral radius. For 5-bit parity, the
R-ESN has no wrong decisions, whereas ASE-ESN has 53 wrong decisions.
BASE-ESN performs a lot better than ASE-ESN and slightly better than
the R-ESN since the adaptive bias reduces the spectral radius effectively.
Note that form=7 and 8, the ASE-ESN performs similar to the R-ESN,
since the task requires access to longer input history, which compromises
the need for fast response. Indeed, the bias in the BASE-ESN takes effect
when there are errors (m>4) and when the task benefits from smaller
spectral radius. The optimal bias values are approximately 3.2, 2.8, 2.6, and
2.7 form=3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Form=7 or 8, there is a wide
range of bias values that result in similar MSE values (between 0 and 3). In
summary, this experiment clearly demonstrates the power of the bias signal
to configure the ESN reservoir according to the mapping task.
5.3 System Identification.
This section presents a function approxima-
tion task where the aim is to identify a nonlinear dynamical system. The
unknown system is defined by the difference equation
The input to the system is chosen to be <<sin(2πn/25)>>.
We used three different ESNs—R-ESN, ASE-ESN, and BASE-ESN—with
30 internal units and a single input unit. TheWmatrix of each ESN is scaled
where the entries ofWmatrix are set to 0, 0.35,0.35 with probabilities 0.8,
0.1, 0.1, respectively. In each ESN, the input weights are set to 1 or1 with
equal probability, and direct connections from the input to the output are
allowed,whereasWback issetto0.Theoptimaloutputweightsarecalculated
using equation 2.4. The MSE values (averaged over 100 realizations) for R-
ESN and ASE-ESN are 1.23x10 5 and 1.83x10 6 , respectively. The addition
of the adaptive bias to the ASE-ESN reduces the MSE value from 1.83x10^6
to 3.27x10^9 .
6 Discussion
The great appeal of echo state networks (ESNs) and liquid state machine
(LSM) is their ability to construct arbitrary mappings of signals with rich
and time-varying temporal structures without requiring adaptation of the
free parameters of the recurrent layer. The echo state condition allows the
recurrent connections to be fixed with training limited to the linear output
layer. However, the literature did not elucidate on how to properly choose
the recurrent parameters for system identification applications. Here, we
provide an alternate framework that interprets the echo states as a set
of functional bases formed by fixed nonlinear combinations of the input.
The linear readout at the output stage simply computes the projection of
the desired output space onto this representation space. We further in-
troduce an information-theoretic criterion, ASE, to better understand and
evaluate the capability of a given ESN to construct such a representation
layer. The average entropy of the distribution of the echo states quantifies
to achieve the smallest correlation among the bases and be able to cope with
arbitrary mappings. However, not all function approximation problems re-
quire the same memory depth, which is coupled to the spectral radius. The
effective spectral radius of an ESN can be optimized for the given problem
with the help of an external bias signal that is adapted using the joint input-
output space information. The interesting property of this method when
applied to ESN built from sigmoidal nonlinearities is that it allows the fine
tuning of the system dynamics for a given problem with a single external
adaptive bias input and without changing internal system parameters. In
our opinion, the combination of the largest possible ASE and the adapta-
tion of the spectral radius by the bias produces the most parsimonious pole
location of the linearized ESN when no knowledge about the mapping is
available to optimally locate the bass functionals. Moreover, the bias can be
easily trained with either a line search method or a gradient-based method
since it is one-dimensional. We have illustrated experimentally that the de-
sign of the ESN using the maximization of ASE with the adaptation of the
spectral radius by the bias has provided consistently better performance
across tasks that require different memory depths. This means that these
two parameters design methodology is preferred to the spectral radius
criterion proposed by Jaeger, and it is still easily incorporated in the ESN
Experiments demonstrate that the ASE for ESN with uniform linearized
poles is maximized when the spectral radius of the recurrent weight matrix
approaches one (instability). It is interesting to relate this observation with
the computational properties found in dynamical systems “at the edge of
chaos” (Packard, 1988; Langton, 1990; Mitchell, Hraber, & Crutchfield, 1993;
Bertschinger & Natschlager, 2004). Langton stated that when cellular au-¨
tomata rules are evolved to perform a complex computation, evolution will
tend to select rules with “critical” parameter values, which correlate with
a phase transition between ordered and chaotic regimes. Recently, similar
conclusions were suggested for LSMs (Bertschinger & Natschlager, 2004).¨
Langtons interpretation of edge of chaos was questioned by Mitchell et al.
(1993). Here, we provide a system-theoretic view and explain the computa-
tional behavior with the diversity of dynamics achieved with linearizations
that have poles close to the unit circle. According to our results, the spectral
and in general it is impossible to forecast the computational performance
as the system approaches instability (the spectral radius of the recurrent
weight matrix approaches one). However, allowing the system to modu-
late the spectral radius by either the output or internal biasing may allow
a system close to instability to solve various problems requiring different
spectral radii.
Our emphasis here is mostly on ESNs without output feedback connec-
tions. However, the proposed design methodology can also be applied to
ESNs with output feedback. Both feedforward and feedback connections
contribute to specify the bases to create the projection space. At the same
time, there are applications where the output feedback contributes to the
system dynamics in a different fashion. For example, it has been shown that
a fixed weight (fully trained) RNN with output feedback can implement a
family of functions (meta-learners) (Prokhorov, Feldkamp, & Tyukin, 1992).
In meta-learning, the role of output feedback in the network is to bias the
system to different regions of dynamics, providing multiple input-output
mappings required (Santiago & Lendaris, 2004). However, results could not
be replicated with ESNs (Prokhorov, 2005). We believe that more work has
to be done on output feedback in the context of ESNs but also suspect that
the echo state condition may be a restriction on the system dynamics for
this type of problem.
There are many interesting issues to be researched in this exciting new
area. Besides an evaluation tool, ASE may also be utilized to train the ESNs
representation layer in an unsupervised fashion. In fact, we can easily adapt
and Principe (2003): extra weights linking the outputs of recurrent states to
maximize output entropy. Output entropy maximization is a well-known
metric to create independent components (Bell & Sejnowski, 1995), and
here it means that the echo states will become as independent as possible.
This would circumvent the linearization of the dynamical system to set the
recurrent weights and would fine-tune continuously in an unsupervised
manner the parameters of the ESN among different inputs. However, it
goes against the idea of a fixed ESN reservoir.
The reservoir of recurrent PEs can be thought of as a new form of a time-
to-space mapping. Unlike the delay line that forms an embedding (Takens,
1981), this mapping may have the advantage of filtering noise and produce
representations with better SNRs to the peaks of the input, which is very
appealing for signal processing and seems to be used in biology. However,
further theoretical work is necessary in order to understand the embedding
capabilities of ESNs. One of the disadvantages of the ESN correlated basis
is in the design of the readout. Gradient-based algorithms will be very
slow to converge (due to the large eigenvalue spread of modes), and even
if recursive methods are used, their stability may be compromised by the
condition number of the matrix. However, our recent results incorporating
anL1 norm penalty in the LMS (Rao et al., 2005) show great promise of
solving this problem.
Finally we would like to briefly comment on the implications of these
models to neurobiology and computational neuroscience. The work by
Pouget and Sejnowski (1997) has shown that the available physiological
data are consistent with the hypothesis that the response of a single neuron
in the parietal cortex serves as a basis function generated by the sensory
input in a nonlinear fashion. In other words, the neurons transform the
sensory input into a format (representation space) such that the subsequent
computation is simplified. Then, whenever a motor command (output of
the biological system) needs to be generated, this simple computation to
read out the neuronal activity is done. There is an intriguing similarity
and our interpretation of echo states in ESN. We believe that similar ideas
can be applied to improve the design of microcircuit implementations of
LSMs. First, the framework of functional space interpretation (bases and
projections) is also applicable to microcircuits. Second, the ASE measure
may be directly utilized for LSM states because the states are normally low-
pass-filtered before the readout. However, the control of ASE by changing
the liquid dynamics is unclear. Perhaps global control of thresholds or bias
current will be able to accomplish bias control as in ESN with sigmoid
This work was partially supported by NSFECS-0422718, NSFCNS-0540304,
and ONR N00014-1-1-0405.
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Bayesian Compression for Deep Learning
Christos Louizos Karen Ullrich Max Welling
University of Amsterdam University of Amsterdam University of Amsterdam
TNO Intelligent Imaging k.ullrich@uva.nl CIFAR
c.louizos@uva.nl m.welling@uva.nl
Compression and computational efficiency in deep learning have become a problem
of great significance. In this work, we argue that the most principled and effective
way to attack this problem is by adopting a Bayesian point of view, where through
sparsity inducing priors we prune large parts of the network. We introduce two
novelties in this paper: 1) we use hierarchical priors to prune nodes instead of
individual weights, and 2) we use the posterior uncertainties to determine the
optimal fixed point precision to encode the weights. Both factors significantly
contribute to achieving the state of the art in terms of compression rates, while
still staying competitive with methods designed to optimize for speed or energy
1 Introduction
While deep neural networks have become extremely successful in in a wide range of applications,
often exceeding human performance, they remain difficult to apply in many real world scenarios. For
instance, making billions of predictions per day comes with substantial energy costs given the energy
consumption of common Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). Also, real-time predictions are often
about a factor100away in terms of speed from what deep NNs can deliver, and sending NNs with
millions of parameters through band limited channels is still impractical. As a result, running them on
hardware limited devices such as smart phones, robots or cars requires substantial improvements on
all of these issues. For all those reasons, compression and efficiency have become a topic of interest
in the deep learning community.
While all of these issues are certainly related, compression and performance optimizing procedures
might not always be aligned. As an illustration, consider the convolutional layers of Alexnet, which
account for only 4% of the parameters but 91% of the computation [68]. Compressing these layers
will not contribute much to the overall memory footprint.
There is a variety of approaches to address these problem settings. However, most methods have
the common strategy of reducing both the neural network structure and the effective fixed point
precision for each weight. A justification for the former is the finding that NNs suffer from significant
parameter redundancy [14]. Methods in this line of thought are network pruning, where unnecessary
connections are being removed [40,24,21], or student-teacher learning where a large network is
used to train a significantly smaller network [5, 27].
From a Bayesian perspective network pruning and reducing bit precision for the weights is aligned
with achieving high accuracy, because Bayesian methods search for the optimal model structure
(which leads to pruning with sparsity inducing priors), and reward uncertain posteriors over parameters
through the bits back argument [28] (which leads to removing insignificant bits). This relation is
made explicit in the MDL principle [20] which is known to be related to Bayesian inference.
In this paper we will use the variational Bayesian approximation for Bayesian inference which has
also been explicitly interpreted in terms of model compression [28]. By employing sparsity inducing
priors for hidden units (and not individual weights) we can prune neurons including all their ingoing
and outgoing weights. This avoids more complicated and inefficient coding schemes needed for
pruning or vector quantizing individual weights. As an additional Bayesian bonus we can use the
variational posterior uncertainty to assess which bits are significant and remove the ones which
fluctuate too much under approximate posterior sampling. From this we derive the optimal fixed
point precision per layer, which is still practical on chip.
2 Variational Bayes and Minimum Description Length
A fundamental theorem in information theory is the minimum description length (MDL) principle [20].
It relates to compression directly in that it defines the best hypothesis to be the one that communicates
the sum of the model (complexity costLC ) and the data misfit (error costLE ) with the minimum
number of bits [59,60]. It is well understood that variational inference can be reinterpreted from an
MDL point of view [56,72,28,30,19]. More specifically, assume that we are presented with a dataset QD that consists from N input-output pairs <<FORMULA>>. Let <<FORMULA>>
be a parametric model, e.g. a deep neural network, that maps inputs x to their corresponding outputs
y using parameters w governed by a prior distribution <<p(w)>>. In this scenario, we wish to approximate
the intractable posterior distribution <<p(w|D) =p(D|w)p(w)=p(D)>> with a fixed form approximate
posterior <<q(w)>> by optimizing the variational parameters according to:
where <<H()>> denotes the entropy and <<L()>> is known as the evidence-lower-bound (ELBO) or negative
variational free energy. As indicated in eq.1, <<L()>> naturally decomposes into a minimum cost for
communicating the targets <<FORMULA>> under the assumption that the sender and receiver agreed on a n=1 prior <<p(w)>> and that the receiver knows the inputs <<FORMULA>> and form of the parametric model. n=1
By using sparsity inducing priors for groups of weights that feed into a neuron the Bayesian mecha-
nism will start pruning hidden units that are not strictly necessary for prediction and thus achieving
compression. But there is also a second mechanism by which Bayes can help us compress. By
explicitly entertaining noisy weight encodings through <<q(w)>> we can benefit from the bits-back
argument [28,30] due to the entropy term; this is in contrast to infinitely precise weights that lead to
<<FORMULA>>. Nevertheless in practice, the data misfit termLE is intractable for neural network
models under a noisy weight encoding, so as a solution Monte Carlo integration is usually employed.
Continuous q(w) allow for the reparametrization trick [36,58]. Here, we replace sampling from
q(w) by a deterministic function of the variational parameters and random samples from some
noise variables:
<<FORMULA>>; (2)
where <<w=f(;)>>. By applying this trick, we obtain unbiased stochastic gradients of the ELBO
with respect to the variational parameters, thus resulting in a standard optimization problem that is
fit for stochastic gradient ascent. The efficiency of the gradient estimator resulting from eq. 2 can be
further improved for neural networks by utilizing local reparametrizations [37] (which we will use in
our experiments); they provide variance reduction in an efficient way by locally marginalizing the
weights at each layer and instead sampling the distribution of the pre-activations.
3 Related Work
One of the earliest ideas and most direct approaches to tackle efficiency is pruning. Originally
introduced by [40], pruning has recently been demonstrated to be applicable to modern architectures
[25,21]. It had been demonstrated that an overwhelming amount of up to 99,5% of parameters
can be pruned in common architectures. There have been quite a few encouraging results obtained
by (empirical) Bayesian approaches that employ weight pruning [19,7,52,70,51]. Nevertheless,
2 In practice this term is a large constant determined by the weight precision.
weight pruning is in general inefficient for compression since the matrix format of the weights is not
taken into consideration, therefore the Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format has to be employed.
Moreover, note that in conventional CNNs most flops are used by the convolution operation. Inspired
by this observation, several authors proposed pruning schemes that take these considerations into
account [73, 74] or even go as far as efficiency aware architectures to begin with [32, 15, 31]. From
the Bayesian viewpoint, similar pruning schemes have been explored at [47, 53, 39, 34].
Given optimal architecture, NNs can further be compressed by quantization. More precisely, there
are two common techniques. First, the set of accessible weights can be reduced drastically. As an
extreme example, [13,48,57,76] and [11] trained NN to use only binary or tertiary weights with
floating point gradients. This approach however is in need of significantly more parameters than
their ordinary counterparts. Work by [18] explores various techniques beyond binary quantization:
k-means quantization, product quantization and residual quantization. Later studies extent this set to
optimal fixed point [44] and hashing quantization [10]. [25] apply k-means clustering and consequent
center training. From a practical point of view, however, all these are fairly unpractical during
test time. For the computation of each feature map in a net, the original weight matrix must be
reconstructed from the indexes in the matrix and a codebook that contains all the original weights.
This is an expensive operation and this is why some studies propose a different approach than set
quantization. Precision quantization simply reduces the bit size per weight. This has a great advantage
over set quantization at inference time since feature maps can simply be computed with less precision
weights. Several studies show that this has little to no effect on network accuracy when using 16bit
weights [49,22,12,71,9]. Somewhat orthogonal to the above discussion but certainly relevant are
approaches that customize the implementation of CNNs for hardware limited devices[31, 4, 62].
4 Bayesian compression with scale mixtures of normals
Consider the following prior over a parameter w where its scale z is governed by a distribution <<p(z)>>:
<<FORMULA>>; (3)
with z2 serving as the variance of the zero-mean normal distribution over w. By treating the scales
of w as random variables we can recover marginal prior distributions over the parameters that have
heavier tails and more mass at zero; this subsequently biases the posterior distribution over w to
be sparse. This family of distributions is known as scale-mixtures of normals [6,2] and it is quite
general, as a lot of well known sparsity inducing distributions are special cases.
One example of the aforementioned framework is the spike-and-slab distribution [50], the golden
standard for sparse Bayesian inference. Under the spike-and-slab, the mixing density of the scales is a
Bernoulli distribution, thus the marginal <<p(w)>> has a delta “spike” at zero and a continuous “slab” over
the real line. Unfortunately, this prior leads to a computationally expensive inference since we have
to explore a space of2M models, whereMis the number of the model parameters. Dropout [29,67],
one of the most popular regularization techniques for neural networks, can be interpreted as positing a
spike and slab distribution over the weights where the variance of the “slab” is zero [17,45]. Another
example is the Laplace distribution which arises by considering <<FORMULA>>. The mode of
the posterior distribution under a Laplace prior is known as the Lasso [69] estimator and has been
previously used for sparsifying neural networks at [73,61]. While computationally simple, the
Lasso estimator is prone to “shrinking" large signals [8] and only provides point estimates about
the parameters. As a result it does not provide uncertainty estimates, it can potentially overfit and,
according to the bits-back argument, is inefficient for compression.
For these reasons, in this paper we will tackle the problem of compression and efficiency in neural
networks by adopting a Bayesian treatment and inferring an approximate posterior distribution over
the parameters under a scale mixture prior. We will consider two choices for the prior over the scales
p(z); the hyperparameter free log-uniform prior [16,37] and the half-Cauchy prior, which results into
a horseshoe [8] distribution. Both of these distributions correspond to a continuous relaxation of the
spike-and-slab prior and we provide a brief discussion on their shrinkage properties at Appendix C.
4.1 Reparametrizing variational dropout for group sparsity
One potential choice for p(z) is the improper log-uniform prior [37] <<FORMULA>>. It turns out that
we can recover the log-uniform prior over the weightswif we marginalize over the scales z:
<<FORMULA>> (4)
This alternative parametrization of the log uniform prior is known in the statistics literature as the
normal-Jeffreys prior and has been introduced by [16]. This formulation allows to “couple" the
scales of weights that belong to the same group (e.g. neuron or feature map), by simply sharing the
corresponding scale variablezin the joint prior 3 :
<<FORMULA>>; (5)
where W is the weight matrix of a fully connected neural network layer with A being the dimen-
sionality of the input and B the dimensionality of the output. Now consider performing variational
inference with a joint approximate posterior parametrized as follows:
<<FORMULA>>; (6)
where _i is the dropout rate [67,37,51] of the given group. As explained at [37,51], the multiplicative
parametrization of the approximate posterior over z suffers from high variance gradients; therefore
we will follow [51] and re-parametrize it in terms of <<FORMULA>>, hence optimize w.r.t._2 .
The <<FORMULA>> lower bound under this prior and approximate posterior becomes:
<<FORMULA>> (7)
Under this particular variational posterior parametrization the negative KL-divergence from the
conditional prior <<p(W|z)>> to the approximate posterior <<q(W|z)>> is independent of z:
<<FORMULA>> (8)
This independence can be better understood if we consider a non-centered parametrization of the
prior [55]. More specifically, consider reparametrizing the weights asw~ij =wij ; this will then result zi
into <<p(W|z)p(z) =p(W~)p(z)>>, where <<FORMULA>>. Now if <<FORMULA>> and <<W= diag(z)>>
we perform variational inference under the p(W~)p(z)prior with an approximate posterior that has Q the form of <<FORMULA>>, with <<FORMULA>>, then we see that we ij arrive at the same expressions for the negative KL-divergence from the prior to the approximate
posterior. Finally, the negative KL-divergence from the normal-Jeffreys scale prior p(z) to the
Gaussian variational posterior q depends only on the “implied” dropout rate, <<FORMULA>>, and zi z takes the following form [51]:
<<FORMULA>>; (9)
where <<FORMULA>> are the sigmoid and softplus functions respectively 4 and k1 = 0:63576,k2 =
1:87320,k3 = 1:48695. We can now prune entire groups of parameters by simply specifying a thresh-
old for the variational dropout rate of the corresponding group, e.g.<<FORMULA>>. It should be mentioned that this prior parametrization readily allows for a more flexible marginal pos-
terior over the weights as we now have a compound distribution, <<FORMULA>>; this
is in contrast to the original parametrization and the Gaussian approximations employed by [37,51].
Strictly speaking the result of eq. 4 only holds when each weight has its own scale and not when that scale is
shared across multiple weights. Nevertheless, in practice we obtain a prior that behaves in a similar way, i.e. it
biases the variational posterior to be sparse.
Furthermore, this approach generalizes the low variance additive parametrization of variational
dropout proposed for weight sparsity at [51] to group sparsity (which was left as an open question
at [51]) in a principled way.
At test time, in order to have a single feedforward pass we replace the distribution overWat each
layer with a single weight matrix, the masked variational posterior mean:
<<FORMULA>>; (10)
where m is a binary mask determined according to the group variational dropout rate andMW are
the means ofq (W~). We further use the variational posterior marginal variances 5 for this particular
posterior approximation:
<<FORMULA>>; (11)
to assess the bit precision of each weight in the weight matrix. More specifically, we employed the
mean variance across the weight matrixW^ to compute the unit round off necessary to represent the
weights. This method will give us the amount significant bits, and by adding 3 exponent and 1 sign
bits we arrive at the final bit precision for the entire weight matrixW^6 . We provide more details at
Appendix B.
4.2 Group horseshoe with half-Cauchy scale priors
Another choice for p(z) is a proper half-Cauchy distribution: <<FORMULA>>; it
induces a horseshoe prior [8] distribution over the weights, which is a well known sparsity inducing
prior in the statistics literature. More formally, the prior hierarchy over the weights is expressed as
(in a non-centered parametrization):
<<FORMULA>>; (12)
where0 is the free parameter that can be tuned for specific desiderata. The idea behind the horseshoe
is that of the “global-local" shrinkage; the global scale variablespulls all of the variables towards
zero whereas the heavy tailed local variableszi can compensate and allow for some weights to escape.
Instead of directly working with the half-Cauchy priors we will employ a decomposition of the
half-Cauchy that relies upon (inverse) gamma distributions [54] as this will allow us to compute
the negative KL-divergence from the scale priorp(z)to an approximate log-normal scale posterior
q (z)in closed form (the derivation is given in Appendix D). More specifically, we have that the
half-Cauchy prior can be expressed in a non-centered parametrization as:
<<FORMULA>>; (13)
where <<IG(;);G(;)>> correspond to the inverse Gamma and Gamma distributions in the scale
parametrization, and z follows a half-Cauchy distribution with scale k. Therefore we will re-express
the whole hierarchy as:
<<FORMULA>>; (14)
It should be mentioned that the improper log-uniform prior is the limiting case of the horseshoe prior
when the shapes of the (inverse) Gamma hyperpriors on <<FORMULA>> go to zero [8]. In fact, several well
known shrinkage priors can be expressed in this form by altering the shapes of the (inverse) Gamma
hyperpriors [3]. For the variational posterior we will employ the following mean field approximation:
Notice that the fact that we are using mean-field variational approximations (which we chose for simplicity)
can potentially underestimate the variance, thus lead to higher bit precisions for the weights. We leave the
exploration of more involved posteriors for future work.
Where <<LN(;)>> is a log-normal distribution. It should be mentioned that a similar form of non-
centered variational inference for the horseshoe has been also successfully employed for undirected
models at [q 33]. Notice that we can also apply local reparametrizations [37] when we are sampling
i i and sa sb by exploiting properties of the log-normal distribution 7 and thus forming the
<<FORMULA>> (17)
As a threshold rule for group pruning we will use the negative log-mode 8 of the local log-normal r.v.
<<FORMULA>> , i.e. prune when <<FORMULA>>, with <<FORMULA>>. This ignores <<FORMULA>> and <<FORMULA>>, but nonetheless we found <<FORMULA>> dependencies among the zi elements induced by the common scale
that it works well in practice. Similarly with the group normal-Jeffreys prior, we will replace the
distribution overWat each layer with the masked variational posterior mean during test time:
<<FORMULA>>; (19)
wheremis a binary mask determined according to the aforementioned threshold,MW are the means
ofq(W~)and;2 are the means and variances of the local log-normals over <<FORMULA>>. Furthermore,
similarly to the group normal-Jeffreys approach, we will use the variational posterior marginal
<<FORMULA>>; (20)
to compute the final bit precision for the entire weight matrix W.
5 Experiments
We validated the compression and speed-up capabilities of our models on the well-known architectures
of LeNet-300-100 [41], LeNet-5-Caffe 9 on MNIST [42] and, similarly with [51], VGG [63]10 on
CIFAR 10 [38]. The groups of parameters were constructed by coupling the scale variables for each
filter for the convolutional layers and for each input neuron for the fully connected layers. We provide
the algorithms that describe the forward pass using local reparametrizations for fully connected
and convolutional layers with each of the employed approximate posteriors at appendix F. For the
horseshoe prior we set the scale 0 of the global half-Cauchy prior to a reasonably small value, e.g.
0 = 1e5. This further increases the prior mass at zero, which is essential for sparse estimation
and compression. We also found that constraining the standard deviations as described at [46] and
“warm-up" [65] helps in avoiding bad local optima of the variational objective. Further details about
the experimental setup can be found at Appendix A. Determining the threshold for pruning can be
easily done with manual inspection as usually there are two well separated clusters (signal and noise).
We provide a sample visualization at Appendix E.
5.1 Architecture learning & bit precisions
We will first demonstrate the group sparsity capabilities of our methods by illustrating the learned
architectures at Table 1, along with the inferred bit precision per layer. As we can observe, our
methods infer significantly smaller architectures for the LeNet-300-100 and LeNet-5-Caffe, compared
to Sparse Variational Dropout, Generalized Dropout and Group Lasso. Interestingly, we observe
that for the VGG network almost all of big 512 feature map layers are drastically reduced to around
10 feature maps whereas the initial layers are mostly kept intact. Furthermore, all of the Bayesian
methods considered require far fewer than the standard 32 bits per-layer to represent the weights,
sometimes even allowing for 5 bit precisions.
The product of log-normal r.v.s is another log-normal and a power of a log-normal r.v. is another log-normal.
Empirically, it slightly better separates the scales compared to the negative log-mean <<FORMULA>>.
The adapted CIFAR 10 version described athttp://torch.ch/blog/2015/07/30/cifar.html.
Table 1: Learned architectures with Sparse VD [51], Generalized Dropout (GD) [66] and Group
Lasso (GL) [73]. Bayesian Compression (BC) with group normal-Jeffreys (BC-GNJ) and group
horseshoe (BC-GHS) priors correspond to the proposed models. We show the amount of neurons left
after pruning along with the average bit precisions for the weights at each layer.
5.2 Compression Rates
For the actual compression task we compare our method to current work in three different scenarios:
(i) compression achieved only by pruning, here, for non-group methods we use the CSC format
to store parameters; (ii) compression based on the former but with reduced bit precision per layer
(only for the weights); and (iii) the maximum compression rate as proposed by [25]. We believe
Table 2: Compression results for our methods. “DC” corresponds to Deep Compression method
introduced at [25], “DNS” to the method of [21] and “SWS” to the Soft-Weight Sharing of [70].
Numbers marked with * are best case guesses.
these to be relevant scenarios because (i) can be applied with already existing frameworks such as
Tensorflow [1], (ii) is a practical scheme given upcoming GPUs and frameworks will be designed to
work with low and mixed precision arithmetics [43,23]. For (iii), we perform k-means clustering on
the weights with k=32 and consequently store a weight index that points to a codebook of available
weights. Note that the latter achieves highest compression rate but it is however fairly unpractical at
test time since the original matrix needs to be restored for each layer. As we can observe at Table 2,
our methods are competitive with the state-of-the art for LeNet-300-100 while offering significantly
better compression rates on the LeNet-5-Caffe architecture, without any loss in accuracy. Do note
that group sparsity and weight sparsity can be combined so as to further prune some weights when a
particular group is not removed, thus we can potentially further boost compression performance at
e.g. LeNet-300-100. For the VGG network we observe that training from a random initialization
yielded consistently less accuracy (around 1%-2% less) compared to initializing the means of the
approximate posterior from a pretrained network, similarly with [51], thus we only report the latter
results 11 . After initialization we trained the VGG network regularly for 200 epochs using Adam with
the default hyperparameters. We observe a small drop in accuracy for the final models when using
the deterministic version of the network for prediction, but nevertheless averaging across multiple
samples restores the original accuracy. Note, that in general we can maintain the original accuracy on
VGG without sampling by simply finetuning with a small learning rate, as done at [51]. This will
still induce (less) sparsity but unfortunately it does not lead to good compression as the bit precision
remains very high due to not appropriately increasing the marginal variances of the weights.
5.3 Speed and energy consumption
We demonstrate that our method is competitive with [73], denoted as GL, a method that explicitly
prunes convolutional kernels to reduce compute time. We measure the time and energy consumption
of one forward pass of a mini-batch with batch size 8192 through LeNet-5-Caffe. We average over10 4
forward passes and all experiments were run with Tensorflow 1.0.1, cuda 8.0 and respective cuDNN.
We apply 16 CPUs run in parallel (CPU) or a Titan X (GPU). Note that we only use the pruned
architecture as lower bit precision would further increase the speed-up but is not implementable in
any common framework. Further, all methods we compare to in the latter experiments would barely
show an improvement at all since they do not learn to prune groups but only parameters. In figure 1
we present our results. As to be expected the largest effect on the speed up is caused by GPU usage.
However, both our models and best competing models reach a speed up factor of around 8x. We
can further save about 3x energy costs by applying our architecture instead of the original one on a
GPU. For larger networks the speed-up is even higher: for the VGG experiments with batch size 256
we have a speed-up factor of 51x.
Figure 1:Left:Avg. Time a batch of 8192 samples takes to pass through LeNet-5-Caffe. Numbers on
top of the bars represent speed-up factor relative to the CPU implementation of the original network.
Right:Energy consumption of the GPU of the same process (when run on GPU).
6 Conclusion
We introduced Bayesian compression, a way to tackle efficiency and compression in deep neural
networks in a unified and principled way. Our proposed methods allow for theoretically principled
compression of neural networks, improved energy efficiency with reduced computation while naturally
learning the bit precisions for each weight. This serves as a strong argument in favor of Bayesian
methods for neural networks, when we are concerned with compression and speed up.
11 We also tried to finetune the same network with Sparse VD, but unfortunately it increased the error
considerably (around 3% extra error), therefore we do not report those results.
8 Acknowledgments
We would like to thank Dmitry Molchanov, Dmitry Vetrov, Klamer Schutte and Dennis Koelma for
valuable discussions and feedback. This research was supported by TNO, NWO and Google.
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A. Detailed experimental setup
We implemented our methods in Tensorflow [1] and optimized the variational parameters using
Adam [35] with the default hyperparameters. The means of the conditional Gaussian <<q(W|z)>>
Table 3: Floating point formats Bits per Exponent
were initialized with the scheme proposed at [26], whereas the log of the standard deviations were
initialized by sampling from N(9;1e4). The parameters of q(z) were initialized such that the
overall mean of zise 1 and the overall variance is very low (1e^8); this ensures that all of the
groups are active during the initial training iterations.
As for the standard deviation constraints; for the LeNet-300-100 architecture we constrained the
standard deviation of the first layer to be 0:2 whereas for the LeNet-5-Caffe we constrained
the standard deviation of the first layer to be 0:5. The remaining standard deviations were left
unconstrained. For the VGG network we constrained the standard deviations of the 64 and 128
feature map layers to be 0:1, the standard deviations of the 256 feature map layers to be0:2
and left the rest of the standard deviations unconstrained. We also found beneficial the incorporation
of “warm-up” [65], i.e we annealed the negative KL-divergence from the prior to the approximate
posterior with a linear schedule for the first 100 epochs. We initialized the means of the approximate
posterior by the weights and biases obtained from a VGG network trained with batch normalization
and dropout on CIFAR 10. For our method we disabled batch-normalization during training.
As for preprocessing the data; for MNIST the only preprocessing we did was to rescale the digits to
lie at the [-1,1] range and for CIFAR 10 we used the preprocessed dataset provided by [75].
Furthermore, do note that by pruning a given filter at a particular convolutional layer we can also
prune the parameters corresponding to that feature map for the next layer. This similarly holds for
fully connected layers; if we drop a given input neuron then the weights corresponding to that node
from the previous layer can also be pruned.
B. Standards for Floating-Point Arithmetic
Floating points values eventually need to be represented in a binary basis in a computer. The most
common standard today is the IEEE 754-2008 convention [64]. It definesx-bit base-2 formats,
officially referred to as binaryx, withx2 f16;32;64;128g. The formats are also widely known as
half, single, double and quadruple precision floats, respectively and used in almost all programming
languages as a standard. The format considers 3 kinds of bits: one sign bit,wexponent bits andp
precision bits.
Figure 2: A symbolic representation of the binaryxformat [64].
The Sign bit determines the sign of the number to be represented. The exponentEis anw-bit signed
integer, e.g. for single precisionw= 8and thusE2[127;128]. In practice, exponents range from
is smaller since the first and the last number are reserved for special numbers. The true significand or
mantissa includes t bits on the right of the binary point. There is an implicit leading bit with value
one. A values is consequently decomposed as follows
<<FORMULA>> (21)
<<FORMULA>> (22)
In table 3, we summarize common and less common floating point formats.
There is however the possibility to design a self defined format. There are 3 important quantities
when choosing the right specification: overflow, underflow and unit round off also known as machine
precision. Each one can be computed knowing the number of exponent and significant bits. in
our work for example we consider a format that uses significantly less exponent bits since network
parameters usually vary between [-10,10]. We set the unit round off equal to the precision and thus
can compute the significant bits necessary to represent a specific weight.
Beyond designing a tailored floating point format for deep learning, recent work also explored the
possibility of deep learning with mixed formats [43,23]. For example, imagine the activations having
high precision while weights can be low precision.
C. Shrinkage properties of the normal-Jeffreys and horseshoe priors
Figure 3: Comparison of the behavior of the log-uniform / normal-Jeffreys (NJ) prior and the
horseshoe (HS) prior (wheres= 1). Both priors behave similarly at zero but the normal-Jeffreys has
an extremely heavy tail (thus making it non-normalizable).
In this section we will provide some insights about the behavior of each of the priors we employ by
following the excellent analysis of [8]; we can perform a change of variables and express the scale
mixture distribution of eq.3 in the main paper in terms of a shrinkage coefficient,
<<FORMULA>> (23)
It is easy to observe that eq. 23 corresponds to a continuous relaxation of the spike-and-slab prior:
when <<= 0>> we have that <<FORMULA>>, i.e. no shrinkage/regularization forw, when
<<= 1>> we have that <<FORMULA>>, i.e.wis exactly zero, and when <<=1>> we have that <<FORMULA>>. Now by examining the implied prior on the shrinkage coefficient for both
the log-uniform and the horseshoe priors we can better study their behavior. As it is explained at
the half-Cauchy prior onzcorresponds to a beta prior on the shrinkage coefficient, <<FORMULA>>,
whereas the normal-Jeffreys / log-uniform prior onzcorresponds <<top() =B(;)>> with <<FORMULA>>.
The densities of both of these distributions can be seen at Figure 3b. As we can observe, the log-
uniform prior posits a distribution that concentrates almost all of its mass at either0or1,
essentially either pruning the parameter or keeping it close to the maximum likelihood estimate due
<<FORMULA>>. In contrast the horseshoe prior maintains enough probability mass for
the in-between values of and thus can, potentially, offer better regularization and generalization.
D. Negative KL-divergences for log-normal approximating posteriors
Le <<FORMULA>> be a log-normal approximating posterior. Here we will derive the negative
KL-divergences toq(z)from inverse gamma, gamma and half-normal distributions.
Letp(z)be an inverse gamma distribution, i.e. <<p(z) =IG(;)>>. The negative KL-divergence can
be expressed as follows:
<<FORMULA>> (24)
The second term is the entropy of the log-normal distribution which has the following form:
<<FORMULA>> (25)
The first term is the negative cross-entropy of the log-normal approximate posterior from the inverse-
Gamma prior:
<<FORMULA>> (26)
<<FORMULA>> (27)
Since the natural logarithm of a log-normal distribution <<FORMULA>> follows a normal distribution
<<FORMULA>> we have that <<FORMULA>>. Furthermore we have that <<FORMULA>> then <<FORMULA>>, therefore
<<FORMULA>>. Putting everything together we have that:
<<FORMULA>> (28)
Therefore the negative KL-divergence is:
<<FORMULA>> (29)
Now let p(z) be a Gamma prior, i.e. <<p(z) =G(;)>>. We have that the negative cross-entropy
changes to:
<<FORMULA>> (30)
<<FORMULA>> (31)
<<FORMULA>> (32)2
Therefore the negative KL-divergence is:
<<FORMULA>> (33)
Now, by employing the aforementioned we can express the negative KL-divergence from
<<FORMULA>> to <<FORMULA>> as follows:
with the KL-divergence for the weight distribution <<q (W~)>> given by eq.8 in the main paper.
E. Visualizations
Figure 4: Distribution of the thresholds for the Sparse Variational Dropout 4a, Bayesian Compression
with group normal-Jeffreys (BC-GNJ) 4b and group Horseshoe (BC-GHS) 4c priors for the three
layer LeNet-300-100 architecture. It is easily observed that there are usually two well separable
groups with BC-GNJ and BC-GHS, thus making the choice for the threshold easy. Smaller values
indicate signal whereas larger values indicate noise (i.e. useless groups).
Figure 5: Distribution of the bit precisions for the Sparse Variational Dropout 5a, Bayesian Com-
pression with group normal-Jeffreys (BC-GNJ) 5b and group Horseshoe (BC-GHS) 5c priors for the
three layer LeNet-300-100 architecture. All of the methods usually require far fewer than 32bits for
the weights.
F. Algorithms for the feedforward pass
Algorithms 1, 2, 3, 4 describe the forward pass using local reparametrizations for fully connected and
convolutional layers with the approximate posteriors for the Bayesian Compression (BC) with group
normal-Jeffreys (BC-GNJ) and group Horseshoe (BC-GHS) priors employed at the experiments. For
the fully connected layers we coupled the scales for each input neuron whereas for the convolutional
we couple the scales for each output feature map.Mw ;w are the means and variances of each layer,
His a minibatch of activations of sizeK. For the first layer we have thatH=XwhereXis the
minibatch of inputs. For the convolutional layersNf are the number of convolutional filters,is the
convolution operator and we assume the [batch, height, width, feature maps] convention.
Algorithm 1 Fully connected BC-GNJ layer h.
Algorithm 2Convolutional BC-GNJ layerh.
Algorithm 3 Fully connected BC-GHS layerh.
Algorithm 4Convolutional BC-GHS layerh.
<<END>> <<END>> <<END>>
Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks
Yihui He* Xiangyu Zhang Jian Sun
Xifian Jiaotong University Megvii Inc. Megvii Inc.
Xifian, 710049, China Beijing, 100190, China Beijing, 100190, China
heyihui@stu.xjtu.edu.cn zhangxiangyu@megvii.com sunjian@megvii.com
In this paper, we introduce a new channel pruning method to accelerate very deep convolutional neural net.works. Given a trained CNN model, we propose an it.erative two-step algorithm to effectively prune each layer, by a LASSO regression based channel selection and least square reconstruction. We further generalize this algorithm to multi-layer and multi-branch cases. Our method re.duces the accumulated error and enhance the compatibility with various architectures. Our pruned VGG-16 achieves the state-of-the-art results by 5. speed-up along with only 0.3% increase of error. More importantly, our method is able to accelerate modern networks like ResNet, exception and suffers only 1.4%, 1.0% accuracy loss under 2. speed.up respectively, which is significant.
1. Introduction
Recent CNN acceleration works fall into three categories: optimized implementation (e.g., FFT [47]), quantization (e.g., BinaryNet [8]), and structured simplification that convert a CNN into compact one [22]. This work focuses on the last one.
Structured simplification mainly involves: tensor factorization [22], sparse connection [17], and channel pruning [48]. Tensor factorization factorizes a convolutional layer into several efficient ones (Fig. 1(c)). However, feature map width (number of channels) could not be reduced, which makes it difficult to decompose 1 . 1 convolutional layer favored by modern networks (e.g., GoogleNet [45], ResNet [18], Xception [7]). This type of method also intro.duces extra computation overhead. Sparse connection deactivates connections between neurons or channels (Fig. 1(b)). Though it is able to achieves high theoretical speed-up ratio, the sparse convolutional layers have an fiirregularfi shape which is not implementation friendly. In contrast, channel pruning directly reduces feature map width, which shrinks
Figure 1. Structured simplification methods that accelerate CNNs:
(a) a network with 3 conv layers. (b) sparse connection deactivates some connections between channels. (c) tensor factorization factorizes a convolutional layer into several pieces. (d) channel pruning reduces number of channels in each layer (focus of this paper).
a network into thinner one, as shown in Fig. 1(d). It is efficient on both CPU and GPU because no special implementation is required.
Pruning channels is simple but challenging because re.moving channels in one layer might dramatically change the input of the following layer. Recently, training-based channel pruning works [1, 48] have focused on imposing sparse constrain on weights during training, which could adaptively determine hyper-parameters. However, training from scratch is very costly and results for very deep CNNs on ImageNet have been rarely reported. Inference-time at.tempts [31, 3] have focused on analysis of the importance of individual weight. The reported speed-up ratio is very limited.
In this paper, we propose a new inference-time approach for channel pruning, utilizing redundancy inter channels. Inspired by tensor factorization improvement by feature maps reconstruction [52], instead of analyzing filter weights [22, 31], we fully exploits redundancy within feature maps. Specifically, given a trained CNN model, pruning each layer is achieved by minimizing reconstruction error on its output feature maps, as showed in Fig. 2. We solve this mini.
Figure 2. Channel pruning for accelerating a convolutional layer. We aim to reduce the width of feature map B, while minimizing the reconstruction error on feature map C. Our optimization algorithm (Sec. 3.1) performs within the dotted box, which does not involve nonlinearity. This figure illustrates the situation that two channels are pruned for feature map B. Thus corresponding channels of filters W can be removed. Furthermore, even though not directly optimized by our algorithm, the corresponding filters in the previous layer can also be removed (marked by dotted filters). c, n: number of channels for feature maps B and C, kh . kw : kernel size.
minimization problem by two alternative steps: channels selection and feature map reconstruction. In one step, we figure out the most representative channels, and prune redundant ones, based on LASSO regression. In the other step, we reconstruct the outputs with remaining channels with linear least squares. We alternatively take two steps. Further, we approximate the network layer-by-layer, with accumulated error accounted. We also discuss methodologies to prune multi-branch networks (e.g., ResNet [18], exception [7]).
For VGG-16, we achieve 4. acceleration, with only 1.0% increase of top-5 error. Combined with tensor factorization, we reach 5. acceleration but merely suffer 0.3% increase of error, which outperforms previous state-of-the.arts. We further speed up ResNet-50 and Xception-50 by 2. with only 1.4%, 1.0% accuracy loss respectively.
2. Related Work
There has been a significant amount of work on accelerating CNNs. Many of them fall into three categories: optimized implementation [4], quantization [40], and structured simplification [22].
Optimized implementation based methods [35, 47, 27, 4] accelerate convolution, with special convolution algorithms like FFT [47]. Quantization [8, 40] reduces floating point computational complexity.
Sparse connection eliminates connections between neurons [17, 32, 29, 15, 14]. [51] prunes connections based on weights magnitude. [16] could accelerate fully connected layers up to 50.. However, in practice, the actual speed-up maybe very related to implementation.
Tensor factorization [22, 28, 13, 24] decompose weights into several pieces. [50, 10, 12] accelerate fully connected layers with truncated SVD. [52] factorize a layer into 3 . 3 and 1 . 1 combination, driven by feature map redundancy.
Channel pruning removes redundant channels on feature maps. There are several training-based approaches. [1, 48] regularize networks to improve accuracy. Channel-wise SSL [48] reaches high compression ratio for first few conv layers of LeNet [30] and AlexNet [26]. However, training-based approaches are more costly, and the effectiveness for very deep networks on large datasets is rarely exploited.
Inference-time channel pruning is challenging, as re.ported by previous works [2, 39]. Some works [44, 34, 19] focus on model size compression, which mainly operate the fully connected layers. Data-free approaches [31, 3] results for speed-up ratio (e.g., 5.) have not been reported, and requires long retraining procedure. [3] select channels via over 100 random trials, however it need long time to eval.ate each trial on a deep network, which makes it infeasible to work on very deep models and large datasets. [31] is even worse than naive solution from our observation sometimes (Sec. 4.1.1).
3. Approach
In this section, we first propose a channel pruning algorithm for a single layer, then generalize this approach to multiple layers or the whole model. Furthermore, we dis.cuss variants of our approach for multi-branch networks.
3.1. Formulation
Fig. 2 illustrates our channel pruning algorithm for a sin.gle convolutional layer. We aim to reduce the width of feature map B, while maintaining outputs in feature map
C. Once channels are pruned, we can remove correspond.ing channels of the filters that take these channels as in.put. Also, filters that produce these channels can also be removed. It is clear that channel pruning involves two key points. The first is channel selection, since we need to select most representative channels to maintain as much information. The second is reconstruction. We need to reconstruct the following feature maps using the selected channels.
Motivated by this, we propose an iterative two-step algorithm. In one step, we aim to select most representative channels. Since an exhaustive search is infeasible even for tiny networks, we come up with a LASSO regression based method to figure out representative channels and prune redundant ones. In the other step, we reconstruct the outputs with remaining channels with linear least squares. We alter.natively take two steps.
Formally, to prune a feature map with c channels, we consider applying n.c.kh .kw convolutional filters W on <<FORMULA>> input volumes X sampled from this feature map, which produces N . n output matrix Y. Here, N is the number of samples, n is the number of output channels, and kh,kw are the kernel size. For simple representation, bias term is not included in our formulation. To prune the
input channels from c to desired <<FORMULA>>, while minimizing reconstruction error, we formulate our problem as follow:
<<FORMULA>> (1)
F is Frobenius norm. <<FORMULA>> matrix sliced from ith channel of input volumes X_i, i =1, ..., c. W_i is n . filter weights sliced from ith channel of W. is coefficient vector of length c for channel selection, and .i is ith entry of . Notice that, if .i =0, X_i will be no longer useful, which could be safely pruned from feature map. W_i could also be removed. Optimization Solving this minimization problem in Eqn. 1 is NP-hard. Therefore, we relax the l_0 to l_1 regularization:
<<FORMULA>> (2)
. is a penalty coefficient. By increasing l, there will be more zero terms in and one can get higher speed-up ratio. We also add a constrain .i WiF =1 to this formulation, which avoids trivial solution.
Now we solve this problem in two folds. First, we fix W, solve for channel selection. Second, we fix , solve W to reconstruct error.
(i) The subproblem of . In this case, W is fixed. We solve for channel selection. This problem can be solved by LASSO regression [46, 5], which is widely used for model selection.
<<FORMULA>> (3)
Here Zi =XiWi (size N .n). We will ignore ith channels if .i =0.
(ii) The subproblem of W. In this case, is fixed. We utilize the selected channels to minimize reconstruction error. We can find optimized solution by least squares:
<<FORMULA>>. (4)
Here <<FORMULA>> (size N.). W is n reshaped W, <<FORMULA>>. After obtained result W, it is reshaped back to W. Then we assign <<FORMULA>>. Constrain <<FORMULA>> satisfies.
We alternatively optimize (i) and (ii). In the beginning, W is initialized from the trained model, <<FORMULA>>, namely no penalty, and <<k = c>>. We gradually increase <<FORMULA>> For each
change of <<FORMULA>>, we iterate these two steps until k is stable.
After <<FORMULA>> satisfies, we obtain the final solution W from <<FORMULA>> In practice, we found that the two steps iteration is time consuming. So we apply (i) multiple times,
until <<FORMULA>> satisfies. Then apply (ii) just once, to obtain
the final result. From our observation, this result is comparable with two steps iterations. Therefore, in the following experiments, we adopt this approach for efficiency.
Discussion: Some recent works [48, 1, 17] (though train.
ing based) also introduce .1-norm or LASSO. However, we must emphasis that we use different formulations. Many of them introduced sparsity regularization into training loss, instead of explicitly solving LASSO. Other work [1] solved LASSO, while feature maps or data were not considered during optimization. Because of these differences, our ap.proach could be applied at inference time.
3.2. Whole Model Pruning
Inspired by [52], we apply our approach layer by layer sequentially. For each layer, we obtain input volumes from the current input feature map, and output volumes from the output feature map of the un-pruned model. This could be formalized as:
<<FORMULA>> (5)
Different from Eqn. 1, Y is replaced by Y . , which is from feature map of the original model. Therefore, the accumulated error could be accounted during sequential pruning.
3.3. Pruning Multi.Branch Networks
The whole model pruning discussed above is enough for single-branch networks like LeNet [30], AlexNet [26] and VGG Nets [43]. However, it is insufficient for multi-branch networks like GoogLeNet [45] and ResNet [18]. We mainly focus on pruning the widely used residual structure (e.g., ResNet [18], Xception [7]). Given a residual block shown in Fig. 3 (left), the input bifurcates into shortcut and residual branch. On the residual branch, there are several convolutional layers (e.g., 3 convolutional layers which have spatial size of 1 . 1, 3 . 3, 1 . 1, Fig. 3, left). Other layers except the first and last layer can be pruned as is described previously. For the first layer, the challenge is that the large input feature map width (for ResNet, 4 times of its output) can it be easily pruned, since it is shared with shortcut. For the last layer, accumulated error from the shortcut is hard to be recovered, since there is no parameter on the shortcut. To address these challenges, we propose several variants of our approach as follows.
Figure 3. Illustration of multi-branch enhancement for residual block. Left: original residual block. Right: pruned residual block with enhancement, cx denotes the feature map width. Input channels of the first convolutional layer are sampled, so that the large input feature map width could be reduced. As for the last layer, rather than approximate Y2 , we try to approximate <<Y1+Y2>> directly (Sec. 3.3 Last layer of residual branch).
Last layer of residual branch: Shown in Fig. 3, the output layer of a residual block consists of two inputs: feature map Y1 and Y2 from the shortcut and residual branch. We aim to recover Y1 +Y2 for this block. Here, Y1, Y2 are the original feature maps before pruning. Y2 could be approximated as in Eqn. 1. However, shortcut branch is parameter-free, then Y1 could not be recovered directly. To compensate this error, the optimization goal of the last layer is changed from Y2 to Y1 .Y . +Y2, which does not change
our optimization. Here, Y . is the current feature map after
previous layers pruned. When pruning, volumes should be sampled correspondingly from these two branches.
First layer of residual branch: Illustrated in Fig. 3(left), the input feature map of the residual block could not be pruned, since it is also shared with the short.cut branch. In this condition, we could perform feature map sampling before the first convolution to save computation. We still apply our algorithm as Eqn. 1. Differently, we sample the selected channels on the shared feature maps to construct a new input for the later convolution, shown in Fig. 3(right). Computational cost for this operation could be ignored. More importantly, after introducing feature map sampling, the convolution is still irregular.
Filter-wise pruning is another option for the first con.volution on the residual branch. Since the input channels of parameter-free shortcut branch could not be pruned, we apply our Eqn. 1 to each filter independently (each fil.ter chooses its own representative input channels). Under single layer acceleration, filter-wise pruning is more accurate than our original one. From our experiments, it im.proves 0.5% top-5 accuracy for 2. ResNet-50 (applied on the first layer of each residual branch) without fine-tuning. However, after fine-tuning, there is no noticeable improvement. In addition, it outputs irregular convolutional layers, which need special library implementation support. We do not adopt it in the following experiments.
4. Experiment
We evaluation our approach for the popular VGG Nets [43], ResNet [18], Xception [7] on ImageNet [9], CIFAR.10 [25] and PASCAL VOC 2007 [11].
For Batch Normalization [21], we first merge it into convolutional weights, which do not affect the outputs of the networks. So that each convolutional layer is followed by ReLU [36]. We use Caffe [23] for deep network evaluation, and scikit-learn [38] for solvers implementation. For channel pruning, we found that it is enough to extract 5000 images, and 10 samples per image. On ImageNet, we evaluate the top-5 accuracy with single view. Images are re.sized such that the shorter side is 256. The testing is on center crop of 224 . 224 pixels. We could gain more per.formance with fine-tuning. We use a batch size of 128 and
learning rate 1e^-4. We fine-tune our pruned models for 10 epochs. The augmentation for fine-tuning is random crop of 224 . 224 and mirror.
4.1. Experiments with VGG.16
VGG-16 [43] is a 16 layers single path convolutional neural network, with 13 convolutional layers. It is widely used in recognition, detection and segmentation, etc. Single view top-5 accuracy for VGG-16 is 89.9%1.
4.1.1 Single Layer Pruning
In this subsection, we evaluate single layer acceleration performance using our algorithm in Sec. 3.1. For better under.standing, we compare our algorithm with two naive chan.nel selection strategies. first k selects the first k channels. max response selects channels based on corresponding filters that have high absolute weights sum [31]. For fair com.parison, we obtain the feature map indexes selected by each of them, then perform reconstruction (Sec. 3.1 (ii)). We hope that this could demonstrate the importance of channel selection. Performance is measured by increase of error af.ter a certain layer is pruned without fine-tuning, shown in Fig. 4.
As expected, error increases as speed-up ratio increases. Our approach is consistently better than other approaches in different convolutional layers under different speed-up ra.tio. Unexpectedly, sometimes max response is even worse than first k. We argue that max response ignores correlations between different filters. Filters with large absolute weight may have strong correlation. Thus selection based on filter weights is less meaningful. Correlation on feature maps is worth exploiting. We can find that channel selection http://www.vlfeat.org/matconvnet/pretrained/
Figure 4. Single layer performance analysis under different speed-up ratios (without fine-tuning), measured by increase of error. To verify the importance of channel selection referred in Sec. 3.1, we considered two naive baselines. first k selects the first k feature maps. max response selects channels based on absolute sum of corresponding weights filter [31]. Our approach is consistently better (smaller is better).
Table 1. Accelerating the VGG-16 model [43] using a speedup ratio of 2., 4., or 5. (smaller is better).
affects reconstruction error a lot. Therefore, it is important for channel pruning.
Also notice that channel pruning gradually becomes hard, from shallower to deeper layers. It indicates that shallower layers have much more redundancy, which is consistent with [52]. We could prune more aggressively on shallower layers in whole model acceleration.
4.1.2 Whole Model Pruning
Shown in Table 1, whole model acceleration results under 2., 4., 5. are demonstrated. We adopt whole model pruning proposed in Sec. 3.2. Guided by single layer experiments above, we pruning more aggressive for shallower layers. Remaining channels ratios for shallow lay.ers (conv 1_x to conv 3_x) and deep layers (conv4_x) is 1:1.5. conv 5_x are not pruned, since they only con.tribute 9% computation in total and are not redundant.
After fine-tuning, we could reach 2. speed-up without losing accuracy. Under 4., we only suffers 1.0% drops. Consistent with single layer analysis, our approach outperforms previous channel pruning approach (Li et al. [31]) by large margin. This is because we fully exploits channel redundancy within feature maps. Compared with tensor factorization algorithms, our approach is better than Jaderberg et al. [22], without fine-tuning. Though worse than Asym. [52], our combined model outperforms its combined Asym. 3D (Table 2). This may indicate that channel pruning is more challenging than tensor factorization, since removing channels in one layer might dramatically change the input of the following layer. However, channel pruning keeps the original model architecture, do not introduce additional layers, and the absolute speed-up ratio on GPU is much higher (Table 3).
Since our approach exploits a new cardinality, we further combine our channel pruning with spatial factorization [22] and channel factorization [52]. Demonstrated in Table 2,
Table 2. Performance of combined methods on the VGG-16 model
[43] using a speed-up ratio of 4. or 5.. Our 3C solution outperforms previous approaches (smaller is better).
our 3 cardinalities acceleration (spatial, channel factorization, and channel pruning, denoted by 3C) outperforms previous state-of-the-arts. Asym. 3D [52] (spatial and chan.nel factorization), factorizes a convolutional layer to three parts: <<FORMULA>>.
We apply spatial factorization, channel factorization, and our channel pruning together sequentially layer-by-layer. We fine-tune the accelerated models for 20 epochs, since they are 3 times deeper than the original ones. After fine-tuning, our 4. model suffers no degradation. Clearly, a combination of different acceleration techniques is better than any single one. This indicates that a model is redundant in each cardinality.
4.1.3 Comparisons of Absolute Performance
We further evaluate absolute performance of acceleration on GPU. Results in Table 3 are obtained under Caffe [23], CUDA 8 [37] and cuDNN5 [6], with a mini-batch of 32 on a GPU (GeForce GTX TITAN X). Results are averaged from 50 runs. Tensor factorization approaches decompose weights into too many pieces, which heavily increase over.head. They could not gain much absolute speed-up. Though our approach also encountered performance decadence, it generalizes better on GPU than other approaches. Our re.sults for tensor factorization differ from previous research [52, 22], maybe because current library and hardware prefer single large convolution instead of several small ones.
4.1.4 Comparisons with Training from Scratch
Though training a compact model from scratch is time-consuming (usually 120 epochs), it worths comparing our approach and from scratch counterparts. To be fair, we evaluated both from scratch counterpart, and normal setting net.work that has the same computational complexity and same architecture.
Shown in Table 4, we observed that it is difficult for from scratch counterparts to reach competitive accuracy. our model outperforms from scratch one. Our approach successfully picks out informative channels and constructs highly compact models. We can safely draw the conclusion that the same model is difficult to be obtained from scratch. This coincides with architecture design researches [20, 1] that the model could be easier to train if there are more channels in shallower layers. However, channel prun.ing favors shallower layers.
For from scratch (uniformed), the filters in each layers is reduced by half (eg. reduce conv1_1 from 64 to 32). We can observe that normal setting networks of the same complexity couldn't reach same accuracy either. This consolidates our idea that there is much redundancy in networks while training. However, redundancy can be opt out at inference-time. This maybe an advantage of inference-time acceleration approaches over training-based approaches.
Notice that there is a 0.6% gap between the from scratch model and uniformed one, which indicates that there is room for model exploration. Adopting our approach is much faster than training a model from scratch, even for a thin.ner one. Further researches could alleviate our approach to do thin model exploring.
4.1.5 Acceleration for Detection
VGG-16 is popular among object detection tasks [42, 41, 33]. We evaluate transfer learning ability of our 2./4. pruned VGG-16, for Faster R-CNN [42] object detections. PASCAL VOC 2007 object detection benchmark [11] contains 5k trainable images and 5k test images. The performance is evaluated by mean Average Precision (mAP). In our experiments, we first perform channel pruning for VGG-16 on the ImageNet. Then we use the pruned model as the pre-trained model for Faster R-CNN.
The actual running time of Faster R-CNN is 220ms / im.age. The convolutional layers contributes about 64%. We got actual time of 94ms for 4. acceleration. From Table 5, we observe 0.4% mAP drops of our 2. model, which is not harmful for practice consideration.
4.2. Experiments with Residual Architecture Nets
For Multi-path networks [45, 18, 7], we further explore the popular ResNet [18] and latest Xception [7], on Ima.geNet and CIFAR-10. Pruning residual architecture nets is more challenging. These networks are designed for both efficiency and high accuracy. Tensor factorization algorithms [52, 22] have difficult to accelerate these model. Spatially, 1 . 1 convolution is favored, which could hardly be factorized.
4.2.1 ResNet Pruning
ResNet complexity uniformly drops on each residual block. Guided by single layer experiments (Sec. 4.1.1), we still prefer reducing shallower layers heavier than deeper ones.
Following similar setting as Filter pruning [31], we keep 70% channels for sensitive residual blocks (res5 and blocks close to the position where spatial size
Table 3. GPU acceleration comparison. We measure forward-pass time per image. Our approach generalizes well on GPU (smaller is better).
Table 4. Comparisons with training from scratch, under 4. acceleration. Our fine-tuned model outperforms scratch trained counterparts (smaller is better).
Table 5.Acceleration for Faster R-CNN detection.
Table 6. 2. acceleration for ResNet-50 on ImageNet, the base.line network is top-5 accuracy is 92.2% (one view). We improve performance with multi-branch enhancement (Sec. 3.3, smaller is better).
change, e.g. res3a,res3d). As for other blocks, we keep 30% channels. With multi-branch enhancement, we prune branch 2a more aggressively within each residual block. The remaining channels ratios for branch 2a,branch 2b,branch 2c is 2:4:3 (e.g., Given 30%, we keep 40%, 80%, 60% respectively).
We evaluate performance of multi-branch variants of our approach (Sec. 3.3). From Table 6, we improve 4.0% with our multi-branch enhancement. This is because we accounted the accumulated error from shortcut connection which could broadcast to every layer after it. And the large input feature map width at the entry of each residual block is well reduced by our feature map sampling.
Table 7. Comparisons for Xception-50, under 2. acceleration ra.tio. The baseline network is top-5 accuracy is 92.8%. Our approach outperforms previous approaches. Most structured simplification methods are not effective on Xception architecture (smaller is better).
4.2.2 Xception Pruning
Since computational complexity becomes important in model design, separable convolution has been payed much attention [49, 7]. Xception [7] is already spatially optimized and tensor factorization on 1 . 1 convolutional layer is destructive. Thanks to our approach, it could still be accelerated with graceful degradation. For the ease of comparison, we adopt Xception convolution on ResNet-50, denoted by Xception-50. Based on ResNet-50, we swap all convolutional layers with spatial conv blocks. To keep the same computational complexity, we increase the input channels of all branch2b layers by 2.. The baseline Xception.50 has a top-5 accuracy of 92.8% and complexity of 4450 MFLOPs.
We apply multi-branch variants of our approach as de.scribed in Sec. 3.3, and adopt the same pruning ratio setting as ResNet in previous section. Maybe because of Xcep.tion block is unstable, Batch Normalization layers must be maintained during pruning. Otherwise it becomes nontrivial to fine-tune the pruned model.
Shown in Table 7, after fine-tuning, we only suffer 1.0% increase of error under 2.. Filter pruning [31] could also apply on Xception, though it is designed for small speed.up ratio. Without fine-tuning, top-5 error is 100%. After training 20 epochs which is like training from scratch, in.creased error reach 4.3%. Our results for Xception-50 are not as graceful as results for VGG-16, since modern net.works tend to have less redundancy by design.
Table 8. 2. speed-up comparisons for ResNet-56 on CIFAR-10, the baseline accuracy is 92.8% (one view). We outperforms previous approaches and scratch trained counterpart (smaller is better).
4.2.3 Experiments on CIFAR-10
Even though our approach is designed for large datasets, it could generalize well on small datasets. We perform experiments on CIFAR-10 dataset [25], which is favored by many acceleration researches. It consists of 50k images for training and 10k for testing in 10 classes.
We reproduce ResNet-56, which has accuracy of 92.8% (Serve as a reference, the official ResNet-56 [18] has ac.curacy of 93.0%). For 2. acceleration, we follow similar setting as Sec. 4.2.1 (keep the final stage unchanged, where the spatial size is 8 . 8). Shown in Table 8, our approach is competitive with scratch trained one, without fine-tuning, under 2. speed-up. After fine-tuning, our result is significantly better than Filter pruning [31] and scratch trained one.
5. Conclusion
To conclude, current deep CNNs are accurate with high inference costs. In this paper, we have presented an inference-time channel pruning method for very deep net.works. The reduced CNNs are inference efficient networks while maintaining accuracy, and only require off-the-shelf libraries. Compelling speed-ups and accuracy are demonstrated for both VGG Net and ResNet-like networks on Im.ageNet, CIFAR-10 and PASCAL VOC.
In the future, we plan to involve our approaches into training time, instead of inference time only, which may also accelerate training procedure.
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Convex Neural Networks
Yoshua Bengio, Nicolas Le Roux, Pascal Vincent, Olivier Delalleau, Patrice Marcotte
Dept. IRO, Universite de Montr´ eal´
P.O. Box 6128, Downtown Branch, Montreal, H3C 3J7, Qc, Canada
Convexity has recently received a lot of attention in the machine learning
community, and the lack of convexity has been seen as a major disad-
vantage of many learning algorithms, such as multi-layer artificial neural
networks. We show that training multi-layer neural networks in which the
number of hidden units is learned can be viewed as a convex optimization
problem. This problem involves an infinite number of variables, but can be
solved by incrementally inserting a hidden unit at a time, each time finding
a linear classifier that minimizes a weighted sum of errors.
1 Introduction
The objective of this paper is not to present yet another learning algorithm, but rather to point
to a previously unnoticed relation between multi-layer neural networks (NNs),Boosting (Fre-
und and Schapire, 1997) and convex optimization. Its main contributions concern the mathe-
matical analysis of an algorithm that is similar to previously proposed incremental NNs, with
L1 regularization on the output weights. This analysis helps to understand the underlying
convex optimization problem that one is trying to solve.
This paper was motivated by the unproven conjecture (based on anecdotal experience) that
when the number of hidden units is “large”, the resulting average error is rather insensitive to
the random initialization of the NN parameters. One way to justify this assertion is that to re-
ally stay stuck in a local minimum, one must have second derivatives positive simultaneously
in all directions. When the number of hidden units is large, it seems implausible for none of
them to offer a descent direction. Although this paper does not prove or disprove the above
conjecture, in trying to do so we found an interesting characterization of the optimization
problem for NNs as a convex program if the output loss function is convex in the NN out-
put and if the output layer weights are regularized by a convex penalty. More specifically,
if the regularization is the L1 norm of the output layer weights, then we show that a “rea-
sonable” solution exists, involving a finite number of hidden units (no more than the number
of examples, and in practice typically much less). We present a theoretical algorithm that
is reminiscent of Column Generation (Chvatal, 1983), in which hidden neurons are inserted ´
one at a time. Each insertion requires solving a weighted classification problem, very much
like in Boosting (Freund and Schapire, 1997) and in particular Gradient Boosting (Mason
et al., 2000; Friedman, 2001).
Neural Networks, Gradient Boosting, and Column Generation
Denote x~2Rd+1 the extension of vector x2Rd with one element with value 1. What
we call “Neural Network” (NN) here is a predictor for supervised learning of the form
<<FORMULA>> where x is an input vector, <<h_i(x)>> is obtained from a linear dis-
criminant function hi <<FORMULA>> with e.g. <<s(a) = sign(a)>>, or <<s(a) = tanh(a)>> or
<<s(a) = 1>>. A learning algorithm must specify how to select m, the <<FORMULA>>
i s and the vi s.
The classical solution (Rumelhart, Hinton and Williams, 1986) involves (a) selecting a loss
function Q(^y;y)that specifies how to penalize for mismatches between y^(x)and the ob-
served ys (target output or target class), (b) optionally selecting a regularization penalty that
favors “small” parameters, and (c) choosing a method to approximately minimize the sum of
the losses on the training data D=f(x1 ;y 1 );:::;(xn ;y n )gplus the regularization penalty.
Note that in this formulation, an output non-linearity can still be used, by inserting it in the
loss function Q. Examples of such loss functions are the quadratic loss jjy^yjj 2 , the hinge
loss <<FORMULA>> (used in SVMs), the cross-entropy loss <<FORMULA>>
(used in logistic regression), and the exponential loss <<FORMULA>> (used in Boosting).
Gradient Boosting has been introduced in (Friedman, 2001) and (Mason et al., 2000) as a
non-parametric greedy-stagewise supervised learning algorithm in which one adds a function
at a time to the current solution <<y^(x)>>, in a steepest-descent fashion, to form an additive model
as above but with the functions hi typically taken in other kinds of sets of functions, such as
those obtained with decision trees. In a stagewise approach, when the (m+1)-th basis <<FORMULA>> is added,
only <<w_m+1>> is optimized (by a line search), like in matching pursuit algorithms. Such
a greedy-stagewise approach is also at the basis of Boosting algorithms (Freund and Schapire,
1997), which is usually applied using decision trees as bases and Qthe exponential loss.
It may be difficult to minimize exactly for wm+1 and hm+1 when the previous bases and
weights are fixed, so (Friedman, 2001) proposes to “follow the gradient” in function space,
i.e., look for a base learner hm+1 that is best correlated with the gradient of the average
loss on the <<FORMULA>> (that would be the residue <<FORMULA>> in the case of the square loss). The
algorithm analyzed here also involves maximizing the correlation between Q0 (the derivative
of Q with respect to its first argument, evaluated on the training predictions) and the next
basis hm+1 . However, we follow a “stepwise”, less greedy, approach, in which all the output
weights are optimized at each step, in order to obtain convergence guarantees.
Our approach adapts the Column Generation principle (Chvatal, 1983), a decomposition´
technique initially proposed for solving linear programs with many variables and few con-
straints. In this framework, active variables, or “columns”, are only generated as they are
required to decrease the objective. In several implementations, the column-generation sub-
problem is frequently a combinatorial problem for which efficient algorithms are available.
In our case, the subproblem corresponds to determining an “optimal” linear classifier.
2 Core Ideas
Informally, consider the set Hof all possible hidden unit functions (i.e., of all possible hidden
unit weight vectors vi ). Imagine a NN that has all the elements in this set as hidden units. We
might want to impose precision limitations on those weights to obtain either a countable or
even a finite set. For such a NN, we only need to learn the output weights. If we end up with
a finite number of non-zero output weights, we will have at the end an ordinary feedforward
NN. This can be achieved by using a regularization penalty on the output weights that yields
sparse solutions, such as the L1 penalty. If in addition the loss function is convex in the output
layer weights (which is the case of squared error, hinge loss, -tube regression loss, and
logistic or softmax cross-entropy), then it is easy to show that the overall training criterion
is convex in the parameters (which are now only the output weights). The only problem is
that there are as many variables in this convex program as there are elements in the set H,
which may be very large (possibly infinite). However, we find that with L1 regularization,
a finite solution is obtained, and that such a solution can be obtained by greedily inserting
one hidden unit at a time. Furthermore, it is theoretically possible to check that the global
optimum has been reached.
Definition 2.1.Let Hbe a set of functions from an input space X to R. Elements of H
can be understood as “hidden units” in a NN. Let Wbe the Hilbert space of functions from
Hto R, with an inner product denoted by <<FORMULA>>. An element of W can be
understood as the output weights vector in a neural network. Let <<h(x):H -> R>> the function
that maps any element <<h_i>> of <<H to h_i(x)>>. <<h(x)>> can be understood as the vector of activations
of hidden units when input x is observed. Let w2 W represent a parameter(the output
weights). The NN prediction is denoted <<FORMULA>>. Let <<Q:R -> RxR>> be a
cost function convex in its first argument that takes a scalar prediction y^(x)and a scalar
target value y and returns a scalar cost. This is the cost to be minimized on example pair
(x;y). Let <<FORMULA>> be the training set. Let <<FORMULA>> be a convex
regularization functional that penalizes for the choice of more “complex” parameters (e.g.,
<<FORMULA>> according to a 1-norm in W, if His countable). We define the convex NN
criterion C(H;Q;;D;w)with parameter was follows:
<<FORMULA>> (1)
The following is a trivial lemma, but it is conceptually very important as it is the basis for the
rest of the analysis in this paper.
Lemma 2.2.The convex NN cost <<FORMULA>> is a convex function of w.
Proof. <<FORMULA>> is convex in w and <<>> is convex in w, by the above construction. C
is additive in <<FORMULA>> and additive in . Hence C is convex in w.
Note that there are no constraints in this convex optimization program, so that at the global
minimum all the partial derivatives of C with respect to elements of w cancel.
Let jHj be the cardinality of the set H. If it is not finite, it is not obvious that an optimal
solution can be achieved in finitely many iterations.
Lemma 2.2 says that training NNs from a very large class (with one or more hidden layer)
can be seen as convex optimization problems, usually in a very high dimensional space,as
long as we allow the number of hidden units to be selected by the learning algorithm.
By choosing a regularizer that promotes sparse solutions, we obtain a solution that has a
finite number of “active” hidden units (non-zero entries in the output weights vector w).
This assertion is proven below, in theorem 3.1, for the case of the hinge loss.
However, even if the solution involves a finite number of active hidden units, the convex
optimization problem could still be computationally intractable because of the large number
of variables involved. One approach to this problem is to apply the principles already suc-
cessfully embedded in Gradient Boosting, but more specifically in Column Generation (an
optimization technique for very large scale linear programs), i.e., add one hidden unit at a
time in an incremental fashion. The important ingredient here is a way to know that we
have reached the global optimum, thus not requiring to actually visit all the possible
hidden units.We show that this can be achieved as long as we can solve the sub-problem
of finding a linear classifier that minimizes the weighted sum of classification errors. This
can be done exactly only on low dimensional data sets but can be well approached using
weighted linear SVMs, weighted logistic regression, or Perceptron-type algorithms.
Another idea (not followed up here) would be to consider first a smaller set H1 , for which
the convex problem can be solved in polynomial time, and whose solution can theoretically
be selected as initialization for minimizing the criterion <<FORMULA>>, with <<FORMULA>>,
and where H2 may have infinite cardinality (countable or not). In this way we could show
that we can find a solution whose cost satisfies <<FORMULA>>,
i.e., is at least as good as the solution of a more restricted convex optimization problem. The
second minimization can be performed with a local descent algorithm, without the necessity
to guarantee that the global optimum will be found.
3 Finite Number of Hidden Neurons
In this section we consider the special case with <<FORMULA>> the hinge loss,
and <<L1>> regularization, and we show that the global optimum of the convex cost involves at
most n+ 1 hidden neurons, using an approach already exploited in (Ratsch, Demiriz and¨
Bennett, 2002) for L1-loss regression Boosting with L1 regularization of output weights. Xn
The training criterion is <<FORMULA>>. Let us rewrite t=1 this cost function as the
constrained optimization problem:
<<FORMULA>> (C1)
<<FORMULA>> (C2)
Using a standard technique, the above program can be recast as a linear program. Defin-
ing <<FORMULA>> the vector of Lagrangian multipliers for the constraints C1 , its dual
problem (P)takes the form (in the case of a finite number Jof base learners):
In the case of a finite number Jof base learners, <<FORMULA>>. If
the number of hidden units is uncountable, then Iis a closed bounded interval of R.
Such an optimization problem satisfies all the conditions needed for using Theorem 4.2
from (Hettich and Kortanek, 1993). Indeed:
<<FORMULA>> it is compact (as a closed bounded interval of <<FORMULA>> is a concave function
it is even a linear function);
<<FORMULA>> is convex in <<>> (it is actually linear in <<>>);
<<FORMULA>> (therefore finite) ( (P)is the largest value of F satisfying the constraints);
for every set of n+1 points <<FORMULA>>, there exists ~such that <<FORMULA>> for
<<FORMULA>> (one can take <<FORMULA>> since K>0).
Then, from Theorem 4.2 from (Hettich and Kortanek, 1993), the following theorem holds:
Theorem 3.1.The solution of (P) can be attained with constraints C0 and only n+1 constraints C0
(i.e., there exists a subset of n+1 constraints C0 giving rise to the same maximum 1
as when using the whole set of constraints). Therefore, the primal problem associated is the
minimization of the cost function of a NN with n+1 hidden neurons.
4 Incremental Convex NN Algorithm
In this section we present a stepwise algorithm to optimize a NN, and show that there is a cri-
terion that allows to verify whether the global optimum has been reached. This is a specializa-
tion of minimizing <<FORMULA>>, with <<FORMULA>> 1 and <<FORMULA>>
is the set of soft or hard linear classifiers (depending on choice of s()).
Algorithm ConvexNN( D, Q, , s)
Theorem 4.1.AlgorithmConvexNN Pstops when it reaches the global optimum of
Proof.Let wbe the output weights vector when the algorithm stops. Because the set of
hidden units Hwe consider is such that when his in H, h is also in H, we can assume
all weights to be non-negative. By contradiction, if w0 6=wis the global optimum, with
<<C(w_0) < C(w)>>, then, since Cis convex in the output weights, for any 2(0;1) , we have
<<FORMULA>>. For
small enough, we can assume all weights in w that are strictly positive to be also strictly
positive in w . Let us denote by Ip the set of strictly positive weights in w (and w), by
Iz the set of weights set to zero in w but to a non-zero value in w , and by k the difference
w;k wk in the weight of hidden unit hk between wand w . We can assume j < 0 for
j2Iz , because instead of setting a small positive weight to hj , one can decrease the weight
of hj by the same amount, which will give either the same cost, or possibly a lower one
when the weight of <<FORMULA>> is positive. With o() denoting a quantity such that o()!0
when !0, the difference (w) =XC(w )C(w)can now be written:
since for i2Ip , thanks to step (7) of the algorithm, we have @C (w) = 0 . Thus the @w
inequality <<FORMULA>> rewrites into <<FORMULA>>
which, when !0, yields (note that <<FORMULA>> does not depend on ! since j is linear in ):
<<FORMULA>> (2)
i being the optimal classifier chosen in step (5a) or (5c), all hidden units <<FORMULA>> verify <<FORMULA>>
<<FORMULA>> , contradicting eq. 2.
(Mason et al., 2000) prove a related global convergence result for the AnyBoost algorithm,
a non-parametric Boosting algorithm that is also similar to Gradient Boosting (Friedman,
2001). Again, this requires solving as a sub-problem an exact minimization to find a function
hi 2 H that is maximally correlated with the gradient Q0 on the output. We now show a
simple procedure to select a hyperplane with the best weighted classification error.
Exact Minimization
In step (5a) we are required to find a linear classifier that minimizes the weighted sum of
classification errors. Unfortunately, this is an NP-hard problem (w.r.t. d, see theorem 4
in (Marcotte and Savard, 1992)). However, an exact solution can be easily found in O(n3 )
computations for d= 2 inputs.
Proposition 4.2.Finding a linear classifier that minimizes the weighted sum of classification
error can be achieved in O(n3 )steps when the input dimension is d= 2 .
Proof.We want to <<FORMULA>> with respect to u and b, the cs being
in <<FORMULA>> Consider u fixed and sort the xi s according to their dot product with u and denote r
the function which maps ito r(i) such that xr(i) is in i-th position in the sort. Depending on P
the value of b, we will have n+1 possible sums, respectively <<FORMULA>>,
<<FORMULA>>. It is obvious that those sums only depend on the order of the products <<FORMULA>>,
<<FORMULA>>. When u varies smoothly on the unit circle, as the dot product is a continuous
function of its arguments, the changes in the order of the dot products will occur only when
there is a pair (i,j) such that <<FORMULA>>. Therefore, there are at most as many order
changes as there are pairs of different points, i.e., <<FORMULA>>. In the case of d=2, we
can enumerate all the different angles for which there is a change, namely a1 ;:::;a z with
<<FORMULA>>. We then need to test at least one <<FORMULA>> for each interval a2 i <
<<FORMULA>>, and also one u for <<FORMULA>>, which makes a total of <<FORMULA>> possibilities. 2
It is possible to generalize this result in higher dimensions, and as shown in (Marcotte and
Savard, 1992), one can achieve <<O(log(n)nd)>> time.
Algorithm 1 Optimal linear classifier search
Approximate Minimization
For data in higher dimensions, the exact minimization scheme to find the optimal linear
classifier is not practical. Therefore it is interesting to consider approximate schemes for
obtaining a linear classifier with weighted costs. Popular schemes for doing so are the linear
SVM (i.e., linear classifier with hinge loss), the logistic regression classifier, and variants of
the Perceptron algorithm. In that case, step (5c) of the algorithm is not an exact minimization,
and one cannot guarantee that the global optimum will be reached. However, it might be
reasonable to believe that finding a linear classifier by minimizing a weighted hinge loss
should yield solutions close to the exact minimization. Unfortunately, this is not generally
true, as we have found out on a simple toy data set described below. On the other hand,
if in step (7) one performs an optimization not only of the output weights wj (ji) but
also of the corresponding weight vectors vj , then the algorithm finds a solution close to the
global optimum (we could only verify this on 2-D data sets, where the exact solution can be
computed easily). It means that at the end of each stage, one first performs a few training
iterations of the whole NN (for the hidden units ji) with an ordinary gradient descent
mechanism (we used conjugate gradients but stochastic gradient descent would work too),
optimizing the wj s and the vj s, and then one fixes the vj s and obtains the optimal wj s for
these vj s (using a convex optimization procedure). In our experiments we used a quadratic
Q, for which the optimization of the output weights can be done with a neural network, using
the outputs of the hidden layer as inputs.
Let us consider now a bit more carefully what it means to tune the v_js in step (7). Indeed,
changing the weight vector vj of a selected hidden neuron to decrease the cost is equivalent
to a change in the output weights ws. More precisely, consider the step in which the
value of vj becomes v0 . This is equivalent to the following operation on the ws, when wj j is the corresponding output weight value: the output weight associated with the value vj of
a hidden neuron is set to 0, and the output weight associated with the value v0 of a hidden j
neuron is set to wj . This corresponds to an exchange between two variables in the convex
program. We are justified to take any such step as long as it allows us to decrease the cost
C(w). The fact that we are simultaneously making such exchanges on all the hidden units
when we tune the vj s allows us to move faster towards the global optimum.
Extension to multiple outputs
The multiple outputs case is more involved than the single-output case because it is not P
enough to check the condition <<FORMULA>>. Consider a new hidden neuron whose output is
hi when the input is xi . Let us also denote <<FORMULA>> the vector of output weights
between the new hidden neuron and the <<FORMULA>> output neurons. The gradient with respect to j
is <<FORMULA>> with <<FORMULA>> the value of the j-th output neuron with input <<FORMULA>>.
This means that if, for a given j, we have <<FORMULA>>, moving Pj away from 0 can
only increase the cost. Therefore, the right quantity to consider is <<FORMULA>>.
We must therefore find <<FORMULA>>. As before, this sub-problem is not + convex, but it is not
as obvious how to approximate it by a convex problem. The stopping P criterion becomes: if there is no j
such that <<FORMULA>>, then all weights must remain equal to 0 and a global minimum is reached.
Experimental Results
We performed experiments on the 2-D double moon toy dataset (as used in (Delalleau, Ben-
gio and Le Roux, 2005)), to be able to compare with the exact version of the algorithm. In
these experiments, <<FORMULA>>. The set-up is the following:
Select a new linear classifier, either (a) the optimal one or (b) an approximate using logistic
Optimize the output weights using a convex optimizer.
In case (b), tune both input and output weights by conjugate gradient descent on Cand
finally re-optimize the output weights using LASSO regression.
Optionally, remove neurons whose output weight has been set to 0.
Using the approximate algorithm yielded for 100 training examples an average penalized
( = 1 ) squared error of 17.11 (over 10 runs), an average test classification error of 3.68%
and an average number of neurons of 5.5 . The exact algorithm yielded a penalized squared
error of 8.09, an average test classification error of 5.3%, and required 3 hidden neurons. A
penalty of = 1 was nearly optimal for the exact algorithm whereas a smaller penalty further
improved the test classification error of the approximate algorithm. Besides, when running
the approximate algorithm for a long time, it converges to a solution whose quadratic error is
extremely close to the one of the exact algorithm.
5 Conclusion
We have shown that training a NN can be seen as a convex optimization problem, and have
analyzed an algorithm that can exactly or approximately solve this problem. We have shown
that the solution with the hinge loss involved a number of non-zero weights bounded by
the number of examples, and much smaller in practice. We have shown that there exists a
stopping criterion to verify if the global optimum has been reached, but it involves solving a
sub-learning problem involving a linear classifier with weighted errors, which can be computationally
hard if the exact solution is sought, but can be easily implemented for toy data
sets (in low dimension), for comparing exact and approximate solutions.
The above experimental results are in agreement with our initial conjecture: when there are
many hidden units we are much less likely to stall in the optimization procedure, because
there are many more ways to descend on the convex cost C(w). They also suggest, based
on experiments in which we can compare with the exact sub-problem minimization, that
applying Algorithm ConvexNN with an approximate minimization for adding each hidden
unit while continuing to tune the previous hidden unit s tends to lead to fast convergence
to the global minimum. What can get us stuck in a “local minimum” (in the traditional sense,
i.e., of optimizing ws and vs together) is simply the inability to find a new hidden unit
weight vector that can improve the total cost (fit and regularization term) even if there
exists one.
Note that as a side-effect of the results presented here, we have a simple way to train P neural
networks with hard-threshold hidden units, since increasing <<FORMULA>> can be either achieved
exactly (at great price) or approximately (e.g. by using a cross-entropy
or hinge loss on the corresponding linear classifier).
The authors thank the following for support: NSERC, MITACS, and the Canada Research
Chairs. They are also grateful for the feedback and stimulating exchanges with Sam Roweis,
Nathan Srebro, and Aaron Courville.
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<<END>> <<END>> <<END>>
Song Han
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Huizi Mao
Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
William J. Dally
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA
Neural networks are both computationally intensive and memory intensive, making
them difficult to deploy on embedded systems with limited hardware resources. To
address this limitation, we introduce “deep compression”, a three stage pipeline:
pruning, trained quantization and Huffman coding, that work together to reduce
the storage requirement of neural networks by 35% to 49% without affecting their
accuracy. Our method first prunes the network by learning only the important
connections. Next, we quantize the weights to enforce weight sharing, finally, we
apply Huffman coding. After the first two steps we retrain the network to fine
tune the remaining connections and the quantized centroids. Pruning, reduces the
number of connections by 9% to 13%; Quantization then reduces the number of
bits that represent each connection from 32 to 5. On the ImageNet dataset, our
method reduced the storage required by AlexNet by 35%, from 240MB to 6.9MB,
without loss of accuracy. Our method reduced the size of VGG-16 by 49% from
552MB to 11.3MB, again with no loss of accuracy. This allows fitting the model
into on-chip SRAM cache rather than off-chip DRAM memory. Our compression
method also facilitates the use of complex neural networks in mobile applications
where application size and download bandwidth are constrained. Benchmarked on
CPU, GPU and mobile GPU, compressed network has 3% to 4% layerwise speedup
and 3% to 7% better energy efficiency.
Deep neural networks have evolved to the state-of-the-art technique for computer vision tasks
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012)(Simonyan & Zisserman, 2014). Though these neural networks are very
powerful, the large number of weights consumes considerable storage and memory bandwidth. For
example, the AlexNet Caffemodel is over 200MB, and the VGG-16 Caffemodel is over 500MB
(BVLC). This makes it difficult to deploy deep neural networks on mobile system.
First, for many mobile-first companies such as Baidu and Facebook, various apps are updated via
different app stores, and they are very sensitive to the size of the binary files. For example, App
Store has the restriction “apps above 100 MB will not download until you connect to Wi-Fi”. As a
result, a feature that increases the binary size by 100MB will receive much more scrutiny than one
that increases it by 10MB. Although having deep neural networks running on mobile has many great
Figure 1: The three stage compression pipeline: pruning, quantization and Huffman coding. Pruning
reduces the number of weights by10%, while quantization further improves the compression rate:
between27%and31%. Huffman coding gives more compression: between35%and49%. The
compression rate already included the meta-data for sparse representation. The compression scheme
doesnt incur any accuracy loss.
features such as better privacy, less network bandwidth and real time processing, the large storage
overhead prevents deep neural networks from being incorporated into mobile apps.
The second issue is energy consumption. Running large neural networks require a lot of memory
bandwidth to fetch the weights and a lot of computation to do dot products— which in turn consumes
considerable energy. Mobile devices are battery constrained, making power hungry applications such
as deep neural networks hard to deploy.
Energy consumption is dominated by memory access. Under 45nm CMOS technology, a 32 bit
floating point add consumes 0.9PJ, a 32bit SRAM cache access takes 5PJ, while a 32bit DRAM
memory access takes 640PJ, which is 3 orders of magnitude of an add operation. Large networks
do not fit in on-chip storage and hence require the more costly DRAM accesses. Running a 1 billion
connection neural network, for example, at 20fps would require (20Hz)(1G)(640PJ) = 12.8W just
for DRAM access - well beyond the power envelope of a typical mobile device.
Our goal is to reduce the storage and energy required to run inference on such large networks so they
can be deployed on mobile devices. To achieve this goal, we present “deep compression”: a three-
stage pipeline (Figure 1) to reduce the storage required by neural network in a manner that preserves
the original accuracy. First, we prune the networking by removing the redundant connections, keeping
only the most informative connections. Next, the weights are quantized so that multiple connections
share the same weight, thus only the codebook (effective weights) and the indices need to be stored.
Finally, we apply Huffman coding to take advantage of the biased distribution of effective weights.
Our main insight is that, pruning and trained quantization are able to compress the network without
interfering each other, thus lead to surprisingly high compression rate. It makes the required storage
so small (a few megabytes) that all weights can be cached on chip instead of going to off-chip DRAM
which is energy consuming. Based on “deep compression”, the EIE hardware accelerator Han et al.
(2016) was later proposed that works on the compressed model, achieving significant speedup and
energy efficiency improvement.
Network pruning has been widely studied to compress CNN models. In early work, network pruning
proved to be a valid way to reduce the network complexity and over-fitting (LeCun et al., 1989;
Hanson & Pratt, 1989; Hassibi et al., 1993; Strom, 1997). Recently Han et al. (2015) pruned state- ¨
of-the-art CNN models with no loss of accuracy. We build on top of that approach. As shown on
the left side of Figure 1, we start by learning the connectivity via normal network training. Next, we
prune the small-weight connections: all connections with weights below a threshold are removed
from the network. Finally, we retrain the network to learn the final weights for the remaining sparse
connections. Pruning reduced the number of parameters by9%and13%for AlexNet and VGG-16
Figure 2: Representing the matrix sparsity with relative index. Padding filler zero to prevent overflow.
Figure 3: Weight sharing by scalar quantization (top) and centroids fine-tuning (bottom).
We store the sparse structure that results from pruning using compressed sparse row (CSR) or
compressed sparse column (CSC) format, which requires2a+n+1numbers, where a is the number
of non-zero elements and n is the number of rows or columns.
To compress further, we store the index difference instead of the absolute position, and encode this
difference in 8 bits for conv layer and 5 bits for fc layer. When we need an index difference larger
than the bound, we the zero padding solution shown in Figure 2: in case when the difference exceeds
8, the largest 3-bit (as an example) unsigned number, we add a filler zero.
Network quantization and weight sharing further compresses the pruned network by reducing the
number of bits required to represent each weight. We limit the number of effective weights we need to
store by having multiple connections share the same weight, and then fine-tune those shared weights.
Weight sharing is illustrated in Figure 3. Suppose we have a layer that has 4 input neurons and 4
output neurons, the weight is a 4x4 matrix. On the top left is the 4x4 weight matrix, and on the
bottom left is the 4x4 gradient matrix. The weights are quantized to 4 bins (denoted with 4 colors),
all the weights in the same bin share the same value, thus for each weight, we then need to store only
a small index into a table of shared weights. During update, all the gradients are grouped by the color
and summed together, multiplied by the learning rate and subtracted from the shared centroids from
last iteration. For pruned AlexNet, we are able to quantize to 8-bits (256 shared weights) for each
CONV layers, and 5-bits (32 shared weights) for each FC layer without any loss of accuracy.
To calculate the compression rate, given k clusters, we only need log_2(k) bits to encode the index. In
general, for a network with n connections and each connection is represented with b bits, constraining
the connections to have only k shared weights will result in a compression rate of:
<<FORMULA>> (1)
For example, Figure 3 shows the weights of a single layer neural network with four input units and
four output units. There are4%4 = 16weights originally but there are only4shared weights: similar
weights are grouped together to share the same value. Originally we need to store 16 weights each
Figure 4: Left: Three different methods for centroids initialization. Right: Distribution of weights
(blue) and distribution of codebook before (green cross) and after fine-tuning (red dot).
has 32 bits, now we need to store only 4 effective weights (blue, green, red and orange), each has 32
bits, together with 16 2-bit indices giving a compression rate of <<FORMULA>>
We use k-means clustering to identify the shared weights for each layer of a trained network, so that
all the weights that fall into the same cluster will share the same weight. Weights are not shared across
layers. We partition n original weights <<FORMULA>> into k clusters <<FORMULA>>,
n%k, so as to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS):
<<FORMULA>> (2)
Different from HashNet (Chen et al., 2015) where weight sharing is determined by a hash function
before the networks sees any training data, our method determines weight sharing after a network is
fully trained, so that the shared weights approximate the original network.
Centroid initialization impacts the quality of clustering and thus affects the networks prediction
accuracy. We examine three initialization methods: Forgy(random), density-based, and linear
initialization. In Figure 4 we plotted the original weights distribution of conv3 layer in AlexNet
(CDF in blue, PDF in red). The weights forms a bimodal distribution after network pruning. On the
bottom it plots the effective weights (centroids) with 3 different initialization methods (shown in blue,
red and yellow). In this example, there are 13 clusters.
Forgy(random) initialization randomly chooses k observations from the data set and uses these as
the initial centroids. The initialized centroids are shown in yellow. Since there are two peaks in the
bimodal distribution, Forgy method tend to concentrate around those two peaks.
Density-based initialization linearly spaces the CDF of the weights in the y-axis, then finds the
horizontal intersection with the CDF, and finally finds the vertical intersection on the x-axis, which
becomes a centroid, as shown in blue dots. This method makes the centroids denser around the two
peaks, but more scatted than the Forgy method.
Linear initialization linearly spaces the centroids between the [min, max] of the original weights.
This initialization method is invariant to the distribution of the weights and is the most scattered
compared with the former two methods.
Larger weights play a more important role than smaller weights (Han et al., 2015), but there are fewer
of these large weights. Thus for both Forgy initialization and density-based initialization, very few
centroids have large absolute value which results in poor representation of these few large weights.
Linear initialization does not suffer from this problem. The experiment section compares the accuracy
Figure 5: Distribution for weight (Left) and index (Right). The distribution is biased.
of different initialization methods after clustering and fine-tuning, showing that linear initialization
works best.
The centroids of the one-dimensional k-means clustering are the shared weights. There is one level
of indirection during feed forward phase and back-propagation phase looking up the weight table.
An index into the shared weight table is stored for each connection. During back-propagation, the
gradient for each shared weight is calculated and used to update the shared weight. This procedure is
shown in Figure 3.
We denote the loss byL, the weight in the ith column and jth row by Wij, the centroid index of
element Wij by Iij, the kth centroid of the layer by Ck. By using the indicator function <<1(.)>>, the
gradient of the centroids is calculated as:
<<FORMULA>> (3)
A Huffman code is an optimal prefix code commonly used for lossless data compression(Van Leeuwen,
1976). It uses variable-length codewords to encode source symbols. The table is derived from the
occurrence probability for each symbol. More common symbols are represented with fewer bits.
Figure 5 shows the probability distribution of quantized weights and the sparse matrix index of the
last fully connected layer in AlexNet. Both distributions are biased: most of the quantized weights are
distributed around the two peaks; the sparse matrix index difference are rarely above 20. Experiments
show that Huffman coding these non-uniformly distributed values saves 20% to 30% of network
We pruned, quantized, and Huffman encoded four networks: two on MNIST and two on ImageNet
data-sets. The network parameters and accuracy- 1 before and after pruning are shown in Table 1. The
compression pipeline saves network storage by 35% to 49% across different networks without loss
of accuracy. The total size of AlexNet decreased from 240MB to 6.9MB, which is small enough to
be put into on-chip SRAM, eliminating the need to store the model in energy-consuming DRAM
Training is performed with the Caffe framework (Jia et al., 2014). Pruning is implemented by adding
a mask to the blobs to mask out the update of the pruned connections. Quantization and weight
sharing are implemented by maintaining a codebook structure that stores the shared weight, and
group-by-index after calculating the gradient of each layer. Each shared weight is updated with all
the gradients that fall into that bucket. Huffman coding doesnt require training and is implemented
offline after all the fine-tuning is finished.
5.1 LE NET-300-100 AND LE NET-5 ON MNIST
We first experimented on MNIST dataset with LeNet-300-100 and LeNet-5 network (LeCun et al.,
1998). LeNet-300-100 is a fully connected network with two hidden layers, with 300 and 100
1 Reference model is from Caffe model zoo, accuracy is measured without data augmentation
Table 1: The compression pipeline can save35%to49%parameter storage with no loss of accuracy.
Table 2: Compression statistics for LeNet-300-100. P: pruning, Q:quantization, H:Huffman coding.
Table 3: Compression statistics for LeNet-5. P: pruning, Q:quantization, H:Huffman coding.
neurons each, which achieves 1.6% error rate on Mnist. LeNet-5 is a convolutional network that
has two convolutional layers and two fully connected layers, which achieves 0.8% error rate on
Mnist. Table 2 and table 3 show the statistics of the compression pipeline. The compression rate
includes the overhead of the codebook and sparse indexes. Most of the saving comes from pruning
and quantization (compressed 32%), while Huffman coding gives a marginal gain (compressed 40%)
We further examine the performance of Deep Compression on the ImageNet ILSVRC-2012 dataset,
which has 1.2M training examples and 50k validation examples. We use the AlexNet Caffe model as
the reference model, which has 61 million parameters and achieved a top-1 accuracy of 57.2% and a
top-5 accuracy of 80.3%. Table 4 shows that AlexNet can be compressed to2:88%of its original size
without impacting accuracy. There are 256 shared weights in each CONV layer, which are encoded
with 8 bits, and 32 shared weights in each FC layer, which are encoded with only 5 bits. The relative
sparse index is encoded with 4 bits. Huffman coding compressed additional 22%, resulting in 35%
compression in total.
With promising results on AlexNet, we also looked at a larger, more recent network, VGG-16 (Si-
monyan & Zisserman, 2014), on the same ILSVRC-2012 dataset. VGG-16 has far more convolutional
layers but still only three fully-connected layers. Following a similar methodology, we aggressively
compressed both convolutional and fully-connected layers to realize a significant reduction in the
number of effective weights, shown in Table5.
The VGG16 network as a whole has been compressed by49%. Weights in the CONV layers are
represented with 8 bits, and FC layers use 5 bits, which does not impact the accuracy. The two largest
fully-connected layers can each be pruned to less than 1.6% of their original size. This reduction
Table 4: Compression statistics for AlexNet. P: pruning, Q: quantization, H:Huffman coding.
Table 5: Compression statistics for VGG-16. P: pruning, Q:quantization, H:Huffman coding.
is critical for real time image processing, where there is little reuse of these layers across images
(unlike batch processing). This is also critical for fast object detection algorithms where one CONV
pass is used by many FC passes. The reduced layers will fit in an on-chip SRAM and have modest
bandwidth requirements. Without the reduction, the bandwidth requirements are prohibitive.
Figure 6 shows the accuracy at different compression rates for pruning and quantization together
or individually. When working individually, as shown in the purple and yellow lines, accuracy of
pruned network begins to drop significantly when compressed below 8% of its original size; accuracy
of quantized network also begins to drop significantly when compressed below 8% of its original
size. But when combined, as shown in the red line, the network can be compressed to 3% of original
size with no loss of accuracy. On the far right side compared the result of SVD, which is inexpensive
but has a poor compression rate.
The three plots in Figure 7 show how accuracy drops with fewer bits per connection for CONV layers
(left), FC layers (middle) and all layers (right). Each plot reports both top-1 and top-5 accuracy.
Dashed lines only applied quantization but without pruning; solid lines did both quantization and
pruning. There is very little difference between the two. This shows that pruning works well with
Quantization works well on pruned network because unpruned AlexNet has 60 million weights to
quantize, while pruned AlexNet has only 6.7 million weights to quantize. Given the same amount of
centroids, the latter has less error.
Figure 6: Accuracy v.s. compression rate under different compression methods. Pruning and
quantization works best when combined.
Figure 7: Pruning doesnt hurt quantization. Dashed: quantization on unpruned network. Solid:
quantization on pruned network; Accuracy begins to drop at the same number of quantization bits
whether or not the network has been pruned. Although pruning made the number of parameters less,
quantization still works well, or even better(3 bits case on the left figure) as in the unpruned network.
Figure 8: Accuracy of different initialization methods. Left: top-1 accuracy. Right: top-5 accuracy.
Linear initialization gives best result.
The first two plots in Figure 7 show that CONV layers require more bits of precision than FC layers.
For CONV layers, accuracy drops significantly below 4 bits, while FC layer is more robust: not until
2 bits did the accuracy drop significantly.
Figure 8 compares the accuracy of the three different initialization methods with respect to top-1
accuracy (Left) and top-5 accuracy (Right). The network is quantized to2%8bits as shown on
x-axis. Linear initialization outperforms the density initialization and random initialization in all
cases except at 3 bits.
The initial centroids of linear initialization spread equally across the x-axis, from the min value to the
max value. That helps to maintain the large weights as the large weights play a more important role
than smaller ones, which is also shown in network pruning Han et al. (2015). Neither random nor
density-based initialization retains large centroids. With these initialization methods, large weights are
clustered to the small centroids because there are few large weights. In contrast, linear initialization
allows large weights a better chance to form a large centroid.
Figure 9: Compared with the original network, pruned network layer achieved 3% speedup on CPU,
3.5% on GPU and 4.2% on mobile GPU on average. Batch size = 1 targeting real time processing.
Performance number normalized to CPU.
Figure 10: Compared with the original network, pruned network layer takes 7% less energy on CPU,
3.3% less on GPU and 4.2% less on mobile GPU on average. Batch size = 1 targeting real time
processing. Energy number normalized to CPU.
Deep Compression is targeting extremely latency-focused applications running on mobile, which
requires real-time inference, such as pedestrian detection on an embedded processor inside an
autonomous vehicle. Waiting for a batch to assemble significantly adds latency. So when bench-
marking the performance and energy efficiency, we consider the case when batch size = 1. The cases
of batching are given in Appendix A.
Fully connected layer dominates the model size (more than90%) and got compressed the most by
Deep Compression (96%weights pruned in VGG-16). In state-of-the-art object detection algorithms
such as fast R-CNN (Girshick, 2015), up to 38% computation time is consumed on FC layers on
uncompressed model. So its interesting to benchmark on FC layers, to see the effect of Deep
Compression on performance and energy. Thus we setup our benchmark on FC6, FC7, FC8 layers of
AlexNet and VGG-16. In the non-batched case, the activation matrix is a vector with just one column,
so the computation boils down to dense / sparse matrix-vector multiplication for original / pruned
model, respectively. Since current BLAS library on CPU and GPU doesnt support indirect look-up
and relative indexing, we didnt benchmark the quantized model.
We compare three different off-the-shelf hardware: the NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan X and the Intel
Core i7 5930K as desktop processors (same package as NVIDIA Digits Dev Box) and NVIDIA Tegra
K1 as mobile processor. To run the benchmark on GPU, we used cuBLAS GEMV for the original
dense layer. For the pruned sparse layer, we stored the sparse matrix in in CSR format, and used
cuSPARSE CSRMV kernel, which is optimized for sparse matrix-vector multiplication on GPU. To
run the benchmark on CPU, we used MKL CBLAS GEMV for the original dense model and MKL
SPBLAS CSRMV for the pruned sparse model.
To compare power consumption between different systems, it is important to measure power at a
consistent manner (NVIDIA, b). For our analysis, we are comparing pre-regulation power of the
entire application processor (AP) / SOC and DRAM combined. On CPU, the benchmark is running on
single socket with a single Haswell-E class Core i7-5930K processor. CPU socket and DRAM power
are as reported by the pcm-power utility provided by Intel. For GPU, we used nvidia-smi
utility to report the power of Titan X. For mobile GPU, we use a Jetson TK1 development board and
measured the total power consumption with a power-meter. We assume 15% AC to DC conversion
loss,85% regulator efficiency and 15% power consumed by peripheral components (NVIDIA, a) to
report the AP+DRAM power for Tegra K1.
Table 6: Accuracy of AlexNet with different aggressiveness of weight sharing and quantization. 8/5
bit quantization has no loss of accuracy; 8/4 bit quantization, which is more hardware friendly, has
negligible loss of accuracy of 0.01%; To be really aggressive, 4/2 bit quantization resulted in 1.99%
and 2.60% loss of accuracy.
The ratio of memory access over computation characteristic with and without batching is different.
When the input activations are batched to a matrix the computation becomes matrix-matrix multipli-
cation, where locality can be improved by blocking. Matrix could be blocked to fit in caches and
reused efficiently. In this case, the amount of memory access isO(n2 ), and that of computation is
O(n3 ), the ratio between memory access and computation is in the order of1=n.
In real time processing when batching is not allowed, the input activation is a single vector and the
computation is matrix-vector multiplication. In this case, the amount of memory access isO(n2 ), and
the computation isO(n2 ), memory access and computation are of the same magnitude (as opposed
to1=n). That indicates MV is more memory-bounded than MM. So reducing the memory footprint
is critical for the non-batching case.
Figure 9 illustrates the speedup of pruning on different hardware. There are 6 columns for each
benchmark, showing the computation time of CPU / GPU / TK1 on dense / pruned network. Time is
normalized to CPU. When batch size = 1, pruned network layer obtained 3% to 4% speedup over the
dense network on average because it has smaller memory footprint and alleviates the data transferring
overhead, especially for large matrices that are unable to fit into the caches. For example VGG16s
FC6 layer, the largest layer in our experiment, contains 400MB data, which is far from the capacity of L3 cache.
In those latency-tolerating applications, batching improves memory locality, where weights could
be blocked and reused in matrix-matrix multiplication. In this scenario, pruned network no longer
shows its advantage. We give detailed timing results in Appendix A.
Figure 10 illustrates the energy efficiency of pruning on different hardware. We multiply power
consumption with computation time to get energy consumption, then normalized to CPU to get
energy efficiency. When batch size = 1, pruned network layer consumes 3% to 7% less energy over
the dense network on average. Reported by nvidia-smi, GPU utilization is 99% for both dense
and sparse cases.
Pruning makes the weight matrix sparse, so extra space is needed to store the indexes of non-zero
elements. Quantization adds storage for a codebook. The experiment section has already included
these two factors. Figure 11 shows the breakdown of three different components when quantizing
four networks. Since on average both the weights and the sparse indexes are encoded with 5 bits,
their storage is roughly half and half. The overhead of codebook is very small and often negligible.
Figure 11: Storage ratio of weight, index and codebook.
Table 7: Comparison with other compression methods on AlexNet. (Collins & Kohli, 2014) reduced
the parameters by 4% and with inferior accuracy. Deep Fried Conv nets(Yang et al., 2014) worked
on fully connected layers and reduced the parameters by less than 4%. SVD save parameters but
suffers from large accuracy loss as much as 2%. Network pruning (Han et al., 2015) reduced the
parameters by 9%, not including index overhead. On other networks similar to AlexNet, (Denton
et al., 2014) exploited linear structure of conv nets and compressed the network by 2.4% to 13.4%
layer wise, with 0.9% accuracy loss on compressing a single layer. (Gong et al., 2014) experimented
with vector quantization and compressed the network by 16% to 24%, incurring 1% accuracy loss.
Neural networks are typically over-parametrized, and there is significant redundancy for deep learning
models(Denil et al., 2013). This results in a waste of both computation and memory usage. There
have been various proposals to remove the redundancy: Vanhoucke et al. (2011) explored a fixed-
point implementation with 8-bit integer (vs 32-bit floating point) activations. Hwang & Sung
(2014) proposed an optimization method for the fixed-point network with ternary weights and 3-bit
activations. Anwar et al. (2015) quantized the neural network using L2 error minimization and
achieved better accuracy on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.Denton et al. (2014) exploited the linear
structure of the neural network by finding an appropriate low-rank approximation of the parameters
and keeping the accuracy within 1% of the original model.
The empirical success in this paper is consistent with the theoretical study of random-like sparse
networks with +1/0/-1 weights (Arora et al., 2014), which have been proved to enjoy nice properties
(e.g. reversibility), and to allow a provably polynomial time algorithm for training.
Much work has been focused on binning the network parameters into buckets, and only the values in
the buckets need to be stored. HashedNets(Chen et al., 2015) reduce model sizes by using a hash
function to randomly group connection weights, so that all connections within the same hash bucket
share a single parameter value. In their method, the weight binning is pre-determined by the hash
function, instead of being learned through training, which doesnt capture the nature of images. Gong
et al. (2014) compressed deep conv nets using vector quantization, which resulted in 1% accuracy
loss. Both methods studied only the fully connected layer, ignoring the convolutional layers.
There have been other attempts to reduce the number of parameters of neural networks by replacing
the fully connected layer with global average pooling. The Network in Network architecture(Lin et al.,
2013) and GoogLenet(Szegedy et al., 2014) achieves state-of-the-art results on several benchmarks by
adopting this idea. However, transfer learning, i.e. reusing features learned on the ImageNet dataset
and applying them to new tasks by only fine-tuning the fully connected layers, is more difficult with
this approach. This problem is noted by Szegedy et al. (2014) and motivates them to add a linear
layer on the top of their networks to enable transfer learning.
Network pruning has been used both to reduce network complexity and to reduce over-fitting. An
early approach to pruning was biased weight decay (Hanson & Pratt, 1989). Optimal Brain Damage
(LeCun et al., 1989) and Optimal Brain Surgeon (Hassibi et al., 1993) prune networks to reduce
the number of connections based on the Hessian of the loss function and suggest that such pruning
is more accurate than magnitude-based pruning such as weight decay. A recent work (Han et al.,
2015) successfully pruned several state of the art large scale networks and showed that the number of
parameters could be reduce by an order of magnitude. There are also attempts to reduce the number
of activations for both compression and acceleration Van Nguyen et al. (2015).
While thE pruned network has been benchmarked on various hardware, the quantized network with
weight sharing has not, because off-the-shelf cuSPARSE or MKL SPBLAS library does not support
indirect matrix entry lookup, nor is the relative index in CSC or CSR format supported. So the full
advantage of Deep Compression that fit the model in cache is not fully unveiled. A software solution
is to write customized GPU kernels that support this. A hardware solution is to build custom ASIC
architecture specialized to traverse the sparse and quantized network structure, which also supports
customized quantization bit width. We expect this architecture to have energy dominated by on-chip
SRAM access instead of off-chip DRAM access.
We have presented “Deep Compression” that compressed neural networks without affecting accuracy.
Our method operates by pruning the unimportant connections, quantizing the network using weight
sharing, and then applying Huffman coding. We highlight our experiments on AlexNet which
reduced the weight storage by 35% without loss of accuracy. We show similar results for VGG-16
and LeNet networks compressed by 49% and 39% without loss of accuracy. This leads to smaller
storage requirement of putting conv nets into mobile app. After Deep Compression the size of these
networks fit into on-chip SRAM cache (5pJ/access) rather than requiring off-chip DRAM memory
(640pJ/access). This potentially makes deep neural networks more energy efficient to run on mobile.
Our compression method also facilitates the use of complex neural networks in mobile applications
where application size and download bandwidth are constrained.
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