A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning The authors of this guide would like to thank David Warde-Farley, Guillaume Alain and Caglar Gulcehre for their valuable feedback. We are likewise grateful to all those who helped improve this tutorial with helpful comments, constructive criticisms and code contributions. Keep them coming! Special thanks to Ethan Schoonover, creator of the Solarized color scheme, 1 whose colors were used for the figures. Feedback Your feedback is welcomed! We did our best to be as precise, infor- mative and up to the point as possible, but should there be any thing you feel might be an error or could be rephrased to be more precise or com- prehensible, please don’t refrain from contacting us. Likewise, drop us a line if you think there is something that might fit this technical report and you would like us to discuss – we will make our best effort to update this document. Source code and animations The code used to generate this guide along with its figures is available on GitHub. 2 There the reader can also find an animated version of the figures. 1 Introduction 5 1.1 Discrete convolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 1.2 Pooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 2 Convolution arithmetic 12 2.1 No zero padding, unit strides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 2.2 Zero padding, unit strides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 2.2.1 Half (same) padding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 2.2.2 Full padding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 2.3 No zero padding, non-unit strides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 2.4 Zero padding, non-unit strides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 3 Pooling arithmetic 18 4 Transposed convolution arithmetic 19 4.1 Convolution as a matrix operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 4.2 Transposed convolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 4.3 No zero padding, unit strides, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 4.4 Zero padding, unit strides, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 4.4.1 Half (same) padding, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 4.4.2 Full padding, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 4.5 No zero padding, non-unit strides, transposed . . . . . . . . . . .24 4.6 Zero padding, non-unit strides, transposed . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 5 Miscellaneous convolutions 28 5.1 Dilated convolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Chapter 1 Introduction Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been at the heart of spectac- ular advances in deep learning. Although CNNs have been used as early as the nineties to solve character recognition tasks (Le Cunet al., 1997), their current widespread application is due to much more recent work, when a deep CNN was used to beat state-of-the-art in the ImageNet image classification challenge (Krizhevskyet al., 2012). Convolutional neural networks therefor e constitute a very useful tool for ma- chine learning practitioners. However, learning to use CNNs for the first time is generally an intimidating experience. A convolutional layer’s output shape is affected by the shape of its input as well as the choice of kernel shape, zero padding and strides, and the relationship between these properties is not triv- ial to infer. This contrasts with fully-connected layers, whose output size is independent of the input size. Additionally, CNNs also usually feature apool- ingstage, adding yet another level of complexity with respect to fully-connected networks. Finally, so-called transposed convolutional layers (also known as frac- tionally strided convolutional layers) have been employed in more and more work as of late (Zeileret al., 2011; Zeiler and Fergus, 2014; Longet al., 2015; Rad- for det al., 2015; Visinet al., 2015; Imet al., 2016), and their relationship with convolutional layers has been explained with various degrees of clarity. This guide’s objective is twofold: 1.Explain the relationship between convolutional layers and transposed con- volutional layers. 2.Provide an intuitive underst and ing of the relationship between input shape, kernel shape, zero padding, strides and output shape in convolutional, pooling and transposed convolutional layers. In order to remain broadly applicable, the results shown in this guide are independent of implementation details and apply to all commonly used machine learning frameworks, such as Theano (Bergstraet al., 2010; Bastienet al., 2012), Torch (Collobertet al., 2011), Tensorflow (Abadiet al., 2015) and Caffe (Jia et al., 2014). This chapter briefly reviews the main building blocks of CNNs, namely dis- crete convolutions and pooling. for an in-depth treatment of the subject, see Chapter 9 of the Deep Learning textbook (Goodfellowet al., 2016). 1.1 Discrete convolutions The bread and butter of neural networks is affine transformations: a vector is received as input and is multiplied with a matrix to produce an output (to which a bias vector is usually added before passing the result through a non- linearity). This is applicable to any type of input, be it an image, a sound clip or an unordered collection of features: whatever their dimensionality, their representation can always be flattened into a vector before the transfomation. Images, sound clips and many other similar kinds of data have an intrinsic structure. More formally, they share these important properties: They are stored as multi-dimensional arrays. They feature one or more axes for which ordering matters (e.g., width and height axes for an image, time axis for a sound clip). One axis, called the channel axis, is used to access different views of the data (e.g., the red, green and blue channels of a color image, or the left and right channels of a stereo audio track). These properties are not exploited when an affine transformation is applied; in fact, all the axes are treated in the same way and the topological information is not taken into account. Still, taking advantage of the implicit structure of the data may prove very h and y in solving some tasks, like computer vision and speech recognition, and in these cases it would be best to preserve it. This is where discrete convolutions come into play. A discrete convolution is a linear transformation that preserves this notion of ordering. It is sparse (only a few input units contribute to a given output unit) and reuses parameters (the same weights are applied to multiple locations in the input). Figure 1.1 provides an example of a discrete convolution. The light blue grid is called the input feature map. To keep the drawing simple, a single input feature map is represented, but it is not uncommon to have multiple feature maps stacked one onto another. 1 A kernel(shaded area) of value <
> Figure 1.1: Computing the output values of a discrete convolution. <
> Figure 1.2: Computing the output values of a discrete convolution for N = 2, i1 =i2 = 5, k1 =k2 = 3, s1 =s2 = 2, and p1 =p2 = 1. slides across the input feature map. At each location, the product between each element of the kernel and the input element it overlaps is computed and the results are summed up to obtain the output in the current location. The procedure can be repeated using different kernels to for m as many output feature maps as desired (Figure 1.3). The final outputs of this procedure are called output feature maps.2 If there are multiple input feature maps, the kernel will have to be 3-dimensional – or, equivalently each one of the feature maps will be convolved with a distinct kernel – and the resulting feature maps will be summed up elementwise to produce the output feature map. The convolution depicted in Figure 1.1 is an instance of a 2-D convolution, but it can be generalized to N-D convolutions. for instance, in a 3-D convolu- tion, the kernel would be a cuboid and would slide across the height, width and depth of the input feature map. The collection of kernels defining a discrete convolution has a shape corre- sponding to some permutation of(n;m;k 1 ;:::;k N ), where <> The following properties affect the output size oj of a convolutional layer along axis j: <> for instance, Figure 1.2 shows a 3x3 kernel applied to a 5x5 input padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides. Note that strides constitute a for m of subsampling. As an alternative to being interpreted as a measure of how much the kernel is translated, strides can also be viewed as how much of the output is retained. for instance, moving the kernel by hops of two is equivalent to moving the kernel by hops of one but retaining only odd output elements (Figure 1.4). 1 An example of this is what was referred to earlier as channels for images and sound clips. 2 While there is a distinction between convolution and cross-correlation from a signal pro- cessing perspective, the two become interchangeable when the kernel is learned. for the sake of simplicity and to stay consistent with most of the machine learning literature, the term convolution will be used in this guide. <
> Figure 1.3: A convolution mapping from two input feature maps to three output feature maps using a32 3x3 collection of kernels w. In the left pathway, input feature map 1 is convolved with kernel w1;1 and input feature map 2 is convolved with kernel w1;2 , and the results are summed together elementwise to for m the first output feature map. The same is repeated for the middle and right pathways to for m the second and third feature maps, and all three output feature maps are grouped together to for m the output. <
> Figure 1.4: An alternative way of viewing strides. Instead of translating the 3x3 kernel by increments ofs= 2(left), the kernel is translated by increments of1 and only one ins= 2output elements is retained (right). 1.2 Pooling In addition to discrete convolutions themselves,pooling operations make up another important building block in CNNs. Pooling operations reduce the size of feature maps by using some function to summarize subregions, such as taking the average or the maximum value. Pooling works by sliding a window across the input and feeding the content of the window to a pooling function. In some sense, pooling works very much like a discrete convolution, but replaces the linear combination described by the kernel with some other function. Figure 1.5 provides an example for average pooling, and Figure 1.6 does the same for max pooling. The following properties affect the output size j of a pooling layer along axisj: <> <
> Figure 1.5: Computing the output values of a 3x3 average pooling operation on a 5x5 input using 1x1 strides. <
> Figure 1.6: Computing the output values of a 3x3 max pooling operation on a 5X5 input using 1X1 strides. Convolution arithmetic The analysis of the relationship between convolutional layer properties is eased by the fact that they don’t interact across axes, i.e., the choice of kernel size, stride and zero padding along axis j only affects the output size of axis j. Because of that, this chapter will focus on the following simplified setting: 2-D discrete convolutions (N= 2), square inputs (i1 =i2 =i), square kernel size (k1 =k2 =k), same strides along both axes (s1 =s2 =s), same zero padding along both axes (p1 =p2 =p). This facilitates the analysis and the visualization, but keep in mind that the results outlined here also generalize to the N-D and non-square cases. 2.1 No zero padding, unit strides The simplest case to analyze is when the kernel just slides across every position of the input (i.e.,s= 1 and p= 0). Figure 2.1 provides an example for i= 4 and k= 3. One way of defining the output size in this case is by the number of possible placements of the kernel on the input. Let’s consider the width axis: the kernel starts on the leftmost part of the input feature map and slides by steps of one until it touches the right side of the input. The size of the output will be equal to the number of steps made, plus one, accounting for the initial position of the kernel (Figure 2.8a). The same logic applies for the height axis. More formally, the following relationship can be inferred: Relationship 1.for any i,k and p, and for s= 1, <> 2.2 Zero padding, unit strides To factor in zero padding (i.e., only restricting tos= 1), let’s consider its effect on the effective input size: padding with p zeros changes the effective input size from i to i+ 2p. In the general case, Relationship 1 can then be used to infer the following relationship: Relationship 2.for any i,k and p, and for s= 1, <> Figure 2.2 provides an example for i= 5,k= 4 and p= 2. In practice, two specific instances of zero padding are used quite extensively because of their respective properties. Let’s discuss them in more detail. 2.2.1 Half (same) padding Having the output size be the same as the input size (i.e.,o=i) can be a desirable property: Relationship 3.for any i and for k o d (k= 2n+ 1; n2N), s= 1 and p=b k=2 c=n, <> This is sometimes referred to as half(or same) padding. Figure 2.3 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and (therefor e) p= 1. 2.2.2 Full padding While convolving a kernel generally decreases the output size with respect to the input size, sometimes the opposite is required. This can be achieved with proper zero padding: Relationship 4.for any i and k, and for p=kx1 and s= 1, <> <
> Figure 2.1: (No padding, unit strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 4x4 input using unit strides (i.e.,i= 4,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 0). <
> Figure 2.2: (Arbitrary padding, unit strides) Convolving a 4x4 kernel over a 5x5 input padded with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i= 5, k= 4,s= 1 and p= 2). <
> Figure 2.3: (Half padding, unit strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using half padding and unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 1). <
> Figure 2.4: (Full padding, unit strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using full padding and unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 2). This is sometimes referred to as full padding, because in this setting every possible partial or complete superimposition of the kernel on the input feature map is taken into account. Figure 2.4 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and (therefore) p= 2. 2.3 No zero padding, non-unit strides All relationships derived so far only apply for unit-strided convolutions. Incorporating non unitary strides requires another inference leap. To facilitate the analysis, let’s momentarily ignore zero padding (i.e.,s >1 and p= 0). Figure 2.5 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and s= 2. Once again, the output size can be defined in terms of the number of possible placements of the kernel on the input. Let’s consider the width axis: the kernel starts as usual on the leftmost part of the input, but this time it slides by steps of sizes until it touches the right side of the input. The size of the output is again equal to the number of steps made, plus one, accounting for the initial position of the kernel (Figure 2.8b). The same logic applies for the height axis. From this, the following relationship can be inferred: Relationship 5.for any i,k and s, and for p= 0, <> The floor function accounts for the fact that sometimes the last possible step does not coincide with the kernel reaching the end of the input, i.e., some input units are left out (see Figure 2.7 for an example of such a case). 2.4 Zero padding, non-unit strides The most general case (convolving over a zero padded input using non-unit strides) can be derived by applying Relationship 5 on an effective input of size i+ 2p, in analogy to what was done for Relationship 2: Relationship 6.for any i,k,p and s, <> As before, the floor function means that in some cases a convolution will produce the same output size for multiple input sizes. More specifically, ifi+ 2pkis a multiple ofs, then any input size j=i+a; a2 f0;:::; sx1 g will produce the same output size. Note that this ambiguity applies only for s >1. <
> Figure 2.6 shows an example with i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1, while <
> Figure 2.7 provides an example for i= 6,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1. Interestingly, despite having different input sizes these convolutions share the same output size. While this doesn’t affect the analysis for convolutions, this will complicate the analysis in the case of transposed convolutions. <
> Figure 2.5: (No zero padding, arbitrary strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 0). <
> Figure 2.6: (Arbitrary padding and strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 5, k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1). <
> Figure 2.7: (Arbitrary padding and strides) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 6x6 input padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 6, k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1). In this case, the bottom row and right column of the zero padded input are not covered by the kernel. (a) The kernel has to slide two steps (b) The kernel has to slide one step of to the right to touch the right side of size two to the right to touch the right the input ( and equivalently downwards). side of the input ( and equivalently down- Adding one to account for the initial ker- wards). Adding one to account for the nel position, the output size is 3x3. initial kernel position, the output size is 2x2. <
> Figure 2.8: Counting kernel positions. Chapter 3 Pooling arithmetic In a neural network, pooling layers provide invariance to small translations of the input. The most common kind of pooling is max pooling, which consists in splitting the input in (usually non-overlapping) patches and outputting the maximum value of each patch. Other kinds of pooling exist, e.g., mean or average pooling, which all share the same idea of aggregating the input locally by applying a non-linearity to the content of some patches (Boureauet al., 2010a,b, 2011; Saxeet al., 2011). Some readers may have noticed that the treatment of convolution arithmetic only relies on the assumption that some function is repeatedly applied onto subsets of the input. This means that the relationships derived in the previous chapter can be reused in the case of pooling arithmetic. Since pooling does not involve zero padding, the relationship describing the general case is as follows: Relationship 7.for any i,k and s, <> This relationship holds for any type of pooling. Chapter 4 Transposed convolution arithmetic The need for transposed convolutions generally arises from the desire to use a transfor mation going in the opposite direction of a normal convolution, i.e., from something that has the shape of the output of some convolution to something that has the shape of its input while maintaining a connectivity pattern that is compatible with said convolution. for instance, one might use such a trans- for mation as the decoding layer of a convolutional autoencoder or to project feature maps to a higher-dimensional space. Once again, the convolutional case is considerably more complex than the fully-connected case, which only requires to use a weight matrix whose shape has been transposed. However, since every convolution boils down to an efficient im- plementation of a matrix operation, the insights gained from the fully-connected case are useful in solving the convolutional case. Like for convolution arithmetic, the dissertation about transposed convolu- tion arithmetic is simplified by the fact that transposed convolution properties don’t interact across axes. The chapter will focus on the following setting: 2-D transposed convolutions (N= 2), square inputs (i1 =i2 =i), square kernel size (k1 =k2 =k), same strides along both axes (s1 =s2 =s), same zero padding along both axes (p1 =p2 =p). Once again, the results outlined generalize to the N-D and non-square cases. 4.1 Convolution as a matrix operation Take for example the convolution represented in Figure 2.1. If the input and output were to be unrolled into vectors from left to right, top to bottom, the convolution could be represented as a sparse matrix C where the non-zero elements are the elements w i;j of the kernel (with i and j being the row and column of the kernel respectively): <> This linear operation takes the input matrix flattened as a 16-dimensional vector and produces a 4-dimensional vector that is later reshaped as the 2x2 output matrix. Using this representation, the backward pass is easily obtained by trans- posingC; in other words, the error is backpropagated by multiplying the loss withCT . This operation takes a 4-dimensional vector as input and produces a 16-dimensional vector as output, and its connectivity pattern is compatible withCby construction. Notably, the kernel w defines both the matrices C and CT used for the for ward and backward passes. 4.2 Transposed convolution Let’s now consider what would be required to go the other way around, i.e., map from a 4-dimensional space to a 16-dimensional space, while keeping the connectivity pattern of the convolution depicted in Figure 2.1. This operation is known as a transposed convolution. Transposed convolutions – also called fractionally strided convolutions or deconvolutions 1 – work by swapping the for ward and backward passes of a con- volution. One way to put it is to note that the kernel defines a convolution, but whether it’s a direct convolution or a transposed convolution is determined by how the for ward and backward passes are computed. for instance, although the kernel w defines a convolution whose for ward and backward passes are computed by multiplying with C and CT respectively, it also defines a transposed convolution whose for ward and backward passes are computed by multiplying withCT and (CT )T =C respectively. 2 Finally note that it is always possible to emulate a transposed convolution with a direct convolution. The disadvantage is that it usually involves adding 1 The term “deconvolution” is sometimes used in the literature, but we advocate against it on the grounds that a deconvolution is mathematically defined as the inverse of a convolution, which is different from a transposed convolution. 2 The transposed convolution operation can be thought of as the gradient of some convolution with respect to its input, which is usually how transposed convolutions are implemented in practice. many columns and rows of zeros to the input, resulting in a much less efficient implementation. Building on what has been introduced so far, this chapter will proceed some- what backwards with respect to the convolution arithmetic chapter, deriving the properties of each transposed convolution by referring to the direct convolution with which it shares the kernel, and defining the equivalent direct convolution. 4.3 No zero padding, unit strides, transposed The simplest way to think about a transposed convolution on a given input is to imagine such an input as being the result of a direct convolution applied on some initial feature map. The transposed convolution can be then considered as the operation that allows to recover the shape 3 of this initial feature map. Let’s consider the convolution of a 3x3 kernel on a 4x4 input with unitary stride and no padding (i.e.,i= 4,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 0). As depicted in Figure 2.1, this produces a 2x2 output. The transpose of this convolution will then have an output of shape 4x4 when applied on a 2x2 input. Another way to obtain the result of a transposed convolution is to apply an equivalent – but much less efficient – direct convolution. The example described so far could be tackled by convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 2x2 input padded with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 2,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 2), as shown in Figure 4.1. Notably, the kernel’s and stride’s sizes remain the same, but the input of the transposed convolution is now zero padded. 4 One way to understand the logic behind zero padding is to consider the connectivity pattern of the transposed convolution and use it to guide the design of the equivalent convolution. for example, the top left pixel of the input of the direct convolution only contribute to the top left pixel of the output, the top right pixel is only connected to the top right output pixel, and so on. To maintain the same connectivity pattern in the equivalent convolution it is necessary to zero pad the input in such a way that the first (top-left) application of the kernel only touches the top-left pixel, i.e., the padding has to be equal to the size of the kernel minus one. Proceeding in the same fashion it is possible to determine similar observa- tions for the other elements of the image, giving rise to the following relationship: 3 Note that the transposed convolution does not guarantee to recover the input itself, as it is not defined as the inverse of the convolution, but rather just returns a feature map that has the same width and height. 4 Note that although equivalent to applying the transposed matrix, this visualization adds a lot of zero multiplications in the for m of zero padding. This is done here for illustration purposes, but it is inefficient, and software implementations will normally not perfor m the useless zero multiplications. Relationship 8.A convolution described bys= 1,p= 0 and k has an associated transposed convolution described byk0 =k,s0 =s and p0 = kx1 and its output size is <> Interestingly, this corresponds to a fully padded convolution with unit strides. 4.4 Zero padding, unit strides, transposed Knowing that the transpose of a non-padded convolution is equivalent to con- volving a zero padded input, it would be reasonable to suppose that the trans- pose of a zero padded convolution is equivalent to convolving an input padded withlesszeros. It is indeed the case, as shown in Figure 4.2 for i= 5,k= 4 and p= 2. for mally, the following relationship applies for zero padded convolutions: Relationship 9.A convolution described bys= 1,k and phas an associated transposed convolution described byk0 =k,s0 =s and p0 =kp1 and its output size is <> 4.4.1 Half (same) padding, transposed By applying the same inductive reasoning as befor e, it is reasonable to expect that the equivalent convolution of the transpose of a half padded convolution is itself a half padded convolution, given that the output size of a half padded convolution is the same as its input size. Thus the following relation applies: Relationship 10.A convolution described byk= 2n+1; n2N, s= 1 and p=bk=2c=nh as an associated transposed convolution described byk0 =k,s0 =s and p0 =p and its output size is <> <
> Figure 4.3 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and (therefor e)p= 1. 4.4.2 Full padding, transposed Knowing that the equivalent convolution of the transpose of a non-padded con- volution involves full padding, it is unsurprising that the equivalent of the trans- pose of a fully padded convolution is a non-padded convolution: <
> Figure 4.1: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 4x4 input using unit strides (i.e.,i= 4,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 0). It is equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 2x2 input padded with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 2,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 2). <
> Figure 4.2: The transpose of convolving a 4x4 kernel over a 5x5 input padded with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 4,s= 1 and p= 2). It is equivalent to convolving a 4x4 kernel over a 6x6 input padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 6,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 1). <
> Figure 4.3: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using half padding and unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 1). It is equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using half padding and unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 5,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 1). Relationship 11.A convolution described bys= 1,k and p= kx1 has an associated transposed convolution described byk0 =k,s0 =s and p0 = 0 and its output size is <
> Figure 4.4 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and (therefor e)p= 2. 4.5 No zero padding, non-unit strides, transposed Using the same kind of inductive logic as for zero padded convolutions, one might expect that the transpose of a convolution with s >1 involves an equiv- alent convolution with s <1. As will be explained, this is a valid intuition, which is why transposed convolutions are sometimes called fractionally strided convolutions. Figure 4.5 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3 and s= 2which helps understand what fractional strides involve: zeros are inserted between input units, which makes the kernel move around at a slower pace than with unit strides. 5 for the moment, it will be assumed that the convolution is non-padded (p= 0) and that its input size i is such that ixk is a multiple ofs. In that case, the following relationship holds: Relationship 12.A convolution described byp= 0,k and s and whose input size is such that ixk is a multiple ofs, has an associated transposed convolution described by~i0 ,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = kx1 , where~i0 is the size of the stretched input obtained by adding sx1 zeros between each input unit, and its output size is <> 4.6 Zero padding, non-unit strides, transposed When the convolution’s input sizeiis such thati+ 2pkis a multiple ofs, the analysis can extended to the zero padded case by combining Relationship 9 and Relationship 12: 5 Doing so is inefficient and real-world implementations avoid useless multiplications by zero, but conceptually it is how the transpose of a strided convolution can be thought of. <
> Figure 4.4: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using full padding and unit strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 1 and p= 2). It is equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a77input using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 7, k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 0). <
> Figure 4.5: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 0). It is equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 2x2 input (with1zero inserted between inputs) padded with a 2x2 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 2,~i0 = 3,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 2). <
> Figure 4.6: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 5x5 input padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1). It is equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 3x3 input (with 1zero inserted between inputs) padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 3,~i0 = 5,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 1). Relationship 13.A convolution described byk,s and p and whose input sizeiis such thati+2pkis a multiple ofshas an associated transposed convolution described by~i0 ,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = kp1, where~i0 is the size of the stretched input obtained by adding sx1 zeros between each input unit, and its output size is <> <
> Figure 4.6 provides an example for i= 5,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1. The constraint on the size of the inputican be relaxed by introducing another parametera2 f0;:::; sx1 gthat allows to distinguish between thes different cases that all lead to the samei0 : Relationship 14.A convolution described byk,s and phas an associated transposed convolution described bya,~i0 ,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 =kp1, where~i0 is the size of the stretched input obtained by adding sx1 zeros between each input unit, and a= (i+ 2pk) modsrepresents the number of zeros added to the bottom and right edges of the input, and its output size is <> <
> Figure 4.7 provides an example for i= 6,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1. <
> Figure 4.7: The transpose of convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 6x6 input padded with a 1x1 border of zeros using 2x2 strides (i.e.,i= 6,k= 3,s= 2 and p= 1). It is equivalent to convolving a 3x3 kernel over a 2x2 input (with 1zero inserted between inputs) padded with a 1x1 border of zeros (with an additional border of size1added to the bottom and right edges) using unit strides (i.e.,i0 = 3,~i0 = 5,a= 1,k0 =k,s0 = 1 and p0 = 1). Chapter 5 Miscellaneous convolutions 5.1 Dilated convolutions Readers familiar with the deep learning literature may have noticed the term “dilated convolutions” (or “atrous convolutions”, from the French expressioncon- volutions à trous) appear in recent papers. Here we attempt to provide an in- tuitive underst and ing of dilated convolutions. for a more in-depth description and to underst and in what contexts they are applied, see Chenet al.(2014); Yu and Koltun (2015). Dilated convolutions “inflate” the kernel by inserting spaces between the ker- nel elements. The dilation “rate” is controlled by an additional hyperparameter d. Implementations may vary, but there are usually dx1 spaces inserted between kernel elements such thatd= 1corresponds to a regular convolution. Dilated convolutions are used to cheaply increase the receptive field of output units without increasing the kernel size, which is especially effective when multi- ple dilated convolutions are stacked one after another. for a concrete example, see Oordet al.(2016), in which the proposed WaveNet model implements an autoregressive generative model for raw audio which uses dilated convolutions to condition new audio frames on a large context of past audio frames. To underst and the relationship tying the dilation rated and the output size o, it is useful to think of the impact ofdon theeffective kernel size. A kernel of sizekdilated by a factordhas an effective size <> This can be combined with Relationship 6 to for m the following relationship for dilated convolutions: Relationship 15.for any i,k,p and s, and for a dilation rated, <> <
> Figure 5.1: (Dilated convolution) Convolving a 3x3 kernel over a77input with a dilation factor of 2 (i.e.,i= 7,k= 3,d= 2,s= 1 and p= 0). Figure 5.1 provides an example for i= 7,k= 3 and d= 2. Bibliography Abadi, M., Agarwal, A., Barham, P., Brevdo, E., Chen, Z., Citro, C., Corrado, G. S., Davis, A., Dean, J., Devin, M.,et al.(2015). Tensorflow: Large- scale machine learning on heterogeneous systems. Software available from tensorflow.org. Bastien, F., Lamblin, P., Pascanu, R., Bergstra, J., Goodfellow, I., Bergeron, A., Bouchard, N., Warde-Farley, D., and Bengio, Y. (2012). Theano: new features and speed improvements.arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.5590. Bergstra, J., Breuleux, O., Bastien, F., Lamblin, P., Pascanu, R., Desjardins, G., Turian, J., Warde-Farley, D., and Bengio, Y. (2010). Theano: A cpu and gpu math compiler in python. InProc. 9th Python in Science Conf, pages 1–7. Boureau, Y., Bach, F., LeCun, Y., and Ponce, J. (2010a). Learning mid-level features for recognition. InProc. International Conference on Computer Vi- sion and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’10). IEEE. Boureau, Y., Ponce, J., and LeCun, Y. (2010b). A theoretical analysis of feature pooling in vision algorithms. InProc. International Conference on Machine learning (ICML’10). Boureau, Y., Le Roux, N., Bach, F., Ponce, J., and LeCun, Y. (2011). Ask the locals: multi-way local pooling for image recognition. InProc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV’11). IEEE. Chen, L.-C., Pap and reou, G., Kokkinos, I., Murphy, K., and Yuille, A. L. (2014). Semantic image segmentation with deep convolutional nets and fully con- nected crfs.arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.7062. Collobert, R., Kavukcuoglu, K., and Farabet, C. (2011). Torch7: A matlab-like environment for machine learning. InBigLearn, NIPS Workshop, number EPFL-CONF-192376. Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., and Courville, A. (2016). Deep learning. Book in preparation for MIT Press. Im, D. J., Kim, C. D., Jiang, H., and Memisevic, R. (2016). Generating images with recurrent adversarial networks.arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05110. Jia, Y., Shelhamer, E., Donahue, J., Karayev, S., Long, J., Girshick, R., Guadar- rama, S., and Darrell, T. (2014). Caffe: Convolutional architecture for fast feature embedding. InProceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pages 675–678. ACM. Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I., and Hinton, G. E. (2012). Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. InAdvances in neural infor mation processing systems, pages 1097–1105. Le Cun, Y., Bottou, L., and Bengio, Y. (1997). Reading checks with multilayer graph transfor mer networks. InAcoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1997. ICASSP-97., 1997 IEEE International Conference on, volume 1, pages 151–154. IEEE. Long, J., Shelhamer, E., and Darrell, T. (2015). Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. InProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 3431–3440. Oord, A. v. d., Dieleman, S., Zen, H., Simonyan, K., Vinyals, O., Graves, A., Kalchbrenner, N., Senior, A., and Kavukcuoglu, K. (2016). Wavenet: A generative model for raw audio.arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.03499. Radfor d, A., Metz, L., and Chintala, S. (2015). Unsupervised representa- tion learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks.arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06434. Saxe, A., Koh, P. W., Chen, Z., Bh and , M., Suresh, B., and Ng, A. (2011). On r and om weights and unsupervised feature learning. In L. Getoor and T. Scheffer, editors,Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Ma- chine Learning (ICML-11), ICML ’11, pages 1089–1096, New York, NY, USA. ACM. Visin, F., Kastner, K., Courville, A. C., Bengio, Y., Matteucci, M., and Cho, K. (2015). Reseg: A recurrent neural network for object segmentation. Yu, F. and Koltun, V. (2015). Multi-scale context aggregation by dilated con- volutions.arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.07122. Zeiler, M. D. and Fergus, R. (2014). Visualizing and underst and ing convolu- tional networks. InComputer vision–ECCV 2014, pages 818–833. Springer. Zeiler, M. D., Taylor, G. W., and Fergus, R. (2011). Adaptive deconvolutional networks for mid and high level feature learning. InComputer Vision (ICCV), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, pages 2018–2025. IEEE.