fix reserve usage
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ mutable struct RNNDesc{T}
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ function RNNDesc{T}(mode::Int, input::Int, hidden::Int; layers = 1) where T
w = cuzeros(T, rnnParamSize(T, d[], input))
# TODO: avoid reserve allocation here
rd = RNNDesc{T}(mode, input, hidden, w, params(w, input, hidden, ngates(mode))..., CuVector{UInt8}(1), d[])
rd = RNNDesc{T}(mode, input, hidden, w, params(w, input, hidden, ngates(mode))..., d[])
finalizer(rd, x ->
@check ccall((:cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,(Ptr{Void},),x))
return rd
@ -116,14 +115,9 @@ function rnnTrainingReserveSize(r::RNNDesc, seqlen, xdesc)
return Int(size[])
function getreserve(r::RNNDesc, seqlen, xdesc)
sz = rnnTrainingReserveSize(r, seqlen, xdesc)
sz ≤ length(r.reserve) ? r.reserve : (r.reserve = CuVector{UInt8}(sz))
function cudnnRNNForward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, cd, c, wd, w, yd, y, hod, ho, cod, co,
workspace, reserve=nothing; train = (reserve ≠ nothing)) where T
if !train
workspace, reserve=nothing) where T
if reserve == nothing
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNForwardInference, libcudnn), cudnnStatus_t,
(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cint,
Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{T},
@ -158,7 +152,7 @@ hBatch(x::AbstractVector, h::CuVector) = h
hBatch(x::AbstractMatrix, h::CuVector) = h .* cuones(1, size(x, 2))
hBatch(x::AbstractMatrix, h::CuMatrix) = h .* cuones(1, size(h,2) == 1 ? size(x,2) : 1)
function forward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x::CuArray{T}, h_::CuArray{T}, c_ = nothing; train = false) where T
function forward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x::CuArray{T}, h_::CuArray{T}, c_ = nothing, train = Val{false}) where T
h = hBatch(x, h_)
c = c_ == nothing ? nothing : hBatch(x, c_)
@assert size(x, 1) == rnn.input
@ -170,7 +164,9 @@ function forward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x::CuArray{T}, h_::CuArray{T}, c_ = nothing; t
ho = similar(h)
ydesc = xDesc(y)
workspace = getworkspace(rnn, seqLength, xdesc)
reserve = train ? getreserve(rnn, seqLength, xdesc) : rnn.reserve
reserve = train == Val{true} ?
CuVector{UInt8}(rnnTrainingReserveSize(rnn, seqLength, xdesc)) :
co = c == nothing ? c : similar(c)
cudnnRNNForward(rnn, seqLength,
xdesc, x,
@ -180,10 +176,14 @@ function forward(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x::CuArray{T}, h_::CuArray{T}, c_ = nothing; t
ydesc, y,
workspace, reserve, train = train)
return c == nothing ? (y, ho) : (y, ho, co)
workspace, reserve)
result = c == nothing ? (y, ho) : (y, ho, co)
return train == Val{true} ? (reserve, result) : result
forwardTrain(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x::CuArray{T}, h::CuArray{T}, c = nothing) where T =
forward(rnn, x, h, c, Val{true})
function cudnnRNNBackwardData(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, yd, y, dyd, dy, dhod, dho, dcod, dco,
wd, w, hd, h, cd, c, dxd, dx, dhd, dh, dcd, dc, ws, rs) where T
@check ccall((:cudnnRNNBackwardData,libcudnn),cudnnStatus_t,
@ -196,7 +196,9 @@ function cudnnRNNBackwardData(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, yd, y, dyd, dy, dhod, dho
wd, w, hd, h, cd, c, dxd, dx, dhd, dh, dcd, dc, ws, length(ws), rs, length(rs))
function backwardData(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, y, dy, dho, dco, h, c) where T
function backwardData(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, y, dy_, dho, dco, h, c, reserve) where T
# Same as above, any more efficient way?
dy = dy_ isa Integer ? zeros(y) : dy_
yd = xDesc(y)
dx = y isa AbstractVector ? similar(dy, rnn.input) : similar(dy, rnn.input, size(dy, 2))
dh = similar(h)
@ -205,12 +207,12 @@ function backwardData(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, y, dy, dho, dco, h, c) where T
yd, y, yd, dy, hDesc(dho)..., hDesc(dco)...,
FilterDesc(T, (1, 1, length(rnn.params))), rnn.params,
hDesc(h)..., hDesc(c)..., xDesc(dx), dx, hDesc(dh)..., hDesc(dc)...,
workspace[], rnn.reserve)
workspace[], reserve)
return c == nothing ? (dx, dh) : (dx, dh, dc)
backwardData(rnn, y, dy, dho, hx) =
backwardData(rnn, y, dy, dho, nothing, hx, nothing)
backwardData(rnn, y, dy, dho, hx, reserve) =
backwardData(rnn, y, dy, dho, nothing, hx, nothing, reserve)
function cudnnRNNBackwardWeights(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, yd, y, dwd, dw,
workspace, reserve) where T
@ -226,12 +228,12 @@ function cudnnRNNBackwardWeights(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, seqlen, xd, x, hd, h, yd, y, d
workspace, length(workspace), dwd, dw, reserve, length(reserve))
function backwardWeights(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x, h, y) where T
function backwardWeights(rnn::RNNDesc{T}, x, h, y, reserve) where T
dw = zeros(rnn.params)
cudnnRNNBackwardWeights(rnn, 1,
xDesc(x), x, hDesc(h)..., xDesc(y), y,
FilterDesc(T, (1, 1, length(dw))), dw,
workspace[], rnn.reserve)
workspace[], reserve)
return params(dw, rnn.input, rnn.hidden, ngates(rnn))
@ -286,12 +288,19 @@ end
import Flux.Tracker: data, isleaf, istracked, track, back_, @back, unbroadcast
# TODO: fix reserve space usage
struct RNNCall{R}
mutable struct RNNCall{R}
RNNCall{R}(rnn::R) where R = new(rnn)
(c::RNNCall)(args...) = forward(desc(c.rnn), args..., train = true)
RNNCall(rnn) = RNNCall{typeof(rnn)}(rnn)
function (c::RNNCall)(args...)
rs, result = forwardTrain(desc(c.rnn), args...)
c.reserve = rs
return result
istrain(m::CuRNNs, args...) = any(x -> x isa TrackedArray, (m.Wi, m.Wh, m.b, args...))
@ -331,10 +340,10 @@ function back_(m::RNNCall{<:Union{CuRNN,CuGRU}}, y_, Δ, x, h)
y, ho = y_
dy, dho = Δ
h_ = hBatch(x, data(h))
dx, dh = backwardData(descs[m.rnn], y, dy, dho, h_)
dx, dh = backwardData(descs[m.rnn], y, dy, dho, h_, m.reserve)
@back(x, dx)
@back(h, unbroadcast(h, dh))
(dWi, dWh), db = backwardWeights(descs[m.rnn], data(x), h_, y)
(dWi, dWh), db = backwardWeights(descs[m.rnn], data(x), h_, y, m.reserve)
# We don't have to make this assumption, it's just slightly more complex.
@assert all(isleaf.((m.rnn.Wi, m.rnn.Wh, m.rnn.b)))
istracked(m.rnn.Wi) && accum_transpose!(m.rnn.Wi.grad, dWi)
@ -347,11 +356,11 @@ function back_(m::RNNCall{<:CuLSTM}, y_, Δ, x, h, c)
dy, dho, dco = Δ
h_ = hBatch(x, data(h))
c_ = hBatch(x, data(c))
dx, dh, dc = backwardData(descs[m.rnn], y, dy, dho, dco, h_, c_)
dx, dh, dc = backwardData(descs[m.rnn], y, dy, dho, dco, h_, c_, m.reserve)
@back(x, dx)
@back(h, unbroadcast(h, dh))
@back(c, unbroadcast(h, dc))
(dWi, dWh), db = backwardWeights(descs[m.rnn], data(x), h_, y)
(dWi, dWh), db = backwardWeights(descs[m.rnn], data(x), h_, y, m.reserve)
@assert all(isleaf.((m.rnn.Wi, m.rnn.Wh, m.rnn.b)))
istracked(m.rnn.Wi) && accum_transpose!(m.rnn.Wi.grad, dWi)
istracked(m.rnn.Wh) && accum_transpose!(m.rnn.Wh.grad, dWh)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ end
function (m::LSTMCell)(h_, x)
h, c = h_ # TODO: nicer syntax on 0.7
b, o = m.b, length(h)
b, o = m.b, size(h, 1)
g = m.Wi*x .+ m.Wh*h .+ b
input = σ.(gate(g, o, 1))
forget = σ.(gate(g, o, 2))
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ GRUCell(in, out; init = glorot_uniform) =
param(zeros(out*3)), param(initn(out)))
function (m::GRUCell)(h, x)
b, o = m.b, length(h)
b, o = m.b, size(h, 1)
gx, gh = m.Wi*x, m.Wh*h
r = σ.(gate(gx, o, 1) .+ gate(gh, o, 1) .+ gate(b, o, 1))
z = σ.(gate(gx, o, 2) .+ gate(gh, o, 2) .+ gate(b, o, 2))
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
using Flux, CuArrays, Base.Test
using Flux.CUDA
using Flux.CUDA: RNNDesc
using CUDAnative
info("Testing Flux/CUDNN")
@ -11,8 +8,8 @@ info("Testing Flux/CUDNN")
cux = cu(x)
rnn = R(10, 5)
curnn = mapleaves(cu, rnn)
y = rnn(x)
cuy = curnn(cux)
y = (rnn(x); rnn(x))
cuy = (curnn(cux); curnn(cux))
@test ≈ collect(
@test haskey(Flux.CUDA.descs, curnn.cell)
Reference in New Issue