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@def hascode = true

Welcome to my blog

This blog is where I intent to update my projects as well as my research. I am doing this right now due to COVID-19 and the fact that the epidemic started when I was about to start a PhD position in TU Dublin. Currently I've been working in two "big" projects:

  • Setting up this blog and
  • Create complexity measures for Deep Neural Networks (DNN).

Both of this projects are being developed with Julia, language which was introduced to my during my time at Instituto Politécnico Nacional IPN. The Julia packages that I am either using or extending are Flux.jl and Franklin.jl.

A small snippet of Julia:

abstract type Point end
struct PointR2{T<:Real} <: Point
struct PointR3{T<:Real} <: Point
function len(p::T) where T<:Point
  sqrt(sum(getfield(p, η)^2 for η  fieldnames(T)))

A bit about myself

My interest in science started from a very early age I was in love with physics because a teacher in elementary school had a copy of the book COSMOS which he lend me and I was marveled by the words of Carl Sagan